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Re: Kickstarter Update 59 (I Guess, Haven't got the email ye

A very exciting update! It is so cool to see actual in-game footage in creation before our very eyes.

Switch! We need you lol. Very interested to see what the post-it notes say on the bottom of his screen.
I hear your call!

Actually I've just written a quick blog post about the video, so I'll extract the relevant part.

⋅ Note 1 is titled "MVN Development" with some notes underneath. One looks like it might say "fly". Aha! That makes sense. MVN Studio is the name of the software used to develop with Xsens, the 3D motion tracking technology being used in Shenmue III.
⋅ Note 2: looks like business contact details, having a phone number, the name of a shop, name of the contact and an email address.
⋅ Note 3: is a single word with the number 1 after it. Er... I hope it's not a password as that would be bad security practice! (I won't give it here just in case).

P.S. As you can see from my updated signature, I've just launched a blog where I'm planning to post my Shenmue translations / updates etc.

Here's the link to my full post with some observations about today's video. Enjoy!
by Switch
Wed Aug 31, 2016 11:28 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #59 - Dev studio video

I really don't get the hate for the mystical ending of Shenmue II.

1. There has always been the prophecy of the young man coming across the sea. Plus Ryo's dreams/visions of Shenhua. That stuff added a sense of mystery and the supernatural to Shenmue from the very beginning , before even pressing 'START' for the first time.

2. Shenhua's ki-attack, energy outburst, whatever in the Project Berkley trailer. Magic was always gonna happen, by the looks of that.

To me that was always one of the things that made the series awesome - to play in an incredibly detailed an realistic world, yes, but one in which you're looking for something more than that . That mystic stuff works so well exactly because Shenmue seems so real, making the supernatural that much more fascinating when it finally happens. Shenmue is not Sherlock Holmes or Scooby Doo. It's a japanese role playing game happening in real life. In a game. Kind of.

Yu stated in the past that the only reason they put the "in your face magical stuff" at the end of Shenmue 2 was because they feared they wouldn't be able to make a Shenmue 3 given that the Dreamcast was being pulled by Sega around the time of Mue 2's release (that - and the fact Sega wouldn't put anymore money into the series any longer). They wanted the ending to go out with a bang - even if it remained unfinished.
Do you have a link to that? Can we be sure he meant "we made that magical shit up to have a mindfuck-ending"? Might have been more like "we decided to let the game end at a point where the supernatural element we had planned from the beginning is finally being introduced properly"? It's always a struggle with these translations.

Anyway, retconning that ending would be sacrilege. And weak storytelling. I can't see them doing it.
by Monkei
Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:03 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

looks like it will turn out to be one hell of a documentary.
by south carmain
Fri Sep 16, 2016 4:28 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

New Yu Suzuki interview, in Japanese:

Anything interesting in this? English translation coming soon?

He doesn't seem to talk about Shenmue III anyway.
Yup, I'm working on an English translation of the interview & will post it up once it's done.

The interview was filmed for a retro games (1982-1990) exhibition being held in Saitama over the next several months.

It covers some of Suzuki's life as a kid, getting a job at Sega, some of his arcade games (After Burner, Hang On, Out Run) and his thoughts about game creation - nothing about Shenmue but could still be of interest if you want to hear about his earlier days.
by Switch
Fri Sep 16, 2016 11:07 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

I have no words guys. My mind and body have been stretched to the limits in Japan, from partying with voice actors, Sega staff and Shenmue 3 developers, the dinner with Yu-san, a Shenmue pilgrimage of all Shenmue pilgrimages and secrets galore (some not even Shenmue related!!!).......

Maybe I will try a full blog when I get home, but God knows when I will post again. My mind and body need a complete backup, reset, restart.
by Peter
Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:01 am
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Wanted to share with you one joy of parenting.

Getting rid of annoying songs like "The Wheels On The Bus" or "Old MacDonald Had A Farm" that your toddler usually screams desperatly for, is priceless.

My two and a half years old son fell in love with Shenhua's lullaby :king:

He usually wants to watch and listen to it 2-3 times before lying down, relaxing and saying good night.

That's not the only Shenmue music he listens to. The OST plays daily at home.
His favorite track seems to be "Departure on a New Trip". Probably because of the choirs and drums.

I hope I'm not a disgraceful father... but as a Shenmue fan, I'm delighted :mrgreen:
by Kiske
Mon Sep 19, 2016 5:10 am
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Re: Tokyo Game Show 2016

Was an absolute pleasure finally meeting the Snoopbob after 14 years! Also the awesome translato we have had doing great work for the past 2 years, Switch, for a coffee on my last day in Japan.

It's a shame we didn't have more time, but we will meet again for sure!
by Peter
Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:40 am
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13th September

$6,642,699 --> $6,642,766 (+$67)

72,844 backers --> 72,845 (+1)

14th September

$6,642,766 --> $6,643,133 (+$367)

72,845 backers --> 72,851 (+6) ($61.17 per backer)

15th September

$6,643,133 --> $6,643,405 (+$272)

72,851 backers --> 72,854 (+3) ($90.67 per backer)

16th September

$6,643,405 --> $6,643,519 (+$114)

72,854 backers --> 72,855 (+1)

23rd September

$6,647,530 (+$ 4011 ) (holy shit, wow! big week)

72,875 backers (+20)
by Spaghetti
Sat Sep 24, 2016 3:59 pm
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Kickstarter Update #60: Dinner in Japan Reward Report

Greetings Eveyone!
The 16th of September was the Dinner with Yu Suzuki in Tokyo reward day, and we wanted to share how the day went. Shenmue III backers from around the world came to Japan for the event that would be a day filled with Japanese and Chinese culture in the historical centers of Kamakura and China Town in Yokohama. Yu-san was there to conduct the tour and of course talk Shenmue.

Searching around the hotel lobby where everyone was meeting up, who do we find, but someone with “Shenmue” tattooed on their arm in Japanese! From the first, we were already beside ourselves with how deeply their love for Shenmue ran.

After the meeting and greeting, the first stop was the ancient city of Kamakura. Among the heritage rich streets lay Komachi-dori where everyone took in the atmosphere of the local vendors while making their way to Tsurugaoka Hachimangū, the most prominent and important shrine in the region. Perhaps the scene may conjure up some Dobuita memories?

The Great Buddha!

Having experienced the best of old world Japan, it was on to China Town. Yu-san livened the ride over bringing up everyone’s favorite topic of conversation.

Yu-san talks Shenmue and Chinese culture as they stroll through Japan’s largest China Town.

And the day is topped off with a Chinese round table dinner. The Shenmue talk heats up as Yu-san listens intently to everyone’s ideas.
The day spent with the group was a reaffirmation in the wellspring of devotion we are so proud to share, and it pitched up the fighting spirit of all on the development team. It was great opportunity that came out of the crowdfunding, do-it-together experience, and for that we give thanks.
So the push forward continues, and we ask again for your continued support that we may put Shenmue III in your hands!
by masterchan777
Thu Sep 29, 2016 3:59 am
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26th September

$6,647,530 --> $6,647,701 (+$171)

72,875 backers --> 72,879 (+4)

27th September

$6,647,701 --> $6,647,768 (+$67)

72,879 backers --> 72,881 (+2)

28th September

$6,647,768 --> $6,647,998 (+$230)

72,881 backers --> 72,885 (+4)
29th September

$6,648,229 (+$231)

72,887 Backers (+2)
by Spaghetti
Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:36 am
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Friend in Taiwan sent me this:

Yeah quite often lifts in China don't open on all the floors to save on costs. My grandparents place only has a lift that stops on floors 1, 6 and 9
by yuc02
Fri Sep 30, 2016 5:31 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #60: Dinner in Japan Reward Report

A lot of people have been wanting to know what we saw on that laptop. I can safely say there were no story spoilers in there. The majority of the footage consisted of location shots. What blew us away was the quantity that was shown, however. I think most of us have had doubts as to how far they've actually gotten into development, after only seeing a few shots of Bailu Village after all this time. But when we saw Bailu Village, Baisha and Choubu, any doubts I had were put to bed. They looked very fleshed out and beautiful already (and note that the footage was 3 months old when we saw it). There were bits of cutscene material, and a QTE testing scene, but those were really early tests and not much to talk about.

As some of you may now, YsNet recently started hiring additional staff to work on "high-end cutscenes." They are working their asses off, no doubt in my mind. I'm not saying this WILL happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if we got the first official trailer by December at Playstation Experience. Hang on a little longer, it'll be worth the wait.
by LanDC
Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:57 pm
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Re: Beyond Good & Evil 2


Beyond Good & Evil Creator Hints New Game Is in 'Pre-Production'
Is that Mammago?

By Jonathon Dornbush
Michel Ancel, creator of Beyond Good & Evil, has teased his newest game has entered pre-production while also debuting concept art on Instagram that further suggests he is working on a new Beyond Good & Evil project.

Ancel's latest post features art of a character who bears a striking resemblance to Mammago from the first Beyond Good & Evil. Along with the photo, he posted the caption: "Game in pre-production - stay tuned!" Check out the art below:

In a statement to IGN, Ubisoft would not confirm specifically what game Ancel is working on for the publisher but did note that this concept art is for his project with Ubisoft.

"Michel is currently sharing his time between Ubisoft and Wild Sheep studios. The artwork he posted is from the game he’s currently working on at Ubisoft. We don’t have anything further to share at this stage," a representative for Ubisoft said in a statement.

Ancel has been posting a number of pieces of concept art teasing the possible return of Beyond Good & Evil. Ubisoft's CEO said during E3 that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still on the way, echoing comments Ancel had also made at the beginning of this year.

A sequel to Ancel's 2003 game has been teased periodically since a trailer debuted in 2008.

Ancel is also working on an indie title, Wild, which Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot said would also improve Ancel's work on his project for Ubisoft.

"Michel is also learning a lot when he's doing things, so the people that play his next Ubisoft game will benefit a lot from what he learns outside," Guillemot told IGN recently.
by Monkei
Tue Oct 04, 2016 10:05 pm
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What's Shenmue animation: Akira's victory pose

Who knew! Found this Virtua Fighter animation of Akira's victory pose hidden away inside What's Shenmue.

Blog post: ... irtua.html

phpBB [video]
by Switch
Wed Oct 05, 2016 10:04 am
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

In the 70 man free battle, Ryo's model is swapped for a very low-detail one in order to reduce hardware strain. Similarly, (in Shenmue II, at least) characters' hands switch from high-detail ones with movable fingers to low-detail ones that are one solid piece. I will never unsee any of this stuff.
by Mr357
Fri Oct 07, 2016 8:34 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

I'm in Japan right now for vacation. Last night I went to Lawson's for some food. After I made my purchase I was able to put my hand in a raffle ticket box to win a prize. Didn't win anything, but I was really hoping for a boom box. [-o<
by myshtuff
Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:57 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Okay, here it is:
1. Learn Kana asap. If you're dealing with any language that doesn't use romanized lettering, whether it's Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, whatever. Learn the writing system first to avoid romanized teaching. If your target language is Japanese, you should avoid any learning material that teaches via romaji (roman transliteration of Japanese) instead of the actual Japanese language. There are exceptions, but the rule proves to be true.

You can learn kana - both hiragana and katakana - within a few hours to a few days. One resource for this is Heisig's Remembering the Kana. You can find it on Amazon here, or just get it from the internet shop. You learn both syllaberies in three hours each as the book advertises. So if six hours isn't worth paying for, don't buy it, but I personally find it to be a worthwhile investment. Plus, it's cheap and quality should be paid for.,204,203,200_.jpg

If Heisig doesn't work for you, there's a tons of other resources online that do the job such as Tofugu:

2. After learning Kana buy a game or movie in your target language that has a lot of signage in your target language using the writing system you just learned. Signage is a great way to replace immersion if it's not available to you. If you're learning Spanish and you need signage, if you're near a local Spanish place just go to there and practice reading in Spanish. This step is mostly beneficial for languages that do not have Romanized lettering. Thankfully, Japanese is great for this because it's one of the top nations in the world for producing media, especially games, that allow you go at your own pace and immerse yourself in the details of the environment. Doing this for romanized languages is much harder. For example, there's lots of games that take place in France or Italy (Assassin's Creed) but how much signage do they have compared to modern settings? Very little. On the other hand, the benefit of these languages is you generally have wider access to those languages if you live in Europe or America, especially if your L2 (language 2) is Spanish.

Games that take place in Japan and have Kana:

Yakuza games are great at this. There's lots of signage of modern Japanese and you can use this as practice for your kana to help instill them. This allows you to start reading stuff in Japanese from literally day 1. Just from this image alone you should be able to make out words with kana. Whether you know what they mean or not is irrelevant, what matters is that reading this hardens the kana in you after learning them so you can recall them as easily as our own ABC's.

Other games with lots of kana all over the place are Shenmue:

Surprisingly, there's not a lot of Japanese games that take place in modern settings and have lots of kana in them.

If playing a game for a learning purpose isn't your style, you can just read websites that interest you. You can simply go to or and practice reading kana. You should be able to make a few things out with practice, especially katakana-based words. I suggest games instead though because you can play them at your own speed and while it costs money, you don't have to feel like you're overwhelmed by a shit ton of incomprehensible text.

3. Download Anki.

Anki is a website and app that teaches via SRS flashcards.

What is Anki?

Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it's a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn.

Anyone who needs to remember things in their daily life can benefit from Anki. Since it is content-agnostic and supports images, audio, videos and scientific markup (via LaTeX), the possibilities are endless.
For example:

Learning a language
Studying for medical and law exams
Memorizing people's names and faces
Brushing up on geography
Mastering long poems
Even practicing guitar chords!

It has a large community and one of its main purposes is language learning. If you're learning a language, seriously just go to Anki and download a deck. For now, you're going to want to download a Kana deck and do those kana to drill them into your head.

One of the great things about Anki is you can make your own decks too. So if you're watching a tv show and don't quite understand a word, you can just write it down on a piece of paper, get a dictionary and find the translation. Then when you're finished watching, enter the word and the translation/context into your very own Anki media vocab deck and review later so that when it comes up again you'll know it.

Anki costs 25 dollars on the iOS app store but I swear to you it's fucking worth it. Using it right, you will have exceeded over 25 hours using that app within just a few weeks. It is free on Android.

4. Buy Assimil's Japanese With Ease 1 and 2 and Heisig's Remembering the Kanji.

You can do these two in any order. You can do RTK before JWE or JWE before RTK. Maybe both at the same time. Just stick to your day to day schedule.

I personally suggest doing both at the same time if possible but that can quickly turn into a grind when you reach JWE 2. So maybe hold off on JWE until you finish RTK or until you're almost finished with RTK. I'm not sure, but I recommend both.

Japanese with Ease is a textbook. Remembering the Kanji is a method to help you learn the meaning of, how to write, and remember all of the regular use (joyo) kanji as directed by the Japanese Ministry of Education which is 2,136 characters as of 2010. Heisig's method is a revolutionary way of maintaining Kanji knowledge and is one of the most respected and highly praised models of teaching the writing system today. The course for RTK should last upwards between 3 months to 6 months depending on your rate. On average, most people do between 20-25 kanji per day. Some do 10 per day. Doing 25 per day should get you finished with the book in three months time with a daily and regular schedule. Doing RTK is a good litmus test for Japanese learners because it weeds out people who don't have that much of an interest in learning the language and makes it a full on daily investment.

Example of RTK:,204,203,200_.jpg

Amazon link:

It should be obvious that you should use Anki as an assistant for this book. Download a deck for the most recent version of RTK and go to town. Anki will help you review the kanji you learned that day and the ones before that too.

I suggest Assimil over the most oft mentioned Genki because Genki's main purpose is that of a grammar book. While Genki is great, it's a college textbook mostly aimed for college students. If you're taking a college class on Japanese, chances are you're using Genki. But Genki isn't made for self learners. Assimil is. Assimil is also better.

Assimil is made of a passive stage and an active stage. The passive stage lasts 50 lessons. The active is another 50 lessons. The reason I suggest Assiil over Genki is because Japanese with Ease comes with cds that tie to its lesson plans. Each lesson begins with and is entirely about the audio on the cd. The cds contain ZERO English. Only Japanese. The point is to listen to the cd audio, look at the translation, then look at the Japanese in the textbooks, and repeat what they're saying. A description of the Assimil method as per Dutch With Ease's explanation:

1. Listen to the text with the book closed. It does not matter if you do not understand what is said. You will gain a general impression of the sounds, hearing the pronunciation without being influenced by the spelling.

2. Listen to the recording a second time while looking at the English translation.

3. Read the Dutch text aloud (with the aid of the phonetic transcription if necessary). Be sure you understand the meaning of each sentence, comparing it with the translation as required.

4. Now read the Dutch text again, but this time without looking at the translation.

5. Listen to the recording twice, once while looking at the English translation, and once while looking at the Dutch text.

6. Listen to the recording again with the book closed. At this point you should understand what is being said.

7. Listen to the recording once more. Stop the machine after each sentence, and try to repeat it aloud.

8. Carefully read the comments several times. Examine the Dutch sentences being explained. These notes are very important.

9. Read the exercises. Repeat each sentence several times. The exercises review material from the current lesson and from preceding lessons. If you have forgotten certain words, consult the English translation.

10. Examine the examples of sentence structure. They show how words and phrases are combined in Dutch, which is not always the same as in English.

As you can see, this is thorough. Personally, what I also did is after learning what each thing means, I listened to the audio again, and I translated it into English. Then I look at the English translation I made, and I translated THAT into Japanese writing it in kana without listening to the audio. This made me really, REALLY, good at not only listening comprehension, but also translation, writing, and memorizing kana. The audio also is done by native speakers so when you repeat, you're going to sound like those native speakers. Great for speaking practice too.

One Assimil lesson is fine a day. Two at most during the passive stage. During Active, you're going to go through so much shit that one lesson is enough per day.

One of Japanese with Ease's weaknesses is that it comes with romaji. But it eventually knocks it off and the wheels come off. Someone who already learned the kana from the previous kana practice should be ignoring the romaji at all costs. Some people even black it out. Fuck romaji. FUCK ROMAJI.

For seeing how fucking effective Assimil is for language learning, just check this out:

Assimil has been around since the early 1900's. If you're learning any language, look into the At Ease series for that language. If it's good (not all of them are apparently good), then you can thank me later. Seriously.

One reason I suggest doing both at the same time is because I remember early on, I did this and one of the first kanji you learn in RTK is 早 which means early. The first lesson of Assimil uses this character. It's actually the first fucking word. That was amazingly satisfying, reading a kanji like that. Just like that, and knowing what it meant. But in this case, it meant hurry, not early. The word also was はやく(hayaku). While RTK does not teach what words mean in Japanese, only in English, and only one meaning (the most common one), doing Assimil side by side or even after RTK will help you fill in the blanks.

Unfortunately, in a lot of the western world, Assimil isn't exactly widely known. This can make it rare to find and sometimes expensive. But it's worth it. If you cannot find or afford it, the internet shop offers a great alternative assuming it's the latest edition.

5. Finishing Assimil and RTK should give you a base knowledge to start going at native material. After you should finish RTK, you should start doing the Core series, which is vocab. There's Core 2k, Core 4k, Core 6k, Core10k;etc. and doing this will help you fill in what those kanji actually mean in Japanese. Doing Assimil should also help greatly. Download Core via anki like usual and set your daily minimum limit. This is where the real work begins, because even at this point, native materials pose a challenge.

To help supplement this you need to fill in gaps of knowledge and have a firm understanding of Japanese grammar. Assimil should help with that, but extra is great too. Buy Japanese The Manga Way. It's a grammar book that uses manga to teach Japanese grammar. It's also the best grammar book ever and should be the basis for all grammar books in language learning going forward. Unfortunately, not every language works like Japanese though. In English for instance, comic writing is stylized and weird and normal people don't speak like that. But manga - depending on the genre - is spoken like actual every day Japanese. Also again, ignore the romaji.

The Tofugu review of JTMW is pretty clear on why it's so essential:

One of JTMW's weaknesses though is that it has no tests or quizzes or work. Thankfully, some people have made Anki decks for it. Anki fucking owns:

Going through JTMW should you seal your understanding of Japanese sentence structure. Now pick up Graded Readers.

This series in particular is fantastic. It goes from levels 0-4. 0 is suggested on where you should start. They come with their own stories and cd's. The cd's should be listened to along with the stories. Read that shit. Any vocab you're not familiar with, add it to a deck.,204,203,200_.jpg

More actual Japanese from excellent native sources:,204,203,200_.jpg,204,203,200_.jpg,204,203,200_.jpg,204,203,200_.jpg

Surprisingly, I don't suggest reading children's books because they lack any kanji and the words run together and as someone who can read kanji at that point, it's just tedium. Some of the aforementioned titles include children's stories but with adult writing. By learning kanji, you're learning how to read and speak Japanese like an adult. Remember that how we speak English as adults is a lot different than how children are taught to speak. Japanese works similarly. Don't even bother unless there's kanji IMO. There's much better sources for learning at that point.

6. If you want to practice writing and reading your target language (any language), join Lang-8 and Skype.

It supports multiple languages. It's a social network meets language study. You make friends with natives of your target language. The point is you write something in your target language, and one of your native friends who knows that language corrects what you wrote and makes suggestions. Then you help people learn your native language. It's a give and take process. Some people (like me) write what what they're thinking in their native language so someone trying to learn English can read what I'm writing and then read the Japanese version I wrote. That way they can compare and help themselves too and we can help each other get better. It's an amazing resource. You can use Lang 8 with Genki if you get Genki. Genki is made for a classroom setting and one of the things about that is that there's homework to be graded. You obviously can't grade your own homework on your own. So one way to use Lang 8 is writing your Genki homework in Lang 8 and having someone correct it. The main issue with Lang 8 is it is entirely dependent on that persons level of language. We obviously all don't use the same rules and styles of the same language, but it's generally an amazing resource no matter what language you're learning.

Skype will allow you to talk directly to natives who speak your target language. There are programs on the internet that people do and speak to each other to help listening comprehension, speed, vocab, whatever.

7. Read Japanese sites regularly, still review your Anki decks, play games in Japanese. You've made it past the hump.

While playing Dragon Quest 7 iOS any time there was grammar or vocab I didn't understand, I'd stop what I was doing. Grab a piece of paper and pen and write it down. I'd look at a translation on Jisho (THE premiere Japanese online dictionary - found here -; and then write that down too. When it came time to review in Anki, I'd add it to the personal vocab deck and make sure I got it. Same applies to those other native materials mentioned above.

Learning Japanese isn't as hard as people make it. It just takes a lot of diligence and you have to really want it. I tried learning Spanish recently and learning the basics and getting past beginner Spanish is pretty easy. But past the beginner phase and into intermediate it's totally different and gets overly complicated and annoying. I don't like it at all. Japanese is the opposite for me. Getting past beginner is a battle. But once you're intermediate it's smooth sailing for the most part. For example, Japanese grammar and sentence structure is fucking easy compared to Spanish or especially English. Its biggest obstacle is the writing system and once you've got that you're good. I originally did this because I was sick of waiting for DQ7r. I beat DQ7 iOS and I met my initial goal. Now I'm working on getting even better. Just ordered Shadowing Intermediate to Advanced and some other materials (another textbook) such as Tobira. I'd like to become advanced so I can use it as a possible career move and possibly work in Japan for a while to make a name for myself.

Doing RTK should take 3-6 months depending on your rate. Assimil should take 100 days (one per lesson) for both phases. Core 2k doesn't take too long after doing Assimil which fills in the gaps. After that, you've got a good foundation in becoming good at the language. Personally it took me three years to be able to get this far. IMO, if you've got the drive you can do it in one or two with three or four hours per day of studying. But remember, even one to two hours is better than zero and showing up is actually 100% of the work. With doing something rather than nothing, you'll get to your goal no matter what it is.

You just have to want it and enjoy it.

Don't learn a language because you think you need to. Do it because you enjoy it. The language to learn is the one you're passionate about.
by Himuro
Tue Oct 11, 2016 9:52 pm
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Re: Suzuki's biggest blunders in Shenmue II

Having no way to get to up on that ledge with tables and chairs at Café Anna.
It isn't just that it's blocked off for Ryo or something. No, there isn't even a visible way how to get up there.
by BlueMue
Fri Sep 23, 2016 11:29 am
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12th October

$6,650,332 --> $6,650,399 (+$67)

72,914 backers --> 72,915 (+1)
13th October

$6,650,399 --> $6,650,662 (+$263)

72,915 backers --> 72,917 (+2) (Avg. $131.50)
14th October

$6,650,662 --> $6,650,764 (+$102)

72,917 backers --> 72,918 (+1)
17th October

$6,651,609 (+$845)

72,926 Backers (+8)

Damn, nearly $1000 over the weekend alone.
by Spaghetti
Mon Oct 17, 2016 3:42 am
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Staying till nightfall in Languishan, Guilin?

Was thinking about Shenmue 2 and suddenly got curious about something... What happens if you just stand there in Languishan (The first place in Guilin before you meet Shenhua) until Night comes? Where would Ryo Sleep? How does that place look at night?

I don't have my Xbox around right now so I can't test it.
by Rikitatsu
Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:11 pm
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Yu Suzuki on Shenmue III ( interview, Nov 2)

Japanese site today published a new interview with Yu Suzuki, in commemoration of the release of the recent Powerdrift 3D on the Nintendo 3DS, centered mainly around various arcade games he worked on at his time with Sega.

The good news for Shenmue fans is that the interview contains mention of Shenmue 3 in a few places, including some direct comments by Yu Suzuki.

I've extracted and translated the relevant parts here:

My favorite part is where he states that his ideal graphical vision, going back to the early arcade days, has never changed - and he gives a Shenmue 3 image as an example of that ideal.
by Switch
Wed Nov 02, 2016 9:56 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki on Shenmue III ( interview, Nov 2)

Interviewer: Before this interview, you kindly showed me some screenshots on your smartphone of how Shenmue 3 looks now...

yu pls
by Spaghetti
Wed Nov 02, 2016 10:12 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Saw this a couple weeks ago from Ryan Payton:

The Shenmue main theme has been on repeat in my head all morning. Not a bad way to start the day.

It's not a hint at anything, but it does make me wonder if he's seen something recently that put that tune into his head, say... a trailer.

Yes, this is an almost pointless bump, but as we're only 25 days away from PSX it seems like a good time for the speculation machine to start whirring up again.

It's also interesting to note Cedric is in Japan at the moment too, but he seems to be doing work regarding the manga competition at MAGIC next year. Still, he's stayed mostly quiet on the topic of Yu Suzuki and Shenmue.

I asked him on Twitter if he was going to meet with Yu and that I was looking forward to what comes in December. I didn't get a reply, but I did get a like. I don't think that means much of anything, but maybe Cedric has caught on that he's said too much and doesn't want to spoil the surprise... or plans have changed around December and he's trying not to get hopes up.

Personally, I think he's just subtly stoking the hype fires without making it obvious December is the big reveal month. I was sceptical at E3 around what Cedric may/may not have been hinting at, but I think now (and especially after the testimony from those at the KS dinner in Japan) that December is going to be the month the curtain gets pulled back in a big way.
by Spaghetti
Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:19 pm
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2nd November

$6,654,847 --> $6,655,746 (+$899)

72,970 backers --> 72,975 (+5) (Avg. $179.80)
3rd November

$6,655,746 --> $6,655,919 (+$173)

72,975 backers --> 72,977 (+2) (Avg. $86.50)
4th November

$6,655,919 --> $6,656,015 (+$96)

72,977 backers --> 72,980 (+3) (Avg. $32)
$6,657,207 (+$1192)

72,994 backers (+14)

by Spaghetti
Tue Nov 08, 2016 1:36 pm
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Making our own HD remaster with Reshade.

EDIT, SORRY I posted by accident the post is still under construction.


Since it seems those HD remaster we are waiting for will never come to fruiction, I was wondering, what we could do to improve even further the games ( appart for making them widescreen :))

First thing that came to my mind is, well a simple HD remaster would feature some kind of improved lighting, and some "modern" tecniques such as Screen Space ambient occlussion or depth of field, someting that happened to Code Veronica HD.

So I first knew about reshade not so long ago, it is a PC tool that allows you to inject some sort of cool post proccesing effects to any game, the thing is it needs acces to the z buffer in order to inject the most advanced effects, such as the before mentioned SSAO and Depth of field, and whenever I read about it everyone would tell me that the Dreamcast does not have a z buffer nor any Dreamcast emulator. so it was impossible.... well... It turns out they were mistaken.

Both Demul and NulldC have z-buffer and Reshade can actually make use of it to inject advanced postprocessing effects.

You will need Reshade (I use Mediator for convenience)
Demul 5.8.2
or this specific version of NullDC
And Reshade

So set up everything.
In demul you should select the directx 10 plugin in order to make it work.
In nullDC you should set the z-buffer option to D2468 mode 2 (lower precision) otherwise Reshade will not have access to the z-buffer.

Once you have everything in place just add the emulator to Reshade and tweak anything you want at your will.

The most impressive effect you can actually add to the game is SSAO, you have different options HBO, SGI SSAO etc, it uses the depth buffer to determine objects that are close to each other and makes them project a soft shadow, it gives depth to the game and personally it is pretty impressive,
Basically it does this.

Some comparissons with the effect turned on and off, notice how closer objects cast soft shadows to each other.

You can also add Bloom, HDR, Lens flare and so on so lights will look that are actually emiting light.


HDR lighting

Tonemapping for a more natural looking lighting

Depth of field ( once an object gets closer to the camera the background will become blurry, I love this effect too :))

Sorry for the overload of images :D
by Esppiral
Tue Nov 08, 2016 2:55 pm
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14th November

$6,657,303 --> $6,657,929 (+$626)

72,996 backers --> 73,004 (+8) (Avg. $78.25)
16th November

$6,657,929 --> $6,658,093 (+$164)

73,004 backers --> 73,007 (+3) (Avg. $54.67)
17th November

$6,658,093 --> $6,658,105 (+$12)

73,007 backers --> 73,008 (+1)

I guess one person got a copy of the soundtrack?

22th November

$6,658,105 --> $6,659,010 (+$905)

73,008 backers --> 73,021 (+13) (Avg. $69.6)
by Kiske
Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:06 am
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14th November

$6,657,303 --> $6,657,929 (+$626)

72,996 backers --> 73,004 (+8) (Avg. $78.25)
16th November

$6,657,929 --> $6,658,093 (+$164)

73,004 backers --> 73,007 (+3) (Avg. $54.67)
17th November

$6,658,093 --> $6,658,105 (+$12)

73,007 backers --> 73,008 (+1)

I guess one person got a copy of the soundtrack?

22nd November

$6,658,105 --> $6,659,010 (+$905)

73,008 backers --> 73,021 (+13) (Avg. $69.6)

23rd November

$6,659,010 --> $6,659,702 (+$692)

73,021 backers --> 73,029 (+8) (Avg. $86.5)
by Kiske
Wed Nov 23, 2016 7:49 am
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Translation analysis: is Lan Di leader of the Chi You Men?

A little while back in another thread (a great theory video posted by James Reiner talking about the Shenmue mirrors) there was some discussion about the fact that Lan Di had been named as the leader of the Chi You Men in the first game.

Based on information from Yu Suzuki in conferences and interviews over the years, it's now well established that this isn't actually the case.

I've written up a short post about Ryo's meeting with Master Chen where this mis-translation occurs in the English version, compared to the Japanese wording:
by Switch
Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:18 pm
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22nd November

$6,658,105 --> $6,659,010 (+$905)

73,008 backers --> 73,021 (+13) (Avg. $69.6)

23rd November

$6,659,010 --> $6,659,702 (+$692)

73,021 backers --> 73,029 (+8) (Avg. $86.5)
24th November

$6,659,702 --> $6,659,757 (+$55)

73,029 backers --> 73,031 (+2) (Avg. $27.50)
25th November

$6,659,757 --> $6,659,967 (+$210)

73,031 backers --> 73,034 (+3) (Avg. $70)

29th November (What a special day!)

$6,659,967 --> $6,661,143 (+$1176)

73,034 backers --> 73,045 (+11) (Avg. $106.9)
by Kiske
Tue Nov 29, 2016 4:12 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

My answer is, they just dont care about public exposure, i can not find any other reason to justify this poor decision of not showing anything
No, there's another reason; which is Yu Suzuki's desire to impress.

I guess we should have seen this coming after learning the E3 trailer was pulled last minute, but I honestly think it couldn't happen again. I can't really blame Yu for holding footage back again if he wasn't happy with it in his eyes.
by Spaghetti
Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:12 pm
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PayPal support is closed? Whats happening...? :|
Their SSL certificate, used for website encryption, expired on Friday.

PayPal's API for payments needs to be able to communicate with their end over SSL in order to make a callback to notify their site when a payment is made. PayPal's systems will refuse to talk to a website with an expired or invalid SSL certificate. It will remain broken until they renew their SSL certificate.

Disclaimer: I don't know how they integrate with PayPal, but the certificate being expired is true and it's likely that this was just a timing coincidence. I'm guessing their admin who would do that probably won't take care of it until Monday.
by Sappharad
Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:17 pm
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Translation analysis: "Let's get sweaty"

phpBB [video]

I've written a post about what Ryo says in Japanese that was given the English translation of "Let's get sweaty".

Blog link: ... lysis.html
by Switch
Sun Dec 11, 2016 10:35 am
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

It'd be a goddamn miracle if the game doesn't get delayed, but... Shenmue III itself is kind of a miracle, so, y'know, maybe!

Fucking hell if this game does come out totally finished and highly polished in December 2017, then a lot of people are going to have to eat their words. Myself included, and happily!

If I had to sign right now for a 6 month delay, knowing it's for the good of the final product quality, I would sign without giving it a second thought. After so many years, 6 month are like a blink of an eye. :)
by Kiske
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:49 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

A familiar silhouette in front of the moon.

by Switch
Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:07 am
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Re: Politics

The thing about responding to politics is that it's largely speculation on the possibility of future events. Everybody is fundamentally misinformed in one way or another, and future events have no truth value until they occur, so it's only in hindsight that any political thought has any impact - as a reflection on what's happened. But as for voting, or predicting the "correct" political structure? Might as well just sit back and see what happens. I mean, I could argue all day with other misinformed and speculative people on what is "going to happen", but I just don't see the point. I'd rather focus my efforts reacting to the the changes of political structures, rather than believing I have any sort of ability to change them. In short, I no longer give a fuck. Things will happen and nobody knows if they will be good until they are/n't. Whatever.
by Thief
Thu Jan 12, 2017 4:52 am
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Spaghetti wrote:
Kiske wrote:
Spaghetti wrote:
December 21st

$6,681,761 (+$780)

73,396 Backers (+11)

December 22nd

$6,683,661 (+$1900)

73,426 backers (+30) ($63/backer)

December 27th

$6,685,971 (+$2,310)

73,469 Backers (+43)

January 12th

$6,697,096 (+$11125)

73,614 Backers (+145) ($77/backer)
by bebolejia
Thu Jan 12, 2017 9:43 pm
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March 14 is showing. :shock:
What the fuuuuuuuu-

Awesome Japan must have goofed on something.

Less than 2 years to go before release!

Do you think we are going to see a trailer at E3 2016? [-o<
This may boost the numbers. $6,700,000 here we come! :mad:

On a side note, any news on the PC version available for Slacker Backer?
by Kiske
Mon Feb 13, 2017 5:09 am
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Dreamcast game Trickstyle coming to steam this month.

Thought this was interesting and that someone might appreciate it. ... ing-steam/
by SheepheadCG
Wed Feb 15, 2017 7:38 am
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6th February 2017


73,765 Backers
7th February 2017

$6,711,400 (+$915)

73,773 Backers (+8)
9th February 2017

$6,712,665 (+$1265)

73,789 Backers (+16) ($79/backer)

15th February 2017

$6,715,476 (+$2811)

73,832 Backers (+43) ($65/backer)

16th February 2017

$6,715,641 (+$165)

73,835 backers (+3) ($55/backer)

21st February 2017

$6,717,520 (+$1879)

73,858 backers (+23) ($81.7/backer)
by Kiske
Tue Feb 21, 2017 5:22 am
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6th February 2017


73,765 Backers
7th February 2017

$6,711,400 (+$915)

73,773 Backers (+8)
9th February 2017

$6,712,665 (+$1265)

73,789 Backers (+16) ($79/backer)

15th February 2017

$6,715,476 (+$2811)

73,832 Backers (+43) ($65/backer)

16th February 2017

$6,715,641 (+$165)

73,835 backers (+3) ($55/backer)

21st February 2017

$6,717,520 (+$1879)

73,858 backers (+23) ($81.7/backer)

24th February 2017

$6,718,473 (+$953)

73,872 backers (+14) ($68/backer)

3rd March 2017

$6,721,727 (+$3254)

73,920 backers (+48) ($67.8/backer)
by bebolejia
Sun Mar 05, 2017 11:45 am
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[ENG] Famitsu interview with Cédric Biscay at MAGIC 2017

I've completed an English translation of the recent Famitsu interview with co-producer of Shenmue III, Cédric Biscay.

The interview covers Cédric's background and reasons for starting his company Shibuya Productions, and he talks about some of the guests and goals of the MAGIC event.

And of particular interest for Shenmue fans, at the end of the interview Cédric is asked about Shenmue III and the current development progress. Here's the relevant section:

If you have a few minutes the whole interview is worth a read too. Link:
by Switch
Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:02 am
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Amir wrote:
bebolejia wrote:
3rd March 2017

$6,721,727 (+$3254)

73,920 backers (+48) ($67.8/backer)

7th March 2017

$6,722,976 (+$1249)

73,939 backers (+19) ($65.74/backer)

13th March 2017

$6,725,531 (+$2555)

73,974 backers (+35) ($73/backer)
by bebolejia
Sun Mar 12, 2017 11:40 pm
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