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Re: What we hope to happen in Shenmue III

I just hope Ryo himself does not get any weird Chi/magic powers or at the very least, nothing too out there too soon. If this turns into Dragon Ball Z or even Street Fighter I am going to be highly upset. Also I would prefer it to go back to Japan, but I simply do not see it happening. I love Japan and prefer the first game because of it. It was a big world, but always something interesting to see. Part two had an even bigger world, but half the time I felt like I was lost and trudging through it and pointlessly. Besides that just more arcade games, although being out in the middle of no where it may be quite boring... 8-[
by Jerid'sRamenShop
Sat Feb 24, 2018 7:58 am
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Re: Resident Evil VII

Is it just me, or have the Biohazard dev teams never really figured out how to animate mouths properly for some reason?
The lip syncing always looked weird to me in earlier games, but I always figured it was some kind of quirk of the graphics engine or something. But I just watched a bit of the opening for this one (seriously, just go take a peek on youtube or something), and it's still just as present as ever. Possibly stranger than before, too, since the graphics are generally more realistic, yet still have that problem anyway.
It's like they never figured out how lips, teeth, and tongues actually work in conjunction with each other. The mouths always look like the person should have a speech impediment of some kind, like a lisp or something, and yet the voices coming out of them are totally normal.
It's just weird to me because this isn't some common videogame problem, or even a Capcom problem; it's just something I've always noticed in the Resident Evil series specifically. Graphics engines change, entire dev teams change... and yet the problem is always there.
Did somebody put a really weird curse on the series or something? I can't imagine they just have the same confused guy doing mouth animation across every game for over a decade...
by OL
Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:56 am
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Re: Language barrier theory

Abraham_1 wrote:Another one I can think of is how Tom says he’s leaving for America tomorrow and yet he appears to board a plane there that night.

I think the plane shown in the cutscene is just a symbol. It's not the one that Tom is actually supposed to be on. It admittedly confused me too.
by BlueMue
Mon Feb 26, 2018 3:46 pm
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Re: UPDATE #80 MAGIC 2018: New Pics Up!

It didn't mean to entirely miss to buzz around Magic but it was still a somewhat concieous decsion of mine not to look on the computer too much. Seems I didn't miss too much.

As I have started to not expect too much from the updates I wasn't hoping for something big at all but this still felt very light on content even with that mentalitly. I like the new screenshots and some of the extra footage in the extended trailer is great and I'd say better stuff than what was shown to everyone in the regular trailer but it's still old old footage and it's still not uploaded by them for the general public. Still need to know what Yu was saying and the subsequent new interviews but if they aren't holding back a lot of stuff the whole 20th anniversary release thing seems another bit more likely.
by BlueMue
Mon Feb 26, 2018 4:10 pm
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MAGIC Interviews

Found one that was just published.

Google Translate into English:

Original French:
by mjq jazz bar
Tue Feb 27, 2018 3:52 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 Gameplay Trailer

Reporting this video to the mods. Hopefully they will do the right thing and get this piece of shit off of Shenmue Dojo.
by darksniper
Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:10 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 Fan Made Trailer

Hi SPG!!!

Just wanted to say, big time Shenmue fan and long time lurker of the Shenmue Dojo.

Needed to create an account to say you are just an absolute cum stain on a matress and you have known what you have been doing from the start. Acting all inocent and then bumping your own topic. Perhaps a dick is more the best word. you hould check out here:

thats the shenmue 3 kickstarter page comments section. its full of cunts like you. you know, the same type of troll cunts who mash together footage of other games like Sleeping Dogs, and try to brag about it on a select forum. 1000? likes? yawn. my channel as over 2 million, with some of my individual videos having over 100,00 views.

like i said, cum stain on a mattress. in the run up to shenmue 3, is there anything being doine around here???????
by FOT
Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:26 pm
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|Shenmue 3 Hype| Shenmue Combo/FREE Battle Compliation

phpBB [video]

In celebration for Shenmue III coming out this year(God willing), I've compiled up a combo video showing off the amazing Virtua Fighter FREE Battle System featured in Shenmue I and Shenmue II. Let's get sweaty!
by TheKenjitoMaster
Mon Mar 05, 2018 9:46 pm
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Re: This game constantly fails to amaze me...

Just to save anyone else the trouble, I looked at his channel and all the featured videos are insults toward various popular franchises... all with fewer than 100 views. His dis of Crash Bandicoot seems to be the most popular with 78 views. :roll: Just another wannabe Youtuber trying to use trolling strategies that stopped working three or more years ago.
by Centrale
Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:16 pm
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Re: Is Tom Johnson Black?

A day late and a dollar short, the video is already out... O_o Well this Tom looks good enough anyway so all that was for nothing. :mrgreen: Good job with the video by the way. =D>
by Jerid'sRamenShop
Sat Feb 24, 2018 11:57 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

Between shenmue 3 and getting 2 Yakuza games a year I have no idea what to bitch about online anymore.
by south carmain
Sun Mar 18, 2018 10:33 am
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Re: Yakuza series

phpBB [video]

August 28th!

Must be the quickest Japanese to English localisation turnaround so far since Kiwami 2 was announced for Japan late last year?
by Crimson Ryan
Sun Mar 18, 2018 6:40 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

Totally random thing here, but it just occurred to me: I really, really hope the dub for Shenmue III doesn't include a ton of "wink to the audience" nods to the old dubs. With as long as Shenmue has been around, it's had plenty of time to gain a reputation on phrases like "let's get sweaty," Ryo asking about sailors and whatnot, that kind of shit. I just really hope the English voice actors don't feel the need to call back to that stuff, like they think they're being clever or something. I hope the dub is played totally straight, just like the first two games were.

I'll probably opt for the Japanese track anyway (long as it's included), but I'd still prefer not to have anything groan-inducing like that from the English one.
by OL
Wed Mar 21, 2018 1:25 pm
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Nier: Automata - Game follows through on being a game that does its own thing whilst also paying homage in some subtle ways to the original (which is one of my favourite games of all time). The music, combat, boss battles, characters and end game were all fantastic. Can't really talk about this game much since it's better off going into it fresh. Overall though, not on the same level as the original for me but an excellent game regardless.

Yakuza 0 - This is now not only my favourite Yakuza, but my favourite game this generation. I cannot understate just how brilliant this game is. The music, story, characters, last stretch and boss battles are all the best in the series yet. I can't really find any fault with the game and it's honestly crept into my Top 10 games of all time. I will look back on this game extremely well over the years. It's a classic. The ending is the best in the series too, everything is so succinct and so well nuanced. I simply cannot believe this is from the same director as Dead Souls/Of The End (AKA the weakest Yakuza game).

The side missions are the best in the series yet too. I wanted to do them all. The writing is incredibly funny and hats off to the localization team (Atlus USA) for doing such a stellar job. It's the first Yakuza in a long time that I played all the way through non-stop without getting burned out. The story is never not engaging or impactful. Every scene matters.

The Lieutenants are the most bad ass villains in the series since, well, ever (and yes, I am including Yakuza 2's Ryuji Goda). Their musical themes are the thing of legends. I have been a fan of the series since the original on the PS2 back in the day and this is my new favourite, even the sheer nostalgia of Yakuza 2 couldn't stave this game off. If anybody on here is sleeping on this game, don't. Play it. NOW. Best game of the generation and one of the best prequels ever made right next to Metal Gear Solid 3.
by Henry Spencer
Wed Apr 05, 2017 5:15 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

Announced on the official Yakuza stream today. Ten minutes in:
by Crimson Ryan
Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:20 pm
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This is very good, although the ending has me wondering what will happen next. Will Goro go back to his old ways with the guys, or take a new path and become vigilantes and help fight crime and other gangs? I am sure Lan Di's presence can still be felt there. Or has he truly went to a life of ordinary and settle down with his sweetheart? Personally I like the getting married and settling down bit, mixed with vigilantism on the side and going to China and meeting up with Ryo when he is needed the most and be like "I'm back Bitches! Did you miss me!? Oh... and any one touches the hair dies..." Cue the music and the ass kicking. 8)
by Jerid'sRamenShop
Tue Feb 27, 2018 2:07 am
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Re: Shenmue HD - Are the cutscenes in 4:3 (Non-Widescreen)?!

At this point I'm just happy the Shenmue HD Collection is happening. I'd prefer widescreen/non-stretched gameplay and cut scenes but if they turn out to be standard 4:3 aspect ratio, it won't burst my bubble.
by Telekill
Wed Apr 18, 2018 9:55 am
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Re: Shenmue HD - Are the cutscenes in 4:3 (Non-Widescreen)?!

In terms of essential features that I've wanted in a 'Shenmue HD' now that it's real: I'm absolutely overjoyed that they've gotten my most essential out of the way English + Japanese audio with the rest being achievements, higher resolution, retaining the original aesthetic we all grew up with and . I'm also glad classic controls are retained!

It's really cool that they managed to get widescreen support, it also looks cool seeing this in all the Shenmue streams online. As far as the 4:3 cutscenes go, I'd definitely choose gameplay being wide out of the two but I don't actually mind the 4:3 for cutscenes at all tbf if that's what they had to settle with.

The only thing is: I hope they can make a nice transition between the two aspect ratios if they do settle for 4:3 cutscenes. When you're in gameplay and you've suddenly activated a cutscene, it'd be nice to have the borders gradually transition/fade to black, just so that the two ratios flow more organically and that they don't appear jarring from one scene to the next.

Either way, if they don't it's honestly not the biggest deal breaker for me. A lot of these challenges reminds me of what developer 'Code Mystics' when through when remastering Phantom Dust last year for XB1/W10. They struggled to get the game work in all high resolutions and widescreen at first, people noticed and in towards the very end they figured it out, but they noted just how difficult it was working with old Japanese code (60fps etc wasn't achievable in the end). However: they didn't have the advantage of working with the source code: they had to hack into it straight from a retail disc, yikes!
by FlagshipFighter
Wed Apr 18, 2018 1:32 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

Yakuza 0 is a masterpiece, in my opinion and the best game Yakuza/Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has ever put out. I remember you and certain others on here annoyed that Majima is getting so much limelight but I'm like Yakuza 0 actually put him up as a really deep character and showed another side to his character. Yakuza 2 used to be my favourite story in the series but Yakuza 0 just has the best cast of antagonists in the series for me. They're all intimidating presences and so distinct from each other. And they're all amazing boss battles and those boss battle music themes...think it's actually the series composer Hidenori Shoji's best work as a composer yet as well.

I absolutely loved the side quests in Yakuza 0 as well, so many highlights and the funniest ones in the series yet as well. The writing really shines in this game. Yakuza 0 is actually my favourite game this generation thus far. It didn't just rejuvenate my love for the series, it surpassed other greats from this gen for me like Gravity Rush and Bloodborne.

And yes Orange, it actually enhances Yakuza 1's storyline as well thanks to the events of Yakuza 0.

And yeah 0's ending with Majima was actually the only one in the series to actually make me choke up too. I wanted to give Majima a hug, haha. Poor guy. Such a melancholic, and yet beautiful ending.
by Henry Spencer
Tue May 01, 2018 6:11 pm
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Re: Marvel Cinematic Universe

Although I don’t think there’s really a boring character... for Scarlet Witch, I'd say, who's still just as dull as a wooden spoon. Funny how her accent just disappeared though. It was always pretty horrid in Age of Ultron.
I'd agree on Thor though, they've certainly managed to make him pretty great by this point (I still haven't seen Ragnarok unfortunately, but it's a priority now).
Yeah, movie was okay. I get what they were trying to do with the ending, but to be entirely honest, it fell pretty flat for me.
(anyone who hasn't seen the movie, really, don't look in the spoiler tags unless you give exactly zero shits. In which case... why are you looking in the spoiler tags?)
If there were actually anything at stake, I'd say it was all extremely well-done and shocking. But it's a Marvel movie. It's part of a cash-cow franchise that Disney assuredly won't allow to slow down.
Meaning, they didn't really kill Spider-Man. They didn't really kill Dr. Strange. They didn't really kill off the Guardians. And they definitely didn't kill Black Panther. There's still too much money to be made off of all these characters, and therefore... none of it means anything. Without even thinking hard about it, I already know what happens in the next movie. Everyone (or at least everyone that still matters) gets brought back by the infinity stones. Or Captain Marvel does something wacky and galactic-y to bring everyone back. Whatever the case, everyone will come back.
There, I just wrote the next movie for Marvel.
That aside though, I do have to say the movie definitely suffers from "convenient powers" syndrome. Just like so many of these movies (and tv shows; comicbook stuff is all guilty) powers only seem to work when they're convenient, and they only seem to be used in ways that are convenient. If Thanos can literally alter reality with the reality stone... why not fucking do that ? He literally turns Bruce Banner's Hulkbuster armor incorporeal when he shows up at the end. Why not do that to everyone ? Wouldn't that save you a shit ton of trouble? Why didn't he do this to Tony Stark et al. when he was fighting them?
Shit like that always gets under my skin.
Plus, I haven't seen Black Panther... but why is it that, in literally the most technologically-advanced country on Earth , the king has his troops carrying sticks and spears? They make it so the spears shoot lasers or some dumb bullshit, but still... why spears? Is Marvel aware that we'll still be able to tell it's Africa even if you don't go all stereotypical with it? I mean, I get it if they have a general tribal motif going on, but making everyone literal spearchuckers ? In a property originally created by a bunch of white dudes? That shit's just racist.

So yeah, I get that it's a big impressive spectacle movie, and yeah, it was entertaining and all. But there are still all kinds of issues I find with it. And I don't even consider any of it nitpicky.
by OL
Tue May 01, 2018 11:30 pm
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I admire your work. Both Yokosuka Blues and Suka High were absolutely amazing! You're definitely a credit to not only the community, but also to Shenmue. Keep it up =D>
by ShenmueHDYEAH
Wed May 23, 2018 2:12 pm
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^ Nice, loved Guizhang addition!
by *Kenshin Himura*
Fri Jun 08, 2018 2:31 pm
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This one nicely connects the dots with the two previous releases.
That last fighting scene, again, it is so cool.

I'm getting the Black Scar Blues DVD by the way \:D/
by Niowiad
Fri Jun 08, 2018 6:55 pm
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Re: Possible Sony E3 Leak! [Mod note: It's absolutely not re

Gastarot wrote: 2020 ;) or maybe 2021...

by Kiske
Tue Jun 12, 2018 10:08 am
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