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Re: Shenmue III Kickstarter Ends At $6,333,295; 69,320 Backe

I am so happy to be part of such a great, wonderful community. Thank you guys, for everything. *sheds some tears and hugs everybody*
by CodingGenesis
Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:49 pm
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Shenmue 1&2's 3D Character Modeler To Work On Shenmue 3

Yu Suzuki has revealed on the latest Twitch Stream that the modeler who did Shenhua's 3D model in Shenmue 1 and 2 is coming back to work on Shenmue 3. He was referred to as "Mr.Ito", presumably Takashi Ito . Yu Suzuki and Kenji Miyawaki also reiterated their commitment to improve the characters faces in Shenmue 3.

Source: Twitch Stream
by Rikitatsu
Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:25 am
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Re: Finally Time...

Absolutely! A month with 4 hours sleep per night MAX!

From ebay auctions, payments, deposits, Dojo moderation, Facebook messages, updates, tweets, credit cards, postage, packaging, 2 jobs, lack of food, life decisions, worries, fears, dinners, rewards, trolls, videos, images, websites, messages.....

Not kidding, i could disappear tonight and not resurface until Shenmue 3.
by Peter
Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:21 am
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Re: Shenmue III Kickstarter Ends At $6,333,295; 69,320 Backe

It can take up to 7 days apparently for Kickstarter transactions to go through.
by Anonymous81
Sat Jul 18, 2015 6:34 am
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Re: Forbes claim $20 million is already secured privately

Bloodstained received 90% of its funds through private investment and openly admitted after the campaign ended that the Kickstarter was used to gauge interest, so I don't know why Shenmue 3 has gotten so much shit for it (especially as no one actually knows any of the facts and much of the speculation has been proven false).

But still, I would love if we got a lot of private investment. If this 20m is true, I will be happy. It would be awesome if it secured even more investment now that the KS was such a success and a record breaker.
by Reprise
Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:39 am
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Re: Shenmue III Kickstarter Ends At $6,333,295; 69,320 Backe

Does anyone know if Yu will announce when he has the full $6.3 million in his hands? Still uneasy that there could be issues with Kickstarter not being able to deduct money from some people's accounts (bank declining, not enough funds etc...)
Don't forget KS fees need removing- Ys net are getting approx. 90%, so around $5.7m.

Of that approx. $4.43m is actually going on development with the remaining going on reward fulfillment. (Not sure which pot the in game content reward comes out of though).

And the 7 days is the timeframe you have to fix a payment if their first attempt isn't successful- they will automatically make a second attempt at the end of the timeframe.

So you should see the money come out within 24 to 48 hours of the campaign closing.
by joka
Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:58 am
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Congratulatory Videos: Happy Console Gamer & Adam Koralik


Youtuber's Happy Console Gamer and Adam Koralik congratulate fans and the Shenmue communities involved in helping fund Yu Suzuki's Shenmue 3 Kickstarter.

Videos: Happy Console Gamer | Adam Koralik
by Ziming
Sat Jul 18, 2015 1:53 pm
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Joining the Community

Hey all,

I had no idea this community even existed until a couple of weeks ago. Sadly, I was one that loved Shenmue but had given up on a continuation ever happening. I remember reading the Official Dreamcast Magazine with Ryo on the cover and wondering what in the world Shenmue was (I still have every issue and demo disc). Little did I know that it would turn into a lifelong favorite of mine.

The magazine previews and trailers that came on the discs were enough to entice me to preorder the first Shenmue. It was just one of those games that I couldn't put down (with the exception of sleep and work). There have been few games that really pulled me into the story in as close to a full immersion as I think a game has ever come. When it ended, I was disappointed as there was no ending, but was expecting it given the previews. I eagerly anticipated the sequel so I could continue the story. Then disaster.

Living in America, we were one of the only primary gaming communities to not get Shenmue II on Dreamcast and I had no intentions of buying an Xbox for the port. I cursed Sega for leaving us out, but it was them who truly cursed themselves as Sega has never been the same since the end of Dreamcast. I figured that my time with Shenmue was at an end until a couple of years later, a friend of mine in college had gotten into Dreamcast. He's about as hardcore a Dreamcast pirate as I had ever seen as he had download dozens of Dreamcast titles onto his computer... including the European version of Shenmue II. He offered to burn me a copy and I accepted in order to continue the story.

I had to read the subtitles in order to understand the depth of the story but it truly was a masterpiece; being an incredible continuation. I remember playing through it while my girlfriend at the time (now wife) watched me play. Once I was done and the cliffhanger left all of us up in the air, I started to hope to hear news of a continuation. As time dragged on, I had kept my Dreamcast primarily for the Shenmue games, but it seemed as though the story would never complete. I had given up hope of a continuation as Sega seemed to be in the gutter.

Then there were murmurings that Mark Cerni was in talks with Yu Suzuki about potentially reviving Shenmue on the PS4. I was truly excited at the prospect but the murmurings went away... until last E3. Before the show, people were anticipating a potential Shenmue 3 announcement as they do every year and I remember posting that it would never happen; I had given up hope. Of course, when Yu Suzuki walked out on stage my jaw dropped. They announced the Kickstarter campaign and I suppose the rest is now history.

Feeling a bit guilty about participating in pirating Shenmue 2, I put in $100 into the kickstarter. My wife remembered how much I enjoyed the series and regardless that money is tight for us gave the ok for the $100 backing as my birthday gift. I figure it would cover the $50 I would have paid for Shenmue II as well as the $50 I would happily pay for the third game.

I'm really excited to have been part of the kickstarter and it was seeing so many fans in the comments that made me decide to join Shenmue Dojo's community. I look forward to anticipating the new game with all of you on these boards and plan to eventually buy a Ryo Hazuki First Four figure for my shelf when I can come up with $150+ for it. Here's hoping that Sega announces an HD remaster of the first two games.

by Telekill
Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:04 am
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Re: Nocon Kid & Shenmue III

Suzuki just seems like such a nice, humble bloke, yeah. He must have thanked us about ten times on the stream last night. The fact that he started crying a couple of times on the stream, just goes to show how much this project means to him.
by Henry Spencer
Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:01 pm
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Re: So... Arm Wrestling!

Since I have one of those turbo controllers laying around here again...

phpBB [video]
by BlueMue
Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:35 pm
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Re: 6M Lottery!

Why would they give the $6 million to one "lucky" backer anyway? It's other people's money and they want it going towards the game.
by phinal
Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:31 pm
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Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Final Countdown Video (Twitch)

phpBB [video]
by Ziming
Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:33 pm
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Re: Congratulatory Videos: Happy Console Gamer & Adam Korali

We did it guys. We Fucking did it!!!!!!

The last month has been such an amazing experience. Despite everything, all the negativity, all the hate, all the clickbait articles, all the people going out their way to destroy the franchise, WE CAME OUT ON TOP!!!. The odds have always been against us, but we refused to give up and continued to push forward together.

I'm part of other communities, but this fanbase is the one i consider a second family. We all got each others backs and it showed.

No doubt the fight will continue in the future. Trolls will continue to troll, gaming journalist will try and use their influence to damage the franchise as will certain youtubers. But they will NEVER EVER be able to stop us. Our passion, dedication, support and determination is our greatest strength. We are unstoppable!!!!!!!

Everyone raise a glass.


by ShenSun
Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:38 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki officially announces Paypal support for Shenmu

Screw them. The industry is stuck in a constant loop of the stale, boring shit that we get nowadays, thanks to those dumbass "journalists" who just are happy with nothing but mediocrity. If I want to support my old favourite series, then that's my own choice to do that. It's my own money and whatever they say won't change my own mind. People should just think for themselves.
by Henry Spencer
Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:49 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki officially announces Paypal support for Shenmu

Well looks like I'm donating.

Seriously though guys although this will bring in some extra cash I doubt it will hit the $10 million mark. Bloodstained made about $250k on paypal and at the last update Mighty No 9 had made just short of 200k. I'm sure it will bring in a tidy sum but not millions like the Kickstarter which can get money from people who aren't 100% sure by making them panic on missing out.

Be interesting how long they keep the paypal open as well as you need a cut off point to know what your game budget actually is. You can't make a game for 2 years (I honestly think it will be delayed by a year or two) without knowing what your budget will be like next month.
by Riku Rose
Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:26 am
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Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

Like Theif was saying, we have now reached relevance in the gaming world again.
The project, Yu Suzuki, the fan community.. we are all open game now for trolls, fanboys and ignorant know-it-alls.

-The game isnt on Xbox and is console exclusive on PS4? = We will have Xbox fanboys try and discredit the worth of the game.
-The game doesn't have teh b3st gr4f1x evar?!1 = Looks like pong.
-They never heard of it before? = Doesn't matter whatever its like, it sucks anyways.
-They don't understand how the funding/development works? = Dr. Evil is controlling everything behind doors.

Eventually one of us are going to have a brain aneurysm fighting against the nay sayers. I will probably be that person eventually. Until then I'm going to save my energy for when the game is out and reviewers start slamming it for whatever dumb reasons.
by Axm
Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:09 am
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Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

We're just not used to these idiots talking about Shenmue -- along with a new game comes dumb ass nerd culture and constant uneducated criticism. They have the chatter endlessly about something, this week it's Shenmue, next week it's some dumb ass Nintendo exclusive whatever the fuck. Just let them rattle until they realize their lives are completely devoid of any meaning or culture and they've wasted years talking about nonsense.
by Thief
Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:36 am
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Thank You!

Hi, I've lurked here from time to time but thought I'd finally register so I could thank everyone here for all the hard work in making Shenmue 3 a reality.

I only first played the series a few years ago but the impact has been huge. The instant I found out about the kickstarter I pledged as much as I could and have been quietly following the campaign ever since.

I'm very excited to follow the development of this game and will definitely be hanging around here a bit more. Once again, thanks to everybody!
by adrian92
Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:19 pm
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Re: Shenmue - Fan Made Gameplay Trailer

Great vid! Shows off some of the best gameplay i've seen, nice use of moves's videos like this where it's outstanding how much there is to do in these open worlds, even more so than most open world games these days - and actually have somewhat of a point to the open world, because of the incredible story. When I play games like GTA5, i'm just not really entertained, not because there isn't loads of shit to do, but because it doesn't feel like there's any real purpose to it, it's just loads and loads of filler content so they can boast double to triple hours of gameplay, it just gets very old and repetitive fast, especially when more than half the missions have no plot line.
by James Brown
Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:57 am
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Re: LEGO Ideas - SEGA Classic Arcade Machines & Yu Suzuki

That was free and easy to do. :) I hope everyone here goes to the page and supports it too. They look like awesome lego's.
by Axm
Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:55 am
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Re: LEGO Ideas - SEGA Classic Arcade Machines & Yu Suzuki

This looks incredible, i've just added my support. I think that figure, although the clothing is extremely similar to Ryo's I think that's actually the Yu Suzuki figure :D
by James Brown
Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:41 am
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Re: LEGO Ideas - SEGA Classic Arcade Machines & Yu Suzuki

I just noticed that's a Ryo Hazuki lego piece sitting in that Outrun seat.... Must. Have.
What's up with that? It doesnt exist already does it? This is just a prototype? They need to make him. It's only proper.

sounds like they are one off, custom fan made pieces. (lego qte title & ryo :heart: =P~ )

some info here -

Other Possibilities:

I originally intended to build the Hang-On and After Burner deluxe cabinets as well, but they were proving difficult. I would like to see the Lego designers take a stab at including those as well if this projects reaches full support. If I am able to build something I'm happy with, I'll post it in an update.
I was thinking it'd be cool to include a Ryo Hazuki minifigure. Ryo Hazuki is the main character from the Shenmue videogame series which is set in the 80's. Many of these video games appear in the game and are playable. A Ryo Hazuki minifig would be flesh colored.
by redline
Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:42 am
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Re: LEGO Ideas - SEGA Classic Arcade Machines & Yu Suzuki

thought i'd seen everything, just shit my pants! :shock:
fun stuff. :mrgreen: (those dinky arcades, too cute. i wonder if they'll be a LEGO-shenmue down the line? not exactly a stretch of the imagination given how many LEGO character games there's about.)
by amiga1200
Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:24 am
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The Shenmue Cast Ep. 2

Episode 2 of The Shenmue Cast is now live for your listening and viewing pleasure.
This episode features a prominent figure in the Shenmue community, Mr. Adam Koralik .
Discussions include the Kickstarter ending results, Shenmue 3 features and more.
Listeners are able to subscribe to this podcast over itunes and other podcast apps using the iTunes subcribe link and RSS feed link below.

| iTunes | RSS Feed | Soundcloud Channel | Stream/mp3 Download | YouTube
by Axm
Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:23 am
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Re: LEGO Ideas - SEGA Classic Arcade Machines & Yu Suzuki

Howdy all, I'm the guy that made these models and submitted the project to Lego Ideas. Thanks for your support! I was actually going to post about it here a couple of days ago but ended up not doing it for whatever reason.

That figure sitting in the cabinets is supposed to be Ryo, but it is made with existing Lego pieces, so the printing on the jacket isn't accurate at all (it's some other Lego character's torso and the closest one I had that looked kind of like Ryo's jacket). I did start to work on custom decals for Ryo's jacket but never finished it.
When I submitted the project, I had no way of knowing that Shenmue 3 would actually happen, so I thought a Ryo minifigure would be a long shot and thus focused on Yu and the generic Sega fans instead. However, the success of the Shenmue 3 kickstarter is a compelling argument on why it should be included if the project passes review.

In case you were wondering, I haven't made any of the other cabinets yet. I actually just moved so all of my Lego is packed up in moving boxes and I'm not sure when I'll be able to did it out.

If you all have any questions about the project feel free to ask here or on the project page's comments section!
by spacysmoke
Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:01 pm
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Re: LEGO Ideas - SEGA Classic Arcade Machines & Yu Suzuki

Dude they are amazing then, I didn't realise you made them using existing lego parts, I thought they were unique specific pieces, for example with the Sega logos and like the Ourun logo actually on the parts, did you use stickers of some sorts?

I would definately buy the full set, hope it's gets supported to full on the Lego site!

Yup, the models are made with existing Lego parts; no modified or custom parts whatsoever. Parts with logos and stuff are just stickered. I created the stickers in Photoshop and Illustrator; some use sources from the web like marquees that people scanned, and others I had to create from scratch. I tried to avoid stickers across multiple parts, but it was unavoidable on certain areas.
Another factoid: the stickers in the photos aren't really there; they were "applied" in photoshop.

The 3 minifigures of the Sega fans and Yu are just CG renders. I created the torso prints for the Sega fans, but everything else already exists as real Lego pieces (though maybe not in those specific colors). So you could make that Yu Suzuki figure as pictured by buying the parts from Bricklink or something, though I don't think that specific torso comes in the color I chose.
by spacysmoke
Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:18 pm
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Shenmue Gaiden on Hiatus

Shenmue Gaiden has been placed on hold for the time being due to Esspiral no longer working on the project. While, I currently have a some assets for the game, more are needed in order to achieve the desired result.

I'll have to wait for more assets to become available from the modding community

The project will be released at a later date. Stay tuned for further updates.

Apologies, if this disappoints some of you, but it is what it is.

In the mean time, look forward to other community projects coming out on a regular basis on the shenmuedojo forums.

Thanks again.
November 2015 update
Greetings everyone. Today, I thought id update you all on the Shenmue Gaiden project. Everything is going according to plan and we're making great progress. It's certainly a very ambitious project, but i'm confident we can all make it a reality.

Shenmue Gaiden currently has two types of models, original and new. The upcoming demo will contain the original models, whilst the full game will contain the new detailed versions. These new renders take time unfortunately. Here's a sample of both types.

The image on the right is the newer model. It has improved lighting, textures, details and special effects. Esspiral continues to improve and his work is simply amazing. I wish I could show you more :)

Fully animated weather has now been implemented into Shenmue Gaiden. Currently, only rain is functional. Expect more in the full game.

Although this is a still image, the rain particles are fully animated when playing. This effect gives the game a more professional a authentic feel.

We now have the original Shenmue Modder, LanDC working with us. LanDC will be composing music for the title. I've heard a few sample tracks from him already and they sound GREAT!!!. Check out his latest public Shenmue remix below.

In addition to, we've also been given some other great amazing music for the project. Samples to come in following updates.

I'm happy to say that after some testing, Characters will now be able to blink and have their mouths move when speaking in a conversation. Here is a prototype shot of one of the characters.

During certain periods of the game, you'll be able to freely explore various areas. To do so, we've implemented a world map containing the playable areas of Guilin. Simply choose an area which you wish Ryo to visit and you'll be taken there instantly. Pick carefully, as each area will have different sub stories.

Throughout the game, you'll be given the option to spend more time with certain characters. You'll be given a ton of choices to choose from when engaging in conversation. Choose wisely. Each choice will alter the character's response and perception of you.

We now have a sample script for those who wish to do voice acting. Please record as many characters as you'd like and upload your demo reel to youtube or email them directly to [email protected]


Finally, we'll be posting a new help thread in the community section. This thread will be use to request specific help from everyone. We can't make this project fully without your input. Please help as much as you can. Link to follow.

That's Novembers update for you. Please give us your feedback, suggestions and questions. If you'd like to help out on the project, please send us an email. [email protected]

Thanks everyone.
Weekly update
- New Shenmue Gaiden Facebook Page
- New staff
- Amazing new voice actress
- More Faqs
- Exclusive release items
- General updates to the page
- Click the following link for the full breakdown

Send all your questions and requests to [email protected]
Facebook Page

Hey Shenmue fans. So over the last few months, me and the amazing Esppiral have been working together on a special project. We originally planned to reveal it back in June but chose to delay it as Shenmue 3 was announced. Never saw that coming lol.

Without further delay, the Shenmue Community would like to present to you all.....

Title : Shenmue Gaiden
Platform : PC/????
OS: Windows XP/7/8 / ????
Release date : 2016 / (Demo 2015)
Game Type: Visual Novel
Story: Non-Cannon. (This is a fan made game. Do not take the story seriously. It's something we threw together and does not represent the actual Shenmue story at all.)

All images are a work in progress. Expect massive improvements as the year goes on.

Shenmue Gaiden will be a spin off non-canon story and take place just before Ryo reaches Shenhua's house in Guilin. A second story based in Hong Kong will also be included. Shenmue Gaiden will focus on the Shenmue Online characters. The lady in red and Lan di will be involved, however, they will take more of a background role. This will be done as we dont wont to interfere with the original story too much. We would like it to feel as authentic as humanly possible.

After walking through the beautiful forest of Guilin for hours, Ryo and Shenhua finally reach their destination. This brief moment of peace is quickly interrupted as the pair are approached by a young girl begging for help. The Xiangjin village has been attacked by a woman dressed in red and group of men wearing black suits. Ryo and Shenhua make their way to the village to investigate. What sort of danger awaits them?

After being defeated by Ryo and his friends, Dou Niu and Yuan are determined to get revenge. They team up with an old foe and seek out the Heavens and Xiuying within Hong Kong.

Ryo - Hero of the series. He promises Lui Hui that he'll find the people responsible for the attack on Xiangjin village.
Shenhua - Heroine of the series. She is good friends with the children of Xiangjing village and accompanies Ryo throughout his travels in Guilin.

Lan Di - The main villain of Shenmue. His reasons for being in Guilin continue to be a mystery.
????? - Mysterious woman dressed in red.

Xiuying - One of the masters of Hong Kong. A very strong and independent woman. She is determined to stop Dou Niu and Yuan once and for all.
Ren - Leader of the Heavens. Nemesis to Dou Niu.

Luihui - An orphan child from Xiangjin village. She looks up to and respects Shenhua.
Shui - Another child from Xiangjin village. He is good friends with Lui Hiu
Maggie - A fearsome and mysterious woman

Chi You Men - The Henchmen of a mysterious organisation.

More to be added.......

All characters sprites will be in full HD and receive noticeable upgrades to their models. Different expressions will also be added to their faces depending on the situation. This will allow us to deliver an extra layer of realism.

Sprites will also receive various lighting effects depending on the background and time of day.

Finally, each sprite will have their eyes and mouths move when speaking or on screen.
Hopefully, all of these improvements will add an extra layer of realism and provide a better overall experience.

Character Model Improvements list
- HD Models
- Dynamic lighting
- Animated faces

All backgrounds in Shenmue Gaiden will be in FULL HD and optimized to support widescreen. Those who played the previous visual novel may have noticed the game running at a 800x600 resolution. This new entry will run at a minimum 1080x720 and support other resolutions.

The backgrounds will also received noticeable upgrades such as lighting and special effects.

Guilin Langhuishan Area

Textboxes has been customized to reflect the feel of Shenmue. The text itself is a work in progress. Here are some sample images from the game.

Ren And Joy

Yuan and ???

Chi You And Village Boy

Ryo and M

Cutscene images will also make a return. However, this time they will be custom made and not directly ripped from Shenmue 1 or 2.

Ryo Training

Ryo and Shenhua by a campfire


Ryo and Shenhua walking through the forest

Mechanics / Others

Shenhua's House
Each night, you'll return to Shenhua's house. Before you go to sleep, you'll be able to discuss the current events of the story, along with having a general discussion about every day life.

Shenhua will also teach you the game's system mechanics and give you advice about future events.

Choices, Choices, Choices

Image maps
Certain sections of the game will give you options to explore various areas at your leisure. Each path leading to a different area of the game.

Conversation choices
Those who played the first game knows that it was full of conversation choices which led to different responses. This game will have the same features but expand on them further.

Voiced characters
One feature we would really love to include is voiced characters. We would love the community to contribute to this. Adam Koralik, his girlfriend and others have already expressed their interest in doing voice over work.

More unique jobs than the first visual novel.


Music will consist of tracks from Shenmue online, Shenmue Orchestra, Fan made music and Shenmue 2 Guilin music.

More info to be revealed soon!!!

Q - What type of game is this?
A - This is a visual novel title. A visual novel is an interactive narrative driven game using static images, text and sometimes video clips. Think Pheonix Wright.

Q - Why did you make this?
A - This is a passion project and was made for the Shenmue Community. We haven't had a Shenmue game in 15 years, so we thought it would be nice to create one.

Q - How many people do you think will play this title
A - Not many. Maybe around 50 - 100.

Q - The character portraits look strange?
A - Esspiral is practically remaking the character models. Its hard work. Expect them to improve in the final game.

Q - Copyright /Sega/Ys net/Cedric Biscay
A - This is a non profit simple fan game. There are hundreds of Sega fangames all over the internet. That said, if Sega, Yu Suzuki, Cedric Biscay or anyone else involved with Shenmue want us to stop the project, then we will cancel it immediately. No questions asked.

Q - How did you make Niao S......i mean the lady in red
A - Me and Esspiral broke into SEGA HQ and stole the plans for Shenmue 5. In all seriousness, Esspiral has put a ton of work into creating this model. The result is magnificent as you can see.

Q - Can I help on the project?
A - Absolutely. Scroll down to the bottom of the thread and see the list of available jobs. Whichever one suits you, send us an email and we will go from there.

Q - You shouldn't interfere with the Shenmue story
A - This game is non canon and will focus on the characters that have been written off from the series (Shenmue online characters). Lady in red and Lan di will take a more background role.

Q - Can you make chapter 2? (Ryo traveling to Hong Kong via boat)
A - Its possible. One day, we may try it.

More FAQs coming soon....

The following individuals have shown interest in taking part in the Shenmue Gaiden project. More staff will be added in the coming weeks. Some individuals may want to withdraw from their current positions in the future. Staffing not final. Wishlist staff are the ones we would like to recruit. Current staff, please email us regarding any additional info. [email protected]
- ShenSun (Producer/Director)
- Esspiral (Producer/Director)
- David Diville (Shenmue Master/French coordinator)

- Shengoro James (Shenmue 500k coordinator)
- Ziming
- Yama

A sample of various phrases/lines/part of the script will be sent out to the voice over team in the coming weeks. Casting of characters will then take place.
- Adam Koralik & Mrs Claus
- Adoxographist
- Shengoro James
- Laura Eliza
- Axm
- David Diville
- Ceej & Brother
- T'Pei
- Heather Chu Bishop
- Giorgio
- Ryo911
- Bryan Figueroa
- More to be added.....

Shown interest. Awaiting Confirmation.
- Eternal Dragon
- Happy Console Gamer

- Esspiral
- Riken productions
- Matthew Velazquez
- François Bilodeau
- More to be added

Needs to confirm
- David Formston

- LanDC
- Miles Prower
- Adrian Farrugia (Editor)
- Redandwhite
- ShenmueP1

If you would like to help on the project, let us know. This is a community project, so all help is welcome.

Current jobs
-- Voice Overs (To voice certain characters in the game)
- Fan Artist (To draw Shenmue fanart)
-- Voice Ripper (To rip voice files of specific characters from Shenmue 1/2)
-- Editor (Read the script for spelling and grammar mistakes)
-- Video Editor (Create trailers for game and to demonstrate updates on youtube)
-- Photoshop Designer (Create wallpapers and promotional images for the game)
-- Music Creator (To remaster or create original Shenmue inspired soundtracks)
--Any other unique skill that you may have, let us know. Contact us at [email protected] or message us through Shenmuedojo

The following is the development plan for the rest of the year. If we stick to this vague schedule, we should be able to release a demo on Christmas day. Some crucial info may be missing. Updates to the page as we notice them.

October 21st - 31st 2015
• Base game / engine built. (COMPLETE)
• import all current backgrounds / characters (COMPLETE)
• complete basic structure for Guilin demo chapter (COMPLETE)

November 1st - 30th
• Incorporate events, ?, story branches, social events, image maps, music etc.
• Shenmue Gaiden update on the 3rd

December 1st - 10th
• proofread script
• Shenmue Gaiden update on the 3rd
• hand script over to David Deville for French translation
• Receive final demo script
• Have script voiced by voice actors

December 19th - 24th
• Have script voiced by voice actors
• Send copy to david and esspiral for approval.

December 25th
• Eat Christmas dinner and open presents
• Release Shenmue Gaiden Demo
• Presents for all.

December 31st - 1st January
• New announcements
• Feedback
• Party

Updates will continue, with major updates being released on the 3rd of each month.

Many Thanks.

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Thanks a million guys. We hope you all enjoy the game.

by ShenSun
Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:28 pm
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KS Update #43 - Thank you from Yu Suzuki

Today Yu Suzuki took his time for one final update on the Kickstarter page in wich he thanks all the fans for their work on Shenmue images and videos and their great support on the Shenmue III Kickstarter campaign.

On July 17th, the Kickstarter campaign for Shenmue III drew to a finish. Because of you, the backers and the fans, Shenmue III set the Guinness record for the fastest game to reach $1 million, past the funding goal of $2 million in just 8 and a half hours, set the record for video games on Kickstarter, and became the 6th most funded project on Kickstarter, collecting $6.33 million.

All of this was accomplished by your efforts. Through the illustrations you drew, the videos you produced, and all that you did throughout the campaign, I could not help but feel the deep love you have for Shenmue.

Even after 14 years have gone by, to see this outpouring of support is something one as a creator can only dream of. There can be no better feeling than what you have given me, and for that I will be eternally grateful.

We have just started getting into development, and as we move ahead, I will listen to all of you to make Shenmue III even better.

I thank you again all for your support, and wholeheartedly look forward to the rest of our journey together.

Yu Suzuki
Links & Hashtags: #TheFinalBlow #SaveShenmue
Kickstarter Update | Forum Discussion | Shenmue 3 Kickstarter | News Archive
by BlueMue
Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:00 am
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Re: Any rules up in this place?

Gon - Everyday, without neglect, to keep training
Dan - Be brave and stay calm to make the right decision
Jie - Judge yourself without conceit and do not show moves thoughtlessly
Yi - To act without hesitation, to do what is right

Pretty easy, peasy.

Seriously though, you'll have to point these being purged, since I just recall people coming back causing trouble. Or bots. Unless there's something I've missed?

EDIT: People getting banned are alternative accounts of previously banned people pretending to be other people (sometimes pretending to sound younger). Just to clarify.
by Henry Spencer
Wed Jul 22, 2015 12:56 pm
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Re: Shenmue 1 would be the PERFECT size for Shenmue 3

Yeah, I'm somewhat suspicious of those "official" translations from things like the Twitter Q&A :)

There was some clarification directly from Yu on the recent Kickstarter countdown twitch stream though:
In the town of Choubu, I will be making an effort to implement a detailed open world that will be comparable to Dobuita.
So it sounds like Choubu at least will be on a scale comparable to Dobuita and packed with a lot of locations to visit and things to do as budget allows e.g. the stretch goals on Kickstarter such as additional mini games, betting games, kung fu mastery, part time jobs, game stalls.
by Switch
Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:11 am
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Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

They should rename this:
"Is judging a 3 disc game by the first 10 minutes a good idea?"
by Axm
Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:09 am
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Re: What Song Are You Listening To Now?

I was gonna type this out but then realized.. it would be much better if I made a meme out of it...

by Axm
Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:19 am
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Re: The prototype of Xiuying

Interesting stuff, welcome!

Can you post a link to the Podcast?

OK, the podcast is in chinese. You can listen to it in their website and iTunes.

The part about Xiuying and Ms. Zhang starts at 46:20.

Thanks! =D>


Say Hi to the Shenmue China fans for us 8)
by NeoShredder
Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:41 am
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The prototype of Xiuying

Sorry for my poorly english, I'm a shenmue fan from china.
And I just heard something about the prototype of Xiuying, from Gadio, a chinese TV-game podcast.

In Yu-san's tour to china, his tour guide Ms. Zhang told him the past of her family. Because her grandfather had worked for japanese during the WW II, her parents suffered persecution and died in the cultural revolution. And her elder sister joined the Red Guards (红卫兵, the group killed Ms. Zhang's parents) after that.
Yu-san got inspiration from Ms. Zhang, he planned to design a character named Zhang Hongyu (张红玉) for Virtua fighter 3.
Finally Zhang Hongyu became Hong Xiuying, and there is no doubt that Ms. Zhang's family story is the source of the plot of Xiuying and Ziming.

The interviews of Yu suzuki in beep MD magazines:
by Youzhi
Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:52 am
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Re: Playing the trial before final

What's Shenmue 3 ~ Find Director Gio Corsi ~
by Giorgio
Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:43 pm
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Playing the trial before final

Yeah, after all these years the last thing I want is a taste, I want the full course. Also, I don't want the first moments spoiled in any way. I've waited forever to see them, I want to see them proper. The only thing I could see working would be a What's Shenmue approach, something irrelevant, yet gives us a taste of the engine, etc.
by Yama
Sat Jul 25, 2015 12:26 am
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#SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon

On August 3rd the first #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon takes place, evolving from the #SaveShenmue campaign that culminated with the recent Shenmue 3 Kickstarter.

Focusing on the need expressed by both Yu Suzuki and the fans for Sega to re-release Shenmue 1 & 2 ahead of Shenmue 3's launch, the Tweetathon lasts all day on the 3rd of each month using the new hashtag, and includes a mass simultaneous AutoTweet of messages stored in advance at , where you can learn more about the campaign.
by Team Yu
Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:18 pm
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by Guest
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The Villages: everything we know so far

I'm most excited by the new locations we'll get to explore, so I've collected images and descriptions of what we already know...


Concept art and photos:

Yu Suzuki said: Baisha will show off what Shenmue is all about. Live out a siege game reminiscent of the Warring kingdoms. See what strategist will come out on top.

May possibly feature an 'infiltration mission' into the Chi You Men's Guilin branch. The buildings shown in the concept art are called Tulous. They are between three and five stories high, can house up to 80 families and are easily defensible.


Concept art and photos:

Yu Suzuki said: Choubu is a riverside village with lots of shops, souvenir stores, hotels and temples. The quests in this village should be very enjoyable, I think.

And: Amidst the mystical scenery of the Li River, Choubu lies in a water colour painting come to life. The port of call will be filled with souvenir shops and hotels, shrines and village dwellings. Expect to meet a sage master of Nanquan there .

This area may feature the 'Magic Maze' technique of generating building interiors. It could also feature a part time job of some sort.


Concept art and photos:

Yu Suzuki said: Bailu is the village where Shenhua was raised and also a place that Ryo's father, Iwao, had visited when he was younger. Here as well the quests will play an important role as Ryo and Shenhua start their journey.

And: Shenmue 2 ends at Shenhua's house in the outskirts of Bailu village. Bailu village is waiting to be explored for real.

Have I missed any information?
by colacube
Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:33 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki's Twitter: 29/7 SIII Kick-off Meeting/Dinner

Does someone know who is the guy at Yu's right ?
That's Yasuharu Sadaie, General Manager Shibuya Productions Japan.
by Kiyuu
Wed Jul 29, 2015 11:41 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki Interviewed in GamesTM Magazine

I got the PDF of the issue. Wow such a great read. It is 4 pages long.
by Anthony817
Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:29 pm
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Re: #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon

The first ever #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon is in the books, and with great relief we can say it looked a lot like every previous incarnation of the event.

We'll admit it, we were concerned - we didn't know how well the new hashtag would take hold, or how many people still had the spirit to fight on when the main battle was won. But as you always do, you proved the doubters wrong. Word spread with ease and August 3rd was awash with demand to re-release the games that started it all.

We can't begin to say how proud we are of the Shenmue fanbase for its commitment to see this through until every last wrong has been righted, every loose thread sewn up. How easy it would be to sit back and relax now that Shenmue III has been confirmed. To let others worry about restoring the original games for new fans. We're alright, Jack - we've already played them.

But a new generation awaits, who have yet to experience the magic of Shenmue 1 & 2 that has captivated and enchanted so many fans at such a deep, unshakeable level that even fourteen years later, Shenmue was able to be saved.

And if those of us who understand the importance of these unique titles don't do everything in our power to make them accessible to new players, then who will?

Shenmue III was made possible by a groundswell of public support, and with your continued help, the same irresistable force will find a crack in the immovable object known as Sega. Shenmue will be reborn on modern platforms and a new audience will discover what we've all known for a decade and a half.

That the story NEEDED to go on.

Thank you so much for your participation and we look forward to seeing you out there again on September 3rd, securing Shenmue's future by sharing and celebrating its past.
by Team Yu
Tue Aug 04, 2015 4:30 pm
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Re: Phil Spencer (Xbox) talks about Shenmue 3

Third party titles is the reason I will buy a PlayStation console for the first time ever.
by Giorgio
Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:41 am
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