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Re: What TV series are you watching?

Black Mirror. S3 Ep3. Holy FUCK that is probably one of the darkest bits of TV I have ever watched, I could feel the tension just watching it!

I keep hearing that..! Gotta get into that series asap I guess.

Totally worth it. And the thing is you can start right off from Season 3 as each episode is a self contained story. I didn't even watch Season 1 and 2 yet tbh.

Series one, episode two, is possibly the greatest piece of television I've ever seen, but that might just be because the themes are very appealing to me anyway. "Shut Up and Dance" is my favourite episode of the entire programme, though. Absolutely fucking amazing stuff.

Season 1 episode 2 fucking hurts man.
That rant. And how they simply make truth , the antithesis to that whole nasty system, a part of said system by turning it into another sellable product. Haunting stuff and sadly an accurate mirror for us.
Black Mirror = :heart:
by Monkei
Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:53 am
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Re: To All The Donators of "Shenmue 3" worldwide: Roll Call!

Let's Get Sweaty wrote: I shudder to imagine what must have occurred in LeRoi's life to make him so bitter and spiteful on a video game message board.

Lost his savings and mind over buying a fake Bugatti maybe?
by Monkei
Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:14 pm
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Your most anticipated games of 2017 and beyond

It's that time of the year again and lists are always fun, so what are you looking forward to the most?

I can't wait for these:

1. Shenmue III
2. Outcast: Second Contact
3. Yooka-Laylee
4. Death Stranding
5. The Last of Us Part II
6. Red Dead Redemption 2
7. Psychonauts 2
8. Crash Bandicoot: N-Sane Trilogy
9. Oddworld: Soulstorm
10. Resident Evil 2: We do it

Honorable mentions: Wild, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Gravity Rush 2
by Monkei
Tue Dec 13, 2016 12:52 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

^ Got my reservations for Thursday. :)
by Monkei
Sun Dec 11, 2016 2:09 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

just saw star wars rogue one. no spoilers from me but i will say its a shame there was no opening text crawl or classic theme tune to kick off the movie. those little things kick start the nostalgia.

i would give it 8/10.

the ending is pretty good.

Gonna see it in about 1,5 hours. I can already say that I'm happy to hear about the lack of the classic opening though - that's a thing that belongs to the main episodes and should be kept out of any spin-off IMO.
by Monkei
Thu Dec 15, 2016 1:20 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

Guys, Yu Suzuki literally said in this update that he's staying in his office overnight because he cares so much about Shenmue III. It's shameful to call Shenmue III 'humiliating' after seeing screenshots that we probably pressured the team to release with our constant messages after PSX. If the team are behind, we need to be understanding and supportive instead of going 'Games Media' mode. Shenmue III will be a great game, even if we have to wait a while longer for the good stuff to come to light.

Jibby - The voice of reason! Love it when you post as you manage to put exactly what I am thinking, into better words than I ever could!

Yep, good to hear someone making so much sense on here!
by Monkei
Thu Dec 15, 2016 8:08 pm
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Three random gaming things:

1. Jesus, A Boy and His Blob has got to be the most heartwarming thing I've ever played. Cleared the first area (forest) so far and really enjoyed looking for treasure chests and hugging the shit out of the adorable little guy.

2. So I recently got the Toybox-Demo from preordering Yooka-Laylee for PS4, and playing it filled me with joy. I mean I'd say the camera still needs a little work, and it all felt a little sterile (which is mostly due to the barebones "virtual reality" look and colour scheme of the demo stage though, which is obviously meant for players to get to know and have fun with the mechanics, without necessarily giving a taste of what it's all gonna look like). Haven't found all feathers on my first playthrough, but I'll happily give it another try in the coming days or weeks, probably when I get the chance to play it with my little brother. Things that stood out to me: Firstly, the writing is lovely. The few pieces of dialogue (or monologue) you're getting in this are spot on, hitting that good old Banjo-Kazooie humour from back in the day. Second thing are the sound effects, which are brilliant and just as spot on as the writing. From the awesome squeaky-like sounds it makes when Yooka and Laylee are rolling around (which felt so satisfying, mainly due to the sound!) to the tiny pieces of blabbering from the characters' in the pause/options menu, to the 'collecting feathers'-jingle (or whatever you call those one-second-melodies) and so on. And there's that little ghost, somewhere in the stage, trying to get away while cheekily laughing at you - god, that actually made me laugh out loud. And not to forget the music, which perfectly suits the whole thing. All in all it just felt very, very N64 and was a blast to try out.

3. To the fellow Let It Die players amongst you (anyone playing besides OL and Henry Spencer?) - what are you thinking so far? Have you progressed much beyond the first boss? I just beat him this morning and shamefully have to admid that I bought 10 of those revival coins twice , for €6 each time, to get to that point. More patience and practice might have saved me that money, but I died during some mid boss and thought to myself "Well, fuck this. I'll just buy my way through you, because fuck this game and fuck my life and all my money. Money can get me everywhere!" So yeah, that's €-12 and a couple of days of feeling stupid for me. Guess that's how Suda envisioned it.
Other than that I really liked what I got from the game so far - the stylishly fucked up look of everything, the Suda-ness, the soundtrack, the frog noises (gheddo gheddo!). I guess I'll see how far I can get from here till I run out of revivals again, and then I'll probably call it quits.
by Monkei
Thu Dec 22, 2016 10:22 am
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Re: Lets Talk Shenmue HD

Himuro wrote:
Anonymous81 wrote: Wait... there was also a rumored Skies of Arcadia HD!?

Don't do that to me! You don't understand! Lol. I want that ALMOST as much as Shenmue 3!

They were working on it/it was in the pipeline

That was never officially confirmed though if I'm not mistaken..
by Monkei
Mon Dec 26, 2016 6:34 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

I didn't expect to be this upset about Carrie Fisher's death. It's not like I knew her. It's not like I'm mourning anyone that was present in my own, real life. And it's not like she was a saint or superhuman in her role-model-worthiness. I tell myself I'm mourning a character more than a person... but that's not quite entirely true.

What I'm mourning, are the bricks and mortar that built my childhood. People who epitomized youthfulness and vitality to me - in various fields, but especially the myriad creative arts - are checking out right and left. It is both a reminder of mortality (my own bearing down on me faster than any of us like to think about or concede,) and a sad further erosion of the symbols and landmarks of my "wonder years."

Yet another emphatic notice that some things and people are gone forever, and will never be coming back. It's easy to just say, "Well that's life." Or, "So what? People die every day. You don't cry about those poor unfortunates." Well, duh. (Though I do try to spare a thought for them whenever possible.) But there are billions of people on Earth, all of whom will live and die in their course, and it's not practical or possible to be aware of all of their births and passings.

Those we do become privy to though, naturally affect us more than those we're unaware of. And even if we don't know them, those who play important roles in our formative years... those into whom we invest empathetic and cathartic emotional weight whether it be a musician whose song we wore out a tape or record listening to repeatedly for years, or an actor who portrayed a beloved character that meant the world to us... when they go, we feel it.

We shouldn't, probably. It's not rational. But we feel it. And I feel this one particularly acutely for whatever reason.

If Yu Suzuki passed away tomorrow, I imagine many here would feel similarly. Or maybe not. Maybe some here are such realists or objectivists that nothing phases them. I don't know. But this one hit me hard.

Anyway... just rambling.

Well said!
by Monkei
Wed Dec 28, 2016 4:46 am
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

Bye christmas money, hello Rise of the Tomb Raider, Until Dawn, XCOM 2 and The Walking Dead: A New Frontier :D
by Monkei
Fri Dec 30, 2016 8:23 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

phpBB [video]

:lol: :lol: :lol:
by Monkei
Sun Jan 08, 2017 11:27 am
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Re: QTE Fail montage in HD

Cool montage, thanks for sharing! Nice channel, too! :)
by Monkei
Sun Jan 08, 2017 1:11 pm
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

One final level and boss and challenge and I'm done with A Boy and His Blob. That final blob form, unlocked after the citadel world, actually made good for the major frustrations the little asshole caused me by facing his cannon form in the wrong direction 80% of the time. And by being too retarded to reach his jellybeans in time. I love the beautiful art-style and still think the game is kinnnd of a gem, but definitely a flawed one. Lacks polish.
by Monkei
Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:29 pm
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Re: Religion

Is there a God/Gods?

Short answer: No. But I'd like to hear your definition of "God". Human-like being, something that created us and judges us? No. That shit is ridiculous.

If you believe in no gods at all why do you choose not to?

Well, it's not really a choice to me. I find the whole concept of believing pretty nonsensical. To me believing means liking the thought of something and choosing to view it as real - I can't do that when logic tells me otherwise, tells me how religions and myths most likely came to be and everything. About ten years ago I began seeing through all that religious bullshit - and that's not really something you can unsee.

What are your views on Judaism, Christianity and Islam?

People can do and think what they want, as long as it's not causing anyone harm. Don't really have the time to delve into what harm and what good these religions bring right now.

What are your views on Hinduism and Buddhism?
What are your views on other spiritual beliefs such as Bahais, Zoroastrianism etc?

Don't know enough about Hinduism. Buddhism always seemed kinda attractive to me. I think it teaches some cool things, but in the end it's all still to spiritual for me. I'm not a spiritual person, I think there's no reason or purpose or whatever for anything. Matter of fact I don't even think that we really exist. That person each one of us thinks he is is not really there, from a zoomed out perspective.
Don't know anything about the latter two beliefs I'm afraid. Gonna look them up later!

What are your views on Atheists, Agnostics?

I'm skipping this for now as I have to get off the train and smartphone in a couple minutes. Might elaborate on whatever seems worthy of it later though!
by Monkei
Sat Jan 14, 2017 2:24 pm
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Re: Why are today's game players so negative?

Himuro wrote:
sand4fish wrote: I guess now it's the right time for me to say to you that you must accept Jesus in your life. ;-)

But Yu Suzuki is already in my life.

You're the king of all cringe evokers.
by Monkei
Wed Jan 18, 2017 2:12 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 due to ship along side Super Mario Odysee a wo

Sorry for probably coming off grumpy, but all I can reply to this topic is "...really?".. according to which logic do Shenmue III and Super Mario Odyssey kater to the same crowd of gamers/consumers?

I already found the Red Dead Redemption 2 worries pretty weird. Sure, games like Titanfall 2 are direct competition for games like Call of Duty and that situation had Titanfall lose out. And yeah, Shenmue III is probably kinnnnd of an open world game, but eh, not really. Neither were Shenmue I and II. They're games with big areas and a lot of detail and quite some freedom, too, but not what we today understand as open world. These titles have huge budgets, one big area with as much freedom and ways to seemlessly get around as possible and tons of annoying side shit. No-one is really gonna consider Shenmue III as a third option when he has to decide between Assassin's Creed and Red Dead Redemption because he wants an action- and fun- and "coolness"-filled open world title. Like someone already said in the RDR2 discussion - Shenmue has his own niche. Either you want it or you don't, there isn't really something you could get instead ..

See, now I had to talk about RDR2 and open world games, because that Mario thing you brought up is too stupid to even debate about :p
by Monkei
Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:47 am
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Re: What are you currently playing?

^ Yeah, I was a little annoyed by the cliche story and characters and spectacle, too. Still, the gameplay in itself was great and more fun than Uncharted 4 to me, due to TR's focus on exploration (of stunningly beautiful environments) over shooting people.

Regarding Uncharted I feel that being cliche is part of the concept. Take adventure movie cliches and turn them into the most highly polished and fun videogame (with too much shooting and chest-high covers to get behind though. I always had to pause the Uncharted games for a while after only a couple of hours.. coming out of the last intense shootout with dozens of enemies, entering the next area only to hear "I see him!", which indicated the start of the next battle really had me going "Awww man, Jesus. Here we go again. Sigh." many many times.). The cliche thing works, because Uncharted is about fun. Tomb Raider wants to be gritty, so the cliches are a minus and make you roll your eyes.

Oh well. In the end I enjoy both series a lot, but can't really put either of them among my all-time favourites. They're both just too "AAA".
by Monkei
Fri Jan 20, 2017 5:25 am
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Re: Yakuza series

by Monkei
Mon Jan 23, 2017 6:38 am
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Re: Yakuza series

They should probably do a Kiwami-style remake of Yakuza 2 and then just churn out ports or (at the most) remasters of 3-5, in order to get the whole series on PS4 without splitting their resources between the old and new games any longer than they have to.

Yeah, they need to do a Kiwami of 2. Simply putting 3-5 on PS Now instead of porting or remastering them would be okay too, I guess. Unless that thing stays restricted to the few countries it's available in at the moment.
by Monkei
Tue Jan 24, 2017 11:30 am
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Maybe Yakuza first? There's another Yakuza coming out this year, and the more games you play inbetween, the better. Who knows when they'll make another Gravity Rush. No need to.. rush it?
by Monkei
Tue Jan 24, 2017 6:28 am
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Re: Yakuza series

I sadly can't afford the game (or Gravity Rush 2 or Resident Evil 7) at the moment and usually don't buy € 60/70 games on day one anyway, but damn, I envy you guys. =P~
by Monkei
Sun Jan 29, 2017 5:00 am
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Re: The Last Guardian

I've got to admit I too had some moments of frustration with this game - controls, camera, and yes, AI. It took about two thirds of the game until I started to appreciate the AI "problems" as really well simulated man-beast-communication-struggles (pretty much agree with Peter about the AI). I love cats, despite never having owned one myself (two of my ex girlfriends did though) and was very impressed by Trico's realistic patterns of behaviour and the way he moves and reacts to everything. The way he doesn't follow each of your orders directly but has his own mind makes him feel more real and much less videogamey. What it also does is making the boy and Trico's friendship more natural and really two-sided.. there's stuff the boy can figure out and do to help them both progress, and there's stuff Trico can figure out and do, and it's great that the player often can't or doesn't have to control that. It actually feels like the other one is also doing his part. Like sometimes I'd just climb on his back, pet him and see if he'd come up with something, some way to climb up or whatever. Just enjoying the ride and trusting him to do his part.
And that ending..
My favourite moment of the game was reaching the top of that final tower.. having climbed all the way to the top of that colossal piece of architecture, bathed in the light of the slowly setting sun, the boy and the beast resting for a moment before attempting to make their final flight to freedom.. fucking brilliant. Kinda simple, yet totally stunning.
This game really is something. Something unique (despite the basic idea still seeming to be a mix of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus). I feel it's gonna stay with me for days at the least, probably weeks to come. And even though I pretty much never play through anything twice anymore (gotta keep getting through that backlog), I feel I'll have to play it again some day. But then again, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll stick with this one special playthrough and keep missing the AI-beast, just like the boy does. When I replayed The Last of Us and Journey I kinda felt it took away from the experience, witnessing that stuff again, repeating it, playing those great moments again without feeling their impact like I did the first time. But we'll see. I'm not sure I can avoid a second playthrough, as I already feel how it's drawing me back.
This game is pure magic.

EDIT: Forgot to mention how beautiful it looks. Loved that great and in many places beautifully subtle use of lighting. Trico looks pretty great, too. It's also the perfect continuation of what Ueda started with Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, and the best out of those three I think.
by Monkei
Mon Jan 30, 2017 4:15 am
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Re: Psychonauts 2

phpBB [video]
by Monkei
Mon Feb 06, 2017 9:59 am
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Re: Psychonauts 2

Yeah, that's how I felt. Looks very much like the first game so far.. but it's too early to tell whether the whole game will feel like that. I'm also wondering why Raz switched back to his "not-yet-a-psychonaut"-outfit after having changed his look at the end of the first game. I mean yeah, he's a mascot-style platformer hero I guess, and those don't really change their basic look much at all (brand recognition and stuff), but I had really wished for more evolution there. I would have liked to play as full-blown psychonaut Raz. Similar to how Himuro would have liked a grown up Raz. Oh well. Wait and see, I guess. I'm still very excited it's coming.
by Monkei
Tue Feb 07, 2017 3:24 am
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Re: Politics

I love that Trump has made good on his campaign promises so fast, which is something I haven't seen any politician do in my lifetime.

Except for those tax releases eh? :p And did you watch the swamp filling video above?

How do you Trump guys feel about the constant lying that's been going on? I mean that's happening all the time and everywhere of course, but rarely as obvious/childish/ridiculous as here. Alternate facts? :lol: Kind of a dictatorship style, ain't it. A clown parade is ruling your country now and makes the US look dumber than under Bush. You guys once again (and more than ever before) look like idiots to the rest of the world (your president very clearly is one and makes a fool out of himself everytime he opens his mouth or fucking tweets like an 8-year-old).. does that affect you at all? The fact that we live in a world where this is the lesser of two evils, where this is the better choice (I'm glad Hilary didn't win, that fucking evil cunt) makes me feel frustrated as hell. As you can probably tell.
by Monkei
Tue Feb 07, 2017 10:05 am
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Wanted to check out the For Honor beta ("beta", two weeks before release.. they used to call that a demo back in the day), but fuck Ubisoft for trying to force their Uplay crap down player's throats. Instantly quit and deleted it.
by Monkei
Wed Feb 08, 2017 5:26 am
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Re: MAGIC 2017 - Schrödinger's Shenmue

At least Square Enix had a few screenshots to show at MAGIC..

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Kingdom Hearts III
by Monkei
Sun Feb 19, 2017 5:36 am
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Re: What new open world features do you want to see?

From a reddit ama:

Q: Any possibility of a bicycle finally being added to Shenmue 3? Thank you so much again, Yu!

A: There is a 60 horsepower bike in Shenmue 1. For Shenmue, 3 I was thinking about something with 1 horsepower.
by Monkei
Thu Feb 23, 2017 9:02 am
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Re: Your HD remaster cravings?

I'd like remastered PS4 ports of Heavenly Sword and Folklore. Never played those on PS3 and would prefer to play them with trophies.
by Monkei
Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:12 am
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Jump to topic Shenmue I&II HD in 2017, SIII maybe 2018

Sounds pretty baseless and is written in a somewhat semi-professional way, but hey, you never know.

Shenmue HD Remaster coming in 2017
on February 25, 2017 by I love Japanese games

A trusted source close to Atlus USA, today revealed to me that Shenmue HD Remaster will be released this year. Both games, Episodes 1 & 2, may be released together rather than separately. They are presumably being geared up for launch to precede Shenmue 3, which could possibly slip into 2018.

This will come as no surprise. Last year Sega hinted strongly that a Shenmue HD remaster was on the cards and then towards the end of last year, Sega registered the domain Furthermore, many have known of the existence of a Shenmue HD Remaster for some time. Way back in 2010, a Shenmue II remaster appeared on Microsoft’s Partnernet – the online ecosystem for Xbox 360 dev kits.

So it was a always case of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’ a Shenmue HD Remaster would appear.

The appearance of an HD remaster will be vital for the success of the forthcoming Shenmue 3. While it raised a colossal amount of money via kickstarter through long-time series fans, the vast majority of gamers won’t know the events of the first two games.

Such a story rich experience would be impossible to appreciate without knowledge of the events so far – and so it’s an important step for the series to find a new, broader fanbase.

No further details have been revealed to us regarding the release. We were told it is ‘safe to assume a PC/Steam release’, there has been no indication that the Shenmue HD Remasters will appear on any other platform.
EDIT: Today (March 9) the article was updated with the following:
Over the last few weeks I’ve had a huge amount of messages (thanks all!) regarding the Shenmue leak, so I thought I should clarify a few points in the body of this article rather than in the comments below. So many people have reported on this story it’s amazing how many have distorted some of the detail.

The only things I know for certain are;
1/ Shenmue HD is complete. It’s basically done.
2/ Shenmue HD will be released this year.

The elements which I have not received 100% confirmation of.
1/ I don’t know specifics about publisher or platforms.
2/ PS4 wasn’t mentioned – but that’s not to say it won’t happen. (It will be of course) but I don’t KNOW this for a fact. (But of course it will be)
3/ Episode 1&2 together ‘may be’ released together.
4/ Shenmue 3 delay is pretty likely.

ILJG guesswork – because why not.
1/ Probably confirmed before E3 – because GET ON WITH IT ALREADY.
2/ Fuku-san Bikini DLC packs – every week from launch.
3/ Someone somewhere at Sega must see the wisdom of releasing Phantasy Star Online on Switch, right?
4/ Phantasy Star Online.
5/ Please GOD Phantasy Star Online.
by Monkei
Sat Feb 25, 2017 5:18 am
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts


This thought randomly comes back to me every once in a while and makes me smile. I don't think I've ever enjoyed being a 'gamer' more than right now. Not only because of Shenmue of course, there's a lot of other stuff, and it's the sum of it all that makes me feel so good about it. But Shenmue is a big and important part of that. Probably still the biggest, even (or especially) after all those years.
by Monkei
Sun Feb 26, 2017 11:00 am
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Re: Nier: Automata

Guess you have to actually play it for it to resonate with you on an emotional level.

I'd probably argue that that's the same with any great game, to a degree at least. The defining trait of videogames as a whole is their interactivity, and actually experiencing something (as opposed to just seeing it happen) tends to have a greater impact.

True and a good point, but what I meant is when I see a trailer for a game like Yooka-Laylee oder Death Stranding than my mind is pretty much blown, or at least I'm really really interested. I don't get that from what I've seen of Nier.. and my guess is that you can't really see what's so great or interesting about it on its surface, you really need the whole experience to get it. Something like that. I don't know if that makes sense. What makes this game interesting for me is what you guys (and other Nier fans in comments and user reviews) are saying about it. And I think you got me, I guess I need to play that game someday. I'll wait till the end of the year, and if they haven't announced a PS4 remaster by then, I'll get the PS3 version, if I have the chance ro play it on somebody's PS3. Or I'll wait a little longer, we'll see. : D
by Monkei
Wed Mar 08, 2017 7:58 pm
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Re: Religion

Thank you Sandfish.

I used to think that the universe was chaotic. But I'm starting to see a little order in it. The fact that something like gravity exists at all suggests order is real. Laws, atoms, the fact all life forms on Earth are made of carbon, the fact that we're made of "star stuff" hints that there is more order than I care to admit. And it humbles me in awe.

The more I ruminate over it the more I realize that atheism is a poverty of philosophical thought and the more I start to lean agnostic theist.

Sure there is order, in everything. The universe has physical/natural/call them whatever you like laws, which determine everything that happens in it. It's all grand and great and breathtaking when you think about it, but in no way is "order -> creator" or the other way around ever a logical conclusion to those observations. This universe wasn't "made" in a way for you to he able to exist and function in it. Nobody thought of you and then created the perfect surroundings and conditions. Those conditions just were. And then you came to be because the conditions not only allowed it, but determned it. And hey, what's that "you" you're thinking is doing all that thinking anyway? A bunch of other, smaller organisms that have influence from within, a bunch of outer influences, a bunch of memories. An organic computer that digests its surroundings the only way it can. Part of a species that had the mental and bodily (bigger brains, hands with thumbs, other stuff) abilities to create signs that represent sounds or ideas, which gave room to expand what was already written down, which in turn lead to new thoughts (all made possible through language), which then again expanded the collected knowledge and so on and so on. That inderdependency of language and thought lead to the way we perceive reality today. It's all nature, all physics, all microorganisms and atoms and quantum physics and whatever. Not only do we in no meaningful way differ from the other animals - in the end we don't differ from anything in this universe. Not the chair you're sitting in, the smartphone you're holding or that cloud in the sky outside your window. "You" don't really exist. At least that's my take on it. Now go back to feeling bad about yourself.
by Monkei
Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:20 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

^ Put a PS4 under it, download Netflix and Youtube? :D
by Monkei
Fri Mar 10, 2017 2:05 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #65: Dev room update

This is amazing . =D>

I love how they're teasing this game. When it's revealed in full I'm going to lose my shit.
I take it you're not going to the press then? Or slitting your wrists? Or whatever other crazy thought might have crossed your mind on that tragic day your brain turned into snow? :lol: JK buddy. :P
by Monkei
Thu Mar 16, 2017 10:06 am
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Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania

Fresh from an Austin Texas based event called SXSW: the first gameplay of Sonic Forces, formerly known as Project Sonic 2017, filmed offscreen. The game is being made by the Sonic Colors/Sonic Generations team and will feature classic Sonic gameplay, 3D gameplay and a yet unannounced third gameplay mode. Coming holiday 2017.

Below that you'll find a new Sonic Mania video and a one hour video of SEGA's SXSW 2017 panel, showing gameplay from both Sonic Forces and Sonic Mania, which is by the way being delayed from spring to summer 2017. Sonikku might be pretty happy about how promising Forces is looking, there's some pretty spectacular stuff going on in the background of that stage. Enjoy!

Both games are coming out on PS4, Xbox One, Switch and PC.
by Monkei
Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:45 am
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Re: Nier: Automata

Ah, okay, I getcha then. I've totally experienced that before; I think I was that way with Demon's/Dark Souls at first. I didn't really get why there was so much fervor over them before I'd tried them, because on the surface, through trailers and whatnot, it just looked like a bunch of random medieval fantasy tropes. "So what?" I thought.
Of course playing them turned that around pretty quick.
I still feel that way about the Mass Effect series too. Looks like the most generic sci-fi imaginable, and I don't have much desire to play them at all. But with all the acclaim they've gotten, I still get the feeling that playing them might change that perception.
So yeah, I can understand if Nier doesn't seem so hot from the outside.

If nothing else, I recommend listening to a little bit of the soundtrack. This stuff, even out of context, would be enough to convince me to play it, personally. ;-)

When it comes right down to it, even though I'm not quite as nutty about Nier as some others (still love it regardless, don't get me wrong), this is simply some of the best music in gaming in my eyes.

Hmm, I'm not as much into Japanese music and vocals as you are (at least that's what I got from browsing bits of that Japanese music topic for example), but yeah, those are some fine tunes. Nothing that convinces me of really needing this game (and soundtracks can have that effect on me) right now, but still very beautiful. In the end it's all a matter of personal taste, heh.
Well, now that you've explained it, the four endings sound pretty great and not like a chore at all. Like I said, for now I won't go out of my way to play Nier on a PS3, but me buying an eventual PS4 remaster is a sure thing. Mainly thanks to you and Henry explaining your love for it. :D
by Monkei
Thu Mar 16, 2017 3:19 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #65: Dev room update

"Most indie games are crap", wow. That's a pretty damn ignorant and uneducated claim. And if you wanna communicate with others you can't just make up your own definitions of widespread terms like AAA..

"An AAA game (usually pronounced "triple A game") is an informal classification used for video games with the highest development budgets and levels of promotion. AAA game development is associated with high economic risk, with high levels of sales required to obtain profitability.

In the mid 2010s the term AAA+ began to be used, describing AAA type games that generated additional revenue over time in a similar fashion to MMOs by using software as a service (SaaS) methods, such as season passes or expansion packs.

The term is analogous to the film industry term "blockbuster".[1]"
by Monkei
Sat Mar 18, 2017 5:55 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

You guys are fucking cute together, behaving like an old couple and all. Being part of a 15 year old internet community is awesome. :lol:
by Monkei
Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:21 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

Fuck you, redline. You're either an idiot or an asshole.
by Monkei
Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:48 am
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Re: Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania

I was a RABID Sonic fan when I registered at the Dojo. But I don't see myself getting Forces. I haven't bought a Sonic game since Generations.

A lot can change in 15 years.

Well, Generations wasn't that long ago and there were only two bad and Nintendo exclusive "big" Sonic titles after that, if I'm not mistaken. I loved Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 when they came out (but despised most of them later on when replaying them on PS3), and I liked Sonic Heroes. I also have some fond memories of playing the Sonic the Hedgehog titles and Sonic CD in my childhood. I don't know, I just like Sonic, somehow. Even though the games kinda suck. I wanna breeze through some loops and do homing attacks on robots. If only for the nostalgia. Makes me think of that topic OL made about game series you like despite them treating you badly.

Well, I don't know. I read about that today, too, and my first thought was "Huh, why." .. But how much of a difference does a director make for a game like this anyway? I mean it's not Metal Gear Solid. And it's not a movie. As long as they have a good development team in place the game should turn out alright..?
by Monkei
Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:42 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

^ You need a better connection Elmo. :lol:
by Monkei
Mon Mar 27, 2017 12:57 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts

So Justice League, Star Wars: The Last Jedi and possibly Shenmue III. And so many other great stuff I won't even begin to list. This year feels like the absolute peak so far, entertainment/nerdgasm-wise.
by Monkei
Thu Mar 30, 2017 5:03 am
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