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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

LucBu wrote: Can someone photoshop Joel's head onto Ryo in that market fight scene? Much better. Thanks.

by Technophilz
Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:21 am
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

a 58 seconds video, no E3 ,no 2017 release, and that bad logo being used again and again... and you call that an update?!!
With Mighty No.9, Armikrog, Yooka-Laylee, .. and now Shenmue 3, It looks like Kickstarter might end up being the graveyard of some of the greatest games series ever ...
by Technophilz
Mon May 29, 2017 5:10 am
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Re: YSNET officially announce the delay of Shenmue 3.


I am a huge avocate of communication so I am gonna try here and not get pissed off at what I am sure you would agree, is your repetitive posting on a semi regular basis where you give your opinion, which is mostly negative.

Instead of me waffling on myself, which I would be the frist to admit I am completely guilty of, I will start small. Can I ask you if there is anything positive you have an opinion of, regarding the past 2 years?

I have responses to your post, but that can come later. For now, I just want to see some positivity here from yourself, based on the assumption that the reason you are here, like the rest of us, is because at the end of it all, we have a love and a respect for this series and it's creator.

You're totally right Peter, my opinion was (and still is) mostly negative, and that makes me feel really sad and frustrated ...
Shenmue I & II not only changed me as a gamer, but also changed my entire life and my carrier as well, those two games taught me how to be as close to perfection as possible in every aspect, I appreciated how Suzuki-san back then went way beyond everyone else in terms of realism, audio/visual design, software engineering, code optimisation, etc ...
That seemed to have raised my expectations so high for Shenmue 3, that I won't feel satisfied with anything less that perfect, and I sincerely hope this is still achievable with the resources available for Shenmue 3 right now...

When the Shenmue 3 project was announced, I jumped off my couch with excitement and almost broke my leg, I backed up the project seconds after the Kickstarter page went live, and I never regretted it ...

I want Shenmue 3 to be the best game ever made, not only because it's my most anticipated game of all time, but also Shenmue 3 will most certainly determine the fate of this fantastic series, I could never forget how the commercial outcome of Shenmue I & II had affected the future of Shenmue and I don't want to ever relive that nightmare again...

I'm here simply because this Dojo is THE place to be for us diehard Shenmue fans from all around the globe, not only because I personally have a love and respect to the series and to its creator, but also because Shenmue to me is much more than the best gaming experience I have ever had, and guess what? We're finally getting a third one sometime in the future and maybe HD remastered versions of the previous ones too, which I sincerely hope it'll end up making all my negativity sound like total nonsense, and that will make me feel so happy that I was wrong all along ...
by Technophilz
Thu Jun 08, 2017 12:05 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

Digital Foundry discussed original Xbox titles backward compatibility on Xbox One family. Shenmue IIx and Shenmue HD are specifically mentioned ...

Phil Spencer also wants to bring OG Xbox emulation and Xbox Game Pass to PC .

phpBB [video]
by Technophilz
Wed Jun 14, 2017 8:26 pm
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Re: YSNET officially announce the delay of Shenmue 3.

All opinions are welcome, but keep insulting the development team of Shenmue when they are not here to defend themselves and you won't be around here for much longer, on top of spreading information that I can tell you right now is either very sorely mistaken on your part, or just fathomly made up by yourself in the name of trying poorly to troll.

You show up once a month and spew your negative bile all over the place which does nothing for me but make me feel sorry for you. No one agrees with you, or cares quite frankly.

I don't think I insulted any members of the development team by saying they lack the level of experience needed for a special project like Shenmue 3, especially that any kind of insult to anyone won't be something the community (including myself) would ever appreciate.
On the other hand, Neilo, which is listed as the main developer of Shenmue 3, was founded in 2010 in Japan, and since then, they only developed/released ONE rhythm mobile japan-only game (Orgarhythm was released in 2012 for PSVita and Android) Source . And you can check the full list of the games developed by Suzuki-san to know that his last console game was released in 2003 on the original Xbox; Moreover, the horrible Twitch streams done by AJ alongside many badly-photoshopped officially released images also indicate that they're not professionally done and that's not even close to the level of quality of Shenmue I and II.

I show up once a month indeed mostly alongside the monthly updates, and I try to be realistic with my opinion based on what I see instead of what I dream of, and or course you and everyone else are entitled to totally disagree with everything I said or will ever say ...
by Technophilz
Thu Jun 08, 2017 10:44 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

...., as there's a much bigger problem with this Sega Forever line-up: these ports offer significantly worse performance than that of their older versions, even on more modern hardware.

Allegedly this is because these retro classics were ported over in Unity. Our Digital Foundry tech aficionado John Linneman said "Do not touch those Sega Forever games," noting that they're "lousy emulation in a Unity wrapper."

"The games are designed to run at 60 frames per second. This emulator tries to do that but drops frames resulting in something that looks more like ~45 fps or so. There are loads of dropped frames, hitches and skips," he said.

"30fps is bad, but an even, stable 30fps would have been better than this. The issue here is that it skips and stutters during gameplay. And when a notification occurs, it gets much worse. So it never plays smoothly."

Even weirder is that these low-tech titles played far better on older hardware, due to more optimised emulation. "iPhone 3GS could play those old apps at a full 60fps while iPhone 6S+ with the new apps cannot," Linneman explained.

He postulated that another emulator, RetroArch, would have been a much better fit for the project, though its developer Libretro said it couldn't reach an agreement with Sega on its terms of service.

"Sorry to all the people that are experiencing subpar performance with this Unity thing," the RetroArch devs tweeted. "They could have been using RetroArch right now if they hadn't been so stubbornly insistent on demanding we relicense our entire program to something that would strip us of all our rights, on top of some other unreasonable things like not showing any branding, etc. Hell, they could have had this running on the desktop right now on top of consoles and maybe some netplay as well. Oh well..."


Pure stupidity ... I'd prefer NOT to see Shenmue suffer in such a horrible way ...
by Technophilz
Wed Jun 21, 2017 7:07 pm
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Re: New Ryo & Shenhua models from press release

Except there's literally a quote from Sony in the press release (and the game is still console exclusive to their platform), but I knew you wouldn't do much more in this thread other than do a driveby shitpost.
That quote from Sony means they'll do nothing more than watching what YS Net and Deep Silver will do.
Sony will be having an upcoming press conference during Paris Games Week and another one in PSX 2017, and based on the horrible progress made and the badly edited screens released so far, the quality of Shenmue 3 at this stage is far below Sony's standards, thus I don't think Mighty No. 3 will even get mentioned in either press conferences... just wait and see...
by Technophilz
Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:14 pm
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Re: Update #77: New Character & Lakshya Digital

Shenmue_Legend wrote: For the people asking where Ryo is, he's under the bridge on the right. It's a tiny figure but you can't miss it!

Here he is, in all of his default T-Pose glory...

by Technophilz
Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:53 am
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Re: Update #77: New Character & Lakshya Digital

How do people know that Lakshya have worked on the AAA titles you've mentioned (like Uncharted), in the past? I can only find CS:GO, Elder Scrolls Online, DC Online and Lara Croft Guardians of the Light on their website. You'd think if they'd worked on such larger projects, they would mention or showcase them on their website or something.

Edit: Nevermind, I've found some info on their Facebook page. This is very good news, although we should bear in mind, they work on the art for the game, not the actual character models, which is what we need.

Yup, and their LinkdIn page also mentions that they has created art for over a hundred game titles:

Experience: We has created art for over a hundred game titles including hugely successful ones such as Bloodborne, Just Cause 3, WWE 2K16, Uncharted 2, Farmville and Cityville.

Dreamy people will obviously feel optimistic about this very very late decision of outsourcing the game to an outside company (which btw needs a website on par with the AAA titles they claim they helped in).But, I think you already know I am not one of those dreamy people, because:

1-Unlike Shenmue III, it makes sense to collaborate with an Indian studio to provide Indian artwork for a title like Uncharted 2, that partially took place in India.

2-The games that Lakshya Digital claim they worked on were mainly last-gen titles, and none of them was made using Unreal Engine.

3- This very late decision, proves a point I made way earlier here in this very forum (and got a lot of hatred because of it): they finally realised that the original team was (at least) incapable of providing the required game assets so they had (or were told to) outsource the game to yet another outside studio.

4- One last thing, in the previous "update", we were clearly told that updates will be coming up less frequently, and guess what? we ended up getting a new update two weeks later, which is yet another example of the disastrous marketing and communication strategy this project has had since its very early days.

Therefore, I have to say I am not surprised to read the angry and harsh comments on Kickstarter and other forums, and I'd expect a similar reaction from the gaming media as well, because most people make their opinions based on real facts and not wishes.

Now, in order not to guarantee myself another ban, I feel I have to end up with a positive remark: outsourcing the game is in my opinion a step in the right direction. I can't say I'm very happy with its timing nor the studio they ended up choosing, but this may hopefully bring us a better game in the end.
by Technophilz
Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:54 am
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Re: Update #78: Then, Now and Tomorrow

Although everything in this new "update" tells us backers to lower our expectation even more, the dreamy people (as usual) are excited and happy with that ....

In short, what we've just been told is : graphics won't be comparable to AAA titles, it took almost two years to make "acceptable" models of the two main characters, facial expressions and animations are not done yet, we now have fewer characters than what's been initially announced, the new fighting system will be puzzle-based and more aimed towards causal players so we can kiss anything close to the decent fighting system of Shenmue and Shenmue II goodbye, and finally another delay is highly expected.

btw, can someone remind whoever subtitled the video that we're still in 2017 ?
by Technophilz
Mon Dec 25, 2017 8:50 am
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Re: Update #78: Then, Now and Tomorrow

it took almost two years to make "acceptable" models of the two main characters
facial expressions and animations are not done yet,
we now have fewer characters than what's been initially announced
the new fighting system will be puzzle-based and more aimed towards causal players so we can kiss anything close to the decent fighting system of Shenmue and Shenmue II goodbye,
and finally another delay is highly expected.

I'm struggling to find a statement in your post that even resembles reality. Maybe that it won't look like a AAA blockbuster? (No shit). It's beyond me how you've been unbanned. You're either a troll or nuts.

Feel free to disagree with everything I say, but this is my own opinion and everyone's entitled to have one.
by Technophilz
Mon Dec 25, 2017 9:13 am
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Re: Magic Monaco 2018 details and new Shenmue III screenshot

Here's a video of the entire presentation, it's in French so hopefully someone will provide a complete translation.

It's really frustrating to see how unprofessionally this was presented. Isn't it time for Yu and his team to realise that entire gaming world is watching and judging ??
I honestly want to believe that this will end up being a great game, and I keep ending up with disappointment time after time, I hope this will change with what they'll show later on ...
by Technophilz
Sat Feb 24, 2018 10:06 am
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Re: UPDATE #80 MAGIC 2018: New Pics Up!

Everything about Shemue 3 rubs me the wrong way. Maybe if people started being vocal and stopped defending eveyr questionable action by Yu Suzuki we could see REAL progress. I have a video on the subject here:

I am well-known here for my unpopular opinions about the progress of the Shenmue III project since the end of the Kickstarter campaign, I think my opinions may also represent the extremely pessimistic end of the spectrum, and I even got banned because of them.I have been harshly critical, and sometimes over critical. However, calling Shenmue III a scam is too much even for someone like me.
I respect your opinion, but I totally disagree with it on many fronts. You have to realise there's a big history behind Yu Suzuki and some of his team members to live up to, and I don't think they'd throw that behind their backs by scamming their backers, especially with a highly anticipated title like Shenmue III. They also have Deep Silver and (in one way or another) Sony on board, so it's hard to imagine they'd be scamming people with such big companies on board.
In my opinion, being harshly critical at this stage of development is required for the development team to see the shortcomings and hopefully work on fixing them before release, and consequently having a better end product.
I think Shenmue III is legit, and I hope it'll end up being the game I've been waiting for, and it'd be worth it.
If you think the entire thing's a scam, then you can stop wasting your time on it, it's that simple.
by Technophilz
Sat Mar 03, 2018 9:56 am
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Re: Concerns about Shenmue HD.

I am glad that we'll finally get to play Shenmue I & II on modern hardware. The released teaser made me a bit concerned about the quality of those ports though.
The most outdated aspect of Shenmue & Shenmue II imho is their clunky controls, which will be improved in the new ports. I wish they could've remade the two games with more improvements instead of simply porting them with minor visual and control tweaks, but again I'll take it as it is .. at least I won't be annoyed by the very noisy Dreamcast lens while playing them anymore.
by Technophilz
Sat Apr 14, 2018 7:35 pm
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Re: Kickstarter update #81 - Shenmue 3 delayed until 2019

I wanted to say something positive about this expected release delay, but I simply couldn't.
Of course, some will be fine and happy with it, and some will always be fine with anything actually. I'm not one of them though.

Imho, delaying the game again to 2019 is NOT a good thing, yes, the game will have a longer development time to get more polished, but I'm definitely not fine with the “2019” delay for many reasons:

1- 2019 will probably be the final year in the life cycle of current-gen consoles, rumors say that PS5 dev kits are already in the hands of some developers, and next-gen titles could be announced (or even released) as early as holidays 2019. Now, what would be the impact of the delayed Shenmue III if/when that happens?

2- Timing this "update" a month before E3 could mean that they may have nothing to show at E3, another missed mass exposure opportunity maybe? especially that they didn’t show any new material with the delay announcement, not even a single new screenshot! If this turns out to be the case, then it’d clearly highlight a lot of problems this project has been having. Being unable to show a satisfactory trailer or gameplay demo after three years of development is never a good sign.

3- The vague 2019 release date, without an estimated release window is yet another indication that things aren't going smooth, that could also mean they’re not confident/transparent enough to commit to a clear release window, maybe because they know they’d probably miss it again.

4- Deep Silver could be the best thing that ever happened to Shenmue III since the grand announcement back at E3 2015, and I don't think this project could have even been possible without them on board. But, what about the future of Shenmue? We all know any future Shenmue project will certainly depend on how well Shenmue III will perform (financially). This game HAS to sell very well, we all know that it has no other option but to be profitable, but will it sell well enough to guarantee us another Shenmue?
by Technophilz
Wed May 16, 2018 10:49 am
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Re: RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED: Shenmue 1 & 2 will launch 21/8/

Shenmue and Shenmue 2 are two of the most innovative games ever made, and they still have extra special place in the hearts of almost everyone who played them. That alone makes them eligible to way better treatment than the one they recently have had so far.

I am aware of the low-price tag, the limited development budget, and the joy and excitement of walking into a game store to buy a brand-new Shenmue game off the display shelf. But allow me to ask you this simple question: what are you going out of that game store with? It isn’t a remake, not a remaster and not even a direct port. It indeed has, first and foremost, an identity crisis. so I’d simply call it: a lazy port.

When I take a look at recent (and even last-gen) HD remasters, I feel how lazy and probably rushed this port really is. I can understand and forgive the 30fps, but everything else is totally unforgiven: compressed audio, a mix of 4:3 and 16:9, no reworked models, poor looking textures, missing Passport/VMU content, saves not compatible with Shenmue 3, Denuvo etc …

And to add insult to injury, they decided to push their “informative” messages through someone who has the show-off mentality of “I know things that you don’t” which made such announcements annoying instead of being interesting.

It’s really sad to see people here being “directed” towards what they say, when to post and how to discuss their ideas. It’s also pathetic to see people end up being suspended for not following the “directives” of “keeping negativity minimal”. You can “force” people to say positive things all you want, but that won’t change the fact that everyone can clearly flaws and limitations, and they have every right to highlight them and discuss them in their own way and style.

I believe this is unacceptable today, and no matter how hard you try to push people towards thinking positively about it, I think very few will actually do, especially gaming media and those who are new to the series who may not have enough nostalgia.

I am aware that this might be my last post here, which could even get deleted before mods ban me for not being “positive” enough. But still, in a time where glorious remakes and really good remasters of much less impactful games exist, I will always have a bitter feeling about what will we all end up getting next month.

Let me finish by saying that, despite everything I said above, I think everyone should still support this release, buy it and play it. Because this will directly and definitely affect the future of the series. We need to show Sega that we still care about Shenmue, and that we value their effort of brining the series back to modern systems. But we also need to tell them loud and clear, that Shenmue fans are not living in 1999 anymore, and that we are also not that easy to satisfy.

Shenmue has invented the F.R.E.E genre, and it taught me to look for, admire and enjoy every fine detail in its living and breathing world, and it won’t be that easy to change that today, even if that has got me in so much trouble with other respected members and mods, and if this ends up being my very last post here, I would like to take this chance to thank the Dojo for all the love and passion, for the great Shenmue news and projects over the years and for the great times.

Now, if you haven’t pre-ordered the new Shenmue games already, please go ahead and do it NOW.
by Technophilz
Thu Jul 05, 2018 9:00 am
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Re: Update #85: Survey Info #2: $7M stretch goal reached!

This screen is still work-in-progress and " are " subject to change.

Maybe they were planning to release more than a single screen and eventually changed their mind, but still they should know that world is observing each and every bit of info related to Shenmue III very closely. Apart from that typo, it's nice to see updates starting to look more professional.

The screen looks good too and another stretch goal reached. I think this might be one of the best updates yet.
by Technophilz
Mon Jul 23, 2018 7:59 am
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