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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

Thief wrote:IMO the best controller ever made.

Nah, this is the best controller ever made:


To this day still the best 2D fighter controller ever made, among it's many other capabilities. Segata Sanshiro would be proud.
by Kintor
Sun Mar 26, 2017 5:35 am
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Re: Advice needed: Testing the JRPG waters again

Get Persona 5 - it's not just a great JRPG it's also one of the most stylish games ever made.

Setsuna is a deliberate throwback. Final Fantasy XV is competent enough for a modern AAA release. Persona 5 though, it's taking JRPGs to a whole new level.

I've got my copy of Persona 5 pre-ordered and I can't wait to finally play it.
by Kintor
Fri Mar 31, 2017 10:57 am
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

Recently I've bought both Bayonetta on PC and Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap on PS4. Although, I haven't spent a lot of time playing either yet since I'm still working my way through Persona 5; I'm about 36 hours in at his point.

Plus, I've got Dawn of War III pre-ordered, which is releasing at the end of the month. Then Yakuza Kiwami later in the year. And I want to play Civilisation VI at some point before Christmas. This truly is an awesome time to be gamer. But there just aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done.

If I could I'd seriously break the laws of physics and risk the destruction of reality itself... if I could just fit more gaming hours into the day. The epic backlog of unfinished games that has been piling up since the start of the year is starting to hurt my pride as a gamer.
by Kintor
Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:06 am
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Re: Sega reviving major IPs strategic planning

A shame that Valkyria Revolution didn't do better in Japan. Personally, I'm still included to buy a copy when it's released in the West later this year; I'm willing to give the game a go on its own merit regardless of the Valkyria name being attached. Besides, Valkyria Revolution might actually find an audience in the West, especially on Xbox One which lacks many JRPGs.

Anyway, I'm curious to see what Sega has planned with reviving old IPs. I'd love to see a new Streets of Rage, especially if Yuzo Koshiro returns for the music. Beyond that, a port of Golden Axe: The Revenge of Death Adder would also be cool.
by Kintor
Mon May 15, 2017 9:34 am
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Congrats Bluecast!

I've got the first edition myself, from the original Kickstarter campaign. It's easily the greatest book on Sega's history ever written and simply beautiful to look at as well.
by Kintor
Wed May 17, 2017 10:45 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

That's if you introduce subjectivity in the equation. :mrgreen:
I don't want to be blamed for raising false hopes because "I have a good feeling" if nothing happens during E3.
You shouldn't have to worry. We're all excited about the possibility of Shenmue HD, the hype to see something at E3 was going to keep building anyway. So thanks for bringing to light some promising bits of information that those of us who can't read French might never have seen otherwise.
by Kintor
Fri May 19, 2017 5:51 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017

Man, that E3 2015 thread. In the run up to the Sony conference, there was just such a good atmosphere. I don't know what it was, but something felt different that year compared to previous years. Good times.
I know what you mean. I wasn't a poster here before E3 2015 but there was a palpable sense of excitement all over the internet. Something about the rumours that year just went viral so that by the time the Kickstarter trailer played at Sony's conference everyone was already going nuts at the mere thought of Shenmue 3. Seeing that trailer and the exciting reaction online afterwards stands out for me as one of my greatest experiences as a gamer.
by Kintor
Sun May 21, 2017 12:20 am
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Re: Shenmue III Update #67: Developer Room Update 3

Oh God...
Under the circumstances I'd rather having nothing at E3 then unfinished footage that Yu Suzuki wasn't satisfied with. The expectations surrounding Shenmue 3 are immense, there's no room for error when it comes to showing new footage. Better to avoid E3 entirely and wait for a better opportunity to show Shenmue 3 in the most favourable light.
by Kintor
Mon May 29, 2017 12:00 am
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Re: YSNET officially announce the delay of Shenmue 3.

I can't say I'm surprised by this announcement. Not appearing at E3 was already a pretty strong indicator that Shenmue 3 was going to be delayed. I 'm not worried though, I trust Yu Suzuki and his team to make the most of the extra time.
by Kintor
Thu Jun 08, 2017 5:24 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

Yeah, I suppose PSX or TGS are the next big events which could offer Shenmue 1 and 2 HD.

Still, a reasonably good conference. Some nice new PSVR games in the works. Plus, Monster Hunter World marks the return of that franchise to PlayStation, which is a big deal.
by Kintor
Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:08 pm
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Re: E3 2017 - Games, dates & rumors

For me the most important part of E3 is the continued growth of the VR games industry. To that end, I'm quite pleased by the variety and quality of new content being offered.

What's especially surprising is Bethesda's huge commitment towards VR: Doom VR, Fallout 4 VR and now Skyrim VR. Converting these games to VR will go a long way towards encouraging further interest in VR among gamers. A few safe bets for gamers along with the more experimental games being created.

As for new content created especially for VR I don't think that enough attention is being given to a little game called Moss:

Moss looks simply beautiful. The mouse with a sword gives a real Redwall vibe. While your avatar in the game looks like something straight out of a Studio Ghibli film. Really looking forward to playing Moss on my PSVR headset, in between epic sessions of Skyrim and Doom.
by Kintor
Tue Jun 13, 2017 4:05 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

I believe the Shenmue experience is the middle of both genres. There is a balance of story driven content with 3D fighting, RPG mechanics and other yakuza esque mini games.
It's really hard to describe Shenmue in the context of recent games. So much of what became the open world genre was pioneered by Shenmue. Consequently Shenmue took things in its own experimental direction, in ways that later games didn't follow.

To this day I still think that Shenmue's world offers a more immersive experience then the sprawling environments of GTA V, for example. Shenmue has come close than any other game to successfully creating the atmosphere of a living and breathing digital world.

Regardless, how would I describe Shenmue to a gamer today that doesn't know anything about it? I suppose that I'd emphasis that Shenmue is a unique experience, unmatched by any game franchise before or since. Part life-simulator, part fighting game, part RPG - all against the backdrop of a murder mystery that explores the nature of revenge in the context of martial arts philosophy.
by Kintor
Tue Jun 13, 2017 7:10 pm
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Re: Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania

Please be good. Please be good. Please be good...
Thanks for posting that. It's good to finally have a release date for Sonic Mania, not much longer now until that day.

I just think the whole franchise needs a rethink. The emphasis on speed limits game design and so far this looks like another sonic game where you hold the stick in one direction which is only occasionally interrupted by defeating a few enemies that literally present 0 challenge.

I played Sonic Adventures recently on the PS4 (that cloud gaming service) and boy has it not aged well, but I still remember it being one of my best Sonic experiences. Though a good game, I also remember being critical about Sonic Adventure 2's linear design.
Sonic games have never been focused on defeated enemies; they are more an optional obstacle that you can destroy if you want to increase your high score a little along the way. The emphasis on speed, the ability of the player to complete each level quickly and flawlessly, has always been at the core of Sonic games and I think that this is something that Sonic Generations captured perfectly. So to see the same again in Sonic Forces is good news, it's the return of an already proven and highly successful gameplay style that works for 3D Sonic games.

As for the Sonic Adventure comparison, you might want to take a close look at the Custom Hero gameplay. The levels design built around the character creator are a little different to the boost gameplay. Slower than modern Sonic, since the fan characters have to rely on a variety of gadgets and weapons to complete each level, while still being relatively fast-paced compared to other platforms. So, create a unique character for the fun of it and then enjoy the new gameplay style to compliment both the classic and modern Sonic gameplay.
by Kintor
Tue May 30, 2017 7:14 pm
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Re: Switch or PSVR

It seems that Axm has already made his decision. Still, it's worth taking the time to clear up certain misconceptions about VR being promoted in this thread:

VR seems like the Wii only not as successful right now. Most the games are kinda the same that are just gimmicky. Hey I can do this in first person. Some good ones out there but very few. Switch is loaded with first party games this year. It's getting the same kinda Vita 3rd party support with cool niche Japanese games. If you like Vita and Nintendo first party games then yeah shoot for it. Zelda BoTW is pretty insanely good.
Bluecast, I can tell that you've missed the point of VR completely. It's not about a first person view, as you might understand it from games based on older technology. The great appeal of VR is its unrivalled sense of immersion, not just seeing a digital world but actually being a part of that world. Even 2D platformers in VR are enhanced by this immersive quality, while being further strengthened by the sense of presence in games with an actual avatar for the player to use. Just using a VR headset, like PSVR, justifies its own existence.

This is how VR technology is building the foundation of a whole new industry, compared to the passing fad of the Wii. Because while Nintendo may have temporarily tapped into something by popularising a weak form of motion control the true is that VR is an entirely most sophisticated idea. The arrival of VR is made possible through better motion controls, motion sensors, HD smartphone screen and the raw power of cutting edge gaming hardware. The Wii had nowhere to go, you couldn't even realistically swing a sword; VR will only to continue to improve in every facet of its integrated technology.

To buy a PSVR headset is to be an early adopted in a new era of gaming. To understand that the rules about what makes a good game and how the player interacts with each digital world is being rewritten. What we have today are mostly arcade style experiences, combined with interesting tech demos. Yet before the year is out VR will have open-world RPGs and a slew of tactical shooters. The future will offer so much more, including the chance to play epic multiplayer VR games like a full-fledged VRMMORPG.

So then, if it's a question about the future, between the Switch and the PSVR it should be clear that the PSVR is going to win out. Nintendo is using outdated technology and can't find any third-party support, the Switch will have worse third-party support then the Vita. Conversely, Sony has the technology and the backing of the industry to make PSVR a force to be reckoned with in the years ahead. The PS4's 60 million strong userbase eclipses that of the Switch, making it an easy jump to PSVR with the constant release of new third-party VR games.
by Kintor
Sat Jun 17, 2017 9:40 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

Any of Sega's usual porting studios should be up to the task of making Shenmue HD happen.

Personally though, I'd love to see M2 given the task. For those who don’t know, M2 is as Japanese studio that specialises in emulation. They worked on the Sega 3D classic collection for the 3DS and went to some truly insane lengths to get the most authentic experience possible. For example, M2 went into Sega's vault and recorded sound from an actual After Burner arcade cabinet for use in the 3DS version they were working on.

So, this is why I think that M2 would be ideal for Shenmue HD. They won't rest until they have authentically emulated Shenmue in all its aspects. Heck, M2 could even include the updated versions of the Sega arcade games they've already emulated, to make the You Arcade even better than the original Dreamcast version.
by Kintor
Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:03 am
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Re: Switch or PSVR

I've tried both the PSVR and the Vive, and I was disappointed with the PSVR's quality in comparison. And even further, while I thought VR was kind of cool, it's nothing I would see myself playing in my leisure time. It's too much effort to deal with, it gives me motion sickness after 30 minutes or so, and the games have more of a "theme park attraction" feeling to them. I'm sure support will probably evolve for it, but I wouldn't even think of getting one. Switch all the way. It'll have games that you're going to want to play.
I'm sorry to hear that you began experiencing motion sickness so quickly after trying VR. Honestly though, some games are worse than others when it comes to motion sickness, it always helps to do your research and see how other players react to specific games before jumping into a new VR experience. Beyond that you do actually build-up something of a tolerance to 'simulation sickness' with time, as your mind becomes more accustomed to VR and its sometimes contradictory sensory inputs.

As for the difference between the PSVR and the Vive, it's fair to say that the PSVR is the weaker device of the two. With that said, I still believe that PSVR represents the far better chance for VR to go mainstream in the immediate future. The huge 60 million userbase of the PS4 makes it easier for people to become early VR adopters, since they've already spent the money on a console with sufficient power to handle VR at an acceptable level. The PSVR may not be perfect but it's still good enough showcase the true potential of VR and it's already getting more third-party support then the Vive.

So games I have atm that support the PSVR are..

Resident Evil 7
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Star Wars Battlefront
Drive Club
Geometry Wars 3
Final Fantasy XV
Fallout 4 (update incoming)
Skyrim (update incoming)

Plus cinematic mode for other games and when watching movies.

Games that I will want anyways that can or will also support PSVR:

Ace Combat 7
Gran Turismo Sport
Rez Infinite
Dirt Rally

So then the question is are these games worth playing in VR?
Certainly I can say the most worth it would probably be Ace Combat 7 and Gran Turismo to me..
But after that whats coming out? Sony didn't showcase PSVR to the degree I hoped for at E3.

I guess I should consider the fact that PSVR even though nearing the 2 year mark, is still in its infancy. Also perhaps by the time it does really take off, a version 2 of the hardware might be out.
Also its only available in white.. I have all my entertainment center stuff in black. That would just totally clash like as if...
Firstly, I must mention that Fallout 4 isn't coming to the PSVR at the moment, that's a Vive exclusive. Just as how Skyrim VR is currently a PSVR exclusive. That might change with time but for now each game is an exclusive to a specific VR platform.

Regardless, I do think that those gamers are worth playing in VR. I also bought a disc copy of Rez Infinite like Raithos, I think that VR is the way that Rez Infinite was always meant to be played. Here's what I said when I first got the game:

So, Rez Infinite finally arrived in the mail today:

The whole internet should be exactly like this!

Rez for everybody! Put a VR headset in every home!

Make every webpage and every forum an exercise in digital synaesthesia!

... *ahem*

Anyway, I could have bought the digital version but I ordered the physical copy from iam8bit because I really wanted a Rez Infinite disc to add to my collection. It was worth the wait, Rez Infinite is easily the best game on PlayStation VR right now. Not too shabby for a 16 year old Dreamcast game.

It probably helps that Rez Infinite was already designed to look like a VR environment. Even though you don't see things from a first person perspective the level of immersion is truly amazing. You are surrounded by the overwhelming sensory information that is Rez - you aren't just playing a game - you truly are part of the game. No joke, Rez Infinite in VR is closer than anyone else has come to making it feel like you've somehow hardwired your consciousness into the internet.

Now granted, more grounded games like Driveclub VR aren't going have quite the same *ahem* transcendent experience but they are still cool none the less. Just being able to experience a digital world from within the game itself is a wonderful feeling. It's little things, like instinctively wanting to look around a corner to gain a better view and then being surprised when the game reacts like the physical world and allows you to do just that.

Still, in terms of value for money think of the PSVR, with its current amount of games, as a way to compliment what you were already planning to do anyway on the PSVR. We haven't yet reached the point when a VR console can sustain itself with its only library but more content is being added to PSVR every month. I think that Skyrim VR is a huge deal that will lead to a paradigm shift in the kinds of VR games being made, although Skyrim VR won't be released until the end of the year. In the end it's simply a question of when VR content hits that 'critical mass' of interesting games for you.

I chose to support PSVR as an early adopter, because I've been waiting for VR my entire life. I won't waste this opportunity to finally ensure VR goes mainstream, after all the promises that were made in the 90s. I think that now the technology is finally ready and relatively affordable enough for consumer release. It’s early days yet but I have no doubt that VR is the future of gaming, as it was always meant to be.
by Kintor
Sun Jun 18, 2017 12:48 am
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Re: Forgotton retro games that deserve more love

How about Ranger X:

Ranger X is a seriously underrated Mega Drive game with some unique gameplay mechanics. A side-scrolling shooter where you control a giant robot in tandem with a support vehicle. You also have the option of combining with that vehicle into a single machine, which has advantages in certain tactical situations.

Beyond that Ranger X is also a beautiful game that pushes the standard Mega Drive hardware to its absolute limits. The beginning of each level is accompanied by a wire-frame CGI mission briefing. While the levels themselves have a host of impressive visual feats that never slow the game down. Plus, the music is amazing, making good use of the Mega Drive's dual sound chips.

Ranger X really is one of the most technically impressive games on the Mega Drive. All the more amazing considering that it was a mid-gen 1993 release.
by Kintor
Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:42 am
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Re: Switch or PSVR

Hay guyz I just got a Switch :lol:

I sold a ton of shit I didnt need anymore in my life. Like half my movie collection which was half garbage anyways. Like half my PS3 games of which zero fucks and or on PS4 in better fashion now. Other crap too like a guitar I haven't touched in years and have no desire too. So combine that with my old PS4 money and I got some stacks lined up. Got the Switch and Mario Kart 8 without spending anything extra.
Well, it seems you've finally carried out your decision to buy a Switch. A shame that you didn't reconsider PSVR but at least you still have a PS4 Pro. Don't forget that your chance to experience virtual reality is only ever a headset away, that PS4 PRO already gives you the raw power necessary to make it all happen.

Perhaps this time next year we'll have this conversation again. Once Skyrim VR and few other things are released. Until then I'm always happy to offer advice on how to get the most out of PSVR.
by Kintor
Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:25 am
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Re: Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania

Sonic Mania launches next week. Sega just uploaded the complete animated intro for Sonic Mania on their YouTube page:

phpBB [video]

So beautiful... :shock:
by Kintor
Fri Aug 11, 2017 12:00 am
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Re: Sega - "actively pursuing" a Shenmue remaster.

It's actually kind of nuts we're going to see Shenmue III's first re-reveal before Shenmue HD is announced.
It shouldn't matter if we get a glimpse of Shenmue 3 before any HD announcement. If anything it might work out better this way, a little extra Shenmue 3 hype could be channelled into demand for Shenmue HD. Because it's not a simple case of Shenmue HD supporting Shenmue 3, both projects can support each other. Right now in pre-release Shenmue 3 can support Shenmue HD, then later Shenmue HD can support Shenmue 3 when the game is finally ready for launch.
by Kintor
Mon Aug 14, 2017 12:19 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

The first trailer for Shenmue 3 was always going to be divisive. The sequel to a 128-bit Dreamcast game running on the modern Unreal Engine, of course things were going to look a little different. Overall though, I'm very pleased by what has been shown so far. The world of Shenmue 3 looks beautiful, there is obviously still work to be done but I have complete confidence in Yu Suzuki and his team to deliver.

It's a small detail, but the HD Phoenix Mirror really stood out for me. It looks beautiful!

Yeah, this is actually the moment in the trailer that really caught my attention as well. These new textures on the Phoenix Mirror really elevate the model above what could be achieved from the original. It's a work of art, which now better reflects the ancient jade that such a priceless artefact would be made of, this better emphases how important the Phoenix Mirror actually is to the story of Shenmue.
by Kintor
Mon Aug 21, 2017 8:40 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

Alright, big day for Yakuza (related) announcements. The best parts of the live stream have now been posted on the official Yakuza YouTube page.

Yakuza Kiwami 2 we already know about:

But also, Yakuza Online, something for smartphones and PC apparently:

The suprise though is a Fist of the North Star game running on the Yakuza 6 engine!
by Kintor
Sat Aug 26, 2017 8:08 am
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

So yeah, I've just bought Valkyria Revolution today. I knew going in that it would a different experience to the other Valkyria games but I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. After all, it's developed by Media Vision, the same team behind Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, which is one of my favourite JRPGs in recent years. Having only played a couple of hours so far here are my initial thoughts:

I like the art style; it's an extension of Valkyria Chronicle’s water colour style while still being able to do more thanks to the PS4's extra power. The high fantasy/steampunk-ish setting really helps in this regard. The set pieces in this game are absolutely beautiful, a real sense of imperial grandeur throughout.

I love the premise of the story. Basically, you're part of a small cabal actively manipulating your kingdom into pursuing an aggressive war of expansion. The idea is evil but there's still a clear sense of righteous fury to the whole thing, with the heroes motivated both by revenge and the desire to free their kingdom. It kind of reminds me of Persona 5 in a way, where the main cast follows a dark path in the pursuit of a noble goal.

Now, as for the gameplay... I can see why Valkyria Revolution has become so controversial, to say the least. It's a definite departure from the original turn based combat and because of that it lacks the tactical sophistication that made the first game so renowned. But so far, I don't hate the new combat mechanics, I treat Vaklyria Revolution as its own game, with its own unique quirks. It will be interesting to see how the mechanics open as I get further into the game.
by Kintor
Fri Jun 30, 2017 3:25 am
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Re: Sega Dreamcast: Collected Works

Well, Kickstarter's over now but funded at 187%! I can't wait to get my hands on this book, the Mega Drive book was absolutely amazing and I expect great things from the Dreamcast one as well.
by Kintor
Fri Oct 13, 2017 2:13 am
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Re: Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania

I haven't played the demos, but from the videos it hardly looks "almost unplayable", really that might be the biggest hyperbole I've ever seen, but it doesn't look great or anything. It looks like another 5/10 from Sonic Team. An absolutely okay and sometimes even enjoyable game.

A year or so ago this would be celebrated, it looks better than Lost World and isn't another Sonic Boom! But post-Mania, who really cares? I want nothing less than a continuation of that style of Sonic. Anything short of brilliance like Mania is worthless to me. I don't care if 'they're on the right track' or if they're 'improving', they have the answer to all of Sonic's woes sitting right there and if they choose to ignore it, I just don't care.
Sonic Mania works because it's a return to the tried and true classic gameplay that S3&K perfected, as a 2D game. With that said, there are a lot of Sonic fans who also greatly admire the 3D games ever since the Dreamcast era. So while something along the lines of Sonic Adventure 3 is out of the question for now most Sonic fans do agree that Sonic Generations represents a new pinnacle for Sonic's 3D gameplay, perfecting the 2.5D that was first pioneered by Sonic Unleashed and continued by Sonic Colours. This makes Sonic Forces exactly what the Sonic franchise needs right now, to restore confidence in Sonic's 3D gameplay, as the long awaited sequel to Sonic Generations that will wash away any memory of Lost World and Sonic Boom.
by Kintor
Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:28 am
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Re: Mario Odyssey

It looks amazing. Nintendo seem to be releasing classic after classic this gen.
That's overstating things quite a bit. You have the regular instalments of Nintendo's mainstays like Mario and Zelda and a few middling games like Splatoon and Arms but nothing to really distinguish the Switch's limited library of games. In the end Mario Odyssey is still going to be a tough sell, last-gen graphics on a console being sold at next-gen prices, that's just bad economics. Never mind what's going to happen at Christmas when both Sony and Microsoft can really drop the price on their hardware since they have a couple of year’s head start on Nintendo.
by Kintor
Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:34 am
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Re: The Shenmue 3 Effect: What could go wrong or right

I don't know why this matter though, Shenmue was as "hardcore" as milk with honey.
You couldn't loose, you could retry everything or there were other paths, the difficulty decreases, you had hints everywhere, the most powerful move is pressing forward forward punch, and the most "strategy" the game uses in combat is blocking/dodge and counter attack, but you can beat 90% spamming elbow assault, come on.
The only "hardcore" thing about Shenmue is that has quite a time investment floor.

But I guess this thread turned into trolling so gradually I didn't even notice.
No offense but I think you're really underselling the difficulty of Shenmue. The way that you describe Shenmue makes the game sound absolutely awful and does nothing to explain why so many of use regard Shenmue/Shenmue II as one of the greatest games of all time, even well over a decade later.

I bet you've played Shenmue so many times that you've completely forgotten how challenging it can be. At the beginning Shenmue throws you into the deep end, with no clear instructions and certainly none of the sign-posting common to later open world games. You get the most out of Shenmue by discovering all its hidden details and then choosing how to interact with the world. Going throw life spamming the elbow assault misses the point of the experience entirely.

I don't know how Shenmue 3 will be received at launch. I'm sure some in the media will attack Shenmue 3, as they have done in the past, just for those clickbait page views. But I don't care about that at all, what matters are what gamers really think of Shenmue 3. The original Kickstarter campaign of Shenmue 3 was a success because the game had become a genuine legend on the internet.

I believe people backed the campaign because they realise Shenmue offers a different kind of experience to what they can find in modern games like GTA V. The vision of Shenmue represents a more hardcore direction that open-world games could have followed, emphasising smaller but highly-detailed worlds, over the vast but empty sprawl that constitutes an open world environment today. I want gamers to see Shenmue 3 on its own merit; this is the hardcore experience they paid for, even if they don't fully understand what they're getting themselves into.
by Kintor
Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:19 am
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Re: The Shenmue 3 Effect: What could go wrong or right

wow. what a bunch of crying. people have worse tastes now? go look up scores of games like Limbo, Brothers, flower, journey, heavy rain, life is strange, the last of us, witcher 3 and what have you.

for the record shenmue 1 got bombarded with terrible review scores by pro's and consumers alike, upon release.

it's clear as hell you are as clueless as anything about current generation gaming or you would not have mentioned call of duty. that game got completely trashed last year for releasing one version to similar to their past efforts. people are more critical than ever and have more diverse taste.
Think of it like this, in many ways gamers have become complacent because of how easy many modern games have become. It's a problem that really began with the fall of the Dreamcast and the decline of arcade gaming in general. Where many developers are now afraid to let a player fail a challenge.

Games like Gone Home are the worst examples of this, pretentious self-congratulatory narratives with almost no gameplay. Although, on the other hand you have games like Dark Souls and Cuphead that once again challenge players with their harsh difficulty, which gamers have responded quite positively too. So it's not all bad. If nothing else it will be interesting to see if Shenmue 3 resonates with the more hardcore crowd.
by Kintor
Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:08 am
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Re: The Shenmue 3 Effect: What could go wrong or right

Shenmue combat was good, but it's not really balanced enough to be called "hardcore", it is what it is. The lock on, movement, hitframes and the hit detection would feel really clunky today. It has a lot of moves, but most of them are just for the flash.
Shenmue's combat mechanics were based on Virtua Fighter 2; you can't get much more hardcore with that. Probably a legacy of when Shenmue originally began development as a Saturn game but it's still an important part of the game. Heck, I'm sure I've seen some detailed analysis in the past that compared notable boss battles in Shenmue to specific Virtua Fighter characters and their iconic move sets. Ryo might have more moves then the average fighting character but that shouldn't detract from the technical sophistication of Shenmue's combat mechanics.

As for Shenmue 3? It's probably not feasible to still use the Virtua Fighter 2 mechanics but I still have every confidence in Yu Suzuki and his team to offer a hardcore gameplay experience. Among his many talents Yu Suzuki is a well-known for having studied martial arts extensively. I know that he won't approve of Shenmue 3's combat mechanics unit they meet his high standards.
by Kintor
Fri Nov 24, 2017 11:37 am
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Re: The Shenmue 3 Effect: What could go wrong or right

nobody takes ign seriously.

I know from german and dutch major magazines rating the game a 7.5 and you guys seem to completely miss my point about consumers rating the game much lower back in the day. the game got a ton of hatred from gamers, who simply were not ready. just like people were not ready for blade runner in 1982 and blade runner 2049 in 2017. shenmue is now almost universally loved but that was not the case at all when shenmue 1 got released.

I remember buying shenmue 1 and the shopkeeper said he had sold 7 games, of which 6 were returned by consumers within the same day and I checked many major retail website fora back then and people hated the game beyond belief. especially the cat segment and "boring" gameplay.
What's with this revisionist history all of a sudden? To claim that people have always secretly hated Shenmue. The only reason that we've gotten this far because of Shenmue's legendary reputation. The original game actually sold quite well on the Dreamcast. It was only Sega's finances at the time that brought an end to the Dreamcast and with it any chances of Shenmue finding a wider audience. Yet even that disastrous turn of events couldn't keep Shenmue down, people kept talking about it, with copies of the game quickly commanding more than retail price on the second-hand market.
by Kintor
Sat Nov 25, 2017 9:01 am
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Re: Cedric Biscay confirms Shenmue 3 will release in 2018

It's established in as much as it's the official line right now - obviously subject to change. Repeating already announced information should not be seen as controversial for a co-producer in a Happy New Year tweet
This is the internet, what should reasonably happen and what does actually happen are often two very different things. We've already seen plenty of crazy media beat-ups surrounding Shenmue 3, starting within hours of the Kickstarter launch. Now even the concept of Kickstarters themselves are on the nose, thanks to a string of high profile failures and scandals. Any sign of weakness or trouble in development will be used against Shenmue 3, like what will happen if the release date gets pushed back into 2019. It's not fair but these are the conditions that Shenmue 3 must operate under.
by Kintor
Tue Jan 02, 2018 10:40 am
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Re: Sega is teasing something for January 16th. Shenmue 1+2

It seems that this announcement has something to do with Two Point Studios. They are a new development team, comprised of former Lionhead and Bullfrog members, working with Sega to publish their first game. As it turns out Two Point Studios (or should I say Sega) plans to announce that game on the 16th.


So, at this point I think it's unlikely to to expect Shenmue 1 & 2 HD from this reveal.
by Kintor
Fri Jan 12, 2018 5:27 pm
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Re: What we hope to happen in Shenmue III

Right now I'm not even really concerned about the story and whether or not we will need more games to reach a satisfying conclusion. What I want is more F.R.E.E - Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment. That sense of immersion and intricate level of detail that can only be found in the world of Shenmue. As long as Yu Suzuki delivers on that I think I'll be fairly happy with whatever direction the story takes. For me, Shenmue 3 is about the journey and not necessarily the destination.
by Kintor
Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:12 am
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

Just picked this up:

I'm a big fan of the .hack anime but never got a chance to play the G.U trilogy back in the day. Looking forward to this HD remaster and the new fourth game included as part of Last Recode.

Plus, Sonic Forces on Tuesday. Going to be busy for a while with all these game coming out.
by Kintor
Sat Nov 04, 2017 2:10 am
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Re: Sega Festival 2018 - FES

Now the question is which version do I buy PS4 or PC? I'm inclined to go with PS4, since that's what I'm getting Shenmue 3 on, just have all three games in one place.
by Kintor
Fri Apr 13, 2018 10:04 pm
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Re: RELEASE DATE CONFIRMED: Shenmue 1 & 2 will launch 21/8/

Anyway, changing the subject - save anywhere in Shenmue 1 is a big deal. This is the kind of improvement that justifies the HD port, besides porting Shenmue for its own sake, of course.

This will be a big help to new players who have never experienced Shenmue before. Although, I'm wondering if I will still continue to save only in the bedroom, just purely out of habit.
by Kintor
Tue Jul 03, 2018 6:53 pm
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