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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

So when is SEGA's showcase? Not that I'm putting much faith in them to deliver.
SEGA isn't having a showcase, which is the norm for them. They'll be on the show floor with the games they've said they're bringing to the event.

I suppose the HD Collection won't be happening.
No-showing doesn't mean that at all.
by Spaghetti
Mon Jun 12, 2017 10:41 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

If there is one person within the community whos work gets overlooked, and doesnt get nowhere near enough praise as he should, its Kiske.

There are a lot of people who do great work for Shenmue, but he really is one of the silent heroes since Shenmue 3 became a reality. His passion is unmatched, and his ideas and support across all of the Shenmue community sites is something that is to be absolutely commended.

Just wanted to give him is due live and respect.

Bravo sir, and thank you for so much hard work! =D> =D> =D> =D>
by Peter
Wed Jun 14, 2017 2:03 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

If there is one person within the community whos work gets overlooked, and doesnt get nowhere near enough praise as he should, its Kiske.

There are a lot of people who do great work for Shenmue, but he really is one of the silent heroes since Shenmue 3 became a reality. His passion is unmatched, and his ideas and support across all of the Shenmue community sites is something that is to be absolutely commended.

Just wanted to give him is due live and respect.

Bravo sir, and thank you for so much hard work! =D> =D> =D> =D>

I don't know what to say Peter.
Thank you. :heart:
by Kiske
Wed Jun 14, 2017 4:30 pm
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Switch or PSVR

So games I have atm that support the PSVR are..

Resident Evil 7
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Star Wars Battlefront
Drive Club
Geometry Wars 3
Final Fantasy XV
Fallout 4 (update incoming)
Skyrim (update incoming)

Plus cinematic mode for other games and when watching movies.

Games that I will want anyways that can or will also support PSVR:

Ace Combat 7
Gran Turismo Sport
Rez Infinite
Dirt Rally

So then the question is are these games worth playing in VR?
Certainly I can say the most worth it would probably be Ace Combat 7 and Gran Turismo to me..
But after that whats coming out? Sony didn't showcase PSVR to the degree I hoped for at E3.

I guess I should consider the fact that PSVR even though nearing the 2 year mark, is still in its infancy. Also perhaps by the time it does really take off, a version 2 of the hardware might be out.
Also its only available in white.. I have all my entertainment center stuff in black. That would just totally clash like as if...
by Axm
Sat Jun 17, 2017 9:32 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

In the meantime, Sega Forever liked another #SaveShenmueHD related tweet. It's the second one out of 100, not that bad.

It's probably part of their teasing (trolling?) plan for the upcoming "Sega Forever" service, but nevertheless, it's nice to get some acknowledgement and exposure for Shenmue HD.
by Kiske
Tue Jun 20, 2017 5:40 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 & E3 2017 - UPDATE - Confirmed will NOT be at

I cant believe that there is so much hate on this sega mobile stuff. They made great job porting genesis games, right now i playing comix zone and there is no lags and freezes, works like magic.

I just cant get this SEGA hate, they bring Shenmue to life, spent crazy amount of money and just gave away one of their best IPs.
by JohnBlack
Thu Jun 22, 2017 12:14 pm
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Re: Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania

Data Discs, who made the Shenmue vinyl album (with translucent blue represses available from next week), are getting in early with their next Sega license:

We are proud to announce the official SONIC MANIA LP! Gatefold sleeve with exclusive art + download code. Available from mid-July.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Sat Jun 24, 2017 3:36 am
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Re: Random Gaming Thoughts (Read OP Before Posting)

Set up my Rift and Touch last night. Played Rez Infinite for 2 hours. Beautiful.
by Amir
Tue Aug 15, 2017 4:10 am
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Re: Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania

Some thoughts after a few hours of play:

This isn't just a "return to form", this is the best one. This is better than the 16 bit games. This is pure joy in video game form. Every second is fun and exciting, every single second. I was grinning the entire time. Just travelling around, spinning and jumping is an exhilarating experience.

It isn't just a throwback, either. It takes the originals as a foundation and builds on them. Every second something exciting is happening. This is unbelievably good, beyond my wildest expectations.

And it's huge! The levels are gigantic! When I finish a level I get the feeling I've seen maybe 25% of what it has to offer, I'm going to be replaying this game for a long time.

Believe the hype.

One early boss battle in particular will just blow your mind
I know exactly which one you mean. I had to pause it I was laughing so hard. It's emblematic of the whole game, just joyous.
by KidMarine
Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:58 am
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Re: Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania

One early boss battle in particular will just blow your mind
I know exactly which one you mean. I had to pause it I was laughing so hard. It's emblematic of the whole game, just joyous.
Ha! I know what you mean. It was especially cool for me since I was playing Mania with a friend from midnight onwards and we used to play that particular game together competitively years ago. Even remixed the music to it. Amazing..
by Crimson Ryan
Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:17 pm
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Shenmue III teaser is FINALLY HERE!!


phpBB [video]

(Credit to Kiske and SheepheadCG for getting the jumps on this. A few confusing posts and topics were deleted prior to this topic.)
by Peter
Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:16 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

It's a small detail, but the HD Phoenix Mirror really stood out for me. It looks beautiful!

by Jibby
Mon Aug 21, 2017 6:32 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

"The Taiwanese PlayStation Store has leaked the announcement of Yakuza: Kiwami 2 for PlayStation 4 ahead of Sega’s Yakuza Studio New Titles Presentation on August 26.

According to the listing, the game, which is a remake of Yakuza 2, is built in the latest iteration of the Dragon Engine, which is used in Yakuza 6: The Song of Life, and will launch in Taiwan on December 7.

Further details are expected to be announced on August 26."

Hahahahaha. BRING IT ON!!!! \:D/


Nagoshi says there will be surprises at tomorrow's Yakuza Studio presentation, despite Kiwami 2 being leaked.
by Demonoroth
Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:50 am
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Re: Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania

I just wanted to say that I LOVE Sonic Heroes! One of my most favourite Sonic games ever. That is all :D
by Shenmue_Legend
Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:30 pm
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Re: The Shenmue 3 Effect: What could go wrong or right

^ Troll or not, views like the one above is what alienate gamers outside the Shenmue fanbase. Games nowadays have been better than ever. Advances in technology allow so much complexity and depth in gameplay on modern games that if all future Shenmue titles will do is update its graphics, then the series will surely be bound to be just one of those indie projects that all that is aiming to do is capture the feeling of the past gaming eras.

QTEs are so obsolete by now as cinematic action moments can be done in gaming without them (see the Uncharted series) and fighting in 3D space has gone such a long way since Shenmue (see For Honor). It would be such a downgrade in vision by Yu Suzuki, a designer known to always innovate with each creation, to just follow the old mechanics of the previous titles to a tee.

What is this "complexity and depth" you speak of? That's absolutely so untrue. If anything, nowadays games are the exact opposite because they cater to casuals so much. Let's take a fighting game as an example. Street Fighter V. Even Yoshinori Ono himself admitted that they simplified the gameplay so that casuals could get into it. And For Honor? Seriously? For Honor's combat isn't even martial arts based, it's developed entirely around the use of weapons so they're not really comparable. And besides, it's combat isn't better than Shenmue. That's for sure. Look I've played many modern and games from the past alike. Things like Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us, Ocarina Of Time, Okami etc. Shenmue is better than every single one of them.
by Shenmue_Legend
Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:53 am
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Re: The Shenmue 3 Effect: What could go wrong or right

Riku Rose wrote: Although I still can’t wait for the review thread here and watching everyone cry when someone dislikes the game.

Sounds like you've got a lot going on in your life.
by KidMarine
Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:23 am
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Re: The Shenmue 3 Effect: What could go wrong or right

What is this "complexity and depth" you speak of? That's absolutely so untrue. If anything, nowadays games are the exact opposite because they cater to casuals so much.
As example, look at the strategy genre scene of today. In games of the past most battles are confined within an area, at most maybe civilizations fighting each other for the dominance of a planet. Nowadays, there are games (see Planetary Annihilation) that take battles on multiple fronts: land, air, space, other planets... Simultaneously! While someone has his full focus on securing a victory within a planet, another is losing battle after battle to diverge attention from the fact that he dedicated all his resources instead on building up a Death Star type of weapon from space with the end goal of pulverizing said planet altogether with the enemy main army and win galactic war. Can you really go back and play old Starcraft 1 after knowing that there are games out there with a much grander scope and vision?

Street Fighter V. Even Yoshinori Ono himself admitted that they simplified the gameplay so that casuals could get into it.
Having simplified gameplay is not the same as being a less complex game. Just looking at the myriads of block, counter and gauge mechanics already tell me SF V has come a long way since the days of SF II. If the game was just truly made for the casual crowd, I find it hard to believe that it would still be featured on EVO championships year after year, and played by professional gamers around the world.

And For Honor? Seriously? For Honor's combat isn't even martial arts based, it's developed entirely around the use of weapons so they're not really comparable.
Yes, seriously go look at the concept of martial arts first. And that was not my point anyway. For Honor has refined 3D fighting mechanics with concepts such as targeting specific body parts, stamina based attack and defense, terrain advantage and even using it as a weapon. It's simply not just a 2D fighting mechanic transported to a 3D space like most of the genre.

And besides, it's combat isn't better than Shenmue. That's for sure.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that. I got no problem with it.

Look I've played many modern and games from the past alike. Things like Uncharted 4, The Last Of Us, Ocarina Of Time, Okami etc. Shenmue is better than every single one of them.
So tell that to Bill Gates ASAP and have those $15M running already.

Actually Uncharted uses QTE's quite a lot, mostly in set pieces and I think Shenmue can learn a lot from it. It mostly does it in a more subtle fashion than Shenmue did and the commands don't always pop up on your screen, but still there are a lot of momemnts where you are on some kind of battlefield having a shootout with the bad guys but no matter what you do, you'll always have to pass one specific point on the map and once you pass that point, this huge guy appears out of nowhere and starts choking Drake and you have to repaetedly tap the button displayed on screen. If you fail to register x amount of button presses during a set time frame, you die.
You are right. All I was trying to say is that we do not need to conform ourselves with the archaic input on screen to get that cinematic moment fix in our games today.

Um, Super Smash Bros is played at Evo as well. Does that mean it's a deep and technical fighting game that isn't for casual players? Of course not. I don't really care what fighting games professionals play or not. That doesn't prove that the game is complex just because they play it. In fact, a simpler and more easier game with a lower skill cap means that they have a higher chance of winning so really, there should actually be more of them playing it! The Street Fighter series is one of the many examples that shows modern does not equal better. 3rd Strike is still the best Street Fighter even though it's older. And SF2 is way better than V. I've played the latter and it's one of the worst (IV is THE worst)in the series.

Well really, the only thing that transfers over from martial arts into weapon fighting is the footwork (which is the most important thing). I don't know much about fighting with weapons so I can't say anything else but I know that footwork is the most important thing for both. Also, in Shenmue you can attack different body parts too. You can classify it as "targeting" because if you know which moves hit whichever part of the body, then you can exclusively target that area or whatever. Shenmue's combat is much more fluid and smoother. Not to mention the fights also look way better. And the diversity, variety and the uniqueness of the moves also adds on to all this.

Finally, the QTEs in Shenmue are done better than any game and are unrivaled in their awesomeness and nostalgia! They're not mindlessly used without reason, they're appropriately placed for the right situations. I LOVE hearing the "beep, beep, beep, BLINK!", sounds cool. The QTEs in Shenmue are not annoying or a chore like most games, they're very special and actually add on to the experience.
by Shenmue_Legend
Thu Nov 23, 2017 8:31 pm
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Kowloon's Gate VR: Suzaku

This VR game gives you a glimpse of what the ultimate Shenmue experience could be like on the exploration side (as in Shenmue 2's Kowloon segment), though this particular game leans towards the thriller horror.

Like Shenmue 3, Kowloon's Gate VR: Suzaku is a totally crowdfunded game, stemming from a cult classic PS1 game.
Available on the Japanese PS Store, it's too bad we won't likely see it in the west.
by sand4fish
Wed Nov 29, 2017 1:30 am
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Update #78: Then, Now and Tomorrow

Dear Backers,

On June 16th, 2015 this project began on Kickstarter. It has been two and a half years, but at the top of 2016 we were able to bring our team together to begin development in earnest, so it has been about two years now since things have really started moving.

For the development team that time has flown by, although with the many comments and questions we have received from you, the time may have felt more drawn out for some backers.

Next year is a very important year for Shenmue, so with that, we would like to bring you a conversation with Yu Suzuki and Hiroaki Takeuchi on how far we have come and where we are going from here.

About Hiroaki Takeuchi As an animation producer, he has contributed to an abundance of works that have helped bridge Japan with the rest of the world. His exemplary works include “The Animatrix”, “Tekkon Kinkreet” and “Berserk”. He acts as the CG animation producer for the Shenmue series. For more information on Hiroaki Takeuchi and his work, we invite you to his website .

Thank you for all of your support here on the updates and at the events throughout the year!

Have a wonderful holiday season and New Year!

(Merry Christmas, motherfuckers!)
by ShenGCH
Mon Dec 25, 2017 5:49 am
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Re: Sega Festival 2018 - FES

I don't recall in recent years SEGA hyping up anything as much as they're hyping up this.

Shenmue HD or not, this is going to be big.
by Jibby
Fri Apr 13, 2018 8:37 pm
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New Shenmue HD footage from PC GAMER show

Small snippet of unseen Shenmue HD footage from the PC GAMER show at E3:
phpBB [video]

Looks great!
by Jibby
Mon Jun 11, 2018 6:38 pm
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Re: New Shenmue HD footage from PC GAMER show

Full Sizzle Reel for anyone who didn't catch the show live -

phpBB [video]
by James Brown
Mon Jun 11, 2018 7:22 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #84 - Survey Info #1: Survey Started!

Sigh, and already the misinformation in games media and comment sections begins in response to the surveys. I guess the preliminary minimum specs didn't get enough exposure with the initial batch of surveys but now that they've gone out for everyone, the media have caught wind of this whole "100GB" and "broadband internet" requirement. It clearly states this is preliminary and subject to change, it should be abundantly obvious that they don't yet know what the requirements exactly will be and so are giving a very broad very general idea just to cover all their bases, and the broadband requirement is probably just for downloading the game. (Since it says Steam disk, I assume it has to be downloaded from Steam.) Obviously if it requires downloading, the internet is necessary lol.

But the media and commentors' spin on this? "Shenmue 3 to require 100GB storage space and internet connectivity to play" which isn't even close to being confirmed yet, but the hate bandwagon has already started, yet again. Uuugh. >_< Now everyone assumes it's going to be rife with DRM or what have you. And then I also saw someone talking about how "Sega are publishing this so that confirms it'll have Denuvo," both of which are untrue lol. It's like being a Shenmue fan consists of a neverending cycle of being subject to the most misinformed commentary in video gaming history, once every few months, for almost two decades lmao.

I can already see the negative Steam review average in the game's future because of this no matter how many of us try to counter it. Sigh.
by Anonymous81
Thu Jun 28, 2018 10:34 pm
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