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Re: Kickstarter Update #21 : To the Sea and the Continent Be

They are no doubt doing a lot of updates since a week ago.

"Magic Weather Warning: There will be a storm of updates on the way, so bring your umbrella with you tomorrow!"

The biggest take away

Weeeeee hope so, we hope so
by Jackie Fhan
Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:02 am
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Re: I am a bit confused why the Ryo model looks so bad

If the development hasn't started yet, why they waste time redoing characters when they can recycle them, that's the point.

To show that this will look like a modern game ? And that probably would attract more people ?
But the character models don't look modern and they just look bad to the fans.

So, I am not seeing a very clear or coherrent answer half the time.

I do appreciate some of you actually discussing this and not giving a snide silly remark that makes no discussion like a few have.

I also said 3 times that I understand this is not what the final models will look like and this is just what they threw together.

The question was always why did they use these and not their high target scans that look quite good.

And to your point, if you did that? the models look even worse. I didn't do that as it seemed too easy to see how bad they look, but since you brought it up. We don't even need to see ps4 models to see how bad they look. PS3 is good enough.
who are the guys behind sh2 working with now, wish they could get these guys on the team For those who didn't play it (yes it's a bit bad) but it is a game that truly impresses more than any other in visuals in spots.

If they are trying to make them look modern then they failed. I don't think they were aiming for that, just trying to show they are working perhaps?

And finally to be fair this is also from a game that had barely started production

Now I hope we can be friendly, I know what is going on here "final" versus "perhaps" thrown together character models. But, they do have a long way to go. They are semi ps2 models they have right now ..

Let's see how it looks next year when the game is in development and they aren't worried about this KS and things.
by Jackie Fhan
Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:12 am
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Re: *Poll* What will be the new reward tiers?

I think the mirrors won't be that big... atleast technically shouldn't be as sought after as the jacket imo

I wish it was a special edition dremcast case as well as physical.

But, I'm banking on journal and mirrors...
by Jackie Fhan
Thu Jul 02, 2015 6:36 am
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Re: Your picks for the Dojo's #YouaskYu question

These are the questions I am personally interested in. Hope we all can help each other. I am not sure how much or when I'll be around for the actual event. I'll probably be t work again I am guessing

@Shenmue_3 #YouaskYu 1. Can we get a 10,000 studio tour tier, sign session, round table and more included?

@Shenmue_3 #YouaskYu 2. How will loading be handled compared to SH 1/2? Can we enter, walk up steps more easily?

@Shenmue_3 #YouaskYu 3. Can you create a Paypal account and keep it updated through out SH3's development cycle?

@Shenmue_3 #YouaskYu 4. Can we get more Saturn, Dreamcast video of Sh123 in SH3? interview, development videos as well?

@Shenmue_3 #YouaskYu 5. Will you be considering 2 player versus fighting? Arenas brought from the bet locations in the game?

@Shenmue_3 #YouaskYu 6. Can you try to add a tier for a Dreamcast Special Case Edition, with full color manual?
by Jackie Fhan
Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:07 pm
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Re: Your picks for the Dojo's #YouaskYu question

And ask about more dinners. That's a no-brainer to raise more money. There are plenty who would jump at that opportunity. Like Peter.

If he added 2 more, then maybe because its also giving someone else the opportunity, which id be cool with. But i dont wanna waste time with a question thats only beneficial for myself.
That isn't the case though man, there could be quite a few people wanting such things. I strongly believe in the studio tour with goodies, sign sessions. Playing the game early and seeing all sorts of things. That is a true Shenmue dream imo and it could be done in small groups if enough people buy into it.
by Jackie Fhan
Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:08 pm
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Re: 30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

Overall happy with it, but I want us to push to 10 million as best we can. Now, want to get some physical ideas going. I'm going to try to make some images for it
by Jackie Fhan
Sat Jul 04, 2015 6:01 am
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Re: Will there be micro transactions in Shenmue III?

I think it's the best idea for the franchise and makes sense for this game than others. Especially ince people are asking for payal. Why not give the team work with more missions to buy, more things to buy for the game to support it and keep it going into the development of sh4?

Since I love Shenmue, I have no problem buying a season pass for this game if hey are adding features such as

1. Extra missions that are not affecting the main story - battles and expanded areas
2. Sega arcade games played in the game world and in the ps4 menu

sonic, sega genesis, panzer dragoon, burning rangers, nights, Daytona 2, scud racer and 100's of more

3. Hundreds of casule toys from sega,soni, sony and popular third party characters to be bought

4. A virtua like fighter set in the Shenmue world with arenas brought from all 3 SH games


1. Outside Ryo' home

5.Forklift race creator

These are just a small example of the posibilites of Shenmue world. I'd pay atleast 20 or more each for the fighting version. Racing and I'd probably buy everything they made. I'd rather have a 100 dollar by all content option though

Besides arcade, Saturn game, wish they could make it a hub for all of sega and make it huge.

I'd do a 60 dollar subscription to play 100's of sea arcade and console games. Gimmie!

I don't want 2.99 skin packs and whatever. But, buying fighters with detailed move sets for the 2 player versus fghter would be so welcome.

For the record I only buy tracks and things for games I really enjoy such as Motorsotrm pacific Rift.
by Jackie Fhan
Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:14 am
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Re: Serious proposal: #30to3point6 - 1/10th of backers donat

I'm glad we're thinking about the future after the Kickstarter, but what about the final push here guys?

Yes,I'm hoping we can get on the ball with the disc version and tweeting it. (that thread we got up)

And we need to create a very special campaign for the final 3 days, one for each day imo

My basic idea is, artwork and other special things, we count down from 3 (SH3) 2 (sh2) and (sh1) stories, gifs, videos ,use videos of each title. So for example streaming SH 2 on (2 days left of the KS) things like that.
by Jackie Fhan
Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:17 am
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KS Suggetion- 2 player VS Fighting 5.5m- NPC head re. 10,000

I thank ash for helping me spring this idea in my head.

People were saying we need something big between 5 an 6 million and I honestly can' think of something much more big than this. Probably a little more work than we think. But it can add so much to the game if implemented right. If they create a decent 2 player fighter mode then we have many options for income, exposure and more fans to play the game.

2 player Versus Mode
-Using many characters from the game
-Charcters from SH 1 2 and 3
Fighting arenas from SH 1 2 and 3
-DLC packs for characters from S1,S2, S3 (Ryo's dad etc)

DLC Packs for upgraded character models from
-Yakuza pack 5 characters
-Virtua Figther Pack 5 characters
-Yakuza Pack 2
-Virtua Fighter Pack 2
- Additional Fighting Arenas
-Clothing packs 10 pieces for $3.99

I know people want a new VF, FV (well, this is probably the best way to have this and do well) imo

Not only do we get a superb mode in sh and with sh characters, we also get Virtua Fighter basically. The fighting model just transfers over to Shenmue for double whammy.

I think the idea is to make it huge, perhaps as it does well. Give a different team a majority of the work and put the funding toward SH 4 and things such as this for SH4.

The next big reward would be

Your head model and clothes for the Fighting arena


Maybe the majority of the post launch work could be handled by a different team and imo this is the best way to have mp in Shenmue so it doesn't affect single player. I guess it could be optional to have a fighting tourney in the game and have 2 players go at it.

by Jackie Fhan
Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:34 pm
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