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Re: Kickstarter Update #60: Dinner in Japan Reward Report

Sorry to be a debbie downer but this is a waste of an update IMO. But I guess they have nothing else of substance to show us until the next big unveil at a gaming show.
by delvec19
Thu Sep 29, 2016 6:58 am
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Re: Shenmue Dev Team Expanding - Leaflet Translation

They're using the original logo font. =P~
by Yokosuka
Sat Oct 01, 2016 12:31 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #60: Dinner in Japan Reward Report

A lot of people have been wanting to know what we saw on that laptop. I can safely say there were no story spoilers in there. The majority of the footage consisted of location shots. What blew us away was the quantity that was shown, however. I think most of us have had doubts as to how far they've actually gotten into development, after only seeing a few shots of Bailu Village after all this time. But when we saw Bailu Village, Baisha and Choubu, any doubts I had were put to bed. They looked very fleshed out and beautiful already (and note that the footage was 3 months old when we saw it). There were bits of cutscene material, and a QTE testing scene, but those were really early tests and not much to talk about.

As some of you may now, YsNet recently started hiring additional staff to work on "high-end cutscenes." They are working their asses off, no doubt in my mind. I'm not saying this WILL happen, but I wouldn't be surprised if we got the first official trailer by December at Playstation Experience. Hang on a little longer, it'll be worth the wait.
by LanDC
Sun Oct 02, 2016 6:57 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #60: Dinner in Japan Reward Report

I think one thing thay can be said is what Yu mentioned about the look.

It was a very good conversation, that really made me feel good (this was said before we seen what was on the laptop). Yu went into a bit of detail about the colour of Shenmue, which I found very interesting. He said about how Shenmue has a specific look, which all stems from the colour pallette. He wants Shenmue colours to feel "wet", or "moist", in that you can feel the colours on the screen. Taste them even. He said that Unreal has a great colour editor but they didn't quite have the Shenmue colours he was looking for. But eventually they did crack it and in what we seen, it was completely Shenmue.

That's what I meant by when I was asked about if this game was essentially "Shenmue". It really is. This is where the brilliance and importance of Yu at the helm of this is so vital to this being a true Shenmue 3. Another director may have thought something looked well, but wasn't quite Shenmue. But it really is.

Another thing to mention is Matt is 100% completely right. He made the point of saying this was a little old. This was backed up by Yosuke who cut it. Now that means what we seen was completed around June, which is just 4 months after MAGIC where we seen a cut of Shenhuas home and the fishing pond etc which Yu confirmed was completed the day before. Now with that info, and seeing what they can do in 4 months..... I swear when you see it you will drop a bollock. Not only that, but they are now hiring more staff? Sweet Jesus this game..... I can't wait until all of this stuff is public so we can all be on this level of excited that we are.
by Peter
Sun Oct 02, 2016 7:40 pm
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Re: The Main Menu

Shenmue 1 and II don't have the same menu design at all. They have the same song but the same design? Quite a stretch.
by Himuro
Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:39 pm
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Re: Shenmue II too big ?

Shenmue 3 will prove that size doesn't matter.
by SMDzero
Thu Oct 27, 2016 11:30 pm
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Kickstarter Update #61: Halloween Greetings

With Halloween upon us, it is time to get into the spirit, so…

And yes, that is a Kenji Miyawaki original!

But one person who will not be going out to do trick-or-treat this year is this man.

Yu-san has been hard at work to bring us the biggest treat of all, and now he has begun the momentous undertaking that is the signed rewards! Everyday Yu-san has been putting his signature to the Kenji Miyawaki illustrations, and thanks to your gracious and sincerely appreciated support, the number of illustrations to be signed is reaching the 5,000 mark!

Maybe next year Yu-san will be able to go trick-or-treating in his Ryo costume…

From all of us of us here, Happy Halloween!

High Res Chai/Shenhua Halloween illustration
by Ziming
Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:04 am
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Making our own HD remaster with Reshade.

EDIT, SORRY I posted by accident the post is still under construction.


Since it seems those HD remaster we are waiting for will never come to fruiction, I was wondering, what we could do to improve even further the games ( appart for making them widescreen :))

First thing that came to my mind is, well a simple HD remaster would feature some kind of improved lighting, and some "modern" tecniques such as Screen Space ambient occlussion or depth of field, someting that happened to Code Veronica HD.

So I first knew about reshade not so long ago, it is a PC tool that allows you to inject some sort of cool post proccesing effects to any game, the thing is it needs acces to the z buffer in order to inject the most advanced effects, such as the before mentioned SSAO and Depth of field, and whenever I read about it everyone would tell me that the Dreamcast does not have a z buffer nor any Dreamcast emulator. so it was impossible.... well... It turns out they were mistaken.

Both Demul and NulldC have z-buffer and Reshade can actually make use of it to inject advanced postprocessing effects.

You will need Reshade (I use Mediator for convenience)
Demul 5.8.2
or this specific version of NullDC
And Reshade

So set up everything.
In demul you should select the directx 10 plugin in order to make it work.
In nullDC you should set the z-buffer option to D2468 mode 2 (lower precision) otherwise Reshade will not have access to the z-buffer.

Once you have everything in place just add the emulator to Reshade and tweak anything you want at your will.

The most impressive effect you can actually add to the game is SSAO, you have different options HBO, SGI SSAO etc, it uses the depth buffer to determine objects that are close to each other and makes them project a soft shadow, it gives depth to the game and personally it is pretty impressive,
Basically it does this.

Some comparissons with the effect turned on and off, notice how closer objects cast soft shadows to each other.

You can also add Bloom, HDR, Lens flare and so on so lights will look that are actually emiting light.


HDR lighting

Tonemapping for a more natural looking lighting

Depth of field ( once an object gets closer to the camera the background will become blurry, I love this effect too :))

Sorry for the overload of images :D
by Esppiral
Tue Nov 08, 2016 2:55 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Keep the girly hissy fits out of this topic please.
by Ziming
Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:00 pm
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Re: Making our own HD remaster with Reshade.

Could you post either a shader profile or a screenshot of the settings you have enabled and levels of intensity? I can get certain things to work, but things like DoF, motion blur, HDR don't work well at all for me. I got SSAO working decently but it looks a lot better in your images.

Phenomenal work though, thank you for sharing with us!

This are the leves and config I use and like the most for SSAO

Should look like the bottom image in debug mode.

Just tried it out. Your gonna need a BEAST of a system in order to run this. However, I was doing this on DX11 where the instructions say DX10 so that could be the reason. Its pretty simple to use. Just download the .Exe and run it. Point it towards the Emu your using. Run the emulator and press Shift+F2. This will pull up the configuration settings. Just make sure you create a profile first. Cant make any changes before you do it.

Yup, it needs a lot of resources, but tweaking things can lead to great results at low performance cost.

Great post! I trying to make it working on NullDC but Reshade seems to not work with it.

Can anybody please help me with that??

Be sure to set the z-buffer option to D2468 mode 2 (lower precision) otherwise Reshade will not have access to the z-buffer.

And use the Nulldc version I pointed to in the first post.

After some testing it seems reshade works best on Nulldc rather than Demul, eveything I posted here was capture using Demul, but it seems it has some z-buffer problems during cutscenes and closeups, something that doesn't seem to happen on NullDC.

Lovely stuff.

Any chance of a video clip or 10?

by Esppiral
Thu Nov 17, 2016 1:53 pm
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Re: Kickstarter update #62: Yu Suzuki & The Music of Shenmue

Peter wrote: He put on some music whilst we were at the back of the bus for the dinner. I can't remember what it was he played though.

Darude - Sandstorm.

Then he turned out the lights and handed out glowsticks and E.
by Spaghetti
Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:59 am
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Re: [Poll] Place your bets: What happens at PSX?

What I hope: S3 + I/II HD

What I expect: S3

What we get: >.<
by Kiske
Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:29 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Peter wrote: Feels like Christmas Eve today.

Won't be online much tonight to roll with the hype. Have to go to a charity dinner, but will be online tomorrow for the fun and festivities.

1 more sleep...1 more..
by delvec19
Fri Dec 02, 2016 4:47 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016


Sweet Jesus.
by Himuro
Sat Dec 03, 2016 3:39 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

I, for one, am seriously upset. I waited many years and invested, as many others, a fair amount of money to see this game become reality.

We deserve better. Looking at this debacle, I am reminded of the Kickstarters who failed, such as Mighty No. 9.

This was a game that was much maligned, but at least was shown off to the public to generate interest. This is now the two biggest stages in gaming that Shenmue III has been a no-show.

10 months? We've barely seen *anything*. Passive can footage and environments with placeholder models still present. The 10k backers saw something that was, while good, still months old.

This is a game that has generated nearly $7,000,000 so far. Something *must* be shown. You mean to tell me they'll wait until E3 2017, 6 months before release to show *anything* on this game and a delay is not gonna happen? I have my doubts.

I hope Awesome Japan and Cedric are getting roasted right now and we, as financially involved consumers in this project, *deserve* to be shown something in the Christmas update. And it better not be something like "Yu's Favorite Wine and Cheese with Shenmue", which is about as frilly as the current updates we've gotten these past months.
by Valascaziel
Sat Dec 03, 2016 5:46 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

All they had to do was make a teaser showing environments. If the locations are as far along as Peter and LanDC say all they had to do was make a one minute trailer of the environments like the Monaco vid of Shenhua's house. Show the Chinese countryside, show the wind blowing in the Shenmue tree, show Bailu village, and details of the interior buildings, show one of the big buildings of Baisha and don't show a single character, all while beautiful music is playing. Until the end when the camera pans and we see Ryo and Shenhua. Fade out. Shenmue III, coming 2017.

That's all they had to do and we already know they have the capability of doing this when every video so far is literally something like this.

There really is no excuse for showing jack shit for well over a year and I do not blame a single person for rescinding their pledge.
by Himuro
Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:38 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

There was this promise in the beginning that backers would have an unprecedented level of involvement with the development of the game, and they've done such a lousy job fulfilling it. All we get are these nothing updates once a month. They need to do a state of development update, reassure backers the game is still coming to the PC, etc. They might be making amazing progress behind the scenes, but they're really letting all of us down as far as the Kickstarter involvement is concerned.
by mjq jazz bar
Sat Dec 03, 2016 6:55 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

*climbs on box*

I gotta talk more. This is an unacceptable event for all of us as fans. We were *led* to believe something would be shown and nothing happened and NOT by Peter, by the very people HE placed HIS trust and money in.

THREE events(TGS I forgot) have now gone by and nothing has been shown. "Oh, it maybe couldn't stand up to the big guns on the main stage."

Horseshit; It did it already and has a Kickstarter record to prove it can. It debuted behind FFVIIR for God's sake, don't give me that.

People lamented that Mighty No. 9 didn't look as good on reveal. At least they saw it, saw how it was most likely going to play. We have *nothing*. No battle system footage, no dialogue footage, no new models, no story, nothing at all.

The negativity is justified. The concern is justified. It is our money and a legacy on the line. The silence on their front, both in regards to less than tangible updates and this lack of show, will only make it worse.

It's like when Tiger Woods got caught with his pants down. He hid, stayed silent, it blew up into a huge mess in the end. David Letterman, same situation--came out, said "Yeah, I did it. I regret it. It is what it is, let's move on." and nothing much happened.

Why do I make that analogy? If there's an issue, development isn't going well, need more time, more money..come out and speak. Talk to your fans. Don't stay silent.

It'll get you one of those tarnished reputations of Kickstarters who left fans hanging for years with nothing to show but "don't worry were still working on it." It'll get you the negative press we all fought like Hell to counter *during* this Kickstarter..except this time, we will not have any leg to stand on to counter.

"We trust in Yu. Everyone calm down."

Me too, I'm still hopeful, but people trusted Keiji Inafune too and look at that train wreck.
by Valascaziel
Sat Dec 03, 2016 7:09 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

There was nothing official to go off right? I understand it's disappointing but at least it's still happening. Pitch forks away everyone. I understand everyone has thoughts that have been building up as the months go by but just remember the game you have been waiting around 15 years for is going to be ours within a couple of years.

There is no excuse. They have taken the money over 70k people and have gained nearly 7 million dollars. Not showing Jack shit for over a year is inexcusable. If the project is having trouble communicate that. While Cedric is telling us December 2017, we still haven't seen anything of note. Zero screens since Ferbruary. No updated model. No direct feed video of Shenhua's house. They think it's okay to release videos made in August of this year with absolutely zero updates on how this game is doing in development. A lot of us gave this game 100 dollars or more. Some gave a fortune. I was fully prepared to give 300 extra dollars to the PayPal if they showed a trailer at PSX. Nope. Pitchforks out.
by Himuro
Sat Dec 03, 2016 8:43 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

They showed some stuff let's not be apocLyptical.

They've shown a few screen shots, and a game test walk through available only to people who attended magic Monaco or paid 10k dollars in the past year.

There was this promise in the beginning that backers would have an unprecedented level of involvement with the development of the game, and they've done such a lousy job fulfilling it.
Thank God for that. I was never too keen on that idea. I don't want backers interfering on the game's development. I'm not paying to have a game made by us, but by Yu Suzuki and his team.

Personally, as a backer myself (who spent almost €200 on this project), the only thing I think Yu and co. owe me is a great game which lives up to the Shenmue name. In fact, I quite dislike something that is very common in the videogame industry and that is the fact that games are announced way before their release dates. I understand that they need to hype them, for marketing reasons, but, as a gamer, I just want the game and I want it to be good, not to spend 2 or 3 years getting screenshots and videos. Obviously, since this was a Kickstarter project, it had to be announced at a very early stage, so, as someone else mentioned already, it is only natural that it seems to be taking longer than usual for them to come up with something substantial to shoe to the public. Fine by me. After all, I'm a Shenmue fan. I know how to be patient. And I assume everyone else here knows too (or should know). And I'm fine with these Kickstarter "non-updates" we've been having too. Just let them focus on making the game. All I'm interested in is the final product.

And if this means that, when they finally do show some video which is more representative of what the actual game will look like, they're going to show us a proper trailer, with gameplay, cutscenes bits, different characters and whatnot, then great.
Because fuck teasers videos! They just... well, tease. Either show us something proper, or nothing at all. So I'd rather have nothing now and later have a proper trailer which will blow me away and give me an actual idea of what the game will be like, than having a teaser that shows nothing and just teases.

Anyway, this game won't come out for a very long time (we'll be lucky if we get it in 2018), so there's plenty of time to hype it and market it. No need to worry (yet) about the possibility of development being a mess which will result in a shitty game. It simply wasn't shown at PSX. Big deal. No one said it would.

Here here. That's my thoughts exactly. We will get a game eventually. Quit your whining. All this "woe is me, how dare they." 2 years ago I'd have given my left nut to have this game in production. Now it is. And no, I don't want backers telling yu what to do. I don't even want your names and likeness in the game. I want shenmue 3 not a Kickstarter project.

Yes, let's keep it absolutely positive. It's worked out so well this far! There's zero reason at all to critique! Let's just fanthing it up!

It's not about blind positivism but about understanding that this game is a massive undertaking. I never wanted to "help develope it" and be super involved. I gave Yu money to make the game. He is. He can't show much at this point it seems. What do you get out of your stress and anger? Do you want him to apologize and show you assets? The guy knows what fans expect. He has passion for it and is doing all he can. All he owes you is a game. As far as we know , he is working on it. Stop acting like a teenager. Praising the man a week ago and now crying and complaining. Temper yourself.

Yu isn't making this game alone. Who said anything about complaining about Yu? I said Ys Net, not Yu Suzuki. Stop acting like Yu Suzuki is making this game alone. Complaining and whining? Get over yourself. These criticisms are justified and are hardly aimed at one person.

As for the game being a massive undertaking, sure. It is. No one said it wasn't. But it'd be helpful if we had any idea how far along it is. It'd be helpful to see at least a basic environmental video that I described earlier. It'd be helpful if they actually released footage that they keep showing to people who pains fortune rather than discuss that you use tense music during tense moments in a video game.
by Himuro
Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:03 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Well, colour me disappointed. Not angry, just disappointed.

The team missed a truly great opportunity to show Shenmue III at arguably the most memorable PSX event - where it could have sat proudly amongst a heavy-hitter like The Last of Us - Part II - but instead it was a no-show.

Big mistake on their part. Not only have they missed out on the opportunity to thrust the game back into the limelight, and relevancy, with a real trailer, but now people are worrying about the state of the game, and as a Kickstarter project, that's usually a death sentence from the internet.
by ShenGCH
Sat Dec 03, 2016 9:30 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

My biggest concern is where exposure, attention, and interest are concerned. Sure, we get monthly updates from the team covering a range of things, but what use is that when it's only the backers receiving those updates, plus a smattering of non-backers who come here or check the Kickstarter page every now and then? E3 was the best possible way to announce the game because it's the biggest gaming event in the world, and they fucking nailed it, but that was a year and a half ago; resting on one's laurels is absolutely not the way to go, especially where video games are concerned, so keeping those who are already aware of the game hyped and excited, and garnering interest from those who previously weren't bothered or didn't even know about the game, should be a priority. That is why showing Shenmue III at PSX would have be an incredible move; not only were people praying for it to happen, and showing it would have got them even more hyped and content with progress of the development, but it very well could have been the game's second wind following its reveal at E3 2015.

The game desperately needs a revitalisation in the form of a showing at a big event, but they knocked that on the head by doing a no-show, not only leaving backers and/or those looking forward to the game in the dark and also concerned with how the game is coming together, but also completely wasting the opportunity to garner new interest. Would it have killed them just to send a two minute trailer to be shown?
by ShenGCH
Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:59 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

There was nothing official to go off right? I understand it's disappointing but at least it's still happening. Pitch forks away everyone. I understand everyone has thoughts that have been building up as the months go by but just remember the game you have been waiting around 15 years for is going to be ours within a couple of years.

There is no excuse. They have taken the money over 70k people and have gained nearly 7 million dollars. Not showing Jack shit for over a year is inexcusable. If the project is having trouble communicate that. While Cedric is telling us December 2017, we still haven't seen anything of note. Zero screens since Ferbruary. No updated model. No direct feed video of Shenhua's house. They think it's okay to release videos made in August of this year with absolutely zero updates on how this game is doing in development. A lot of us gave this game 100 dollars or more. Some gave a fortune. I was fully prepared to give 300 extra dollars to the PayPal if they showed a trailer at PSX. Nope. Pitchforks out.

Yeah I gave as much as I possibly could to the kickstarter and I woke up today (in japan) and felt exactly the same as I did before I went to bed. I understand you are upset but how do you know where they are in development? I understand we could see scenery and maybe some new music but they will most likely want to show us more than than that.. maybe they want to give us something with actual voice acting in it or finished character models.. I would of never thought PSX would have been the breaking point for shenmue fans..

It's the breaking point for me because it was virtually the last shred of hope we had for any tangible update before the end of this year. Cedric literally said they can't say or show anything major before December 2017. Common sense pointed to PSX as being the time and place for such a reveal. Instead, it's nearly the day after PSX and nothing happened. So far this year we've gotten maybe five screen shots, and an off camera video of a walkthrough of the game that hasn't been pubicly released to nearly 70k backers. Development notes from updates have been mostly shallow. The status of the game is unknown - the last update was reportedly recorded in August of this year, which is worrying because it shows they are recording updates months in advance without any hint about the games development status and this being a Kickstarter - not a regularly produced game, this draws concern.

If they had given us anything to chew on through the year: voice over clips, a new model of Ryo/Shenhua, an environment trailer, anything to sink our teeth into, this wouldn't have hurt so badly. Instead, we all put our last hopes for any real update on the game all the way back in fucking SEPTEMBER because of Cedric's words and this is the result.

It isn't just PSX. It's everything to do with the project from the point the KS ended all coming to a head, and when it's FINALLY hinted we will finally get to see the next Shenmue as per Cedric - the games PRODUCER - jack and shit happens.

To be honest, I blame myself for getting so emotionally invested after Cedric's December tease tweet. I should know better than to get excited for ANYTHING Shenmue until I see it with my own two eyes.
by Himuro
Sun Dec 04, 2016 1:44 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

It's understandable that people are upset. Cedric Biscay himself recommended us as Shenmue fans to watch the PSX livestream... The least he could have done is go on Twitter saying "We're sorry, but please don't expect to see S3 on PSX tomorrow, plans have changed"

But nope. Nothing.

I'm still butthurt from last night

Well, let's hope we see it in the Christmas update, and not another round of "Look at how much fun these privileged Shenmue 3 backers are having with Suzuki, you won't BELIEVE what they saw on his laptop!"
by Rikitatsu
Sun Dec 04, 2016 3:23 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

I think Cedric has good intentions, but his Twitter is being unfairly scrutinized because Awesome Japan/whoever isn't doing their job. He made the mistake of trying to communicate with a pretty hardcore group of fans. I think one great trailer will fix all these months of heartache and dsappointment, so hang in there.
by mjq jazz bar
Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:42 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Marvel vs Capcom has always been my favorite Sony game.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:15 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Wow I did it know that about Cedric. I dont know much about anything really, so please, tell me more! By the way, where has listening to the guy "in the know" got you? Has it had a positive effect on your wait for Shenmue 3?
Evidently not, but I find it silly that you tell people to disregard his statements, considering he's in such a high position.

Anyway, him being wrong with PSX wasn't the issue.. After all, it could be something out of their control... Like Sony refusing them the time slot. To assume Cedric was clueless and was bullshitting you with that PSX tweet is some serious disrespect towards the guy.

The issue was he didn't notify the fans of it's absence after teasing it's presence on Twitter... He had no obligation to, of course. But we could have avoided the all the drama if were notified before hand... It would have still been disappointing, but the blow would've been softer, at least.

It should have been apparent to us that a "Producer" halfway across the world that doesn't even speak the same language as the developer would not be the most reliable source of information, but whatever.

Really, living in another country isn't an issue in this day and age. People stay connected thanks to modern technology. It's such a non-issue... Hundreds of Japanese developers have Producers/Publishers who are based abroad, this has never been a problem.

Also, I'm 80% sure Cedric speaks Japanese, even if he didn't. Language isn't a problem... His company is Japan focused, he won't have any issue connecting with Ysnet.
by Rikitatsu
Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:32 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

I never expected anything, to be frank, so I wasn't disappointed. I was more worried about people's reactions here and elsewhere, than about what we'd see.

As I've said before, as much as we all want to believe otherwise, I seriously doubt we will see anything before E3 2017, and maybe not even until TGS 2017. I also will not be at all surprised to see the game delayed, possibly by as much as a year or more. This is just something fairly common with Kickstarted games (and games in general these days, the more ambitious, the more likely the delay... and this is SHENMUE 3.)

And yes, I agree with others that the gaming press will eventually rip the campaign to shreds (again) because of this if it happens.

But I also fully expect that once the game is out, we will all end up with a fun game that is spiritually aligned with the Shenmue we remember, with a detailed, rich world, but with some contemporary (read: more accessible) gameplay mechanics. I expect many here and in the rest of the Shenmue community to be angry about some of that... the lack of footage before E3 or TGS, the possible delay, the press reaction to it, and even the contemporary gameplay elements added, because people want a true hardcore Shenmue experience... but, while I could always be wrong, I really do strongly suspect this is the future of Shenmue 3.

And I'm not one bit upset about any of that.

While frustration is only natural, I think we need to just remain steadfast, as we always have, and wait. It's not like Yu Suzuki of all people is going to deliver a terrible game, or cancel the game. It's going to come out. It's going to at least be fun (though I think, given my experience with other Kickstarted games, we should prepare for it to be merely "good" rather than "amazing" just given budget constraints... and we should also prepare for the gaming press to review it very poorly, or at best, as sort of average to good, high 7s basically) and we're all probably going to enjoy it.

I see no reason to doubt that. At all. As I've stated since the start of the KS campaign and its conclusion... yes, communication has been horrible. From the livestream quality during the KS, to things like saying we should tune into events and then nothing happening (likely internal conflicting information, or Sony not feeling the game was ready to show either, imho - remember, Sony is handling distribution for PS4 and like it or not, their brand is linked with Shenmue 3 and its image.) But it's not like people are going out of their way to deceive us. And it's not like the game isn't going to get made. They're not stringing us along because they want to frustrate us. It just is what it is.

I think the worst thing they could do for the game right now, is show us alpha footage or some such, or another insubstantial "test" that will only provide ammunition to the game's critics. They made a huge splash with the KS. It died down (along with all the negative press!) The worst thing they could do right now is revive all that hate, by showing something so easy to criticize. I firmly believe they will show us the game when it is finally in a state that is much harder to assail, and one that actually excites and intrigues, rather than confuses or worries.

I hate to always be the weird juxtaposition between realism and unbridled optimism but... somebody has to be. :P So that's my two cents. Come on guys, it's not the end of the world. Happy Holidays!

My concerns have nothing to do with an eventual delay. Anyone who thinks this is making December 2017 release date is batshit.

My concern is the absolute lack of communication on the games progress PERIOD. A delay is natural. But ZERO communication about how the game is doing in nearly two years besides a few measly screenshots is pathetic and the media and people who are non-fans who backed it will have all the reason in the world to absolutely destroy this game for the inept job. I don't care if someone is a 10k backer. It's really, really nice you've seen something. Everyone and their mom however has had to settle for cam footage and jack shit.

You haven't properly thought about this. Who cares about a game delay if they probably won't have a game video ready for show until two years after the KS ended? Can you imagine if they don't honor what Cedric said about no pics or video before December 2016 and we end up not having a single pic or video until mid 2017? Oh, but it's not worth worrying about? This game will be slaughtered and deservedly so if this happens, and that has absolutely nothing about an eventual game delay and everything to do with poor communication, "perfectionism", and ignorance of the unwritten rules of a publicly funded title really means.
by Himuro
Sun Dec 04, 2016 11:54 am
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

I'm one of the 10k backers, and I did get to see some content that's not been released publicly. What I've seen has personally reassured myself about the project, and I believe that's the same sentiment everyone else who went to the dinners felt. Unfortunately we've been asked not to disclose them outside so can't force you to feel the same, that's just something you'll have to trust us on.

I'm only speculating here but I guess either the project has hit some difficulties recently such that a video wasn't possible, or it was deemed not good enough by Suzuki-San.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed as well, but I ask of people to have a bit more patience, and try not to spread this negativity into something the media can make up as newsworthy. We managed to wait more than a decade didn't we?


Coming from someone who's seen the development first hand, I think it's enough to take a fellow Dojo member on their word. Then you have mega fans like Peter who's slack jaw photo speaks a thousand words without saying anything. He is truly gobsmacked at what he saw. Read into reactions of the people in the know more.

For Ys Net, it's damned if you do, damned if you don't. They were damned for showing a relatively crappy cut and paste job for the Kickstarter video and damned for showing other updates with crappy fingers and immature Ryo models. They just can't win even if they are trying to satisfy the fans and the press.

With this in mind they probably feel its better not to feed the trolls, because it's damning either way.

What you can do is look at the updates especially this last one with Yu Suzuki reflecting on a lot on the game and music. He seems relaxed and so did the interviewer.

Rome wasn't built in one day, nor Shenmue 3 built in one year. So relax, they are working on it and I reckon they are further ahead than they have showed so far and when a proper Shenmue 3 trailer is revealed, it will be right up there and can sit along side of The Last of Us 2 rather than just be a side show reskin of UE4 that it has been in the past.

Read between the lines, see what is unseen, but spoken and your concerns will dissipate.

I don't care about Rome.

Who cares about Rome?

Why haven't they released a direct feed video of the Monaco walkthrough publicly on their Kickstart page? Incompetence.

They had footage ready to go as early as E3 2016. Not a single hint nor a single clip. Incompetence.

All they had to do this year was make an RDR style environment trailer that's 1 minute long, showing off the environments the 10k Japan backers got to see. But nope. Nada. Incompetence.

You can blame this on whatever forces. Rome wasn't built in a day or whatever. But it's a fact that this team has absolutely and utterly failed to capitalize on basic stuff. Again. Why no updated models shown? How come only 10k backers get to see the Monaco footage? The Monaco footage is the biggest tell sign to me that the team right now only values people who gave this project loads of money. The fact they haven't released the Shenhua house clip in direct feed blows my goddamn mind and you can say "Rome wasn't built in a day" but the only thing I can point to in this case is absolute incompetence.

Instead what have we had? A guy in scrubs telling us some guy is working on QTE's.

Don't be listening to Cedric Biscay on Twitter. He isn't PR for YSNET and he shouldn't be blamed for anything you were expecting to happen, not happening.
Cedric is the CEO of Shibuya Productions, the company that is publishing and (partially) funding Shenmue 3.
He has plenty of say in where the game will be showcased, just as any publisher would.

Cedric himself is a producer on Shenmue 3, he would know about plans for a PSX showcase... He isn't just some guy in France that helped Shenmue 3 happen. He is hands-on with the logistics and financial aspects of the project, as the job of a producer dictates.

He is in the "know", and almost certainly in contact with Suzuki on a regular bases. So when he says the game will be featured in PSX, anyone would believe him. There is no reason to suggest that he is clueless to the workings of Ysnet.

Cedric's stuff is what makes this even worse. It makes it obvious to me that there's poor communication between teams and no one has any idea what's going on. People blamed Awesome Japan for the poor KS but I'm starting to think it's everyone involved with the game, including Ys Net and Shibuya.

It screams amateur hour through the entire project unfortunately. I really wouldn't be shocked if this turns out to be another MN9. The fact that the producer of this game, who has put very much real financial stake into it, doesn't know about when we'll see anything about this game tells literally all I know I need to know about its development status.

Wow I did it know that about Cedric. I dont know much about anything really, so please, tell me more! By the way, where has listening to the guy "in the know" got you? Has it had a positive effect on your wait for Shenmue 3?
Evidently not, but I find it silly that you tell people to disregard his statements, considering he's in such a high position.

Anyway, him being wrong with PSX wasn't the issue.. After all, it could be something out of their control... Like Sony refusing them the time slot. To assume Cedric was clueless and was bullshitting you with that PSX tweet is some serious disrespect towards the guy.

The issue was he didn't notify the fans of it's absence after teasing it's presence on Twitter... He had no obligation to, of course. But we could have avoided the all the drama if were notified before hand... It would have still been disappointing, but the blow would've been softer, at least.

It should have been apparent to us that a "Producer" halfway across the world that doesn't even speak the same language as the developer would not be the most reliable source of information, but whatever.

Really, living in another country isn't an issue in this day and age. People stay connected thanks to modern technology. It's such a non-issue... Hundreds of Japanese developers have Producers/Publishers who are based abroad, this has never been a problem.

Also, I'm 80% sure Cedric speaks Japanese, even if he didn't. Language isn't a problem... His company is Japan focused, he won't have any issue connecting with Ysnet.

Damage control in over time in this thread. Let's defend incompetence!
by Himuro
Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:08 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Before anything else, this is a Kickstarter project. Disappointment on delivery of updates on game development and the delay of the final product is almost 100% to happen. Here's a link for an article to show you the statistics (though a bit old, it still applies today). I think I can consider myself a veteran Kickstarter backer (for what's worth) and I've backed many high profile game projects like Torment Tides of Numenera (backed since 2013) and Bloodstained Ritual of the Night, Kickstarters older than Shenmue 3 that still were not released. Speaking of Bloodstained, which dates just months prior to Shenmue 3's crowdfunding and appears to have some serious big time investors behind the project, has a window release for Q1 2018 so it'll be no surprise to see Shenmue 3 being pushed way beyond December 2017. Another title that I backed, Divinity Original Sin, had only a partial Kickstarter campaign to extend game features and it still was delayed for almost a entire year from their original projection (and very sparse on updates as well). That's simply just the nature and historical track of crowdfunding projects.

The comparison of Shenmue 3 to Mighty Number 9 is fair, given both were unexpected successful campaigns and were received with great hype. But Yu Suzuki is not Keiji Inafune. Inafune's most acclaimed feat to date is to have worked on character designing for the Megaman series (sorry if this offends Megaman fans), and later producing or creating series like Onimusha and Dead Rising. But he is no director and game designer. Foremost, the man is a beyond ambitious businessman trying to spawn an entire MN9 universe (with animes and side games simultaneously) before proving his initial product. Meanwhile Shenmue 3 has most of its key original staff and Yu Suzuki at the helm as director and designer. So the worst that can happen to Shenmue 3 is to be a generic looking game (graphically) and to have a disappointing small world to explore compared to contemporary peers. Because gameplay and vision wise, the game has its concept locked down since the first game's inception more than a decade ago. It's pretty much a safe bet for a Kickstarter project for people to invest their money on, specially if they are fans of the previous games.

On even a brighter side, given that Yu was handed total freedom to do whatever he wants with the series (without any need for approval from Sega) this might turn out to be the most ambitious and fleshed out Shenmue we have yet to experience. I'm saying this because some of the best games (pushing their genres forward) I played these past few years were Kickstarter games: the aforementioned Divinity: Original Sin (one of the best RPGs I played and I don't particularly like the genre) and Planetary Annihilation (RTS with battles with a scope that can go from a determined planet to beyond even a solar system).

Well, what trying to say in the end is that everything will eventually be sorted out, updates will come and the game will be fine to say the least.
by sand4fish
Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:29 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Ziming wrote: Time for some Shenmue music to put everyone at ease.

Ne ne nuh ne nuuuh, nuh nuuh nuuuuuuh.
by ys
Sun Dec 04, 2016 9:02 pm
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Care of Team Yu, a beautiful Shenmue & campaign timeline.

I figured since things have been just a touch tense lately, it might do all our hearts a bit of good to see this. Care of Team Yu:

The history of the game and the struggle to bring it back to life has been a long and winding one I hope everyone can take some inspiration and encouragement from.
by Anonymous81
Wed Dec 07, 2016 7:06 am
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

I asked again when an update may drop:

We are glad to give all we can. There should be an update before Christmas, likely within two weeks time.

Thank you again for your support and feedback.

Kindest Regards,
Joel & the Shenmue III Team

Probably going to drop on the 22nd, considering the 23rd is a public holiday in Japan.
by Spaghetti
Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:56 pm
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

That image is going to be the whole december update.
by shredingskin
Sat Dec 10, 2016 1:23 am
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

Ingame Xiuying is the most stunning female charadesign I ever seen in a video game until Ciri from The Witcher 3.

Abour Ryo, the Shenmue Online CGI is the reason I want to believe. This one is probably made from scratch and he looks awesome:
by Yokosuka
Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:51 pm
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

My biggest concern about shenmue III are actually the character models, the game can be better or worse, but if the characters looks like some random people doing Shenmue cosplays, and that is how they look to me right now... it can put me out of the game.

I am sorry for posting this again, but I did some characters models based on the passport faces directly ripped from the game, so I don't understand why thet don't do this, at least....

This are based on the passport faces, tweaked and with new bodies, they are still faith to their original look, they should do something similar

They have more resources and some source material I can't understand why they are making things harder then they are.

Iirc Yu said Sega allowed them to use source material from the original games, I guess this also means source material from the assets they used for the renders back then.

just use it!

Now look at this...
BTW, it looks that they used different models for Shenhua in the renders, some looks different than others, all are beatifull anyway. :)
by Esppiral
Sat Dec 10, 2016 2:20 pm
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Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

According to Gematsu!

Also, new Shenmue 3 videos planned to be shown in early 2017! ... ecember-15

by Kiske
Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:37 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

Spaghetti wrote:I really, really like the temple gate picture.

Change the ugly logo to the original one and it's like magic. The picture improves, good as it is, 100 %. You need the logo for familiarity. This just shows how the new one is not working.
by ChiefNeo
Thu Dec 15, 2016 12:05 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

Pretty hyped.

Super hi-res images from

Anyone know what the writing on the forklift means?
by Amir
Thu Dec 15, 2016 5:07 am
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

Update is now live, so as I said, I'd post the comparison to show Ryo has been photoshopped:


Basically, the face isn't ready to show. Ryo's arms and legs look less spindly than they did during the reveal, though.
by Spaghetti
Wed Dec 14, 2016 11:42 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

LucBu wrote: Can someone photoshop Joel's head onto Ryo in that market fight scene? Much better. Thanks.

by Technophilz
Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:21 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

Maybe I'm blind and seeing through rose colored glasses but... Can anyone else see the "smell" of the color contrast Yu talked about before, if you catch my drift, beginning to take shape more fully? The sunset hues, the INCREDIBLY lush grass, the feeling of night time and evening in the "air" ? Yes, some of these shots are heavily edited to be sure. But if that's what they're AIMING for, I'm very happy with what I'm seeing personally.

I still don't think we'll see anything major until the footage is shown sometime next year personally (though I could be wrong, as always I try to keep my hopes minimal and to not get hyped.)

But you know... we clamor for an update, and then in the space of a few days we find out new footage may be shown early next year and then get an update saying they're moving forward with more practical tests and preparing for actual content development, and ... everyone's like, "Meh this isn't what we wanted." That's everyone's prerogative, but this made me really happy after a really crappy day yesterday, so I'm choosing to be joyful rather than pessimistic personally. :) To each their own reaction.
by Anonymous81
Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:48 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

I think the best part of this update nobody have mentioned:

“I have been absorbed in developing the game and I stay in the studio all night time to time. My life is all about Shenmue day and night.”-Yu Suzuki

This is the kind of posture and dedication that made Yu Suzuki be what he is. Shenmue is in really good hands!
by The_Fuzileiro
Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:51 am
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