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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Defence of logical debate is one thing, but the promotion of a pitch fork conspiracy theory attitude is not called for in terms of the bigger picture. As I've said, it's all well and good to have a kneejerk moan about it all, but considering this is a game that's been asked for for 14 years... we finally had what we have dreamed for and people still moan. Children still whinge. Get over yourselves honestly, and THINK ABOUT THE BIGGER PICTURE ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Enough is enough. The criticisms may be warrented but you haveall had a moan. I have too, but move on. These guys are busting their asses day and night on a budget for us, and TRUST ME, I've seen it and it's so fucking glorious it surpasses the dreams I've had for 14 years, as someone who has the damn thing tattooed on his arm. Just let it go. It's coming. Try.... just try and be patient. Please.

I won't apologise for what I have seen, nor what I was told, but I didn't give that money for the privelidge of seeing some extra content early. I gave it to something I love, in good faith that it would help all of us be rewarded in the long run, and you know what?? We will!
by Peter
Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:09 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Really guys, you are talking as we haven't had any kind of update at all, we've had a couple of images, a couple of videos, and various videos/documentaries.

Most KS just show some concept art or an image every 5 months or so, specially for a big tittle like shenmue that there's a lot at stake it's quite a bit.

There was some missinformation and the hype did the rest, but whatever, people are just talking like if YS is laughing while in an island in bahamas. It has entered production less than a year, if he doesn't think that the trailer will represent the quality of the final game we should trust (specially that people are very sceptic about KS games, and first impressions can be what builds or breaks the marketing for a game).
by shredingskin
Sun Dec 04, 2016 1:13 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

I feel sorry for the people in here having a go at Rome, when he was a very upstanding member since 2004
by Peter
Sun Dec 04, 2016 2:53 pm
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PayPal support is closed? Whats happening...? :|
Their SSL certificate, used for website encryption, expired on Friday.

PayPal's API for payments needs to be able to communicate with their end over SSL in order to make a callback to notify their site when a payment is made. PayPal's systems will refuse to talk to a website with an expired or invalid SSL certificate. It will remain broken until they renew their SSL certificate.

Disclaimer: I don't know how they integrate with PayPal, but the certificate being expired is true and it's likely that this was just a timing coincidence. I'm guessing their admin who would do that probably won't take care of it until Monday.
by Sappharad
Sun Dec 04, 2016 12:17 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Before anything else, this is a Kickstarter project. Disappointment on delivery of updates on game development and the delay of the final product is almost 100% to happen. Here's a link for an article to show you the statistics (though a bit old, it still applies today). I think I can consider myself a veteran Kickstarter backer (for what's worth) and I've backed many high profile game projects like Torment Tides of Numenera (backed since 2013) and Bloodstained Ritual of the Night, Kickstarters older than Shenmue 3 that still were not released. Speaking of Bloodstained, which dates just months prior to Shenmue 3's crowdfunding and appears to have some serious big time investors behind the project, has a window release for Q1 2018 so it'll be no surprise to see Shenmue 3 being pushed way beyond December 2017. Another title that I backed, Divinity Original Sin, had only a partial Kickstarter campaign to extend game features and it still was delayed for almost a entire year from their original projection (and very sparse on updates as well). That's simply just the nature and historical track of crowdfunding projects.

The comparison of Shenmue 3 to Mighty Number 9 is fair, given both were unexpected successful campaigns and were received with great hype. But Yu Suzuki is not Keiji Inafune. Inafune's most acclaimed feat to date is to have worked on character designing for the Megaman series (sorry if this offends Megaman fans), and later producing or creating series like Onimusha and Dead Rising. But he is no director and game designer. Foremost, the man is a beyond ambitious businessman trying to spawn an entire MN9 universe (with animes and side games simultaneously) before proving his initial product. Meanwhile Shenmue 3 has most of its key original staff and Yu Suzuki at the helm as director and designer. So the worst that can happen to Shenmue 3 is to be a generic looking game (graphically) and to have a disappointing small world to explore compared to contemporary peers. Because gameplay and vision wise, the game has its concept locked down since the first game's inception more than a decade ago. It's pretty much a safe bet for a Kickstarter project for people to invest their money on, specially if they are fans of the previous games.

On even a brighter side, given that Yu was handed total freedom to do whatever he wants with the series (without any need for approval from Sega) this might turn out to be the most ambitious and fleshed out Shenmue we have yet to experience. I'm saying this because some of the best games (pushing their genres forward) I played these past few years were Kickstarter games: the aforementioned Divinity: Original Sin (one of the best RPGs I played and I don't particularly like the genre) and Planetary Annihilation (RTS with battles with a scope that can go from a determined planet to beyond even a solar system).

Well, what trying to say in the end is that everything will eventually be sorted out, updates will come and the game will be fine to say the least.
by sand4fish
Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:29 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

FYI in case anyone doesn't know, dojo member Sappharad noticed it was the SSL certificate that has expired on the paypal donation page. This can be easy done and has probably been missed /forgotten by who over administrates the website. Hopefully they notice and fix first thing on Monday!
by b_ren
Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:18 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Time for some Shenmue music to put everyone at ease.

phpBB [video]
by Ziming
Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:13 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

I know it's very disappointing we didn't get anything new at PSX but without wishing to sound patronising, please let's all just stay calm for the minute and put it into context. Hopefully we'll get some sort of update soon! :)

Best wishes, as always, MJ
by MJC The Great
Sun Dec 04, 2016 4:05 pm
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Re: Playstation Experience - December 2016

Spare me. My "complaining" is from accepting the situation as is. Would I prefer it not be a KS game? Yeah. But it is. And because it is, they have certain ogbligations and that's it. Their communication has been terrible and if what Gio said is true is more poor communication.
For what it's worth I've backed numerous Kickstarters over the years, although Shenmue 3 is by far the larger sum of money that I've ever pledged to a crowd funding project. As such, I've observed many different kinds of approaches to communication, some projects communicate quite regularly and others operate on radio silence for months before posting anything new.

Amongst these I have to say that the level of communication displayed in regards to Shenmue 3 has actually been really good. We get monthly updates and occasionally even more, thanks to Yu Suzuki's evident appreciation for the Shenmue fanbase. So while PSX might have been a bust it doesn't matter that much in the greater scheme of things, there's still plenty of time between now and Shenmue 3's release to find the right time and place to reveal a new trailer.

Maybe I feel this way because it's my first KS and it also happens to be my most anticipated game of all time. Thanks for the clarification on how KS usually works.
by Himuro
Mon Dec 05, 2016 12:49 am
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Cedric - update

Without wanting to reignite the PSX thread, Cedric has responded to a fan on Twitter. Sometimes, I think we forget that Cedric is one of us - a fan.

His position is different to your average fan in that he was influential in reviving the series and has landed the 'co-producer' title in the process. But his tweet all but confirms that, in many respects, he is as much in the dark as us all when it comes to the game's development.

Feel free to lock the thread if you think it might turn into a witch-hunt - it wasn't my intention - but I felt his tweet justified its own discussion.

Cedric is as disappointed as the rest of us and has blamed it on his own fan instincts.
by iyapol
Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:11 am
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No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

i thought id make this topic to add my personal perspective on the Shenmue 3 situation. I'll start off by saying this.

There will be no Shenmue 3 until E3 2017!!

I say, Don't expect it, dont build any false hype, dont buy in to teases from the team, media, producers, Sony, Sega, dont expect any major KS updates, etc etc.

I've invested about $5000 now into the project and if im being honest, i wasn't expecting Shenmue 3 to be at PSX at all. Now granted, the teases from Cedric were indeed misleading and i can see why people were anticipating it, but look, the PlayStation 4 has so much varied content and there are games right now that deserve more exposure and coverage than shenmue 3 at this point in time.

Off the top of my head, Sony have to continue to push support for

Resident Evil 7
Last Guardian
Uncharted 4
Street fighter 5
Gran Turismo
Snk titles
Gravity Rush 2
Playstation classic / PSN

These games are near complete/completed, released/near release and need much more exposure, marketing and support than shenmue right now.........especially the last guardian......

Games like the last of us, which i really do enjoy, but also believe is overrated is a much bigger mainstream attraction than Shenmue 3, so it makes sense to show it.

I think we shouldn't expect anything significant from the KS updates. This isnt a typical KS, it has major investors behind it, mainly SONY & their 3rd party production team. We are only gonna get snippets from the team until SONY decide to show it off properly, and even then, im pretty sure Ys net will only release screenshots and short videos. All the major reveals will be through SONY when the time is right.

Final Fantasy 7 wasn't even shown at PSX. Then again, if i was square, i wouldn't show that off as id want all the attention to stay on Final fantasy 15 for as long as possible. Likewise with sony, lets focus on the current spotlight of games and then move on to the next batch. The next batch presumably has Shenmue.

My prediction is still that Shenmue 3 will be revealed properly at E3 2017, along with an instant release of Shenmue HD a. It makes the most sense. From there on, continuous exposure until release.

Those who are constantly saying "Im an investor. I want real updates, etc etc". As i said before, this isnt a typical KS, so dont expect anything significant unless the big investors say so. We're getting our dream game within a year or so. Waiting a few more months for a trailer is better than waiting for nothing, like we have been for the past 15 years.

Now if Shenmue 3 doesnt get shown at E3, which is highly unlikely, then we can get the pitch forks out. Hell, i'll be at the front causing the most havoc. I promise you that.

The battle for Shenmue 3 will continue even after Sony reveal it. I got a feeling that the marketing will be shit, like it has been for the last guardian. I've hardly seen anything for that game and its lineage is similar to shenmue. We have to make sure this doesn't happen with Shenmue 3. So keep the pressure on even after we see it properly. It's really fuked up when No man's sky can get marketed and pushed to the heavens and a game like the last guardian gets a few trailers. Damn.

I think there will be no Shenmue 3 until E3. No good KS updates, no proper reveals. Nothing. Dont listen to the media, dont build any false fan hype. Don't read to much into what cedric, sources, or sega say. Don't expect anything at Monaco etc etc.

If you do, then you're gonna have a ton of ups and downs going forward.

If something does come out before E3, which i doubt it will, then hell, we got ourselves a nice treat.

In the mean time, let's focus on the community and what we do have. We have a shenmue 2 movie, which is bloody amazing. I always wanted that. We have a Shenmue reshade HD project, campaigns, music etc. we'll shift to Shenmue 3 when its revealed.

Shenmue E3 2017. I believe we'll see it then

Made a few edits in case people interpret this in the wrong way or believe it comes across to harsh. Hopefully, you can see my point. All my opinion of course.
by ShenSun
Mon Dec 05, 2016 8:26 am
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Back up and running. No changes.
by iyapol
Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:35 am
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

I will try to be really thorough this time. I noticed some here took Bloodstained KS to compare and critique on that of what is being done in Shenmue 3. As I am a backer of both projects, you should know that Bloodstained has a total of three entire development studios behind the game and a playable demo already available for the backers. That's why there's much to talk about it at the moment. I have mentioned before that there was some serious outside investment on this project behind the scenes. That's just the power draw that a Castlevania title (not officially but) can command.

Unfortunately that's not the case for Shenmue. Let's not pretend the series has been a commercial success. Right now it's being developed solely by Ysnet, a company which most of their work (if not all) comprises of mobile titles (correct if I am wrong). It's seriously understaffed for a project like Shenmue 3 (they are still hiring after all if you look at their website). Basically what you are looking is: one development team versus three, one fully 3D game with the size of a small town roughly vs a 2D sidescrolling platform. What about the difference in game mechanics? That's an entire level of complexity apart from each other. Do you see the disparity on scope versus resources? You just can't have Shenmue 3 at the same speed process as that of Bloodstained (marketing or development wise). That's like trying to squeeze water from a stone. Wanna really run Yu Suzuki dry till the man loses all the remaining hair he still has? That's cruel.

But why not show some footage of some kind at PSX just to please and reassure backers that the project is on track? Sure, showcasing gameplay of of two twitchy wireframed Minecraft characters fighting each other on a background made on MS Paint or release a new trailer based on the models of that "awesome" early E3 footage could surely gain the hearts of new adopters and appease the existing fan base. But well, Yu decided not to. What are we gonna do? Complain? By the way, I didn't actually see that much of exposure from Bloodstained on the big events like you guys expect Shenmue 3 to have.

Now on the failings of Shenmue 3 campaign. Are you kidding me? What failings? All I saw was one shy dude (Yu) and his small team managing to snag a known IP from Sega and put into crowdfunding in front of one of the biggest gaming events in the world, and breaking a world record in the end with the help of a clumsy group called Awesome Japan (they were part of it after all and hired by Yu with his own money). To date, the project managed to attain most of the key staff from the original games, including the original voices (English and Japanese) of the protagonist! To top it all, it's one of the very few Kickstarters that managed to retain the original IP name and not be one of those spiritual successor bs titles. This is no short of a miracle and a great accomplishment by Yu Suzuki and his team.

What about promoting the game? Well, if the initial E3 in US was not enough, how about MAGIC Monaco and China's Chuapp Conference? That's basically worldwide reach, and a stroke of a genius (reaching out for an untapped huge market). Do you guys really know that many crowdfunding projects that had that much success? I sure don't.

by sand4fish
Tue Dec 06, 2016 12:14 am
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

We're not going to have to wait till E3. Unless something drastically changes, the next Kickstarter update will include the footage Peter and I saw on the bus. After Yu showed us the footage, he said everyone would be seeing it (and more) "in December." He never specified PSX, but Peter and myself clearly thought that's what he meant. The last $10,000 dinner was already confirmed for San Francisco on the week of PSX, so it seemed like a no-brainer. But this goes to show that we should never expect anything until we have 100% official facts, no matter how logical what we're expecting may seem. Let's keep a cool head and wait a few more weeks! We'll see this month's update sooner than usual, I'd imagine. The team should be afforded a good holiday break, so they won't even be there to update on the very last day again.
by LanDC
Tue Dec 06, 2016 2:02 am
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

to the lack of actual game updates
You keep saying this even though it isn't true.

It's like the updates are done only for Shenmue fans rather than communicating anything about the game to newcomers. It's like, why should anyone besides Shenmue fans buy the game? According to the updates I'm not seeing any reason at all. I find it all piss poor, being honest.

This. And that sucks hard because there will come the day we have to point out this reason for the poor sales this game will continue to have.

The updates are meant for the backers, that's the whole point..
by Monkei
Tue Dec 06, 2016 4:16 am
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

I'm honestly surprised to see so many Shenmue fans so disappointed. I thought Shenmue fans were used to disappointment by now. ;-)
At least we're getting the game...that's all I care about. The less the game gets spoiled the better.
by Henry Spencer
Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:26 pm
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Re: Care of Team Yu, a beautiful Shenmue & campaign timeline

As it happens I put up a post about it today on Phantom River Stone also. It really reflects the persistence and spirit of Shenmue fans. ... eline.html
by Switch
Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:06 am
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Re: Care of Team Yu, a beautiful Shenmue & campaign timeline

We really have come a long way...

I still remember getting over the moon after each Shenmue 3 rumor posted by Kiyuu. By 2010 I literally lost hope in Shenmue 3 ever materializing. I didn't even give the forklift tease from Suzuki any attention. In my mind, it was impossible.

The announcement at E3 2015 was such a shock to me... Not only Suzuki is making Shenmue 3, (a game, not a manga or a novel), but he also has some AM2 veterans there to help him.

To this day, the fact that we're getting Shenmue 3 hasn't sunk in, yet. It probably will when I see it running in all it's glory.
by Rikitatsu
Wed Dec 07, 2016 9:24 am
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I did it!

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
by LCrespo
Fri Dec 02, 2016 4:15 am
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Re: No Shenmue 3 Until E3 2017!!!

Please, stop the discusion, shall we?
I think this, the shenmue community is one of the best, if no the best communitys about videogames.

We all love Shenmue, we have been waiting for this for more than 15 years, we should do whatever is in our hand to make Shenmue 3 profitable in order to get Shenmue 4. We can't do nothing but wait for them to release the game and info whenever they CAN.

There are already some people on the kickstarter page whining because Shenmue 3 didn't appear at psx, insulting Suzuki saying his is a drunken and so. The last thing we must do is something like this.
I was so disapointed about psx but I understand making a game takes a lot of time (years) and I don't have waited 15 years for ruining all of the sudden because they don't release as much info as I want.

Please, this discussion follow path to nowhere, let's put a end to this.
by Hazuki00
Wed Dec 07, 2016 4:32 pm
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Re: Care of Team Yu, a beautiful Shenmue & campaign timeline

What an excellent article. I learnt things about the series I didn't even know which is always a good thing.
by iyapol
Thu Dec 08, 2016 3:52 am
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Re: I'm I the only who has not backed Shenmue III?

khmlight3 wrote: What about the Animals, Plants and stuff lol

With the exception of humans, flora, fauna, and bacteria (which can be lumped in with humans, too, I guess) don't have access to credit cards or PayPal accounts, but I hear they're working on it!
by ShenGCH
Thu Dec 08, 2016 1:00 am
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What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

Just thought I'd make a separate thread in case the info got buried in the "No Shenmue III until E3 2017!!!" topic, but also to take a positive look ahead at the near future.

Basically politely* asking the Shenmue III support team via the Kickstarter yielded these answers R.E the December update:

Thank you very much for your candor. We will certainly be doing our best to keep everyone interested and in faith.

There should be something in terms of screen shots coming up this month.

Please keep your hopes up! This is a long process, but please trust Yu-san and everyone else involved has Shenmue's best interests at heart!

All our best,
Joel & the Shenmue III Team

We are glad to give all we can.

There should be an update before Christmas, likely within two weeks time.

Thank you again for your support and feedback.

Kindest Regards,
Joel & the Shenmue III Team

*politely is emphasised because that's probably the attitude you should go with if you're going to message them too, but I'm sure you all know that. You're all a well behaved bunch... mostly. :lol:

Personally, I think the update will drop on, or before December 22nd, as the 23rd is a public holiday in Japan.


" Can we trust this information? "

IMO, yeah. I know we've gotten into a mess recently over who to listen to about the project, but Joel and the rest of the support team are a lot closer to the project day-in day-out than Cedric, and their job is effectively communications, including planning and helping determine what goes into KS updates.

" Will it just be screens? "

Until we hear otherwise from a strong source, then just assume screens. I expect some written information with the screens, but whether it'll be worthwhile is unknown.

" Will the screens have the new character models? "

Nobody knows. That may not be the priority for the development right now, but the environments should be quite a bit further along than when we saw them in February.


If you read down the thread a little you'll see a tease from Yu with a blown out photo on a phone screen seemingly showing Shenhua face-on. Considering the last time they officially showed Shenhua or Ryo they had them literally facing away from the camera, I think a face-on shot implies it could be the new model.

Similarly, Shenhua's outfit looks different from E3 2015 to me. The scarf (snood... thing) looks smaller and exposes more of the shoulder, and generally the outfit looks less baggy the best I can tell. If we could see the sleeve colour we'd know for sure if it's a new model or not, but the colours are too blown out.

Personally? I think we might be seeing new models.

" When's the US $10K Backer dinner? "

Soon. Imminent, even. Yu Suzuki is in the US and has already dropped in on Gio Corsi from Sony. It should happen over the weekend and put Yu back in Japan by mid-week. Nobody really knows who the dinner backers are, and nobody is expecting any information to leak; so sit back and put it out of your mind for now if possible.
by Spaghetti
Fri Dec 09, 2016 10:55 pm
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

This is all good, just please remember to keep your expectations in check, and I hope we all don't fall into the same old arguments again. Being positive for a community that carries the Shenmue name on its front is the same as showing confidence on this project to future backers and the rest of the world. It's simply more than fanboyism, and a lot at stake might be riding on this sentiment as a group.
by sand4fish
Sat Dec 10, 2016 12:07 am
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

Ooooo shit.


Did some botched CSI-ing to get a closer look.

I'm kinda sure that's a Tulou in the background? I can't tell if they've literally whited out Shenhua's face or if that's a blown highlight. I don't believe it's the completed new model (sleeves don't look the right colour), but you'd hope if they're showing them again that work's been done. Shenhua's hair looks different from what I can tell so far, however.
by Spaghetti
Sat Dec 10, 2016 1:00 am
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

Ooooo shit.


Did some botched CSI-ing to get a closer look.

I'm kinda sure that's a Tulou in the background? I can't tell if they've literally whited out Shenhua's face or if that's a blown highlight. I don't believe it's the completed new model (sleeves don't look the right colour), but you'd hope if they're showing them again that work's been done. Shenhua's hair looks different from what I can tell so far, however.

Note to self.

Do not get your hopes up. Do not get your hopes up. Do not get your hopes up.
by iyapol
Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:49 am
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

I think so. I wish I could remember where I read that exactly.
The last time I remember Yu addressing the models was the panel at MAGIC, where he said they will respect the images in the minds of the fans who finished Shenmue II, R.E Ryo and Shenhua.

Maybe you're mistaken?


But anyway, I think it's worth a reminder that it isn't confirmed we're seeing new models, just my speculation because I noticed a few things may be different.

And also, if they are the new models and aren't perfect, there's still a year of development left at least . Let's not scream mutiny over something that is a work in progress.

I do think we have to let go of the obsession with the passport models, though. They're great on Dreamcast but they're showing their age significantly. The E3 2015 models were made cheaply and quickly, and not indicative of what the team can really do.
by Spaghetti
Sat Dec 10, 2016 4:29 pm
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

Just so we don't get ahead of ourselves, nothing we've seen even in the tease Tweet is 100% what we're going to see in the update.
by Spaghetti
Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:47 am
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

I think the current character models were done by YS before Takashi Ito joined.

YS is an ideas guy, he's not a top quality 3D modeler and it shows. Obviously without a big company like 90s SEGA doing the busy work, some of the premium feel Shenmue had will be lost but that's the price for pursuing the project as a indy team.
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
Sun Dec 11, 2016 10:18 am
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Re: To All The Donators of "Shenmue 3" worldwide: Roll Call!

The biggest mistake made during the Kickstarter was throwing out that $10m figure on Reddit, as it's led so many people to assume the game won't pass muster without it. If not for that AMA response, everyone would be rightly thrilled at the project more than tripling its crowdfunding goal.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Sun Dec 11, 2016 5:45 pm
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To All The Donators of "Shenmue 3" worldwide: Roll Call!

Hello everyone,

with this message i want to particulary adress all the 73000 people who already donated, but of course the ones who didn't yet are also spoken to.

As you all know there is a bit less than 3,4 Million Dollars missing to make "Shenmue 3" a real Open-World-Game like the first 2 games. I don't know how you feel about this, but I guess we all don't want to end up with a halfassed game that feels rushed and unfulfilling. In my book it has to be as great and as legendary as the first two installments. We have been waiting 15 years now and its been way too long. Especially way too long for a third installment to be shitty. It has to give you the same chills and epicness the franchise has already given you over the last years. But this greatness can not be achieved if the game is not a fully Open-World-Game. Therefor the 10 Million Dollar mark has to be exceeded. And it first sounds like a Hard-To-Achieve-Goal, but it isn't. Really folks, it actually is pretty easy. Let me tell you why. We got less than 3,4 million missing right? Lets make this easy and lets say it is exactly 3,4 million. Then we have even over 73000 donators worldwide, that already proofed that they really want this game to be made so bad. Lets make this easy again and say 73000 donators. So what you get is this:

3400000 : 73000 = 46,575 $ per person

Just for the hell of it we make this easy again and say 47 Dollars. That is the amount of money all of us 73000 donators have to donate again to reach the final goal of 10 Million Dollars and make "Shenmue 3" legandary. Just 47 Bucks per Individual! Thats all it takes folks! Please I'm begging you! We have come so far already and this is just the last step. We can't let it drown now. And of course all the ones who havn't donated yet please donate too. You can donate even more if you like, the game will definatly benefit from it even if the 10 million mark already has been exceeded; the more the better. But I'm just saying you don't nessesarily have to donate a lot of money. 47 Dollars per person is enough to make this game legendary. But for that we all have to pull together to achieve this goal. Only if we act in concert we can accomplish something and make this third game as great (maybe even greater) as the first 2.

We all can make it! And I damn well know that we all don't want a "meh" Shenmue 3, we also dont want an average or a good Shenmue 3...We want a GREAT Shenmue 3. A LEGANDARY Shenmue 3. A Shenmue 3 that will finally conclude the Saga, that we have been waiting on to be concluded over a decade and a half. A Shenmue 3 that will give us the chills and make us sympathise with every character there is even with the bad guys.

So lets do it!
Please share this and make people aware of the fact that if we all work together its a piece of cake to make this game great!
by LeRoi
Sun Dec 11, 2016 1:14 pm
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All shenmue 3 location visited by 2 american

by sshen1127
Fri Dec 09, 2016 9:11 am
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

About the December update.

What if the plan has always been to show the new material (trailer, screenshots or whatever) to the 10K backers first and to the rest of the backers and the public, afterwards?

We were hinted at December time for new material and for the reasons you all know, we deducted that it would be PSX.
What I personally had not considered was the Los Angeles dinner with Yu. Now, it took place right? This would mean that all the 10K backers had a sneak peak on the new Shenmue 3 material.

I know this assumption of mine comes out of the blue, but I hope everything is now clear for a public reveal... Some kind of Christmas gift or "Year wrap-up" in other words.
It's possible, and does fit in with what LanDC was told in Japan.

Unless something drastically changes, the next Kickstarter update will include the footage Peter and I saw on the bus. After Yu showed us the footage, he said everyone would be seeing it (and more) "in December." He never specified PSX, but Peter and myself clearly thought that's what he meant.

But y'know, reel in expectations, anything could change, yadda yadda yadda.
by Spaghetti
Mon Dec 12, 2016 3:04 pm
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

Who is Naka? I asume they meant Suzuki, am I?
Yes, the article definitely attributes the message to Yu Suzuki.

Going to post a GAF thread. Have we got verification this was in Famitsu?
The Famitsu magazine goes on sale from Dec 15th, but they released this preview page image that contains the message from Yu.
by Switch
Tue Dec 13, 2016 8:17 am
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Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

According to Gematsu!

Also, new Shenmue 3 videos planned to be shown in early 2017! ... ecember-15

by Kiske
Tue Dec 13, 2016 7:37 am
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

Going to post a GAF thread. Have we got verification this was in Famitsu?

Be careful with your choice of words then...

I already see some kind of sh*t storm on Twitter. Mainly from french users, oddly.
Really? What are they saying?

They are only a few. Mainly questioning the fact that they open the pre-orders before showing new material.
The truth is they know nothing about the game at best or are trolls in the worst case.
Salty people gonna remain salty.

The KS update could drop on the same day, though. I don't think it will, but... I'm going to keep my eyes peeled on the 15th all the same. Noon JST... 3AM GMT. Guess I'll have to set an alarm. :lol:

A KS update on December 15th is very likely. They'll have to update the "Back Now" page anyway and new screenshots could be published to give a push to the PC "pre-order". Everything is possible with Yu... even two updates in the same month :-o
by Kiske
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:28 am
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

It'd be a goddamn miracle if the game doesn't get delayed, but... Shenmue III itself is kind of a miracle, so, y'know, maybe!

Fucking hell if this game does come out totally finished and highly polished in December 2017, then a lot of people are going to have to eat their words. Myself included, and happily!
by Spaghetti
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:29 am
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

I'm more scared of YS thinking that not delivering the game on dec 2017 would be dishonest than if the game gets delayed to 2020 TBH.
by shredingskin
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:33 am
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Re: What ~*May*~ Be Coming in December's Kickstarter Update

Little bit of cross-posting from the PC Slacker Backer thread.

“Development is entering the final stage headed towards full-scale production. Early in the new year, I think we’ll be able to show you things such as new videos.

Right from Yu's mouth, so maybe we should shelve any expectations/hopes of video this side of 2017 for now.
by Spaghetti
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:00 am
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

It'd be a goddamn miracle if the game doesn't get delayed, but... Shenmue III itself is kind of a miracle, so, y'know, maybe!

Fucking hell if this game does come out totally finished and highly polished in December 2017, then a lot of people are going to have to eat their words. Myself included, and happily!

If I had to sign right now for a 6 month delay, knowing it's for the good of the final product quality, I would sign without giving it a second thought. After so many years, 6 month are like a blink of an eye. :)
by Kiske
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:49 am
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

Rikitatsu wrote: I can't fathom why it took so long for this.

Probably a marketing ploy to get some cashflow midway. Hopefully the PC slacker update comes paired with some screens/videos/PR push.
by shredingskin
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:51 am
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

Nearly every Kickstarter game gets delayed. Hell, most games get delayed. The original Shenmue got delayed. I don't want the game to be rushed just to reach December 2017. If they have the money, I'd be happy with a delay as long as the final game is good.

As for the delay in the PC version being available, my guess is it's to do with deals with whoever is publishing the PC version.
by Amir
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:52 am
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

If I had to sign right now for a 6 month delay, knowing it's for the good of the final product quality, I would sign without giving it a second thought. After so many years, 6 month are like a blink of an eye. :)
If the game needs a delay, so be it. It's really out of our hands, but I'm sure the right decisions will be made if the game needs more time in the oven. Maybe YSnet really can get it done for December 2017, though.

I can't fathom why it took so long for this.
We're not really privy to the backroom business, which is probably why we don't know why this has taken so long, but it's coming (as promised), so that's something to be positive about.
by Spaghetti
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:54 am
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Re: Shenmue III PC pre-orders begin on December 15 !!!

Alas! Some meaningful news.

Bring on 2017. I'm ready for it.
by iyapol
Tue Dec 13, 2016 9:59 am
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