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Re: Why is Shenmue 1 so different to the sequel?

Shenmue I was like urban surrealism, while Shenmue II was more like an adventure movie--a really good adventure movie, but I tend to favor the former. It's the feeling of having an adventure in your hometown, where things happen that are far more interesting than you'd ever expect from life--versus going out on an epic journey. On one hand, you have people who know you on the streets, and people who care about you. You find that things you once thought were just ordinary turn out to be far from it, and the whole thing folds out like a tale of personal discovery. On the other hand, you're somewhere entirely new. You have the opportunity to meet new people and to find out about the rest of the world. You're no longer the insider, but you've come to mix thing up.
by Shibiryo
Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:29 pm
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Re: Why is Shenmue 1 so different to the sequel?

Can't argue against any of that Himuro, good points but I like replaying Shenmue 1 more than 2 just due to the greater emphasis on the atmosphere and for me, I repeat for me.. It is a little more cozier where Ryo is closer to home and his first friends.
by Shibiryo
Wed Sep 23, 2015 3:13 pm
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Yakuza 4 reference to Shenmue 2

Yakuza 4 references Shenmue: In a side quest
involving a disk, the woman's nickname was "Blue Rose" which is also the name of Joy's bike in Shenmue 2.
by Shibiryo
Sat Oct 03, 2015 4:22 pm
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Re: Want to set up a Shenmue table at Hyper Japan in London

Amir, I'm from London and would be glad to help. This idea sounds amazing
by Shibiryo
Tue Oct 06, 2015 2:53 am
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Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

They are gonna do what they are gonna do.

I don't read games media because it's basically some random guy rambling about something that it's pretty much a press release, gaming "news" are promotional trailers, we all know that.

YSnet isn't those big companies that can pay reviews, trips to play the game, press them with withdrawing ads, etc.

While it's interesting seeing different opinions on a game, I can't/won't say that they shouldn't voice it. There are different voices/opinions, and reviews are subjective as fuck.

I do care about shitty journalism, but it happens everywhere, even in politics. It doesn't take much to just call Shenmue fans a "mob" and do their narrative flow. And people get as touchy as we can get on Shenmue. It's a matter of perspective.

I do not want censorship, I do not like clickbait, and sadly the only thing they can say it's: "that's our take on it". They do it because it works, there's not that much to it.
Yes, exactly.

I'm going to write using proper punctuation for
once, to show you that I mean it. What Shenmue 3 has shown me, is that the dividing line between message board poster and video game journalist is a lot narrower than anybody ever thought. Eurogamer's recent article is really great. It is. It tells the story of a game developer icon emerging from a decade in the background. Revitalised by his fans, a creative given back his medium to work in. Someone who has recovered their purpose in life. But the headline is of course "I could do with a bit more money!" A single quote, from a very small part of the article. There's a great story in the article as a whole, there truly is. Sadly, that story has been sacrificed for clicks. They don't want you to read about a man who is enriched by the support of fans and looking to pay them back with something they've wanted for so long. They want you to read about this imaginary greedy man rubbing his hands to get your money. Because outrage gets page views. Even if there's nothing there to be outraged about. And so the headline gets passed around, and people think that's the whole story. Then you get awful opinion pieces like Ben Kuchera's. His baffling, weird, confusing opinion piece where you can't figure out what the point is, besides a character assassination on Yu Suzuki for purposes unknown.

Some information about Shenmue 3 has been confusing. Some quotes taken out of context, some information that wasn't immediately clarified. The campaign wasn't perfect, the fans know that better than anybody. What's awful is that the misinformation continues to spread, even after issues have been clarified. Despite best efforts of fans who have been following Shenmue 3's development closer thanp retty much anybody in the games media. When we get annoyed or angry that a journalist has cited their own opinions about it as fact, or just disappointed us with a poor title choice like Eurogamer did, suddenly we're 'outraged fanboys' and Twitter post fodder for some game journalists to sneer at. I've seen Shenmue called a sacred cow. It's anything but. Shenmue has been openly ridiculed for years and years. Sometimes for valid reasons, and sometimes just because.

It's only in the last couple of years we've seen articles like the great Guardian piece where the writer looked past the meme-bait voice acting and reputation for being 'boring walking simulator' to find a game they really liked, even without any nostalgic factor on their part. People like Colin Moriarty writing the game off three months into development is just dumb.

Nobody doubts making Shenmue 3 is a
monumental task, but Yu Suzuki is a video game
icon that this industry owes huge amounts to. Just as much as Miyamoto and others. Yu Suzuki seems revitalised, energised, and creatively refreshed. That's something to be excited about. An industry great, stripped of his old superstar status, but given new purpose by his fans. It's a lot of pressure, but I definitely think he can handle it. But nobody wants to read about that, right?
by Shibiryo
Tue Oct 06, 2015 3:26 pm
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Re: "I Could Do With A Bit More Money" Yu Interview @Eurogam

When this game comes out how much do you guys wanna bet these people all double down because that's all gaming journalists seem to know how to do. Double down when they're wrong instead of just being a man/woman and saying "Hey you know what? I was wrong. I've learned something from this." I really hate the ego/pride that it seems like a majority of the gaming writers seem to have. I mean shit, it's not the end of the world to just say "I don't know" or "I was wrong".

It's not journalism people, don't expect it to be what it'll never be. Good coverage about a wider range of games, without bias and a constructive opinion is the best we should expect. And clearly if there's good journalists out there I really hope they'll cover something else than gaming (world news is lacking good journalists and it's way more important). This said, it's sad for Shenmue and our community because I always had the impression a lot of "gaming journalists" were sharing the same enthusiasm regarding some anthological games revival or hommage.

Why does this even matter though? All I care is I get what's promised (the game) for contributing. How they allocate my contribution, what other funding they receive, etc is not relevant. Just like any other product from a store, I'm paying money to own it and that's where my inquiry ends.

Only difference is that I'm paying for this in advance. If someone is not comfortable doing so, nobody is forcing them to back it. But playing misguided detective while pretending to white Knight gamers and consumers is really insulting and frustrating as some of us have waited over a decade for this pipe dream of a game to happen. Who knows what hoops needed to be jumped through to even get this project off the ground. If someone's not interested, that's absolutely fine, but shitting on the parade under the facade of "fair investigative gaming journalism" is bullcrap.
by Shibiryo
Thu Oct 08, 2015 2:30 pm
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Re: What's Shenmue: Article about the saga's history

Finally something long enough and Shenmue-worthy to read until 3 comes out.
by Shibiryo
Sun Oct 11, 2015 7:23 am
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Re: Top 10 Lists

1. Shenmue 3 PS4
2. Shenmue 3 PC
3. Shenmue 2 DC
4. Shenmue 1 DC
5. Shenmue 2 360
6. Shenmue 2 Xbox
7. What's Shenmue DC
8. US Shenmue
9. Shenmue Gaiden
10. Shenmue Passport
by Shibiryo
Sun Oct 11, 2015 10:38 am
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Re: Well isn't that nice


So peaceful
by Shibiryo
Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:55 pm
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Shenmue 3 Beta Footage Parody


phpBB [video]
by Shibiryo
Fri Oct 16, 2015 1:45 pm
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Re: Revisiting Gamespot's 6.8 Review

What, all reviews are cynical. Stay away from them.
by Shibiryo
Mon Oct 05, 2015 2:52 pm
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Re: NoconKid working on Shenmue III :)

Just take a moment to see what he is capable of. I have so much faith in him.

phpBB [video]
by Shibiryo
Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:42 pm
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Re: Great Videogame Boxart


Halo 2's box art is fantastic.

Halo 4's is pretty good too, 3, CE and Reach are meh..

by Shibiryo
Sun Sep 13, 2015 12:26 pm
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