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Re: Yu Suzuki: "I can make the whole game you imagined"

Moving up the destination, for the sake of an ending, never was Shenmue's destiny.

Why rush to finish in a couple years after waiting nearly 20 years for this opportunity?

Shenmue is a spiritual pilgrimage which is all about the journey.

Patience is a virtue.

Epiphany isn't the ending.

Revelations are in roads.
by ShenmueLegacy
Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:07 pm
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Re: S3 Progress Report Vol 4 Facial Animations

It's just a test video showing off some work in progress facial animations. Why are people crying about this? It is in no way, shape or form indicative of the final product so why are some idiots treating it like that? Damn, gamers are a freaking whiny bunch.
Technophilz decided the game is shit the day after the Kickstarter ended and just wants to spread misery on the forum. I don't have a problem with criticism...I think I'm one of the more critical people on the forum, but he seems to thrive on bashing the game and Yu Suzuki.
by mjq jazz bar
Thu Sep 28, 2017 10:16 am
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Re: S3 Progress Report Vol 4 Facial Animations

I get it too. Blind fanboy-faith won't get anyone anywhere.

I may end lynched for what I'm going to say, but I don't agree on that. Not fully at least.

I personally think that, as the Shenmue fanbase, we should be a little bit fanboys.

There is more than enough people jumping on every single occasion to bash Shenmue or Yu Suzuki for many various reasons. There is more than enough people wanting Shenmue to fail for many various reasons.

I don't say we need to be blinded by our passion for the Shenmue Series but we need to be united and put things in perspective when a mere 53 seconds video update for Kickstarter backers is enough to see wagons of people use it to bash Shenmue 3 or insult Yu Suzuki's talent.

it's a crowdfunded project, we get to see steps of the development we usually never see. I can agree that the communication around the project is not good, but that doesn't mean that the game won't be good in the end.

What good can come out from joining the chorus of critics? What good can come out from telling to YsNet and Yu Suzuki that they are bad at making a game? That the artistic direction is wrong, the Ryo model is off, etc...?
They know what they are doing and are doing the best they can anyway.
Just think of the Deep Silver partnership: Suzuki San always knew he would need more budget to achieve what he has in mind for Shenmue 3 so he managed to increase the budget. For a man who never gave up on his dream to continue the Shenmue story, the least we can do is to keep our faith in him.

Until Shenmue 3 is released, the best attitude the Shenmue fan base can adopt is to be supportive of the development team efforts.

Now, let the lynching begin.
by Kiske
Thu Sep 28, 2017 11:13 am
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Re: S3 Progress Report Vol 4 Facial Animations

Nahovil wrote:People are fooling themselves too, if they believe this is "merely developmental", "that it's a WIP and there's still one whole year to go".

Um, that's entirely true though? Literally objectively true.
by KidMarine
Fri Sep 29, 2017 6:56 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #74 - Gamescom Travelogue

It's a standard means to cover themselves if the company making the capsule toys goes bust, etc. Nothing's guaranteed with any Kickstarter project, as there's always the possibility of unforeseen circumstances cropping up, but they'll do everything you would expect within their power to fulfil the rewards.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Sun Oct 29, 2017 1:21 pm
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Re: Mario Odyssey

Shenmue_Legend wrote:
south carmain wrote: My favourite Ryo Hazuki is the guy from Yakuza

Which guy is that? Oops, I better stop before I derail this whole thread!

The one that is a dragon. My close second favourite is the ryo hazuki from sleeping dogs.
by south carmain
Mon Oct 30, 2017 5:42 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue III Thoughts

I have information on the new update

Ryo's model is done and Shenmue 3 gameplay at PSX

Complete and utter bollocks.

What reputable credentials or sources do you have to verify your claims or cement you as an industry insider? I see nothing on Twitter or ResetERA to corroborate your information.

This is wishful thinking, folks. I do believe Shenmue III will be at PSX, probably HD as well, but to expect gameplay is a bit far fetched.

I base my prediction on Yu's statement of ramping up promotion near the year's end and PSX is the only stage capable of doing so, or maybe The Game Awards, but the former has the best shot.

People think Sony fired their heaviest guns at Paris, but I disagree. They still haven't shown Shenmue III, Resident Evil 2 REmake, FFVII, Dreams, Days Gone or other hits they have lined up.

At best we will get a nicely done cinematic trailer, but gameplay still has to be too early to show in my book.

Take it for what it's worth, but I would say to keep your expectations in check.
by Peter
Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:25 pm
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Re: What's the music that plays in this Shenmue Online video

It is the elegantly titled "Total Network Ranking". ;-)

Different arrangements of that tune can be heard a few times in Shenmue I as well. There's a traditional Japanese version of it in one of the sushi places, and you hear it a wee bit towards the end of the cutscene where the old woman asks Ryo to find the Yamamoto house.
by Hadoken Hazuki
Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:13 pm
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Re: Sonic Forces & Sonic Mania

You shold man up, and play mario odyssey and drink nice soylent, that's what REAL men do.

Just buy a switch with Mario already.

This is the kind of stuff that gets even me annoyed. Why always the comparison with Mario?
Sonic is it's own unique thing and one series cannot be used as a substitute for the other. I think this is also one of the reasons that Sonic games generally get trashed. People have Mario on their minds and expect a Sonic game to be just like that. And then the copycat mentality of todays internet sets in and when one person says "it sucks" everyone copies it blindly.

Seriously, we're in such a twisted world. Everything Sonic tries gets instantly ridiculed and everything Mario does is automatically praised to the heavens. This is before looking deeper into the games, and yes that reveals that Mario has the better quality and it's concepts just work flawlessly. The point is, that it's just unfair.

Anyway, this talk about the series as a whole is getting nowhere and not what this thread is meant for.
So please try to steer it back into the direction of the two games in the title if you can.
by BlueMue
Fri Nov 17, 2017 2:20 pm
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Re: The Shenmue 3 Effect: What could go wrong or right

Riku Rose wrote: Although I still can’t wait for the review thread here and watching everyone cry when someone dislikes the game.

Sounds like you've got a lot going on in your life.
by KidMarine
Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:23 am
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Re: The Shenmue 3 Effect: What could go wrong or right

I don't know why this matter though, Shenmue was as "hardcore" as milk with honey.
You couldn't loose, you could retry everything or there were other paths, the difficulty decreases, you had hints everywhere, the most powerful move is pressing forward forward punch, and the most "strategy" the game uses in combat is blocking/dodge and counter attack, but you can beat 90% spamming elbow assault, come on.
The only "hardcore" thing about Shenmue is that has quite a time investment floor.

But I guess this thread turned into trolling so gradually I didn't even notice.
No offense but I think you're really underselling the difficulty of Shenmue. The way that you describe Shenmue makes the game sound absolutely awful and does nothing to explain why so many of use regard Shenmue/Shenmue II as one of the greatest games of all time, even well over a decade later.

I bet you've played Shenmue so many times that you've completely forgotten how challenging it can be. At the beginning Shenmue throws you into the deep end, with no clear instructions and certainly none of the sign-posting common to later open world games. You get the most out of Shenmue by discovering all its hidden details and then choosing how to interact with the world. Going throw life spamming the elbow assault misses the point of the experience entirely.

I don't know how Shenmue 3 will be received at launch. I'm sure some in the media will attack Shenmue 3, as they have done in the past, just for those clickbait page views. But I don't care about that at all, what matters are what gamers really think of Shenmue 3. The original Kickstarter campaign of Shenmue 3 was a success because the game had become a genuine legend on the internet.

I believe people backed the campaign because they realise Shenmue offers a different kind of experience to what they can find in modern games like GTA V. The vision of Shenmue represents a more hardcore direction that open-world games could have followed, emphasising smaller but highly-detailed worlds, over the vast but empty sprawl that constitutes an open world environment today. I want gamers to see Shenmue 3 on its own merit; this is the hardcore experience they paid for, even if they don't fully understand what they're getting themselves into.
by Kintor
Fri Nov 24, 2017 2:19 am
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Riku not posting what's important! (SoulCalibur VI)

phpBB [video]
by Thief
Fri Dec 08, 2017 6:39 pm
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Re: New features.

Shenmue_Legend wrote:Know what I'm saying?!

I now imagine you as being butters from south park
phpBB [video]
by south carmain
Tue Dec 12, 2017 3:31 pm
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Re: Update #77: New Character & Lakshya Digital

Look at it this way, as character modeling has been outsourced to an experienced studio in India this paves the way for Suzuki and the Japan team to actually focus on other important aspects of the game. I have faith in this team especially seeing how they all communicate together on their work which shows good teamwork and trust into both teams. With only a year left unless we see a delay serious amount of work can be done with this time period. Many NPCs can be modeled and the most important ones Ryo and Shenhua can be completed with a showing near the games release. All gameplay elements might already be fantastic as Cedric has played a build of the game and reported on it. This is a win win situation, Deep Silver would help promote it and you got everything set up with all these studios helping out, it is amazing how YsNet have got more and more support as the game went on.

Probably most of the people talking crap about the models don't know a thing about Shenmue so you'd have to excuse them. They would just give an input that is laughable because the whole idea of the game being made under what is nowhere near the scale of the original games doesn't get into their heads, either that or they are delusional haters that for some reason want to see Shenmue fail and I've seen this by gaming journalists, they are already seeing negative and the game is nowhere near complete. That's people for you.

Yu Suzuki is working his damn hardest, I don't have any doubts with that legend and so is the team, Shenmue means a lot to him and his ideas for 3 are all inside his head, all he has to do is apply them, create and we get a good continuation of this series. Let the naysayers say what they want but this game is long overdue. Outsourcing is the best thing you could do as it allows more focus onto other elements seeing how this studio is helping with character production and to top it off that model looks completely fine. Not bad at all so the negative reception is just flatout inexcusable.

Anyone saying negative stuff towards this should seriously back off. They are working hard and the game is not supposed to be so technically impressive like other games. It is Shenmue 3, saying "these models look like plastic" or whatever just shows your ignorance to understand what the game even is and you are just hating. The game is definitely being improved and there is no proper gameplay shown yet which doesn't even matter. You have to realise that Shenmue 3 even existing is work of a miracle because this game finally came to fruition I won't let hating little delinquents ruin and bash all over this sequel that loads of us have been waiting for years.

People will judge without thinking about the situation the team is in. If it looks bad then fine that's your perception but what they can do is still impressive in the end of the day as they put all of this together using UE4. It's not supposed to look very impressive anyway even considering this isn't the final model or anything. With whatever I see it doesn't put me off or anything, I can deal with what they offer and it is no way a scam.
by sutoji
Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:49 am
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Re: Update #77: New Character & Lakshya Digital

Shenmue_Legend wrote: For the people asking where Ryo is, he's under the bridge on the right. It's a tiny figure but you can't miss it!

Here he is, in all of his default T-Pose glory...

by Technophilz
Wed Dec 13, 2017 10:53 am
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Re: Update #77: New Character & Lakshya Digital

I think most people will flip the fuck out when we see the actual game in movement.

Fuck, this picture still gives me chills

by shredingskin
Wed Dec 13, 2017 3:25 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki will be at Magic Monaco 2018

Sappharad wrote:
Too many people elsewhere are complaining because they think the team is behind schedule.

These people are quick to forget the days when we didn't even have a Shenmue 3 to look forward to.
Who wants a rushed Shenmue 3 anyway? I certainly don't.
by Sonoshee
Sat Dec 16, 2017 12:53 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

So I was watching todays AVGN christmas episode and something really surprised me.
The Nerd makes a funny joke about how just reading something fixes his car. He picks up some game magazines and flips through them. And out of all the things he has what is the first one?
I don't know if there is any meaning at all behind this. Could just have been chosen at random. I still find it awesome to see "Shenmue" in one of his videos. Even though in a very strange way. :lol:
by BlueMue
Fri Dec 22, 2017 4:30 pm
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