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1400$ tier updated

For those who haven't noticed,

they updated the 1400$ tier to include the 1200$ instead of the 500$ tier.

It's finaly worth upgrading :-)

I wish they would advertise these updates better. And with" better" I mean "at all".
by Xanatus
Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:53 am
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New characters in KS-trailer?

I just looked at the KS trailer again. Lock/delete this thread if I'm stupid or give me a link if you've already had this discussion somewhere, but are there not several new characters in the trailer?
Ok, looks like Xiuying in the middle, but who are the others?
Shenhua to the right, is that Baihu in the center or are both characters left of Shenhua "new"?
There are a few characters here as well that might be of interest. Below the '*Shenmue"' sign and below the board corresponding to the picture linked above there might be more characters.

BTW, did this advertisment really happen in Japan or is it just photoshop?
by Mugen
Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:32 am
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I did some more playing around with a videoclip :lol:
phpBB [video]
by Retroberra
Thu Jul 09, 2015 5:50 pm
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Yu Suzuki Twitter Q&A Recap 10/7/15

Bryan Figueroa - Considering how the Twitch video helped raise funds, are you willing to do another one before the Kickstarter ends?

YS: I would like to do Twitch and Reddit session again.

#SAVESHENMUE III - What is your worst fear when making a game?

YS: Creating new elements. hard to tell if it will work. Enhance by simplifying. If not, need to add more elements.

RiGoRmOrTiS UK - Will Shenmue 3 start in the cave? I want the satisfaction of leaving it myself! don't skip the moment!

YS: Either from Shenhua's house, or the road leading up to Bailu Village.

RiGoRmOrTiS UK - Ryo's jacket looks too neat and tidy, will it be changed to look closer to Shenmue 1 & 2?

YS: I'm thinking the same. I want it to be more worn out and fits more to Ryo. Brand new jacket doesn't fit.

ThePhantomPain = suzuki-san is it possible to maybe play darts & other mini games online against fellow shenmue fans in shenmue 3?

YS: It's one of the things I want to do, but we can't do it all, so still thinking.

#SaveShenmue - who would win in a race, Hang-On motorcycle vs. Out Run car?

YS: Definitely the bike. He can't lose to some joyrider with a girl in the passenger seat. or The not caught by police.

#SaveShenmue - what is your favourite Japanese food/dish to eat?

YS: Sushi.

ThePhantomPain - Hi suzuki-san if all goes to plan when will we see first gameplay footage of shenmue 3?

YS: The footage of final version will come out sometime in 2017

LEISURE GAMING - Will Shenmue 3 have controller support? I can't play with the keyboard and need a console controller to game on pc.

YS: I'm still thinking about what would be the best.

Barnaby Panton - What will be in the art book? Will it be art just from Shenmue III, or will it be art from all the Shenmue games?

YS: I'm want to hear requests and comments from you about what we will include.

#SAVESHENMUE III - Any chance to see Hamtaro as a cameo in Shenmue 3?


DO IT! - Will you draw new trailer for help the KS?

YS: Yes we are planning to publish it. Please check our KS page frequently.

Hibiki Rush - Did you base any of the Shenmue characters on people you knew in real life?

YS: Some of the characters are based on the team: Takimoto-san, Takeuchi-san, Hirai-san and Miyawaki-san.

シェンムー好きな人 - Does the Ryo call Goro?

YS: I like Goro, but I don't know how popular he is among the fans...

Sumio Kodai - And will we be seeing the classic QTEs style return with the flashing icons?

YS: Yes I would like to implement it. I want it to be cooler than Shenmue 1 and 2.

Rob Townsend - If you could create a spin-off game based around a character other than Ryo, who would you choose?

YS: I think it would be Ren. He grows from a rogue to the head of the HK Heavens. His fate is then changed by Ryo completely.

Neo Zeed - Please explain the High Ground Battle System stretch goal for #Shenmue3?

YS: It enables Ryo to have more interaction with his surroundings. I think it will be fun to increase the reaction chains.

シェンムー3発表やったね。 - Will there be a reappearance from Hiroshi Fujioka (Iwao Hazuki) who joined in on the Shenmue Gai announcement. I'd like to see his younger self and what he did.

YS: The other day Hiroshi Fujioka sent me some Fujioka coffee.

Mr Metal Gear - would you consider cel shading ONLY for the characters (Ico/Sotc/Last Guardian) to make it look more closer to the artworks?

YS: To fully express the nostalgia from S1 and S2, I'm not planning to use it.

Chris Redfield - where does your interest in Chinese culture come from?

YS: Its the romance of Chinese martial arts and Chinese history.

#SAVESHENMUE III - Why Niao Sun's breasts are so large?

YS: 98cm. You do the math.

Alberto Hdez. Sande - is it safe to assume that the CGi renders from Shenmue 1/2 are the intended final look for the character models?

YS: The models will have better quality than Shenmue 2

naflo - Could DLC be provided for Shenmue III ? any plan for additional contents after the release ?

YS: It's under consideration.

Chris Benn - Any chance of seeing a playable Virtua Fighter arcade machine in Shenmue 3?

YS: Shenmue starts around 1986 where full-polygon games do not exist, so what should I do....

Chris Redfield - Sometimes are you not annoyed that the interest of your fans mainly concerns shenmue, to the detriment of your other works?

YS: Not at all, but hope for questions about my other games. Before the KS, 80% of q's were Shenmue/10% Virtua Fighter/other 10%

Resnate - What are the 3 wishes @ $1400 tier? Will we see more jujutsu in #Shenmue3? What is AI Battling + High Ground Battle?

YS: Not decided, now its "strength", "more money", and "be popular with girls". It's the wishes of you backers, not Ryo.

Ming Ming - if the funding dosnt make 9M in 8 days, will we see a part time job anyway?

YS: Even if funding does not reach 9M there will be part time jobs. How many is still a secret.

#SAVESHENMUE III - Will Ryo shoot fireballs in Shenmue 3 like he did in the trailer of Shenmue Online?

YS: In Shenmue 3, the scenarios will follow very realistic moves.

#SAVESHENMUE III - Except from cows cats dogs birds fishes, what new animals can we expect in Shenmue 3?

YS: There are scenes set in Chinese mountain roads, so I want to have animals that fit the scenes. No spoilers here.

Nicolas Zurini - how did you consider using Unreal Engine 4 instead of other middleware (Unity for example)? What were the criteria?

YS: It was the color. I believe UE4 could express the "shenmue color". The atmosphere, the humidity, a world with "smell"

Adam Brooks - Yu, if Ryo was based on Akira was Lan-Di based roughly on Lau Chan?

YS: Lan Di uses the same martial arts Lau, but the character and the background setting are very different.

さつき@フェリシー - Since the hardware is different for Shenmue 3 we won't be able to transfer the save. Will that mean that moves like the brawling uppercut won't make an appearance? I ask because when going from Shenmue 1 to 2 I was sad to realize that the tornado kick was overwritten. I'm really looking forward for the launch of Shenmue 3.

YS: I'll think about adding Brawling uppercut and Tornado kick.

キリ - Which version do you recomend for someone who as neither of the two systems? Will there be any differences between PC and PS4?

YS: Both the PS4 version and the PC version will take advantage of the respective advantages of the hardware. So it doesn't matter which you buy.

サワ @祝!シェンムー復活 - I love Shenmue but I'm terrible at playing games. The only reason I was able to finish the game was because the difficulty level dropped since I failed so much. Will there be a system to help me in Shenmue III too? (please!)

YS: Definitely! There will be a variable difficulty level so that new players that don't know about Shenmue will be able to play.

Shaun Hastings - How did Joy and Ren become friends? Also I wonder how Guizhang would get along with Ren if they were to meet through Joy somehow?

YS: I think Joy and Ren are a good duo.

Hibiki Rush - Did any specific martial arts movies inspire you when creating the Shenmue story?

YS: Yes. Of course books on Chinese martial arts as well as Jakie Chen and Bruce Lee. I still watch HK Kungfu movies.

Hibiki Rush - Did any specific martial arts movies inspire you when creating the Shenmue story?

YS: The good and bad parts from Hong Kong B movies were the most helpful. JC&BL are complicated, hard to break moves down

芳賀 勇治 - Will you show something at Tokyo Game Show and events like that?

YS: As for this year's TGS it's undecided.

こんぶ - Will Ryo and Shenhua stay in the same room at the inns in Shenmue 3?

YS: That depends on the vacancy of Choubu Inn. (Translation)

Chris El-Sharawy - have you seen this incredible tribute yet , please enjoy , from you devoted loving fanbase

YS: Thank you all so very much. I will do my best to meet your expectations, regardless of budget, and make a great game.

Exogenesis - Will all Shenmue 3 staff be based in Japan or will you outsource to stretch the budget?

YS: Japan will be the main location for development.

Benji - why were the Bailu stretch goals the last stretch goals?

YS: Many of the new challenges in S3 are in Baisha. As a result the focus was put there.

Rubén Vera - Would you like to make new games for arcade machines?

YS: Yes. There is unique good about arcade machines. I want to make something that utilizes holographic image.

Exogenesis - Will we see Fuku-san again? Does he become a martial arts master?

YS: Look forward to his appearance through telephone calls.

Juan José Vélez - with the phone card, will you be able to call Nozomi many times and have different conversations?

YS: She will hate you if you call too many times.

Darin - Will i be able to follow people all around the villages?

YS: I will talk to Hirai about it.

by virtue of shenmue - Had Ryo been loved much to girls in Yokosuka high school? Or shoe box was full of love letter?

YS: I don't think so. He was't supposed to be like that.

Felipe Vasques - Even if the kickstarter finishes around the 5 Million mark, we will still have Bailu, Baisha and Choubu in the game?

YS: Yes they will be in the game.

FHZST - Suzuki San any details on the Magic Maze? That sounds really exciting and also is there more stretch goals after?

YS: Magic Maze is an auto-generating maze. If reached, the forest area will get much bigger + many events & elements along with it

ATUSI - Among the characters of Shenmue or you other games, who...
would you like to be friend with?
would you like to make your girlfriend?
do you actually hate?

YS: My wife is too scary, I can't answer that.

YS : Ryo (Akira) in student (in response to by virtue of shenmue above)

にゃふく@シェンムー3発売決定! - Will Ren, who said "This is getting interesting!" when Ryo went to Guilin, appear in Shenmue 3. (Translation)

YS: Spoiler: He will! I have an interesting appearance in mind.

Benji - I noticed @fumito_ueda , and @Kojima_Hideo follow you on twitter, could they support you in anyway?

YS: @diebenjidie @fumito_ueda @Kojima_Hideo Please support the Kickstarter Shenmue 3 project!

Celso F - What is your favorite programming language ?

YS: I think C# is a good one among the recent languages.

Mura - With QTE being overused in games now, often badly without deep thoughts, how will you approach this in Shenmue 3?

YS: I want to make a streamlined, Shenmue unique QTE.

Exogenesis - Any plans of a Shenmue TV drama once maybe the full story is revealed in the games?

YS: I look forward to your support!

Maurice Branscombe - How did Ryo get a Sega Saturn in 1986? Does he have time powers?

YS: That's a secret.

ひととにゃん - Is it impossible for you to work with a japanese crowdfunding site (like Makuake)? I'm not that confident with foreign websites

YS: At the official site there's an explanation of kickstarter so please take a look at that. There are Japanese speaking staff that can answer Kickstarter messages.

だいぞう@祝!シェンムーⅢ発売決定! - I loved the soundtrack more than the story or graphics. Will there be a special CD like the jukebox from Shenmue 1.

YS: We're planning on adding nostalgic tracks from Shenmue 1 and 2 on the soundtrack that comes with the 250 dollar pledge.


YS: Thank you very much everyone for your questions! I look forward to this again. Let's make this next week the best yet!

Credit to Capsule Toy Maniac for the translations.
by Peter
Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:31 am
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I just realize I've been in Baisha

Hey guys! Most of you probably don't remember me but I made a few post on my travels in Guilin back in 2011.

Since this kickstarter started, I kept thinking Baisha rings a bell, but it took me until today to realize that I was there on that same trip I made when I was in Guilin. And the biggest coincidence of it all, is that I went there straight after Guilin, so I took the same path as Ryo without knowing it! By the way, the train ride from Guilin to Lijiang (Baisha is located near here) took me 30 hours! Which means that Ryo will probably have to take the train, so maybe that explains that train he was hanging on in the Berkely demo....

I wrote an article on Baisha in my blog back in 2011. It's in Japanese, so most of you might not be able to read it but there's some pictures on there too so I'll post the link anyway. The second half of the pictures are from Baisha (starting with the old farmer standing near his crops)

I remember Baisha as a small, picturesque town in the countryside with a really peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. The people very friendly. Like that old farmer, he gave me and my companions some of his carrots for free.
The old man in the white doctor suit was some Chinese herb specialist that's supposed to be worldwide famous. Apparently he cured himself of some disease that was incurable at the time, and has helped other people with the same disease. He gave us some free "healthy tea" that was bitter as hell. The man was 89 when we visited but still looked healthy and energetic. I wonder if he's still alive, he would be 93 now. He seems to be the main reason Baisha is visited by foreigners, so maybe he has something to do with the story? Who knows...
We also went for some noodles at this eatery that all the locals recommended, but I remember they were not so good as the noodles were overcooked, ha! Maybe Yu-san will finally be able to make his dream come true of showing the difference in noodles depending on how long they were cooked at this eatery.
Anyway, don't know if this was of any help, but it's a magical feeling to realize that I've been there, especially since I also visited Luoyang and the Shaolin Temple which are highly suspected to appear in the future of Shenmue's story!
by Eisuke7
Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:16 pm
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Re: Cedric bomb updates ???

The budget is already small, so the last thing we need is seeing half of these funds going into an HD port.

Like YS said, if you want a Shenmue Saga HD port talk to SEGA. They are all "we want the trust of our old fans back" so...
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
Sat Jul 11, 2015 7:18 pm
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Re: "Indie" or "AAA" game?

Sorry I just find it funny that people cling onto marketing buxxwords like this.
I mean what does AAA mean, whaat does indie mean?


It could be both you know? I mean it won't,but it could be. Look at Project CARS. One of the best looking comsole racing games ever. It cost less to develop than what Shenmue 3 will probably raise. (BTW Bandai Namco is the distributor, not the publisher)

AAA doesn't mean good game, it doesn't actually mean anything.
Indie doesn't mean bad/cheap/2D platformer/mobile game. It means independent developer/publisher.
YS Net is independent.
If Shenmue raised $25.000.000 it would still be indie.

I know many Indie games are small scale & 2D. But that is usually because of a small budget, and inexperience.
Shenmhe has quite a large budget, on track to be the most funded kickstarter game ever. And a very talented and experienced game designer.

It will be a game.
by robatfreedom
Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:36 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki Live on Nico Nico Douga 07/12

Yu Suzuki interview on NicoNico LIVE transcription [2015.07.12]:
(Sorry if there are some english mistakes)

J: Journalist
Y: Yu Suzuki

J: Here’s Yu Suzuki-san, I think he doesn't need introductions. We are still surprised for Shenmue 3 announcement.

Y: Yeah… We waited for 14 years and are very, very excited. Years passed by, and it doesn’t matter where I go, it was always the same, where’s Shenmue 3, Shenmue 3… And I just recently watched a video from the grateful fans all over the world; it was really moving for me, it’s difficult to explain with words.

J: Shenmue was a true revolution for the time, but nowadays it will probably be more difficult to surprise gamers like you did all this years ago right? Please tell us about your origins as a game designer.

Y: At first I didn’t want to become a game designer you know, I wanted to be musician, even dentist… But especially musician, I was very interested in music stuff back then, since very early school days. I even had interest on foreign languages (not Asian languages, written in horizontal, like English). Then I went to different interviews, one of those interviews was in SEGA for programmer stuff, I thought it was very interesting and then I decided that’s what I wanted to do with my life (game designer).

J: So let’s check this slide with different games Yu Suzuki-san created over the years. So incredible names come out, Outrun, Virtua Racing… and so on. We can see back then a lot of them were arcade games right? (like the ones you can find inside Game You/Shenmue Arcade Center)

Y: Yes, back then arcades were very successful, a lot of them were later adapted to consoles and even to Shenmue, including the boxing one.

J: Yeah… Shenmue Arcade Center was truly incredible; we could play games like Outrun, etc., what were you thinking for creating something like that?

Y: Well, back then arcades in Japan had a very negative image on the society, like the kind of dark place where delinquents would meet, bike gangsters and bad guys smoking… I wanted to change that, and at the same time create a new style of gaming. I wanted arcades to be considered like treasures, like Disneyland.

I: Well, you created something truly wonderful! It was a place even girls could enjoy… (Kicked from NicoNico, don’t know if he was referring to real Arcade Centers or Game You)

Y: (…) the evolution of game engines, CG, pseudo-3D sprite-scaling with games like Hang On or Virtua Racing, and then real 3D boards!, full 3D games like Virtua Fighter, back then it was something unbelievable you know. When we were studying on school we were always thinking how awesome it would be to have 3D games. Hang On was kind of 3D, pseudo simulated 3D, and then we created different patterns using different 3D effects, it was very curious, for some time we were creating fully 3D games inside our heads, but the final product was pseudo-3D, not real 3D. Games like Virtua Racing used indirect 3D effects, then for Virtua Fighter we created polygons full contact, full 3D games at last.

J: And all of this starting from scratch right?

Y: Yeah, back then everything was like that, from scratch, we created everything starting from 0, there was no other way.

J: Then with Shenmue you created not only a stage or racing track but a full 3D city to explore.

Y: Normally at first you have to design your initial planning for the game, so you think about the human body, and if it’s a soccer game 11 players per team, and things like that. But with Shenmue we had to think from the beginning on creating a full living city. That was something I wanted to achieve from a long time ago.

J: A game that feels like a full experience right? You created a new genre by the time, it was called FREE, some kind of special RPG style genre?

Y: Well, yes it was an RPG, but I don’t like to call Shenmue like that, it was something completely new, an adventure you needed to experience by yourself. So we decided to call it like that, FREE, a new genre to help people easily understand Shenmue was something completely new, nothing like they knew by then.

J: Let’s talk about Shenmue 3, meetings, reasons, the timing needed to make Shenmue 3 come true…

Y: It’s been already 14 years since Shenmue 2, it was a really long journey. Wherever I go it was always the same, Shenmue 3, Shenmue 3… Then by march/april, is Shenmue 3 finally coming? They wanted Shenmue much more than any other of my previous games, like Virtua Fighter, and I really thought one million possibilities to make it true, there were a lot of things to deal with, budget problems, licensing problems with SEGA, etc. After continuously thinking for 14 years then I decided to make it via Kickstarter, that way we could get the budget we needed via crowdfunding and finally create Shenmue 3.

J: I see (sorry). And fans from all around the world joined forces to become this project a reality. During E3 Shenmue 3 announcement there were some unbelievable reactions don’t you think?

Y: Yes, I couldn’t see that reactions LIVE because I was waiting behind the main stage, and before Shenmue 3 there were some awesome games announcements like Final Fantasy VII, I could hear really big reactions so I was very nervous about Shenmue and how the people would react. But then, it happened, I remember screams all over the place… after Shenmue music started it was like an explosion… It was too much for me, I couldn’t bear it and started to cry backstage.

J: I could imagine Yu’s happiness just by looking at those emotions from all over the world.

Y: Indeed, it was truly awesome. Also, a lot of Shenmue fans from a lot of countries learned a lot from Japan and even started to study japanese and eventually moved to Japan thanks to playing the game. Specially Shenmue II using japanese voices and english subtitles helped foreigners to learn at least some well repeated japanese phrases and expressions. I even know some incredible stories, folks who dreamed to get married in Japan with someone like Nozomi, and eventually they did it! It makes me really happy to hear stories like that.

I: Congratulations for all you’ve achieved during your life Yu Suzuki-san. Now please tell me, what was Shenmue I and II original staff reactions after Shenmue 3 announcement on E3?

Y: They sent me LINE messages like ‘congratulations!!’ or things like that, some of them are living abroad, and they were super excited and relieved for the good news. Also, like I said before recently I saw a 20 minutes video with Shenmue fans from all over the world thanking me for making Shenmue 3, I was very moved by their feelings, it was incredible.

J: It’s unbelievable don’t you think Yu Suzuki-san? What a game can achieve…

Y: Indeed. Maybe it is something you can’t make outside of videogames. It is more than just good graphics or sounds, inside the game you create some kind of bond between the story and the spirit of the player, I think that’s awesome.

J: Let’s talk about the real condition of cities like Yokosuka. Kind of nostalgic feeling don’t you think? How things have changed all over Japan since 1986. Now we have incredible places like Mirai Kan, etc.

Y: Yes, Japan changed in a lot of ways. And let’s not forget Japanese and Asian people have very different beliefs and traditions than the ones from foreigner countries. Probably those differences also helped foreign fans to learn to love Shenmue, trying to understand a country so much different than theirs. Also, internet and technology helped a lot to unify the world and making it easy to understand those differences. Going back to Yokosuka and old Japan, for example if you go back in time 80 years, there are not so many records, and (…) Yokohama and ‘Yoko’ Kanji (??) (Kicked from NicoNico)

J: And you can immortalize the atmosphere of those years inside the game right?

Y: Yes, using 3D and techniques like motion capture we tried to capture and recreate that atmosphere from old times the best we can.

J: No doubt you did it. I think you can really feel the japanese Showa era (1926-1989) inside Shenmue. Please tell us more about your relations with producers and staff before the Shenmue 3 announcement.

(From now on NicoNico started to kick me a lot, not using a premium account + too many viewers…)

Y: With Hirai-san we are wine friends (laughs), and always ended talking about Shenmue no matter the situation. We wanted to make Shenmue 3 from the beginning, and we know now it’s a life time opportunity to finally continue this project and making it come true after all these years.

J: And you reunited all the original Shenmue staff. That’s incredible, I think only someone like Yu-san could achieve something like that. Now, please tell us more about crowdfunding and Kickstarter. Aside from Ys Net almost all the Shenmue 3 budget will be thanks to the fans effort right? Let’s check how it works (slide, lot of explanations, credit card system, different stretch goals, etc.).

Y: There’s still 1 Monaco dinner left (laughs). We are now approaching 5m, and the funds amount will impact directly on the final game. But I want to make the best game possible with the budget we reach. I want to thank every one of you who helped Shenmue 3 coming this far. Shenmue 3 is now true thanks to all of you who never stopped believing and supporting Shenmue. We are creating three big areas inside Shenmue 3 and a lot of features based on our budget. We really want to create an open world game, but that really depends directly on the final budget. We need 10 millions to make it, I know it’s very difficult, but I’m very grateful with Shenmue fans, and now I really believe in miracles, I believe we can make it, together.

J: Also let me add this Yu Suzuki-san, please, try to involve your friends in the project, a lot of people around the world still don’t know about Shenmue 3 on Kickstarter. Yu-san needs 10 million to create the game he has been dreaming since the beginning, so let’s all together make it true. I already pledged! Let’s help him create the Shenmue 3 he dreams of! C’mon, now is our chance!, we are the fans, we are united, we can make this come true (yes, he was really excited at this point of the interview, you can really tell he’s also a big Shenmue fan =) ) Oh, sorry, I think I speaked a little too much. (…) Please tell us more about the game concept; there will be real time system right? And the story? Will it begin just after Shenhua & Ryo event at the cave?

Y: Thank you very much. Yes, Shenhua & Ryo have a very powerful objective in common related to Shenhua’s father past. Finally we can focus on Shenhua’s story and her past, something Shenmue fans were waiting since the original Shenmue. Some things are still being decided right now, but I want to start the game in the beautiful mountains of Guilin in China, and deepen into the relation between Shenhua & Ryo, the free selection system, and the character perspective system. (Kicked from NicoNico) Inside these 3 areas one of them is Baisha, and then Chobu, where I want to make some kind of China sandbox game inside Shenmue 3, an area full of events, quests and possibilities, a sandbox with Shenmue charm, that’s what I’m aiming for. (…) There is a sandbox image like something complicated… This is not the case for Shenmue. If you go back into Shenmue I or Shenmue II the battle system was not a timing technical game like Virtua Fighter, and the player can go through the story with simple mini events like QTE, it’s a game everybody can plan and enjoy. Sandbox? Seems difficult, complicated… But everybody can enjoy Shenmue 3!

J: What about character perspective system?

Y: We can choose our character thanks to the characters system on Shenmue 3, and it’s not only the character, the routes we can follow are also different, and the personality of different characters and their gender will make us choose between different options. At some point you will think “Yeah! That would probably be a man’s choice!”, or the opposite if you’re using a female character. That’s the charming point of this system.

J: So interesting! So many characters and possibilities… Oh, and now Ryo can jump right?

Y: Yeah, and climb mountains.

J: Please tell us more about forklifts (laughs).

Y: Forklifts (laughs). Yeah, everybody asks for it. You know, in the top 3 the most wanted things by Shenmue fans would be, 1st: Story related things, 2nd, Open World doubts, 3rd, forklifts (laughs), in that order. Even I can’t fully understand why it’s so popular! I’m thinking different ways to make them appear on Shenmue 3, but with the present Shenmue 3 scale is not easy to implement. Maybe in Chobu… Chobu is a port town, but it’s still too small to think about forklifts, maybe if we get more budget we can make it true.

J: Something like 5 more millions?

Y: Yes (laughs). I also want to include an Arcade Game Center from 1988, with SEGA games inside, and one of them could be a forklift arcade game invention, I’m also thinking crazy ideas like that (laughs).

J: Awesome! Let’s check some fans questions… Masaya Matsukaze return, yes… (keeps checking…)

Y: (Yu checks fan questions by himself) Chai returning to the game? Yes! Chai appers in Shenmue 3! (laughs).

(Kicked from NicoNico)
Y: One justice (…) Five… (???), a lot of objectives. (Yu then explains more detailed information for Japanese fans about the Kickstarter system, different rewards, the special place in Baisha with Shenmue fans photos, NPC fan based characters that got kicked by Ryo and stuff). (…) I also want to say that people who never got into Shenmue I and II will still be able to fully enjoy Shenmue III, for example using flashbacks to advance in the story, everyone will be able to understand what’s happening and progress into the wonderful world of Shenmue. And this is also very important, we can call Ine-san with Telecom card! (Yu check some comments…), no, she’s not dead! (laughs), but maybe her voice will be a little different. Also, remember that instead of Nozomi you can choose to be with Ine-san or Fuku-san for the gashapon reward! (laughs)

J: Can’t wait for Shenmue 3…

Y: We are doing our best to release the final game by the end of 2017. Finally, let me say Ryo’s aspect will fully change, including his jacket. And please, tell your friends and people you know about Shenmue 3, let’s make the best game together! I’m counting with you, always, thank you very much!
by SquallAdv
Sun Jul 12, 2015 3:28 pm
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Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles


Benny hill theme tune would've worked too :lol:

Edit; agree with those about the cut scene. Surely not.
by jakester
Mon Jul 13, 2015 2:28 pm
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New Fan-Made Shenmue HD Remaster video by Kid Nocon

phpBB [video]
by Ziming
Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:22 am
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New shenmue tribute, about revenge and enlightenment.

Hey there, I’ve been a member here, since I was about 13years old. Never really posted however, Today I just finished creating a new video, to get people hyped about Shenmue 3
I can’t even explain how happy I am about Shenmue 3 finally coming.
As you all know, there’s only a few days left, so be sure to make your last contributions to the kickstarter can feel free to request the video, I’ll send high-quality 1080P link for their channel on youtube If they want

This is a revenge/spiritual enlightenment tribute video hope you like it & spread it around: D


Edit:video improved
by ShenmueP1
Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:16 pm
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by Guest
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Re: Shenmue III: FOR WUDE!

Threw in the small amount needed to hit $600, we've capped! Any further donations will go to the server, so this event is over! Great job everyone!
by Yama
Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:14 pm
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Re: Shenmue III: FOR WUDE!

I'd like to thank everyone for donating on behalf of wude. He's helped me and many others in our community.

by Ziming
Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:30 pm
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Shenmue 3 now the 9th most funded Kickstarter

We have overtaken Reading Rainbow which was funded for $5,408,916.
by Ziming
Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:20 am
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Thanking the dojo and it's members

I am a new member to the dojo, pleased to meet you all. I finally decided to create an account given the recent events (shenmue 3 existing). Although i never registered i have been visiting the dojo over the years in order to remind myself that i wasn't alone in loving this game.
Like many others, i had given up hope of ever playing any new shenmue game, but you guys kept the hope alive and maintained your commitment to it.
Thank you, it's because of you that the kickstarter exists, it's because of you that the story can continue.

May the dojo live forever.

Sorry if the texts has any mistakes in spelling or grammar, being portuguese, english is my second language.
by zema
Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:19 pm
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Kickstarter Comes to a Close, Reaches $6.3m in Crowdfunding

On June 16th 2015, Sony's E3 conference was overwhelmed by the announcement of a colossal fan favorite.

A Kickstarter was launched on stage (by none other than ex-Sega developer Yu Suzuki) to determine just how far fan interest would stretch.
Shenmue 3 amassed it's entire funding goal of $2,000,000 in an incredible 9 hours, setting a new world record.

Over the course of the following month, community events (such as #30onthe3rd, #TheFinalPush & QTE Event) saw the Kickstarter roar upwards of $4,000,000. In the final days, hours and minutes, fans pulled out all the stops and smashed through a further six stretch goals.

As a community, we went above and beyond to see a series we hold so dear become the Number One record holder for most funded video game in Kickstarter history, gaining an astounding $6,333,295 in crowd funding and over 69,000 in backers.

Various journalists and gaming websites tried to have many believe that Shenmue was lost forever, a franchise the world was never going to see resurrected, something which was better left forgotten.
But we - the fans - the ones who truly mattered, never gave up hope.

Over the past month, culminating in the last 48 hours - with a combined passion for one dedicated goal - we have shown the world how much this series is valued. Despite how gloomy the future had looked many times over the past 14 years, hope was never lost and that is what ultimately counts today.

As Shenmue fans, we never backed down; our passion, persistence and commitment gave us the continuation we have being craving.

Today we saved our franchise.

To everyone who pledged and made history - thank you.

Links & Hashtags: #SaveShenmue #Shenmue3
Shenmue 3 Kickstarter | News Archive
by Sonoshee
Fri Jul 17, 2015 9:52 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki officially announces Paypal support for Shenmu

Honestly the Paypal thing puts a bad taste in my mouth. What they should be doing is merchandising. If they make official Shenmue related fan stuff that would be much wiser.

Merchandising would just cost them like with the Kickstarter rewards. I'd rather we could just donate money that goes straight towards the development.
by Sonoshee
Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:00 pm
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Re: Be my +1 for the Monaco dinner!

Got the dinner last night, still shaking from the prospect of my savings decimated...

Oh well, all for the greater good :)
by yuc02
Sat Jul 18, 2015 7:55 am
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Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

Three Blades wrote:Friends?

by yugo
Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:43 am
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Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

Guys, girls, nerds, gamers, Shenmuers, friends, let's have fun and talk HD remakes here. :D *hugs everybody*
by CodingGenesis
Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:42 am
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Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

It's ok, man. I was just playing games with you :D Plus, I'm drunk.
by Three Blades
Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:38 am
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When Suzuki talked about 16 chapters

0) The explanation :
Thanks a French article , I now understand why he talked about 16 chapters. In fact, it has always been 11+5 chapters. The 5 chapters were bridges between the main chapters. That's why we had the boat and the train as unique chapters.


1) From the Dreamcast Official US magazine 2000 November uploaded by Telekill ( )

Shenmue 1 : Chapter 1 to 5
Shenmue 2 : Chapter 6 to 10
Shenmue 3 : Chapter 11 to 16
with Shenmue 3 supposed to be the last episode.

2) Then we got this image from AM2 according Shenmue Master
and the following informations :
Chapter 1 Yokosuka
Chapter 2 The boat (cancelled)
Chapter 3 Aberdeen
Chapter 4 Wan Chai
Chapter 5 Kowloon
Chapter 6 Guilin
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

3) Then the 16 chapters became 11 in 2014 :

4) The last Yu's tweet answer after the kickstarter :

5) Nico Nico interview (from Switch's translation)

Chapter 1 Yokosuka.
Chapter 2 Hong Kong
Chapter 3 Train (cancelled)
Chapter 4 ?? Arrival at Guilin (moved within Chapter 2) ??
Chapter 5 Meeting Shenhua (moved or partially moved within Chapter 2)
Chapter 6 Meeting Shenhua
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

To be precise, Shenmue I is the whole of Chapter 1, as is. And Shenmue II corresponds with the Hong Kong chapter. The part about meeting Shenhua was originally in Chapters 5 and 6. I moved just the part about meeting her to Shenmue II. Actually Chapter 3 was on a train. The scenes take place inside a train. So Chapter 3 hasn’t been used at all. In total there are 11 chapters, and so I could properly visualize how they would fit together, the first thing I did was to make a novel. So that's the form I put them in, and I use it as a base reference. It's not meant to represent the exact scenarios for the game, though. I don't use it to decide "this event goes here, this quest goes here, this flag gets set here" and so on. It doesn’t directly dictate the scenarios for the game. Rather, it's one of the things I use to drive the scenarios for Shenmue. With Shenmue III, even if I forcibly took the story through to the end of Chapter 11, well... You see, I make decisions to keep or exclude various parts as I go along. Now, at this point I don't know whether Shenmue III will have 30 hours of play time or 60 hours, but if the story is forced to advance along, I could tell that this wouldn’t produce a satisfactory result as a game. So, although unfortunately the story won’t reach the end with Shenmue III, it was a decision I made for the sake of the game's quality.

6) Mon Aug 31, 2015 Kickstarter interview
Question : Can you tell us more about the composition stage?
Yu Suzuki : Shenmue III is based on the 11 chapters created 17 years ago (1998), and each chapter is set in different regions. For example, the first chapter was set in Yokosuka, second was set in Hong Kong and so on. However with Shenmue III it won't do to complete just one chapter's worth in one region, so I have restructured the underlying story to fit the budget.
by Yokosuka
Fri Aug 21, 2015 3:10 pm
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The Shenmue Cast Ep. 2

Episode 2 of The Shenmue Cast is now live for your listening and viewing pleasure.
This episode features a prominent figure in the Shenmue community, Mr. Adam Koralik .
Discussions include the Kickstarter ending results, Shenmue 3 features and more.
Listeners are able to subscribe to this podcast over itunes and other podcast apps using the iTunes subcribe link and RSS feed link below.

| iTunes | RSS Feed | Soundcloud Channel | Stream/mp3 Download | YouTube
by Axm
Mon Jul 20, 2015 8:23 am
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Re: AwesomeJapan - postmortem performance

joka wrote: My comment was more in relation to code I name and the delay on an actual update tbh.

I appreciate the post as I wasn't aware of J. Tess's response.
by Sh3ppy
Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:55 pm
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Re: New characters in KS-trailer?

There's also some kanji behind him, any translations of that ?

It has the kanji 愛 which means love.

I've just realized what this kanji is part of! It's the advice Ryo received from his father:"Keep those you love close to you".
by Switch
Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:09 pm
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Re: Money just been collected!

Anyone that pledged on 2 accounts checked there bank account info to find Kickstarter took it all out as 1 payment? I was expecting a big payment, and a small payment seperately, but I just had 1 even bigger payment instead. Both of my Kickstarter accounts have confirmed that the money has been collected for both pledges, so I should be good, but just weird :P
Yup mines just showing as 1 charge for both accounts.

Now my bank is now showing the 2 seperate charges, which I good to see now, and so that first big one they took out wasn't combined in the end - but I didn't lose anymore money, so the second must have gone through but just took an extra day to show.
by James Brown
Wed Jul 22, 2015 10:59 am
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New interview with Cedric (Radio Monaco)

Google Translate does a 99% perfect job:

The resurrection of the cult video game "Shenmue" controlled from Monaco

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hardcore fans of Shenmue (video below) that were waiting for almost 15 years. They can be relieved: the third part of the cult video game adventure, which was then released on Dreamcast, will indeed emerge. Crowdfunding campaign, launched on Kickstarter mid-June , was a great success.

1 hour and 42 minutes after launch, Shenmue 3 had reached the million dollars. A record for a game and only the second time this happened on the crowdfunding platform.

32 days later, the counter had increased to 6,333,295 million, donated by 69,320 contributors. More than three times the amount originally requested. And especially the largest amount ever raised for a video game that way.

By the end of 2017, gamers should test this new opus, on PS4 and PC. At the root of this success include Shibuya Productions , a company based in Monaco. It is this, together with Yu Suzuki, the creator of Shenmue world, that made ​​this possible, rebirth.

Since his office unadorned and without aircon (but with Ikki figurine, a character of the Knights of the Zodiac) of Bellevue Street, Cedric Biscay, head of Shibuya Productions, shows mine welcomed one who has just passed a nice kick.

"As co-producer (with YS Net, the Suzuki studio) we had a mission to find private investors. But without the Kickstarter campaign, the project would not have been possible. Honestly, that we knew we would arrive without problems to 2 million. But we did not think climb as high. It's a very nice surprise. "
A small box in the big leagues

Nevertheless, the native of Nice knows that the road is still long. And that waiting around that output is important:

"We realized that there was not that hardcore fans who had given money. On As a big buzz was organized, numerous articles have been published in the press International. And people who were too young to have played the first two episodes became interested. "

Cédric Biscay has strong links with Japan since 2002, when it launched Shibuya International , the consulting company connecting the Hexagon companies and those of the rising sun.


If he has worked with major multinationals such as BNP Paribas, Deutsche Telekom or Namco Bandai, man 35 years old admits he is himself surprised to be in control of a project of this scale.

"It's a real challenge for us. The term 'gamble' would be a little strong, because the risks are measured. But normally, a company of five people like ours is not found in an adventure like this. For now, we advance error without, it has gained credibility in Japan and it opens doors. "

A cult hit, not a commercial success

At E3, the great global rout video game in which the operation "resurrection" Shenmue was formalized, Cedric Biscay was surprised to see the reaction of those present. "There were fans and journalists. When they learned that the third part was leaving, some began to cry, it was huge."

The sign that the first two episodes, which had nevertheless been considered commercial failures, given the huge investment they need ($ 70 million for the first, making it the eighth most expensive game History), have a true federated community of players. Necessarily very demanding.

"At the Sega Dreamcast with his image, Yu Suzuki and his team were not rewarded. At the time, Shenmue was a revolution with the emergence of the concept of open world, a combat system in 3D especially a deep history of great sensitivity. Since this time, Suzuki was waiting to make a sequel. He really wants to succeed his return and propose new mechanical game. He is a visionary. "

And now a PayPal campaign to inflate the budget

If he happens to share his opinions with Suzuki concerning elements to incorporate into Shenmue 3, Cedric Biscay is primarily responsible for the financial side of the project. And to put the "maestro" Suzuki and his studio in the best conditions, it has yet to swell the pot.

In late June, the Japanese director had stated this during a chat session on Reddit: "If we reach the $ 5 million, one of the things I really want to do with Shenmue III will become reality 10 million. The game really has the functionality of an open world. "

In order to approach this amount, a fundraising campaign via the online payment system PayPal will start soon. Through this, some titles like Bloodstained, Torment Star Citizen or have already managed to gather're beautiful. The last named is now in ... $ 85.2 million.

In a future article, we'll go into more detail on Cedric Biscay activities. Founder of the MAGIC show in Monaco, it is also invested in the field of animation (prepares the reboot of Astroboy).
by NeoShredder
Wed Jul 22, 2015 2:35 pm
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gamesTM Magazine: Yu Suzuki Talks - Shenmue 3 Exc. Interview

The next gamesTM Magazine UK will have an exclusive interview with Yu Suzuki about Shenmue 3, issue will be on sale 13 August

by masterchan777
Mon Aug 10, 2015 7:24 am
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The prototype of Xiuying

Sorry for my poorly english, I'm a shenmue fan from china.
And I just heard something about the prototype of Xiuying, from Gadio, a chinese TV-game podcast.

In Yu-san's tour to china, his tour guide Ms. Zhang told him the past of her family. Because her grandfather had worked for japanese during the WW II, her parents suffered persecution and died in the cultural revolution. And her elder sister joined the Red Guards (红卫兵, the group killed Ms. Zhang's parents) after that.
Yu-san got inspiration from Ms. Zhang, he planned to design a character named Zhang Hongyu (张红玉) for Virtua fighter 3.
Finally Zhang Hongyu became Hong Xiuying, and there is no doubt that Ms. Zhang's family story is the source of the plot of Xiuying and Ziming.

The interviews of Yu suzuki in beep MD magazines:
by Youzhi
Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:52 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 In UK Games Magazines

Games TM

Official PlayStation Magazine UK


Play Magazine UK

Retro Gamer Magazine
by Technophilz
Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:46 pm
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Re: Batman Arkham Knight


Finally! Thought I'd never get there.
by Peter
Sun Jul 26, 2015 9:07 am
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#SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon

On August 3rd the first #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon takes place, evolving from the #SaveShenmue campaign that culminated with the recent Shenmue 3 Kickstarter.

Focusing on the need expressed by both Yu Suzuki and the fans for Sega to re-release Shenmue 1 & 2 ahead of Shenmue 3's launch, the Tweetathon lasts all day on the 3rd of each month using the new hashtag, and includes a mass simultaneous AutoTweet of messages stored in advance at , where you can learn more about the campaign.
by Team Yu
Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:18 pm
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Re: Does The Gang Edition know about this recent news?

Hey James - yes, the movies are all still on sale at our website, though at the moment, I'm working on putting them all on a single blu-ray disc and releasing that in the next week for the 1 or 2 people who might actually want to buy it, lol.

To answer the original question of this topic - yes, we obviously heard about Shenmue III and are very excited to finally see this game come out. It was a crazy night for us when the E3 announcement was made, because at the same time, the Chicago Blackhawks were winning the Stanley Cup Championship. So I was engrossed in the game with my friends, then went on Facebook to celebrate only to see my feed blowing up about Shenmue III of all things! I called Terry in LA right away, first to yell about the Hawks (he was watching the game too) and also to yell about Shenmue III.

Another movie is pretty unlikely at this point, but I'll never say never - a lot can happen between now and the release of Shenmue III. Several cast members from Shenmue III: TGE were at my 30th birthday earlier this month, and we all talked about how ridiculous it is that this game is coming out after all these years and how even more ridiculous it would be for us to try doing another movie with everything that's going on in everyone's lives. We did take this picture however:
In case you can't recognize us cause we're so fucking old, that's Niao Sun, Ren, Wong, me, and Shen Hua.

I'll also say I'm very excited to be a part of the Shenmue documentary that's currently in production. Adam and his crew came out to interview me in Chicago a few months ago, and they just interviewed Terry in LA last week. Pretty neat!
by Ocky27
Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:06 pm
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Re: Technique Scroll system

Not Baihu, I think it was when you had to learn a move.

if you have 'machine gun fist' equipped during the fight then Ryo will use that move to finish off Baihu after you do the Pause QTE, otherwise he uses the other default move. i can't remember what its called though.

just found this video where the guy does all the possible finishers on baihu
by johnvivant
Sun Jul 26, 2015 5:39 pm
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Re: Shenmue 1080p

Shenmue 1080p indeed.

by Esppiral
Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:44 pm
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Re: [Video] Yu Suzuki SM3 Interview on Niconico Live [Englis

Update: captions now added for the first 13 minutes to the video and transcript . This new part covers a brief history of Yu Suzuki's early games before Shenmue. Please check it out if you are interested.

Disclaimer: the section of the interview from 39:00~40:20 contains plot spoilers.
by Switch
Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:37 am
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Re: What are you currently playing?

leisure suite larry - magna cum laude :mrgreen:
strange, i 'thumbed' three ping-pong balls into her, and she fired out, something like nine. #-o :rotflmao:
quantum mechanics and general relativity! it's what pot was made for. :P
phpBB [video]
by amiga1200
Thu Jul 30, 2015 6:59 pm
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Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

Hello everyone ! How are you ?

Today on August 3rd, fans from all around the world are welcome to tweet and use the hashtag #SaveShenmueHD to spread the word on Twitter!

We've achieved something really great and Shenmue III is finally on its way. However, while we are waiting for it, let's try to give a chance to all the fans out there to get their hands on the first two games. It only takes like 20 seconds and if we spread it all together, we can make it happen again !

Here are the details :

I also have something special to announce today.

Last year, I had the chance to meet Yu Suzuki and interviewed him regarding Shenmue and Shenmue III. Best thing coming out of this was to share with you all the latest informations I could get. Many of you really appreciated my work, or atleast, that's the feeling I was getting from your messages. I've never felt so much love and can't thank you enough for that.

During the Kickstarter, I was going to pledge 2000 dollars because that's the maximum I had for it, but during the last days I've decided to reduce it to 600 dollars. The reason is because I had another project that I wanted to get done for me and for you. And here it is : a new interview with Yu Suzuki !

Since it's official now I can finally announce it : I will meet Yu Suzuki in September in Japan. It wasn't something easy to do as I had to cut my pledge, sell some of my rare video games gems in order to gather enough money for the flight and fees I will have to handle in Japan, but I am glad that it was possible.

Meeting Yu Suzuki once again is something I am really looking forward to. I will bring in my own questions. However, since I've also been doing this for you, I am going to ask YOURS. Of course, I might not be able to ask all of them but as always, I will do my best.

So here we go :

What kind of questions would you like me to ask ?

What are you looking forward ?

Share anything that you're thinking about even if that's not a question, I'll try to turn it into one.

You can either answer directly through comments or you can send your questions to : [email protected]
I cannot provide details about the day of the interview and when it will be published on Shenmue 500k, Shenmue Dojo and Shenmue Master, but whenever I am allowed to do so, you'll be the first to know.

My dream of working as Shenmue III Community Manager is far ahead and It's highly possible that It'll never come true, but that's as far as I am willing to go to show my motivation and how much I am into this to make it happen.

Thanks for your continued support, it helps me a lot.

Best regards,


( french and japanese translations below )

*** *** ***

En français :

Bonjour à tous !

Aujourd'hui, j'ai quelque chose d'important à annoncer. J'espère que vous prendrez le temps de lire ce que je vais écrire. Merci à vous !

L'année dernière, j'ai eu l'opportunité de rencontrer Yu Suzuki et de l'interviewer sur l'avenir de Shenmue et bien évidemment, Shenmue III . Ce qui m'a fait le plus plaisir était de pouvoir partager avec vous de nouvelles informations et d'après vos commentaires, vous étiez très satisfaits du contenu. Les messages de remerciements étaient nombreux et je vous en remercie encore une fois. Cela m'avait fait chaud au coeur.

J'avais un budget d'environ 2000 dollars lors de la campagne Kickstarter de Shenmue III . Il était destiné à l'un des rewards "Dragons Don't Sleep" mais j'ai décidé durant les derniers jours de réduire mon don à 600 dollars et de céder la récompense à un fan. La raison pour laquelle j'ai réduit mon pledge est que j'avais un autre projet en tête qui nécessitait de l'argent et je tenais à le réaliser pour moi, et aussi pour vous. Aujourd'hui, c'est officiel et je peux donc l'annoncer : une autre interview de Yu Suzuki est prévue !

C'est donc au mois de septembre que je vais revoir Yu Suzuki afin de l'interviewer et partager tout cela avec vous, une fois de plus. Cela n'a pas été facile car il m'a fallu vendre une partie de ma collection de jeux vidéo et comme indiqué ci-dessus, descendre mon pledge à 600 dollars afin de me payer le billet d'avion et tous les frais que j'aurai une fois sur place. Mais je l'ai fait aussi bien pour moi, que pour vous.

Rencontrer Yu Suzuki à nouveau est une chose que j'attends avec impatience. Mais je ne tiens pas à tout garder pour moi et je compte vous faire participer. En effet, je vais effectivement lui poser mes propres questions, mais je souhaiterais poser les vôtres également.

Quelles questions souhaiteriez-vous que je lui pose ?

Quelles sont vos attentes ?

Si vous avez des suggestions etc, n'hésitez pas à les écrire.

Vous pouvez poser vos questions directement via les commentaires ou les envoyer à : [email protected]

Je ne suis pas en mesure de pouvoir donner la date de publication de l'interview, ni la date précise à laquelle elle aura lieu, mais dès que j'aurai le feu vert, vous serez les premiers informés.

L'objectif aujourd'hui est d'apporter de nouvelles choses aux différentes communautés le temps que le développement de Shenmue III progresse.

Mon rêve de pouvoir travailler en tant que Community Manager via le projet Shenmue III est encore loin et ne se réalisera peut-être jamais, mais je suis prêt à me rendre au Japon et à mes frais si cela peut augmenter mes chances. J'espère atteindre un jour mon objectif grâce à ma motivation et mon envie de bien faire.

Encore merci à vous tous de m'avoir soutenu jusqu'à aujourd'hui. Cela m'a énormément aidé.

J'attends vos questions avec impatience !

A très bientôt !


*** *** ***









メール : [email protected]




by DEVILLE_David
Mon Aug 03, 2015 12:59 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki : a new interview about Shenmue III incoming !

No worries guys. I can understand that some people want to have the choice between english/japanese voices etc. I am not going to ask for something specific but telling him that there's a demand and adding an option to allow us to choose would be great.

I am receiving all your mails so even if I don't reply, don't worry. Right now I am busy with my travel schedule etc, but I will read all your questions one by one, I promise.

I can't thank you enough for your support.

I'll get back to you as soon as possible !

Have a nice day.
by DEVILLE_David
Wed Aug 05, 2015 6:47 pm
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Re: Shenmue custom themes for Nintendo 3DS.

Download the Yutube app from the eshop before Nintendo pulls it off.

Then go here and follow the instructions to enable homebrew on your Nintendo 3DS

Here you can get info and tutorials of how to.
by Esppiral
Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:31 pm
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