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Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

That's stretching things. Shenmue has always been divisive. If the game honors the series legacy, expect a lot of negative reviews.

Really ? I remember Shenmue I & II had impressive positive critics despite a lot of weaknesses spotted by the reviewers. Considering the modern gaming has not evolved that much, Shenmue can still distinguish itself from the competition if YsNet make it right.
by Yokosuka
Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:26 pm
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Re: Shenmue III: FOR WUDE!

I wish we could have done this for Reuben Kee too, but I didn't think of it until now. For those not familiar, he was a composer and Shenmue fan who died in a boating accident in 2007. I'll try to link his cover of the Shenmue credits music, but mobile might make that tough.
by Mr357
Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:00 pm
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Re: Outside Xbox: Let's Play Shenmue II (Xbox version obviou

Off topic: Does anyone know how to put a line through posted text? I settled for making that last line tiny but I really wanted the line through.

The brackets that are used for commands like bold and italics means this forum should be using BBCode, and the command for strikethrough text is usually [s] and [/s].

[s]It doesn't seem to be working though so I don't know if it's supported on this forum unless I'm just doing it wrong.[/s]

Edit: It looks like strikethrough isn't included in BBCode by default.
by Ceej
Sat Jul 25, 2015 8:45 pm
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The prototype of Xiuying

Sorry for my poorly english, I'm a shenmue fan from china.
And I just heard something about the prototype of Xiuying, from Gadio, a chinese TV-game podcast.

In Yu-san's tour to china, his tour guide Ms. Zhang told him the past of her family. Because her grandfather had worked for japanese during the WW II, her parents suffered persecution and died in the cultural revolution. And her elder sister joined the Red Guards (红卫兵, the group killed Ms. Zhang's parents) after that.
Yu-san got inspiration from Ms. Zhang, he planned to design a character named Zhang Hongyu (张红玉) for Virtua fighter 3.
Finally Zhang Hongyu became Hong Xiuying, and there is no doubt that Ms. Zhang's family story is the source of the plot of Xiuying and Ziming.

The interviews of Yu suzuki in beep MD magazines:
by Youzhi
Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:52 am
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Re: Does The Gang Edition know about this recent news?

Hey James - yes, the movies are all still on sale at our website, though at the moment, I'm working on putting them all on a single blu-ray disc and releasing that in the next week for the 1 or 2 people who might actually want to buy it, lol.

To answer the original question of this topic - yes, we obviously heard about Shenmue III and are very excited to finally see this game come out. It was a crazy night for us when the E3 announcement was made, because at the same time, the Chicago Blackhawks were winning the Stanley Cup Championship. So I was engrossed in the game with my friends, then went on Facebook to celebrate only to see my feed blowing up about Shenmue III of all things! I called Terry in LA right away, first to yell about the Hawks (he was watching the game too) and also to yell about Shenmue III.

Another movie is pretty unlikely at this point, but I'll never say never - a lot can happen between now and the release of Shenmue III. Several cast members from Shenmue III: TGE were at my 30th birthday earlier this month, and we all talked about how ridiculous it is that this game is coming out after all these years and how even more ridiculous it would be for us to try doing another movie with everything that's going on in everyone's lives. We did take this picture however:
In case you can't recognize us cause we're so fucking old, that's Niao Sun, Ren, Wong, me, and Shen Hua.

I'll also say I'm very excited to be a part of the Shenmue documentary that's currently in production. Adam and his crew came out to interview me in Chicago a few months ago, and they just interviewed Terry in LA last week. Pretty neat!
by Ocky27
Sun Jul 26, 2015 2:06 pm
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Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

Even in my head I imagine it ending with me taking a swing at them. In fact, to be super honest, I'd be dissapointed if it ended any other way.

If that happens, I've got your back, and will jump into the fray happily!
by Three Blades
Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:17 am
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Shenmue 3 Wallpapers

Hey guys!


Wanted to use some of the new art / images from the Kickstarter to use as a desktop background but unfortuantely the images are rather small and low quality when blown up as background. So I've taken the nice image of Ryo and Shenhua walking in Guilin and took out most of the noise and crap that would show up when blown up and added lens flare and a couple of nice soft filters to make it look a bit water coloured. Even though it's a 600x382 image, it looks really nice as my 1920x1080 display.

Without Flare:
With Flare:
With Flare And Logo:

Without Logo:
With Logo:

Without Flare:
With Flare:
With Flare And Logo:

Without Logo:
With Logo:

Trippy Wallpaper =P~ :

Here is a link to the full size images:

If anyone has any wallpaper they have made they want to share please do :)
by James Brown
Tue Jun 16, 2015 8:26 pm
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Yu Suzuki's interview : A New Shenmue

Hello guys,

As promised, I've received Yu Suzuki's approval to publish it, so here it is !

Meeting Yu Suzuki in Japan once again was awesome. I had the opportunity to meet with the development team and saw some footage and can say that Shenmue is definetly in good hands.

This interview do not contain major spoilers, however, DO NOT read the question/answer #14 if you do not wish to know about Shenmue III's bosses.

Enough said, here you go !

English version / 英語版 :

PDF version : coming soon

Yu Suzuki's interview : A New Shenmue (2015)

1) David : Hello Yu Suzuki. Today is September 14th and 2 months have passed since the end of the Kickstarter's campaign. Could you tell us how you've felt during the campaign ?

Yu Suzuki : Many people asked me how it was during E3 so I'd rather talk about what happened after that, the development and so on. That's what is the most interesting to me. The game's budget has been decided with the Kickstarter and we're working on it accordingly. We're currently testing the Unreal Engine 4.

2) David : 14 years have passed since the release of Shenmue II. If you had to think about it, was there anything that could have been improved in the previous games ?

Yu Suzuki : When I was making Shenmue II, my goal was to make it better than the first one. Of course, there are many things that could have been better. If I had to provide an example, that'd be the use of time. How long you had to wait until the next event.

In Shenmue Yokosuka, the player had no other choice but to wait until the next event occured. The concept was to add many different features for the player to enjoy while waiting for the said rendezvous. After the first Shenmue was done, people provided their feedback and many of them were frustrated having to wait, that's why I've decided to add the « Skip Time » feature in Shenmue II. By using it, you could skip time and jump to the next scene.

3) David : During the trailer of Shenmue Online, we could see Shenhua summoning a Phoenix to fight Lan Di. Is it linked to the original story of Shenmue ?

Yu Suzuki : This is a story I made up specially for Shenmue Online. So no, It has no link to the original story.

I would like to ask you some questions regarding Shenmue III and the Kickstarter campaign if you don't mind.

4) David : You've planned to add scenes from the first 2 games « Story Digest » in Shenmue III to describe the story. Are you going to use the previous games original scenes or do you plan to recreate them under the Unreal Engine 4 ? Is there any chance you're going to add Chapter 2 « the boat » in it ?

Yu Suzuki : The boat chapter won't be added. Regarding the « Story Digest » we're thinking about the best way to add it.

5) David : A fan has made a suggestion and wanted you to hear it. Is it possible for Ryo to hold a camera and take some pictures that the player could save in the inventory ?

Yu Suzuki : Ryo holding a camera doesn't match with his style and the way he is. However, the fact that the «player» himself is taking the pictures sounds like a nice idea. To be honest, I already thought about it before, so if that's possible, I would like to make this possibility happen.

6) David : In your previous interviews, you've mentioned that Shenmue III's size would be around the size of Shenmue's Dobuita. Each village will be around the same size as Dobuita or where you talking about the full game ?

Yu Suzuki : I want to make Choubu as large as Dobuita. Now, about the remaining villages, we're thinking about it.

7) David : Characters will be linked to Ryo through the « Rapport System ». But is it going to change the main story and why not, make some of the characters disappear at some point ?

Yu Suzuki : This system has been built for Ryo and Shenhua. We are thinking about the possibility to make it work with other characters but that's undecided. Regarding the impact that it's going to have on the story and the game itself, that is currently under experimentation.

8 ) David : The exclusive Kickstarter content « S3World telecom» will provide the possibility to call some characters of the previous games. But are the conversations going to be limited to some lines only or will they offer some variations ?

Yu Suzuki : No, It won't be limited to a single conversation.

9) David  : The Stretch Goals «AI Battling», «Ragdoll Reaction» and «High Ground Battle System» have yet to be reached, but is there anything we could learn about these Stretch Goals ?

Yu Suzuki : Some of you may know what the Ragdoll physics is. If you release the strength of the body, it becomes like a doll, that's not really natural. That's why we're working on the «Motion Blending», adding some resistance to the muscles for example, to obtain realistic moves.

In a Virtua Fighter scene, patterns were determined by the Motion Capture, but with the Ragdoll physics, moves won't repeat over and over. If you get into something (like a wall) the reaction won't be the same. In fact, I'd like to combine the «Ragdoll Physics», the «Motion Blending» and «IK Constraint» to make the NPC and battle's reactions as real as possible.

Regarding the «AI Battling» Stretch Goal, if I had to explain this simply, that'd be, for example, when you're hitting the punch button of your pad to hit your opponent. A jab when he's close, to hit him when he's away from you and to move to hit him when he's even more far away. I would like to create a system that is taking account of the distance, conditions and the position of your rival. During normal fights, if you push a button, your character will use the same move over and over without considering your current situation. I don't really like that and would like to use the «AI Battling» to add some variations to the movements depending on your current state.

And finally, the «High Ground Battle System», is the interactivity with the surrounding environment. I want to create and add strategy and realism to the battles. For example, throwing your opponent on a barrel and making it break or hitting a wall and making it fall like a wave on your enemy. I'd like to create more complex battles using the UE4's physical phenomenon.

David : These features were not available in the first two games right ?

Yu Suzuki : To say the truth, I've already used it. You could see something like that during the «70 Man Battle». But these techniques were used 14 years ago and I am sure that the result will be more interesting if we use the actual technology.

10) David : Is Shenhua going to be with Ryo all the time or is Ryo going to be on his own from time to time as well ?

Yu Suzuki : Both. Moments where Ryo will be on his own and some where Shenhua will stand by his side.

11) David : Just like in Shenmue I and II, is it going to be possibile to grab the items around us and examine them ?

Yu Suzuki : I would like to make it.

12) David : Some people would like to know more about the Paypal campaign and its rewards. Is there anything you can tell us ?

Yu Suzuki : The campaign will start on September 17th. With Kickstarter, people were limited to one reward, but this time, they will be able to add other rewards. Also, I'd like Japanese users to browse this page, all details will be in Japanese. The remaining Stretch Goals are also a part of this campaign and if we reach them, as promised, they will be made. I am counting on you !

13) David : Niao Sun has been presented during the first Shenmue events but is only appearing for the first time in Shenmue III. Why did you show her so soon during the promotion of the game ? Is there a special reason behind this ?

Yu Suzuki : There's no real reason. She was attractive and I liked her, that's why I wanted to show this character to all of you as soon as possible !

14) David : Looking at the development's schedule, 4 big bosses will be added to the game. Have you decided to cut some parts of the story and add the 4 main Chiyoumen bosses ?

Yu Suzuki : All I can tell you is that you're going to face Niao Sun of course, and also Lan Di !

15) David : Many players would like to have the possibility to switch between the Japanese and English voices. Do you plan to add such a feature in Shenmue III ?

Yu Suzuki : We are considering the possibility to switch between English and Japanese voices. So, many people would like Japanese voices and English subtitles ? I will probably start a poll about this to see what people are looking forward to.

Here is the last question !

16) David : Any special message that you'd like to say to the fans and why not, people who never played Shenmue until today ?

Yu Suzuki : My message towards the fans :

Thank to all of you who have been waiting for the last 14 years. I will bring with Shenmue III a new way to play and many things that were not in the first two games. I am aware that many of you are expecting Shenmue III to be the same as the first games but as a game creator, I am always challenging myself and I'd be very happy if the fans appreciated Shenmue III. Thank you for welcoming the new Shenmue !

Now the message toward players who never experienced Shenmue before :

I am developing it in the best possible way to make sure that you are going to enjoy the experience even though you have never played the first Shenmue. So even if you have no idea what the Shenmue I and II were, please do not hesitate to try it out please !

The interview is now over. I would like to say thank you to Yu Suzuki who allowed me to do this interview. A huge thanks to all the people working at YsNet, for their warm welcome and kindness.

I'd also like to say thank you to Cédric Biscay, french co-producer of Shenmue III. I had the opportunity to meet him and I can tell you that he's really motivated and he loves Shenmue as much as we all do ! Shenmue III is in good hands and I am really looking forward to it !

My next interview should happen during the Magic Monaco in February 2016.

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed the answers.



Japanese version / 日本語版 :

鈴木裕さんのインタビュー : 新しいシェンムーへ

1) ダビッド : 鈴木さん、こんにちは。本日、インタビューを行わせていただくことになり、ありがとうございます。宜しくお願い致します。それでは、はじめましょう。シェンムーⅢのKickstarterのキャンペーンが終了してから、二ヶ月ぐらい経過しました。よろしければ、キャンペーンの間の印象を教えて頂けませんか。

鈴木氏 : 皆さんに良く聞かれたのはショーの期間中の印象でしたので、その代わりにE3(ロサンゼルスで行われるゲームショー)が終わったあとや開発について話したいと思います。バジェットが決まったので、そのバジェットに合わせてゲームのフローに従って、現在はUE4のテストに入っています。

2) ダビッド : シェンムーⅡが発売されてから14年が経過しました。今、思い浮かべると、シェンムーⅠとⅡには改善点があったと思いますか。

鈴木氏 : シェンムーⅡを作るときはシェンムーⅠを改善して作ったので、もちろん改善点が沢山ありました。一つの例を挙げると、待ち合わせの時間です。シェンムーⅠでは待ち合わせの時間までただ待つことしか出来ませんでした。なので、シェンムーⅠでは待ち合わせの時間までに遊ぶ要素を沢山入れてあります。待っている時間に違うことをやって欲しいというのがシェンムーⅠのコンセプトでした。シェンムーⅠが終わったらそこに対してストレスが溜まると言うプレイヤーの声が高かったのでシェンムーⅡでは待つシステムを入れることに決めました。その時間まで待つというシステムを使うと、その時間と場所にジャンプすることが出来るようになりました。 

3) ダビッド : シェンムーオンラインのトレーラーでは藍帝(らんてい)は龍を、シェンファは鳳凰を召喚して戦っているシーンがありました。このシーンはシェンムーのメインストーリーと繋がっているのでしょうか。

鈴木氏 : シェンムーオンラインのために作った外伝なので、オリジナルストーリーと繋がっていません。

4) ダビッド : まだ、シェンムーをやったことがないプレイヤーにストーリーを分かってもらうために、シェンムーⅢにシェンムーI&Ⅱのストーリーダイジェストコンテンツが追加される予定があります。
それは、昔の動画(シェンムーThe Movie)か、あるいはUnreal Engine 4でリニューアルしたもので追加されるのでしょうか。そして、カットされた「二章 船」の動画版を追加されますか。

鈴木氏 : シェンムー「二章 船」 は追加されません。ストーリーダイジェストに関してはどの形がいいかどうか検討中です。

5) ダビッド : シェンムーファンからのアイデアを聞いたので、お伝えさせていただきます。シェンムーⅢの涼がカメラを持って、写真を撮って、アルバムに保存できるシステムというアイデアでしたが、いかがでしょうか。

鈴木氏 : 涼がカメラを持つというと、ちょっと彼のイメージに合わないと思います。プレイヤーの方が写真を撮ったらいいと思っています。写真の機能が使えるのは以前からやりたいと考えていたので、出来ればやりたいです。

6) ダビッド : 以前、他のインタビューを受けていたときに、鈴木さんはシェンムーⅢの世界のサイズはシェンムーのどぶ板と同じぐらいになると言いましたが、それは全部のエリアですか。それとも一つずつの村がどぶ板と同じぐらいのサイズになるということでしょうか。

鈴木氏 :鳥舞をどぶ板くらいの大きさにしたいと思っています。他の村については検討中です。

7) ダビッド : 今回は好感度システムによって涼が他のキャラクターと繋がっていることは変わりますが、そのシステムでストーリーの変更や仲が悪いと仲間と会えなくなってしまう設定がありますか。

鈴木氏 : 好感度システムは涼とシェンファーに向けて作ったシステムです。他のキャラに使うかどうかは検討中です。ストーリーやゲーム進行にどれくらいの影響を与えるかどうかは現在実験中です。

8) ダビッド : キックスターター限定の国際テレホンカードで前作で出てきたキャラクターに連絡することが可能ですが、出来る会話が一つ限りなのか又はバリエーションがたくさんあるのでしょうか。

鈴木氏 : 会話は一つ限りではないです。

9) ダビッド : 「ラグドールリアクション」や「AIバトル」や「ハイグランドバトルシステム」というストレッチゴールはまだ達成していませんが、それについて詳しく説明してくださいませんか。

鈴木氏 : 皆さんはご存知かもしれませんが、ラグドール物理演算というのがあって、人体の力を抜くと人形みたいなものになって、キャラクターがだらんとしてしまいます。これだけでやると動きが不自然になってしまいます。


ハイグランドバトルシステム は、キャラクターの周りのものを使って、バトルに臨場感と戦略を加えて作りたいと思っています。例えば、敵を投げたらドラム缶が崩れてきて敵をやっつけるとか、闘おうとしているときに壁を叩いたら波のように崩れてきたり・・・UE4の物理現象を連鎖させて、より複雑で楽しいバトルを作りたいと思っています。演算を使ってやりたいなと思っています。

ダビッド : シェンムーⅠ・Ⅱではやっていなかったシステムですね?

鈴木氏 : ちょっとやっていました。70人バトルのときにドラム缶が崩れてきたりとか… ですが、あれは14年前の技術でやった表現なので、現在の技術でやったらもっと楽しいものになると思います。

10) ダビッド : シェンムーⅢではシェンファがシェンムーIIと同じように常に涼と一緒にいるのか、彼が一人になることが多くなるのでしょうか。

鈴木氏 : 彼女と一緒にいるときもありますし、一人になるときもあります。

11) ダビッド : シェンムーとシェンムーⅡでアイテムを細かく観察することが出来ましたが、シェンムーⅢでも同じような動作が出来ますか。

鈴木氏 : 出来るようにしたいです。

12) ダビッド : Kickstarterのキャンペーン終了後、更に支援したい方がPaypalで支援出来るシステムが発表されました。それについての詳細を説明して頂けますか。

鈴木氏 : 9月17日からPaypalを開始対応しています。Kickstarterでは1個しか買えなかったのですが、今回は追加の購入が出来ますし、あとは特に日本のユーザーが日本語で申し込むことが出来ますので是非ページを見に来て下さい。基本的にはストレッチゴールにも対応していますので追加金額でストレッチゴールをクリアすると約束している部分が実現出来ます。皆さん、宜しくお願いします。

13) ダビッド : 鳥隼(ちょうじゅん)は昔からプロモーションキャラクターとして使用されていて、シェンムーⅢから登場することになりましたが、どうして14年前からそのキャラクターを紹介されましたか。特別な理由がありますか。

鈴木氏 : 特別な理由がありません。キャラクターが魅力的だったので、僕がそのキャラクターが好きで、早く皆さんに見せたかったからです。

14) ダビッド : 開発の構成によって、シェンムーIIIでは4つのボスがいるということが分かってきました。つまりストーリーを短くして、四天王(らんてい、こうてい、えんてい、げんてい)を含めることにしましたか。

鈴木氏 : 一つだけのことを言います。四天王の藍帝(蒼龍) と炎帝(鳥隼)が出てきます。

15) ダビッド : 日本語と英語音声を選択するオプションが欲しい方が多いそうです。このような選択肢をシェンムーⅢに追加するつもりでしょうか。

鈴木氏 : 日本語版と英語版の音声切り替えが可能かどうか検討してみます。海外では日本語音声で英語字幕が欲しい人が多いですか。出来たら、一回アンケートを取ってみたいですね。


16) ダビッド : シェンムーファンや又はシェンムーを初めてプレイする方々に伝えたい特別なメッセージがありましたら、どうぞ。

鈴木氏 : シェンムーファンの皆さんについては14年間ぐらい待ってくれて、本当にありがとうございます。シェンムーⅢではシェンムーI&Ⅱにない、新しい遊びをチャレンジしようと思っています。シェンムーI&IIとか全く同じ遊びを期待している人がいるかもしれませんが、鈴木裕は常に新しいことにチャレンジするクリエイターだと思って、シェンムーⅢを応援してくれると嬉しいです。新しいシェンムーを応援して下さい。




by DEVILLE_David
Tue Oct 20, 2015 2:29 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 can't promise 60fps but can promise sexy girls

I have said all I wish to or will say on the subject. Carry on.
Hey, you mind me asking you a question? It's completely fine if you don't, given that you have said all that you wanted on the subject but I'm just curious.

Do you feel Shenmue so far did have bad representation of the fairer sex? Personally I feel there's a good range in Shenmue. I mean the women are all different from each other. The only one that might possibly be a danger so far is Joy, but it's not impossible to imagine the daughter of a well to do business empire get involved with the wrong crowd. Everything about her, from her scant clothing to her over the top dyed hair, screams a desire to make an impression. I also think that some women are like that, not every one of course, but some may be. Teenagers especially can be.

What are your thoughts on Shenmue's depiction of women so far? (It's hard to talk about this new ChiYouMen leader since we haven't really seen her yet properly) But only if you don't mind me asking, of course.

Also, every time I see your avatar I want to play Skies of Arcadia again.

I don't personally mind the depiction at all. But then, I'm male, and not really the one who would be impacted by the depiction. Even among women, not everyone will mind it either. But for those who do, I advocate their right to voice concerns about it - just as I advocate Yu's right to depict his characters however he wants - I actually feel Shenmue has some decent to good depictions of women personally. But I think a lot of women would like to see characteristics other than simply "strong and beautiful" in video games.

Someone (can't remember who) once said something (poorly paraphrasing from memory) along the lines of, "Batman gets to be strong, handsome, scarred, dark, conflicted, a brilliant detective, intelligent, haunted, and arguably psychotic. But somehow just being 'strong' is considered enough when it comes to most female characters." I may not personally feel that way about Shenmue or other games, but I can totally understand some women feeling that way.

The reason I don't want to talk about it further though, is because I've been through it many times and been called a "white knight" or a "social justice warrior" for my trouble. So while that may or may not happen here, I just don't have the emotional or mental energy to engage with the topic and really discuss it frankly. Online debates never result in anyone changing their views anyway (not that I want to change anyone's views) and it's such a controversial issue that my social anxiety and depression don't really allow me to brave the storm of discussion for long before I feel overwhelmed and sad, so I just don't usually.

So with that said, I will bow out of the discussion again.

P.S. I play SOA at least once every couple of years on Gamecube. :) Wish they'd release it again, in any form.
by Anonymous81
Fri Oct 23, 2015 4:44 am
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Yu Suzuki: Le Maitre de Sega - Book Review

Hi everyone! I just finished reading Benjamin Berget's extensive Yu Suzuki Biography and since an English version of the book is coming too, I wanted to share some thoughts about the book with the Shenmue community. Here we go!

First off, the presentation of the book is outstanding and far more than one can expect from a small publisher such as Geeks Line. The book comes in a beautiful book jacket with the words "Yu Suzuki" printed in a slightly convex way which gives the reader an interesting feeling while touching the book's cover. The paper is pearly white and the font size makes it a very agreeable reading experience. The book spans 500 pages plus a roundabout 30 color print pages which show pictures of advertisement flyers for Yu's Arcade machines. The quality of those pictures is very good and the colors come out vividly. Unfortunately there are no pictures of Yu Suzuki himself in the book.

The book's content covers Yu's entire life starting with his childhood in a small coastal town, his beginnings at Sega, Yu at the peak of his power at Sega in the late 90's/early 2000's all the way till the emotional E3 followed by the succesfull KS campaign for Shenmue 3 earlier this year.

As a long time Yu Suzuki fanboy, I wasn't expecting a lot of new information from the book, but there was actually a lot of small details in the book which I had either previously overlooked or forgotten about as time went by. Anyway, Benjamin Berget did one hell of a job accumulating heaps of old interviews from magazines dating back as far as the 80's and also loads of online interviews and other source material.

Also, I think most western readers didn't know a lot about Yu Suzuki's early years, unless they were able to read Japanese and thus understand Yu Suzuki Game Works. I found it really interesting to learn that Yu was a die hard fan of Ritchie Blackmore's in the 70's and in his teenage years spent most of his time practing guitar, trying to become a guitar hero just like Blackmore. But fortunately for all of us, just before the final exams in high school were about to happen and with his parents worried about his long hair and indifferent attitude towards studying, young Yu came to the conclusion that despite all his dilligent practice, he lacked the musical talent to become a rockstar. So our Yu got a haircut and enrolled for programming in University. The rest is history.

Benjamin Berget covers all the games of Yu's career, regardless if he was involved as a director, producer, supervisor or something completely different. He gives detailed information about the development, the technical specifications of each arcade machine, the console conversions and the commercial performance (sales) of each game. That alone is an achievement in itself but it is the small anecdotes and details where Berget's book shines. Hitting the letter G in the fourth stage of Hang-On gives you a million extra points, not just Nintendo but also Sega was super close to striking a deal with Sony in the early 90s but the narrow-minded executives of Sega of Japan fucked it up which led to Sony taking bitter revenge on both Sega and Nintedo by releasing the Playstation. Yu worked for Lockheed as an advisor and helped them create a tank simulator of which Sega released a civilian version as "Desert Tank". Shenmue 3 was almost announced for Xbox at E3 2004 and for some reason we still don't really know the announcement got cancelled at the very last minute. Yu initially wanted to do a Shenmue 3 Kickstarter in 2012, but Sega asked too much for the license.

Granted, all those things may not be new to some of us but as I said before I had either forgotten or never learned about them. And God, how much this book made me hate Peter "I put the nail in the Dreamcast's coffin in order to take its IPs to Xbox" Moore and Hajime "I want Sonic on my Pachinko machines to seduce a younger audience to gambling" Satomi and Sammy again. :lol: Yeah, I know, I need to calm down and there's nothing I can do about Peter Moore being an asshole and Sammy being a money-grubbing piece of shit company which unfortunately has taken over Sega. :D Still, the truth needs to be said from time to time. :)

Shenmue gets most attention of all games in this book with S1 & 2 being covered in a massive 100 pages chapter, Shenmue Online and it's cancellation being examined in great detail and Shenmue 3 being the finishing sub-chapter of the book with about a dozen pages. I also found particularly interesting the way Yu underwent the development of Shenmue. He first took a ton of location pictures which he showed them to the composers (Mitsuyoshi, Iuchi, Koshiro and so on) who he would then ask to compose some music for those locations. After they were done, Yu listened to what the composers had created and when he found a track he liked, he would play it to everybody involved (graphic artists, programmers,etc.). He asked them to listen closely and to go to work with the music in mind. In that sense, Shenmue's development started with its music and the incredible athmosphere could be created because everybody had the music in mind while working on Shenmue.

With its sheer amount of information and all his little dietails, this book is a great read for every Yu Suzuki fan and all those interested in Sega or Shenmue. However there is one thing about the book I didn't like one bit. While the price (25 Euros) is reasonable, the binding is very cheaply executed and very poor quality. Geeks-Line really need to find a new partner for their bindings. I read about 20 to 30 books a year, some digital but most of the still physical. I have never before experienced this with a new book. I have only read it once and I've treated my copy in an absolutely normal way but still the binding is so bad, some of the pages just came loose and fell out of the book! :no: :2gunfire: :letitallout:

However, I'd like to stress, that this is in no way related to Benjamin Berget's work or the contents and reading value of the book. It's an issue the publisher needs to deal with.

I advise every Shenmue fan to read the book, but if you buy the original version, treat your copy with extra care. Hopefully the English language publisher will do a better job with the binding.
by Hyo Razuki
Sun Nov 01, 2015 1:24 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki: Le Maitre de Sega - Book Review

Just to try to answer some of the questions quickly. I have to work early tomorrow so I'll have to go to bed soon.

The question about the 2012 KS: Maybe my wording was a bit cofusing. I don't really know how far Yu's plans for a KS went back in 2012 but Cedirc Biscay said he would have liked to do it back then. Here's the quote (page 470 in the book).

So it starts with some guy from Sumo Digital asking why Yu doesn't use KS to get S3 going. Benjamin Berget then quotes Cedric Biscay for the answer. In his footnote (footnote 404), Berget hints at a May 9th 2012 article which he calls "Le financement de Shenmue III par les fans via Kickstarter". So here's what Cedric allegedly said:

Yu Suzuki est bien entendu au courant des operations du type Kickstarter, mais la licence appartient a SEGA qui n'envisage pas cette option, et qui lachera pas cette licence sans contrepartie.

My attempt at a translation. Take it with a grain of salt. I'm neither a native speaker in English nor in French. :lol:

YS is of course up-to-date with things like KS but the license belongs to Sega who have no plans for that option and will not let go off the license without a trade-off.

So to me it seems Yu just lacked the funds to make the KS happen back in 12. Maybe Sega asked for some money up front (before the start of the KS) or asked for too much so it took Yu 3 years to scrape together enough cash to attain the license.

About Peter Moore: The idea of leaving the console business first came from Sega of America and initially led to all Japanese executives leaving the room without saying a word when first introduced at a conference. One of the most passionate adversaries of leaving the console market was Yuji Naka. It seems that on one occasion Peter Moore told the interpreter to tell Naka to go fuck himself.

Also Moore became VP of Microsoft's video game division after leaving Sega and took with himself Shenmue 2's exclusivity for the US market which became a desaster for the franchise as a whole. Microsoft basically didn't do as much marketing for the game as they had promised and didn't even publish the European version but left it to French publisher Infogrames who screwed up. In the end Big Ben Interactive had to take over the PAL version publishing and Shenmue 2X came to Europe as late as October 2003, as far as I remember.

I'll give you guys the exact quotes from the book about Moore and the other questions next week, but for now, I have to go to bed. :)
by Hyo Razuki
Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:03 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #47

The jacket will probably be toned down abit but it is obvious that they're still experimenting with the lighting. They're also not utilizing any Post Processing at the moment and if they are it's only for a slight color node but I don't think they're using any in the second and fourth screenshot. I think it goes without saying that this will change and right now they're experimenting with an engine that they probably never used before so it takes abit of time and energy to figure these large frameworks out.

Hey, welcome. So in your personal opinion, do you think there's plenty of time for Yu and his team to master Unreal and learn to use it to its fullest (or at least to a high degree of proficiency) before Shenmue 3 releases? I know Yu has been out of the loop a while, and I don't think refusing to play modern games helps that, but, I'm curious to ask, from someone who has experience in UE, how realistic it would be for Yu and his team to catch up fairly quickly? What do you think?

Thank you for the welcoming! Oh of course! It took me about a full year to learn everything and that was me going in with very little game development experience. Team Yu will be able to figure it out quite easily i'm sure. Even if it takes a year to learn the minute details it will still leave them with plenty of time for polish and effort.

If I had 6 months, a full animation set and the 3d models necessary and a few level designer's I could probably re-create Shenmue 1's systems entirely from the cutscenes (Minus the voice acting and lip syncing), to a combat system to the general movement and transitions in Unreal Engine 4.

Working with C++ in UE4 is great. Typically with alot of Engines you end up with some sort of... well, a high level language but a minor scripting language at that without the ability to use pointers. I won't turn this into a programming lesson but let me just say that pointers is why C++ is still around after all these years which makes everything pretty easy!

It's true Yu Suzuki has been out of the modern game market for a while... but Shenmue wasn't really like any other game was it? That could've been why it did so poorly but it was easily the best to me. Mixing RPG elements into a fighting game while taking HUGE risks on an emphasis of building an atmospheric environment (Not just the levels but the NPC's) while giving you a variety of options on how you wanted to perform. Shenmue was way ahead of it's time by a decade at least. I don't know the specifics but if I had to speculate i'd say the budget went over originally because of the technology switches from the Saturn to the Dreamcast, the re-creation of thousands of textures and hundreds of models and easily thousands of lines of code. People seem to forget that building an engine (A stable one anyways) takes years to do and is easily one of the hardest type of frameworks to make that requires huge teams.

So what is my point? If I could do this then Team Yu should have no problem. I wouldn't worry about it at all... plus we're all forgetting one important fact here. IT'S SHENMUE 3!!!
by Mark James G
Tue Nov 03, 2015 1:49 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki: Le Maitre de Sega - Book Review

Luck was on my side. I stumbled across the E3 2004 bit. It's on page 491. It's actually not Benjamin, but Remy Louisin aka Trent of Shenmue Master who said Sega had a S3 demo running on Xbox ready for E3 that year. Unfortunately, Remy does not give any source of information, nor does he seem to know why the S3 announcement was cancelled in 2004.
by Hyo Razuki
Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:41 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki: Le Maitre de Sega - Book Review

All right, ladies and gentlemen. Please forgive me for not quoting exactly from the French book and then translating into English again. To cut this short, I will paraphrase the passages and give you guys the page numbers in the (French version) book plus the articles which Benjamin referred to in his footnotes. You guys can google the original sources if you want So here we go

1) Peter Moore being an asshole. The passage I meant spans from page 352 to 354. Benjamin starts off quoting Peter Moore from a 2008 interview called "'We knew we could win' - when the Dreamcast was a contender". Moore basically says that from September 99 till September 2000 DC sales were not high enough in the States and therefor he had come to the conclusion that they would have to stop making consoles given the fact that the PS2 was so to be introduced.

Benjamin then goes on to quote from a 2009 Gamasutra interview (The Rise and Fall of the DC) with Charles Bellfield who accompanied Moore to the later infamous confernce in Japan in September 2000. Bellfield recalls all Japanese executives leaving the room when the Americans revealed their plan to leave the console business. Yuji Naka was stunned and accused Moore of forging the numbers in order to push Sega out of the console market. Moore then completely lost it and yelled at Naka to go fuck himself (page 354).

Moore became VP Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft after leaving Sega. Benjamin points out that this looked like Moore helped eliminating the weakest competitor in the console market which Microsoft later rewarded him for (still 354). He then quotes from a 201 Segabits article called "A TSA officer told Peter Moore 'I don't need to see your passport. You're the asshole who gave away Shenmue to Xbox'". :lol:

Also, on page 367 he quotes a 2002 Xbox Nation interview of YS's where he says he's worried about MS not doing enough for S2X marketing-wise ("Yu Suzuki - Shenmue series, the competion and beyond").

Benjamin: If you're reading this, please share your thoughts on those passages of your book with us, if you feel that something needs to be said.

Can't find the E3 2004 passage right now guys. And since my copy of the book is basically falling apart, I can't really look it up now because I'd have to be extremely careful not to lose any of the pages. I'll see what Geeks-Line will do about it. If they don't do anything, I'll have to find a shop which can make a hardcover binding at a reasonable price. I really want to keep the book and so I need to be careful not to lose any pages.
by Hyo Razuki
Tue Nov 03, 2015 3:27 pm
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Re: Ren's fighting style based on Jacky from Virtua Fighter

In retrospect it should have been obvious that Xiuying's fighting style was based on Akira. Dat elbow strike.

Sure, but Ryo has always been a parallel to Akira. Are we just supposed to consider it a coincidence that he and Xiuying practice the same style? Going by Shenmue II, I wouldn't say they do anyway. This is, after all, just a concept slide from '96.

Where did this slide come from?

Pretty sure it's from the 2014 GDC post-mortem. Never mind, it's from today.
by Mr357
Mon Nov 16, 2015 3:19 pm
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MORE SHENMUE NEW (shenmue chapter break down)

So after the meeting. Fan "Fei Le" the one who "wrote the Calligraphy and DREW the brush paint" had a dinner with Yu. Get a little more news out of Yu . the information on the forum is not OFFICIAL。 its the speculation of what happen through "Social engineering" with Yu。

Please let me know if the forum would like to know what happen. Its a lot to translate.if i get a least 10 reply i will translate the whole thing today.


by sshen1127
Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:14 am
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MORE SHENMUE NEW (shenmue chapter break down) Eng version

After the press conference in shanghai. I was able to get a little more information about the game from Yu during our meal time.

After I got home. I re-watch the conference and I was able to come up with some my own speculation. Let’s get sweaty.

I made 2 pictures. The first picture is each location of the entire 11 chapter. The second picture is the flow of the entire story line.

From the 2 pictures here is the information I get.
Shenmue chapter break down.
1. Japan Yokosuka
2. Hong Kong
3. Chapter 3 and 4 is (Su Zhou and shanghai) not sure which one come first.
4. Chapter 5 and 6 is ( Guilin)
5. Chapter 7 ( Luoyang )
6. Chapter 8 Cang Zhou Miao village
7. Chapter 9 Xi An
8. Chapter 10 Bei Jin
9. Chapter 11 is Lan Lou ( XinJiang )

3 and 4 was cut which include shu Zhou and shanghai

The last chapter the final battle takes place in ancient city (Lou Lan)

Here is the detail

First. I got all the location and the name of the city from the map of the second picture. Which chapter 3 and 4 is Suzhou and shanghai. And during the meal with Yu. I heard with my own ear that Shenmue 3 will be the story of Shenmue 5 and 6. Therefore 3 and 4 is being cut at this point.

There is a couple of detail worth mentioning here. The Niao Sun character in chapter 6 also appears in chapter 7 which is Luo yan. So Niao Sun follow Ryo to Luo yong ? Is to kill Ryo or help him? Also in chapter 10 the person ryo holds (is it landi or ziming? or someone else) if its LanDi does it mean Ryo defected him and forgive him in the end? Did Ryo reach a new ground of moral conscience? And what happen before that?

Finally I am most curious part of the story is the last chapter. The story takes place in Lou Lan. Note (the Chinese words on the map is Lou Lan not xinjiang) so the story must have a connection with the ancient city of ( LouLan). The ancient city of Lou Lan use to be the ruler for the land of Xing Jiang (it uses to be a country with rich culture and power) but suddenly disappears overnight. Similar like Maya Civilization. It becomes a historical myth.

So if the final battle is taken place there. Is there any connection between the two?
Picture of Lou Lan

Finally there is one last detail I would like to share with everyone. During meal time Yu mention he will visitor shanghai and Suzhou, Wuxi, and Xiamen. Notice he mention shanghai and Suzhou the location of the two chapter that is cut from the game. Does that mean he is location scouting these two place? Will he add these 2 missing chapter in Shenmue 4? Will Shenmue 4 be chapter 3 and 4 (sshen1127 I personally don’t think so) we don’t know. But the most important part I think is still the budget. We need to keep support the game that is only way we can get more content from it. One last thing. During the meal time Yu mention in the future he may creator a brand new fighting game. What is that fighting game? I think it might be Shenmue character base fighting game. I believe after all of this set and done. Shenmue will no doubt become a legend of a game!
by sshen1127
Sun Nov 22, 2015 3:05 pm
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Re: China family game Takshi Hirai interview

@LucBu wow that is so truth

by sshen1127
Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:37 pm
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Re: Let's Ask Ysnet to Include Free Practice in Shenmue 3

Totally agree with the OP. [-o<

I don't remember well but a lot of people asked for this feature in the Q&A sessions. Here the only answer he gave last June.

Question : Will practicing moves make a return in Shenmue 3 along with the FREE battle system? A lot of fans feel not being able to practice moves was big piece missing in Shenmue 2, and I also personally loved being able to practice and make the moves stronger. It really makes you feel as if you are learning marital arts and then performing them in a skill-based actual battle feels very satisfying.

YS : I want to do it yes!
by Yokosuka
Sat Jan 16, 2016 2:49 am
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Re: Kickstarter Update #63: Campaign and Progress Update

LucBu wrote: Can someone photoshop Joel's head onto Ryo in that market fight scene? Much better. Thanks.

by Technophilz
Thu Dec 15, 2016 11:21 am
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