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Re: About the buildings in Baisha village

I'm most excited about Choubu village. Did you read the Suzuki interview?

What interview is that? :)

Also, on topic, there is that train ride in both Project Berkley and the GDC post-mortem. I wonder if and when that's going on.

I don't remember exactly which one.. But he detailed a few of the games locations and what to expect. It was one of his recent interviews in the last 2 or 3 days. Maybe someone can help me out. It could of been the Game Informer interview but I'm not too sure.

Found the right google magic spell.
by BayStone
Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:01 am
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About the buildings in Baisha village

Hi, everybody!
I never thought that I'd be posting here again after all these years, as I had already accepted that Shenmue 3 would simply never happen and I tried to move on (though I never really managed to forget about Shenmue.)
And yet, here we are, Shenmue 3 is coming out and this is all pretty exciting. In fact, this is probably the most exciting time in videogames in my life and I'm on my way to being 30 already and I never really get that excited about videogames anymore. Or so I thought! :D

Anyway, I noticed the artwork for Baisha village.

Now, those round buildings are quite famous in China, they're called "tulou (土楼)", which literally means "earth building". They're communal residences, which, as far as I know, are only found in Fujian Province, in Southeast China. They're communal residences, which, nowadays, are more and more of a tourist attraction, really.

I doubt that Shenmue 3 will take Ryo to Fujian Province, but rather will be entirely (or mostly) set in Guangxi, which is where Guilin is situated. So I'm guessing that Yu Suzuki knew about tulou, maybe he visited them when he went to China, and he really wanted to incorporate them in Shenmue, even if that meant that accuracy would have to be thrown out of the window, in this case (which is fine by me. Fun should always come first in a videogame). Unless I'm wrong and tulou can also be found in Guangxi, but I've never heard about it and a quick Baidu search came up empty too.

Check out the Wikipedia article about it.

Pretty cool, huh? I'm looking forward to seeing them in Shenmue 3's Baisha.
by O Rei do Frango Assado
Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:24 am
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Re: Can someone help me with smartphone emulation?

First thing you need to acquire the files dc_boot.bin and dc_flash.bin download them onto your computer.

(dc_boot.bin may also be called dc_Bios.bin. They are the same. Rename it to dc_boot.bin if necessry.

Then connect your phone to your computer by USB and put these two files into your phones Internal storage. Make a new dedicated folder.

then open reicast. This is what you should see first of all:

Open the tab to extend the options. Select 'Paths' here:

It says "system path" here as you can see. The other one is for the game, we'll worry about that later

This where you tell reicast to find those two files I mentioned earlier. thaey emulate the DC OS itself.

Navigate to the folder you made, and press 'select current folder'.

Note. You are nominating the folder were the files are located, not the files themselves)

select Browse to go back to that first menu, select 'boot Dreamcast Bios'.

Hopefully this should allow you to boot to the Dreamcast start screen.

Let us know how that goes.

by NeoShredder
Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:05 pm
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Im going to contribute and keep promoting the kickstarter, but tbh guys I dont think we have anything to worry about. I think whatever the fans dont contribute, sony, or some other able investor will pick up the rest of the slack and let Yu create the game that everyone and the hard core fans have been waiting for. I just dont see this game coming out half assed or half budgeted. A shit ton of people donated during the first few days and im expecting the last few days to be similar, I think the procrastinators will come out more once it gets closer to the dead line, im really not too worried about it, everything is going to be fine, they'll find a way.
by AnimeGamer183
Tue Jun 23, 2015 5:19 pm
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This is the kind of article we need more of!

What a great article. It's simple, but raises a lot of reasons why Shenmue was so special and could be again if we help it reach its potential. I still listen to "Battle 1" every day on the way to work.
by Valascaziel
Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:07 pm
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Re: Can someone help me with smartphone emulation?

And as far as downloading the Rom for Shenmue disc 1, do I just download it and put it in my phone? Will the Reicast app find it and recognize it or will I need to put it somewhere specifically?

Similar procedure to those other files. if you've seen the other screen above, you have to nominate where the image is contained in that line that says "storage path". Download your game image files and dump them in a new folder called 'iso' and link to that folder. However, once you've linked the folder, you should just be able to.dump files in there and they'll appear on the 'browse' list.
by NeoShredder
Tue Jun 23, 2015 7:51 pm
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Re: Saying Goodbye to Joy?

Not sure if I'm recalling this correctly, but last time I played it, I do remember going to the arcade, seeing her bike outside, yet when I spoke to her the conversation didn't go as I expected it to. I do remember tryna be a smartarse by making sure I saw her before I left (made sure I saw everyone before I left), but I'm on the fence as to whether or not these two events coincided.

Ah well, either way she'll be a bitch, despite the fact she never leaves Ryo her phone number or address. "Oh, sorry Joy, couldn't find which street corner you were workin that day."
by MiTT3NZ
Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:18 pm
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Re: $10,000,000

It's so stupid it may work.

Even if we do it hard enough could get attention from mainstream media.

It's a win win.
by shredingskin
Tue Jun 23, 2015 9:52 pm
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Re: $10,000,000

@FloydMayweather @MayweatherPromo. Get to tweeting! haha
by Yokosuka Martian
Tue Jun 23, 2015 10:00 pm
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Yu Tweets New KS Tiers/Goals Coming Soon + First S3 Artwork

These were all tweeted between 9 and 4 hours ago 8)

リワードの追加ですが、ただいま準備中、 少々お待ちを!#saveshenmue
"Additional rewards are currently under preparation, a little wait! #saveshenmue"

"Stretch goal coming soon!"

S3イメージ 涼&シェンファ@白鹿村
"S3 image cool & Sheng FA @ pengzhou village"
by Sonoshee
Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:36 am
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Re: Fucking Wang...

Tao-San has Wang by the balls. Wang is an illegal immigrant who is being sought by Japan's border control. Tao took advantage of this by forcing to him to effectively be his slave in exchange for keeping his secret/not giving him up to the feds, paying him in Chinese leftovers only (drinks not included). This is why he's so thirsty.

...I'd still rather keep the 100 yen, though.
by Chaikilla
Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:53 pm
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Yu Suzuki makes statement on funding & budget on KS update

There have been many questions concerning Shenmue 3’s budget and what outside sources will be added to the money collected through Kickstarter. I apologize for not having been more forthright in this area and would like to take this opportunity to help clarify the situation.

Ys Net and I have been putting in many long years trying to find a way to bring back a sequel that so many fans have waited so long for. After learning of Kickstarter, I knew it would be possible to get Shenmue 3 started. Wanting to make the best game possible, I also knew that I would have to look to more traditional means to obtain all the funds that would be needed to create the game I had envisioned.

Sony and Shibuya Productions have been wonderful partners because they believe in Shenmue and want to see the best for the fans and the game. Their investment in (and support of) Shenmue have helped to realize a sequel that will stand proud with its predecessors. While it is not business practice to discuss the specific details of such arrangements, I can say that with their assistance on the production and marketing end, and in Sony’s case with some publishing support as well, Ys Net is able to use more of the money we collect through Kickstarter purely for Shenmue 3’s development. It is also important to note that your funds are going strictly to Ys Net for development of Shenmue 3 – Sony and Shibuya Productions are not seeing a cent of your Kickstarter dollars.

The outpouring of support from all of you, the backers, has been so inspirational. I cannot thank you enough. Having reached our funding goal, I am excited to say that the Shenmue story will go on, and our journey with Ryo and Shenhua will continue. Fans will be able to enjoy the sequel they have waited so long for, and newcomers to the series will be introduced to a unique gaming experience.

Of course, like with any Kickstarter, additional funding will only help us make a better game. On top of everything Shenmue 3 will already bring, the Stretch Goals that I have laid out will add extra quests, events, and new gameplay systems that will make the game even more immersive and take the series to the next level. At the $5 million mark, there will be an all new gameplay feature I would be excited to be able to add to the Shenmue legacy. If we should make the $10 million Stretch Goal, a much larger, completely open world will be yours to explore.

Even if these Stretch Goals are not reached, Shenmue 3 will already be a sequel true to its name, and one we can all be proud of. It is my hope though, that together we can make this Shenmue just as revolutionary as the first two were.

I understand this statement may by late in coming. Going forward, we wish to be as open as possible concerning the game’s development. I would like to again ask for your cooperation and support in helping make Shenmue 3 the best that it can be.

Sincerely, Yu Suzuki

Sounds like the clarification many have been asking for since the Kickstarter opened and all of the other funding sources started talking. Maybe this will shut up some of the negative press. What do you think?
by Supa
Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:42 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki makes statement on funding & budget on KS upda

I made this thread a full 10 minutes before you and you still got more replies :-({|= =D>
by Himuro
Wed Jun 24, 2015 7:47 pm
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Re: Shuhei Yoshida Contributed $29 to Shenmue 3 Kickstarter

by NeoShredder
Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:04 pm
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Re: Why do you think Lan Di flew away?

This also really bothers me and I sure hope that this part of the story isn't brushed aside, but I guess that depends on if Zhu remains a key character. Ryo spent the entirety of the game thus far trying to find Zhu - why did he ask so few questions when he finally met him? Ryo barely learned anything from Zhu, why didn't he ask things like: How do YOU know that Lan Di is headed to Bailu Village? What did Lan Di want with you in the first place?

And how much information - if any - were the Chi You Men able to extract from Zhu before the rooftop trade off? If none at all, then how important was it to Lan Di to find Zhu in the first place? He easily could have hopped back down and taken Zhu - did he really respect Ryo for defeating Dou Niu so much as to just take off without Zhu? Does he view Ryo as a threat or as mostly insignificant? Does he know that Ryo would be able to follow him to Guilin after speaking to Zhu?

There are just too many unanswered questions concerning Yuanda Zhu!
by Lan Di-sama
Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:54 pm
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Re: PS4 Physical Version - Email reply

To, me this basically really sounds like: "You know, there will be a physical copy, but we want you guys to give us extra cash for it, two and a half years from now."

Watch the wording. It says, there are no plans for a physical copy REWARD. No one ever said there was not gonna be a physical copy at all.

Fair enough solution if you ask me. I'd be more than happy to go to the shop and buy my own copy of S3 on PS4 \:D/ .
by Hyo Razuki
Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:04 am
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Re: SEGA willfully obstructive for years

Whilst criticisms of Sega may be warrented, at the end of the day they could have told Yu no to producing and distributing another Shenmue game. It would have been another Castlevania type situation....

But they didn't. Plus they are going to give Yu anything he needs for Shenmue III to be a success. So for that, they have my eternal thanks. And for equally being responsible for making Shenmue be a reality in the first place.
by Peter
Thu Jun 25, 2015 8:41 pm
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Re: This community is great


Just kidding. We are awesome. Let's party!

by Peter
Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:37 am
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Re: Can someone make me a .gif image?

What resolution and maximum file size do you need? Oh and what scene would you prefer?
Library or at the harbor or wich one?
by BlueMue
Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:55 am
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Re: Can someone make me a .gif image?

Like this? It's about 7 MB so it takes some time to load.
If it's too traffic intense I can reduce the framerate.

by BlueMue
Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:44 am
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Re: I replayed Shenmue II disc 4 last night

I couldn't help but play through part of Disc 4 last night, despite only being on the first disc of Shenmue I of my first post-announcement play of the game.

I'm always astounded that within 5 minutes, it feels like a drastically different game than the previous Hong Kong and Kowloon portions. And then, thinking way back to Yokosuka, and you truly are in a totally different world.

Shenhua's long, long awaited introduction was also an epic moment - I loved the shots of her running down the river, although the whole saving her from drowning bit came off a tad cliche. But, it makes more sense to have that dramatic element than to just bump into her in the woods. And saving a deer from drowning, you soon realize, is such a Shenhua thing to do.

You immediately start to see where Suzuki is taking this game when you first start interacting with Shenhua. The choices are limited, for now, but what's really amazing is seeing Ryo actually communicate. I swear he opens up more to Shenhua in the first five minutes of meeting her than he does to anyone else in the entire game thus far.

The "Deep Green Way" segment is also magical. The faster-paced Shenmue theme remix and those soothing QTE sounds were such a nice touch. I can vaguely remember playing through this for the first time and realizing how special this area of the game was going to be.

The scene with the hawk outside the crag is one of my favorites of the entire game.

Admittedly, day two of your trek drags a bit here and there but it's still littered with some great scenes. Ryo almost having a meltdown when Shenhua leans in for a friendly kiss is classic, if you manage to trigger it.

The fact so many scenes and conversations are optional is also pretty remarkable. The game rewards the player for taking their time and keeps them coming back for more. The scene with the dandelions - along with the Shenmue tree and the final scenes in the cave - is a pivotal moment, and also completely missable! I'm grateful that my first time playing, I chose the left path and got to witness this (literal) magic - Ryo's reaction and the conversation that follows was such a genius, and subtle, way to introduce Shenhua's powers.

And then, of course - the Shenmue tree. I remember a rising feeling in my gut as I saw Ryo following Shenhua up the path with the giant tree in sight - I think I felt the power of the Shenmue tree, because I knew something special was about to happen. And then to hear Shenhua utter the word "Shenmue"... well, my jaw dropped even more than when Lan Di appeared on the helicopter. The thing that really gets me is that - up to this point, I never really wondered what "Shenmue" meant nor why the game was titled Shenmue. I just don't think it ever really hit me to ask why. And hear we are, at least a quarter or a third of the way through Ryo's tale, and we get that bomb dropped on us.

From there on out, every last second of the game is pure perfection. Exploring Shenhua's house and getting all those hints for future games is such a tease! The Cloud Bird Trail portion is also so well done - the music, and the scene in which Shenhua realizes the birds are gone and that something awful has happened - talk about intense. And then, the camera shifts to first person for a few moments as Ryo and Shenhua run the rest of the way - something about that is really memorable to me, too - up until this point, there weren't any scenes quite like that but it felt so fitting for this moment.

And then the mouth of the cave, the Stone Pit itself, the music, the sword, the mirror, the ropes and fire, the giant mirrors, and the way Ryo and Shenhua look at each other and realize this is so much bigger than either of them ever could have's hard to find the words.

It was awesome experiencing this for the first time actually knowing for certain that I'll get to see what happens next..what a feeling!
by Lan Di-sama
Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:02 am
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Re: This community is great

It bothered me to death to not sign up way back in '06, but I was adamant to wait until III was announced (I thought it would happen A LOT sooner lol). While I did lurk the Shenmue section to death, the real bonding and good stuff on ANY message board, are in the OT/Social sections and that I never even thought to glance at, when I was lurking here.

Just doing a bit of posting and looking at old threads in this section, this community is bomb AF. Kicking myself every day lol
by Truck_1_0_1_
Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:12 pm
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Shenmue Properly Upscaled to 4K

I've been wanting to do this for a while now. The results are better than I ever had expected, so I'd like to share with everyone.

A big discussion when talking about Shenmue and current technology is how to properly display the image. Some connect via VGA to a monitor which is the easiest solution and looks great. Most want to play on their TV's however, which as time goes on gets a little more tricky. I've done various methods including VGA on monitor, VGA to component on a CRT 4:3 HDTV, VGA pixel for pixel on an XBR-3, VGA to HDMI through a HD third party scaler (the one Adam used) and finally now this method which I can confirm absolutely demolishes every other way I've ever viewed this game.

So the first thing to know is you'll need to properly upscale the image, otherwise it'll look horrible. To properly upscale into HD (while retaining the correct aspect ratio) a third party scaler is required, which are niche and quite expensive. They get the job done, though obviously don't push the envelope any. The image quality is better than displaying pixel for pixel.

4K UHD is the same principal, though thanks to new technology becomes a bit easier (just more expensive, but is an investment). The two best scalers on the market as of today are the X-Reality PRO by Sony and the Revelation by SHARP. I won't go into major detail, but both are comparable and take different steps to achieving the same end goal.

Because the X-Reality PRO is an internal scaler, we're actually going to want to convert the VGA signal to HDMI raw without upscaling. From there the X-Reality PRO will do the rest and by the rest, I mean this . Do take a glance as it'll show the amount of tech the engine uses to upscale an image, something a third party scaler simply isn't capable of.

The end result is this and I don't think much more could be expected of a game developed from the late 90's onward, especially with a rendering resolution of 640x480. The X900B in general hides jaggies particularly well, but what stands out to me the most is the color range and depth. Granted this is a testament as to how far technology has come, but it also says a lot about the production value of Shenmue. It truly was ahead of it's time.

Here is the game (both Passport and Disc 1) running:

The equipment (though the most important tech such as the scaler is internal):
by Yama
Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:57 pm
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The Villages: everything we know so far

I'm most excited by the new locations we'll get to explore, so I've collected images and descriptions of what we already know...


Concept art and photos:

Yu Suzuki said: Baisha will show off what Shenmue is all about. Live out a siege game reminiscent of the Warring kingdoms. See what strategist will come out on top.

May possibly feature an 'infiltration mission' into the Chi You Men's Guilin branch. The buildings shown in the concept art are called Tulous. They are between three and five stories high, can house up to 80 families and are easily defensible.


Concept art and photos:

Yu Suzuki said: Choubu is a riverside village with lots of shops, souvenir stores, hotels and temples. The quests in this village should be very enjoyable, I think.

And: Amidst the mystical scenery of the Li River, Choubu lies in a water colour painting come to life. The port of call will be filled with souvenir shops and hotels, shrines and village dwellings. Expect to meet a sage master of Nanquan there .

This area may feature the 'Magic Maze' technique of generating building interiors. It could also feature a part time job of some sort.


Concept art and photos:

Yu Suzuki said: Bailu is the village where Shenhua was raised and also a place that Ryo's father, Iwao, had visited when he was younger. Here as well the quests will play an important role as Ryo and Shenhua start their journey.

And: Shenmue 2 ends at Shenhua's house in the outskirts of Bailu village. Bailu village is waiting to be explored for real.

Have I missed any information?
by colacube
Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:33 pm
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Re: Does anyone have that old fan made sound clip....

The Dojo's channel has you covered.

phpBB [video]
by BlueMue
Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:21 pm
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Re: Does anyone have that old fan made sound clip....

While you're at it, check out this video by YumYumYoghurt. :lol:

phpBB [video]
by BlueMue
Fri Jun 26, 2015 2:53 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #14 - Yu Suzuki on Twitch this Friday

Pretty much my reaction right now.
by elmatto
Fri Jun 26, 2015 10:54 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #14 - Yu Suzuki on Twitch this Friday

$12M stretch goal - fire Awesome Japan. We'd hit it in a day.
by ElephantStone
Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:14 pm
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Rough transcript of the interview on Twitch

For those who missed the Twitch stream, I made a very rough transcript while listening to the interview.
Here we go:

"We have lots of very important things to get to so let's start right away!"

*They all pause to drink some Fanta*

Q: "One more time, explain Sony's role in Shenmue 3."

A: "Sony's providing us comprehensive support in terms of publishing and marketing, as well as funding of the project partially."

*Stream goes down due to technical issues*

Q: Once again they ask about Sony's role

A:"Sony is providing us comprehensive support in marketing, promotion, and funding. They are one of the most important partners of this project. But as we said before in our statement ... they are not receiving one cent from the Kickstarter... the funds collected in the KIckstarter project will be all used for development except for the fees used for the Kickstarter and for providing the Kickstarter rewards. Not a single cent will go to Sony from the Kickstarter funds."

Q: PS4 physical reward ?

A: "It's one of the most requested rewards and I personally want to prepare for it as a reward. We are now considering how we can provide the reward in such a way that satisfies the backers. Please be patient."

Q: Before you were talking about how the funds will be spent. Can you explain more?

A: "We have a pie chart for how the funds from Kickstarter will be spent. KS
Fees: 8 - 10 % Game development: 65 to 72% Backer rewards: 20 - 25% Most of the kickstarter funds are going to the game development. Everything excluding necessary fees and the reward fulfilment.. everything's gonna be used for development."

Q: "Will the real Ryo please stand up?"

A: "We're still improving the qualities of Ryo's face. Not satisfied with the face Ryo has right now. Today we have the latest version, a new pic or Ryo's face. (They show a pic) This new pic we're not satisfied with. Ryo still looks kind of 'frowny.' So I want to continue the improvement. I want to enhance Ryo's attactiveness and personality through not only the models but through the facial expressions and actions he does to make Ryo even better. So we are going to see an improved Ryo in the future. He'll be much better through the process of development."

Q: "Another big issue. Voice actors coming back to reprise their roles. Specifically Ryo. Will we be seeing them again?"

A: "So, I think that the original voice actors will be the best match for Ryo's voice. So I want them to come back as his real voice in shenmue 3 as well. I'm now in negotiation with them. Please wait. We'll have more details about that."

Q: "Will PayPal be an option to help fund Shenmue 3?"

A: "No definite answer, but we're looking into it."

Q: "Is Shenmue 3 going to be DRM free on PC?"

A: "We are now looking into it, but it's not something I alone can decide on. I'm talking to other parties to decide if that's possible... we're looking into it."

Q: "Shenmue 1/Shenmue II HD remaster: are we gonna see it?"

A: "I personally want to see them so that the fans can enjoy Shenmue 3 more. However the property rights belong to SEGA, so I'm not in a position to comment on it. But I want it, so I will talk to SEGA if that's possible."

Q: "More rewards?"

A: "Today we will have additional rewards. First of all we have the grab bags. A lot of surprises in different prize tears, starting from 1,000 dollars to 500 dollars. It contains Shenmue merchandise, and it is random, so you have fun in opening the bag. And also we'll have one more reward, that is the replica of Ryo's watch. There is only one. This will be in the 5,000 reward tier. *They show the watch*

Q: "What are the other rewards going to be like?"

A: "The grab bags will include for example special figures of Ryo. There are also Shenmue watches. (Not the one just shown.) They also include autographed art work. Check out the page later. The rewards will be up. Check it out! For today we have grab bags and watches but in the future we'll have more additional rewards so please stay tuned to the kickstarter page!"

Q: "Stretch goals... stretch goals... stretch goals. Can we get a little bit of explanation please, about the stretch goals."

A: "The budget we have right now, it's Shenmue with story elements. It will be Shenmue 3 up until the duel against the four big bosses. But with additional stretch goals, more areas are going to be added and expanded.

The Rapport system is the system that governs the changes in characters' attitudes toward you, depending upon actions you take in conversations. It will provide a new twist to Shenmue.

In Shenmue 3 there'll be a lot of occasions when you can obtain technique scrolls through special events, jobs, missions, etc. They can be used in battle right away as a QTE. However the advanced skill scrolls and arcane skill scrolls are managed in a tree diagram. Completing that tree will be another side of fun, and it links to the actual martial art learning.

Q: "More on stretch goals"

A: "With the area Baisha, we want to include new fun not included in Shenmue 2. Traditional tactics such as seige and infiltration that we see in warring kingdoms in traditional China are also added. But I want to make it Shenmue-like, easy to grasp, easy to play, and provide more fun.

There's an opportunity for the players to play as different characters. In that event you'll see different choices that different personalities offer, different from Ryo and other characters. That will provide more fun and more personality to the characters.

So there's a lot more stretch goals we published, but there will be a large amount of explanations and a large amount of fun still to come, so we'll leave it to other occasions to explain the other stretch goals.

Your cooperation is what makes this Kickstarter progress, so please support us!

Q: "How will Shenmue 3 at its current funding level be different from Shenmue 3 at the 10 million dollar level?"

A: "The current funding level - about 3.6 million - will have story oriented Shenmue. More focus on story. Exceeding 5 million will allow the development to include more things that are new, such as we explained about Baisha. Exceeding 10 million will allow for the players to enjoy a more open world like Shenmue."

Q: "When is Shenmue 3 going to be released?"

A: "It's expected to be released by the end of 2017. We're confident."

Q: "Is this the end of the story?"

A: "The initial storyline contained 11 chapters. With 1 & 2 it advanced to only a little bit of the 11 chapters. I considered doing the final game to include all the remaining chapters, but in the final consideration it would be skipping all the big arcs, and the completeness of the game would be less enjoyable. So this Shenmue 3 will have more storylines, but this structure will not finish the storyline with Shenmue 3."

Q: "When can we play the trial version?"

A: "It requires many of the basic systems to be developed. The release date of the demo version will be the latter half of the development stage. It might be after the new year of 2017. Until then it requires more development for the basics."


Please keep sending us your questions. We want to make Shenmue 3 the best we can. Please share the project. Get the word out. Let everybody know that Shenmue 3 is happening, and we need everybody to support and make sure that we make this Shenmue 3 spectacular."

Q: "Final thoughts?"

A: "I always want to do new things. I hope to achieve all the things I want to do in the new Shenmue, matching with what the Shenmue the fans want, to meet the ten million dollar goal. We ask your continued support, and that you spread the word around to make Shenmue a real thing! Thank-you very much!"

"Let's make this happen! Everybody has been so great the past fourteen years. Making it happen. It's happening now. #SaveShenmue! Let's do this! Thank-you!"
by benayun88
Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:17 pm
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Re: confronting the 4 bosses.....

^I feel like the Guilin section of Shenmue is going to the equivalent of the training montage from Rocky. All we need to do is find Shenhua a bike and we're golden.
by Thief
Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:03 am
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Re: Why do you think Lan Di flew away?

I always thought that if Ryo had wanted Landi to come down and fight him on the roof, all he had to do was reach into his jacket, grab the phoenix mirror and raise it above his head for Landi to see.
Ryo would have gotten killed right then and there, though.
by Three Blades
Sun Jun 28, 2015 7:18 am
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The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged

Hey y'all - I think it's time for some perspective for how successful this kickstarter has been, all things considered.

1) First off, against all odds we are finally getting Shenmue III! Holy shit, we've been waiting for this for 14 years! We've remained rabid fans for this entire time and many of you have been going nuts getting the word out, getting a social media presence, bombarding anyone you can to share your love of the game. This is easily the craziest gaming community (and I mean that in a good way, of course :-P). We were the fastest game to reach $1M and $2M!

2) The success of the kickstarter is even more impressive when you consider Shenmue III is only on two platforms. Mighty No. 9 is on ten platforms, and Bloodstained is on seven. That pretty significantly limits the amount of potential pledges you can get. If there was going to be an Xbone version of Shenmue III, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that pledges could be up around an extra 15-20% (meaning, we'd currently be at around $4.5M funding and 55K backers). Considering this, it's still very possible we end up getting more funding than Bloodstained to become the most funded kickstarter game ever. That's pretty fucking awesome!

3) The number of backers != total number of pre-orders or sales. The average gamer is not like "us". There are a bunch of people who are skeptical about kickstarter and really don't see the point of putting in $30 for a game two and a half years before release. I have a few friends who are Shenmue fans who were super pumped for the announcement but haven't yet backed the project, and probably won't, but they'll buy the game at release.

For me personally, this is the first game I backed on kickstarter. I'm a big Tim Schafer/Double Fine fan, but I didn't back their kickstarter and ended up buying Broken Age upon release. I didn't back Bloodstained or Mighty No. 9, but will probably get those when they come out, too. This will probably be the only game I back on kickstarter as well (unless Shenmue IV gets a kickstarter!).

4) I would argue that while the kickstarter announcement at E3 helped the overall numbers, it also made us reach a saturation point much sooner. I believe without the on stage announcement we would have overall similar numbers to what we have now (maybe slightly less, but not significantly), but the numbers would have increased more steadily. Remember, people are still able to remove their pledges, so even if they pledge during the super duper E3 hype, they're still able to view the project from a distance once the hype dies down, so they're not a victim of an impulse buy.

5) We're not even at the midway point of the Kickstarter. We still have the $30 on the 3rd campaign and are awaiting more reward tiers. Maybe we get a PS4 physical release and a Paypal option. It's fine if we don't hit $10M - they'll figure something out. The success of this campaign could help ease investor risk, so it's possible the money is covered elsewhere (a post KS paypal option probably covers the rest, honestly). I don't think, in the grand scheme of things, an expertly run kickstarter campaign makes a huge difference (and let's not turn this into a topic about "that"). Let's continue to do our best spread the word. Remember that Bloodstained received $1.5M in pledges the last two days, so don't be too discouraged that things have died down a bit (also see point #4 again!)

So considering all these points, I would argue that in the end I'll consider this to be the most successful video game kickstarter - even if we fall just short of Bloodstained (though I'm still optimistic we'll hit around $6M).

Positive vibes - let's get sweaty!
by Tomato Convenience Store
Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:25 pm
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Re: The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged

2 words - Yu Suzuki.

That's who's hands this project is in. With the original members of the Shenmue series to date. This will look like a Shenmue game. Feel like a Shenmue game. Sound like a Shenmue game. Have environments like a Shenmue game.

I don't give a shit what the final amount is, the money will come from somewhere. The litmus test of the Kickstarter has been successful, with all sorts of records set once again by the franchise. We are all gonna set Shenmue 3, with boxes of Shenmue goodies delivered to our door to boot. Id day it's a safe assumption that Sega will want to grab the easy money and release Shenmue and Shenmue HD in 2016. I'd hazard a guess it's already been green lit. Why wouldn't it?? Sega have money there waiting to be given to them!

It's a fucking fantastic time to be a Shenmue fan, the best time ever! From Kikizo articles, to darkness. From "we'll see" and "I think Sega will let me make it". From photos of Suzuki looking tired and dejected, to photos of forklifts and him walking onto the Sony stage to the fanfare of Sedge Tree. Fuck "we only made 8.5k", and "ooohhh well Bloodstained....". Fuck some goober acting a pillock on camera for an hour!

Sorry for the language but rant over!

It's Shenmue 3!!!!!
by Peter
Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:50 pm
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Re: Why do you think Lan Di flew away?

7heavens wrote: The Phoenix mirror was probably not in his jacket but rather in his bag which he left back at his room

Except he shows it to Zhu when they get back to Ren's hideout (pulling out of his pocket if I remember rightly), so no :P
by Miles Prower
Sun Jun 28, 2015 5:49 pm
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Re: Kickstarter Update #18 - Interview with Kenji Miyawaki

This is the weirdest thing! All of Yu's Japanese colleagues seem to have the same voice and speak perfect English! :beamup:

I like these interviews though.
by ys
Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:06 am
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Re: Response from Joel "The Red Shirt Guy" Tess & Awesome Ja

as much as I would like Corey Marshall back for VO, if only one dub (Japanese) meant more story, more features, more Shenmue I'd take that over having an English dub. I'd remove all the other languages as well and just make the subtitle files in the game modifiable and let the fan community sort out the translations. That would free up almost half a million for other more important stretch goals.

Just leave the entire English dub to Corey Marshall, including Shenhua and every NPC.
by Amir
Mon Jun 29, 2015 12:59 pm
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Re: Returning Characters?

I'm not sure if Wong, Joy and Xiuying being in Online is proof the characters will return. I mean, the thing seemed to be a Best of Shenmue II anyways. Even going so far as to repeat entire mini games and story retreads (Delin stuff) that were in II.
Exactly, I'm not sure why people think any of the Online stuff is even remotely canonical. It clearly wasn't meant to be a continuation of the story. That trailer, with Joy being kidnapped on the roof and with Lan Di etc, in my opinion, has absolutely no storyline bearing and was probably just made of the sole intention of looking cool and giving the game a 'hook' for existing fans. Some of the magic powers may show up in the series further down the line, sure, but I'm confident to say that for the most part, Online can be pretty much ignored.
by Miles Prower
Tue Jul 07, 2015 4:51 am
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Re: How much "magic" will be in Shenmue III? (spoiler Shenmu

at the end of the shenmue story, i really want ryo to be sent to back in time somehow. how cool would it be if ryo got a second chance to to save his father in an epic fight with lan di.
by redline
Tue Jul 07, 2015 6:25 am
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New to Shenmue

Hi! I am totally new to Shenmue but I loved everything I have read about it so far. I recently supported Shenmue III and I can't wait to play it!

I am wondering how I in the best/easiest way can get the backstory information I need to be able to enjoy Shenmue III fully? Should I watch all the cut scenes from the first game on YouTube (does it exists for Shenmue II as well?), or what should I do to get to know all the story of the game I need up to Shenmue III?

I have never really jumped into a game without being there from the start, so I am not really sure how to do it the best/easiest way and would like some help.

Sorry if this isn't the right sub-forum for my question.
by Aenae
Thu Jul 09, 2015 7:04 pm
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Re: "Indie" or "AAA" game?

Independent Development ≠ low quality, poor, and bad. There are a number of indie games that are superb, and there are a number of AAA games that are bad. Just because a game is being developed by an independent studio does not mean the game will lack the quality a game like Shenmue should probably have.

So to ask this is a bit irrelevant considering Shenmue III is actually happening and members of the core team have managed to gather together and get the community, fans, Kickstarter backers, Sony, and Shibuya Productions to support them.

The game is being developed independently, which mean Yu Suzuki and co. can pursue their ideas within reason with less pressure from executives that may have little interest in the development process and the game itself. Yu Suzuki has seemingly managed to negotiate logical publishing deals with Sony Third Party Production & Developer Relations and Shibuya productions. This saves on costs. So if anything, a game like Shenmue has the opportunity to thrive as a game/series continued by indie developers who have experience and respect in the industry.

This is a good thing.
by kanso
Fri Jul 10, 2015 12:17 pm
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Re: Is Shenmue I too SEGA?

Kinda makes me think that Suzuki-san should have a cameo somewhere in Shenmue 3, in the same way that Hitchcock did in his films.
by Wude-Tang Clan
Fri Jul 10, 2015 6:21 pm
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Re: How likely is Shenmue HD?

I really don't think Shenmue 1 & 2 HD are crucial to the success of Shenmue 3, because not a lot happened in those games. Ryo is searching for his father's killer and his search led him to China. The murder had something to do with some precious stone mirrors. Lan Di is part of a bad guy organization known as the Chi You Men.

That's it. That's literally all you need to know. There is no necessary information that can't be illustrated in a simple flashback. Everything else was foreshadowing and duck racing.

Given that logic, there shouldn't be a lot happening in 3 either...perhaps we should just skip that one and go for pt.4? ;-)
by punkmanced
Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:40 pm
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Thanks for the kind words! Can I just ask your patience for a little while longer? It's currently now with GameFAQ awaiting approval. As soon as they give it the go ahead everything will be updated. Hoping it will be a matter of hours.
by Peter
Mon Jul 13, 2015 10:30 pm
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Re: What???! Mind = blown

Well here it is, at 6:47 she mentions it. Always amazing how much of this obscure dialogue is in the game.

phpBB [video]
by BlueMue
Thu Jul 16, 2015 6:52 pm
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