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Re: Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding

New trailer.

phpBB [video]

by Riku Rose
Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:20 am
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Re: Yakuza series

Really surprised how much Sony are backing this series. Can't say I have much interest in going back and playing the original again but I'll be playing Zero and 6 for sure.
by Riku Rose
Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:42 pm
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Last of Us Part II

I thought the first game was great and whenever there was rumours of a sequel I thought it would be better to let it stand alone but this got me hyped.

phpBB [video]
by Riku Rose
Sat Dec 03, 2016 4:45 pm
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Re: Final Fantasy Series News and Updates Thread

^Why does the game have to have a female character in the party? Putting one in the game for the sake of having one is a lot worse then just omitting one because they don't fit into the story. This is a series that has also been very good in the past about having a mixture of male and female characters. Even X-2 had an all female cast so why not an all male cast?

Plus if you actually played the game you'd realize you get a few guest characters of which the majority are, you guessed it! Female!

Also, the Japanese sales seem to be really down than what FFXIII's sales were.

I see people trying to make a big deal about that but aren't console sales in Japan nothing compared to last generation? Makes sense they would be selling less games.

Is it true they changed the Opening a day after release or something as well since people were so confused by what was going on?

The day one patch includes some scenes from Kingsglaive but you'll be just as confused as you would be without them. The scenes they included are really oddly placed and just shows 3 second clips while music plays over it.

I happy for them to add more free content and pad the story, but man, this is the shit about the gaming industry these days. Buying most games at launch yields no benefits. Not only if you wait you'll get more/better/improved content, less bugs, you'll also get it for cheaper.
I thought Final Fantasy would be an exception to this for some reason.
Perhaps ill stop playing it for now as I think im still less than half way through. I'll go back to it hopefully sooner than later.

See normally I see no problem with patches. I don't think bugs in games are as bad as people make out it's just that as with most things in the gaming community most things get blown out of proportion. I've never seen a single bug in an Assassin's Creed game but you'd think they're unplayable with how much people go on about them online. A day one patch that takes 20 minutes isn't the end of the world like people make out.

I do have an issue with what Square has done though. Sure they announced there would be DLC in the future which is another thing I would defend as ok to do. But to wait until they've got their first week sales in the bag and then announce there is still work to be done on the game which will effect it quite a lot is shitty.
by Riku Rose
Wed Dec 07, 2016 8:23 pm
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The 2016 Dojo Awards

It's voting time people.

2015 Awards:

Last year was the biggest one yet and hopefully this year can be bigger. Sadly Ethan Hawke has other engagements this year but I think you'll be happy to know the host this year is:
Kelsey Grammer!

The rules are the same as always:

No voting for yourself. Ever!
You can skip an award but those you take part in you must fill all 3 places.
Voting someone as 1st gets them 3 points, voting them as 2nd gets them 2 points and believe it or not voting them 3rd gets them 1 point.
No voting for people you thought were great in 2006 this is 2016.
Keep your votes in a PM to myself. Any posts before the results are announced that reveal your votes before the winners are announced will make your votes null and void.

The categories:

Member of the Year

Worst Member

Funniest Member

Coolest Member

Buzz Killington

Best Newcomer

Biggest Punchbag

Biggest Bully

There is currently no prize but if someone is willing to donate one let me know.
by Riku Rose
Wed Dec 14, 2016 6:55 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

I always harp on the series here and you're probably all tired of it but.. fuck it im sorry cause I wanna harp some more.
If it wasn't for the arcady button mashy combat I would probably like this series. Other things I find annoying like the recycled sound effects that never appealed to me and overly convoluted story for the sake of perpetuating the series further, but in the end its the combat.

I played the full version of 6 in a game store here last week for about an hour. While I liked the graphical updates it still just had that clunky feel to it and I couldn't get over it again. I try try try with this series. My heart says I should love it but my brain just cant do it.

Also considering ive already lived in Japan back and forth since Yakuza 1, the Japanese city wonderment thing has never drawn me in. Ive been to Kabukicho and greater Tokyo a stupid amount of times. I'm already going back again in March for a baseball tournament after being there with Peter a few months ago. So I dont need a game to get my rocks off on it. Don't want to be arrogant about it but its just true. imo I like Osaka and Fukuoka more anyways.

Just move on mate. I learned a long time ago that there is no point trying to force yourself to like something or waste your time with stuff you don't enjoy. There is too many movies, games and TV shows out there for your multimedia needs that you could be spending time with instead that you would enjoy more and life is short.
by Riku Rose
Mon Dec 05, 2016 6:57 am
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Best Games of 2016

We all love our lists.

No including games that where released in different years such as HD ports of games that came out in Japan 4 years ago but just came out in the West.

13. Star Fox Zero

All I want is a simple Star Fox game like we had back on the N64. Sure I enjoyed Star Fox Adventures and the pilot missions in Assault but all I really wanted was something like the N64 game so I was excited when Nintendo announced this.

It just wasn't to be though. With no option but to use the Wii U tablet it just felt clunky and one step forward but two steps back from what everyone wants.

12. Abzu

A Journey like game set underwater by some of the people who made Journey, what's not to love? Well there is no emotional attachment like there was in Journey. By the end of this game I just felt like I had played a tech demo to show off aquatic life.

11. Virginia

If you tell me something is Twin Peaks-esque it's going to peak (No pun intended) my interest. You play an FBI detective going into a small American town to look into a boy who has disappeared but the entire game has no voice acting and is silent. The first 45 minutes of this game I was blown away and thought the game was fantastic, then it get's weird and quirky for the sake of it. Had the game just stayed grounded I think this could have been groundbreaking, instead all you get is a cool idea which kinda does what it sets out to do.

10. The Walking Dead: Michonne

A fun little side story for people who are fans of Telltale's Walking Dead series. It doesn't do anything mind blowing or take big risks with the story but it's more of the same and was a fun few hours while we wait for Season 3.

9. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Spirit of Justice

It's always fun to come back to Ace Attorney every 2-3 years and solve a few cases. This entry was set mainly in a foreign land where if the accused party is found guilty they're sentenced to death but so is their lawyer. It's a bit silly but that's why I love the series.

8. Oxenfree

A group of kids get a ferry to a small island so they can have a night of hanging out and drinking on the beach. But things get weird, really weird. It's something that saying it here would kind of spoil as it's best to go in blind. I've only played the game once and got to know some of the characters really well and really liked them. Others will have played it and bonded with characters I barely spoke to.

7. Firewatch

As soon as I saw the trailer for this game it became one of my most anticipated games just because of how cool the interaction between the two main characters seemed. That aspect really didn't let me down but the rest of the game felt very flat. The game tried to add a mystery element to it which really didn't work and it's main strength is the conversations between Henry and Delilah which are very strong.

6. Final Fantasy XV

The Final Fantasy series is my favourite series in video games so when I say this is one of my least favourtie that doesn't mean the game is shit. I really enjoyed the game while I was playing it but there is so many major issues with the game that seemed preventable and would have made it amazing, the only problem is that it would have required another delay which would make the internet cry like the bitch it is.

5. Inside

Don't read anything about this game and just play it.

4. Quantum Break

This is a weird one since it is half game and half TV show. A time travel story that actually tries something different instead of following the beats that every time travel story has told since Back to the Future came out. Not only does it tell a unique story but the gameplay is on point and an improvement on Remedy's last game Alan Wake which was already a blast to play.

3. Batman: The Telltale Series

I'm a massive Telltale fanboy and love me some Batman so this is like if Ryan Gosling got with Emily Ratajkowski and made a fucking beautiful baby. In Telltale games there is no good and bad option like in Fable or InFamous but just massive grey areas which fits with Batman perfectly. I just get giddy at the idea that they will keep this series going for years and years, I seriously want them to milk it to death.

2. The Last Guardian

I've always called my dog my best friend because there is something special about the connection and friendship that man can have with a pet. After playing ICO and SotC I thought I knew how this game would end when it was announced 7 years ago but man was I wrong. The ending blew me away and was one of the most emotional things I've ever seen in the medium. For that ending to have the impact it does though you have to build a connection with Trico which you defiantly will do when you play this gem which was worth the wait. I beat the game in two sittings which is something very rare for me these days.

1. Uncharted 4

Although I may have built up a connection with Trico in 10 hours I've built a love for the characters of the Uncharted series over 3 games before this one. I doubt that this really will be the swansong they said it was since something so successful never get's left alone but it truly was a great way to say goodbye. I don't know what they're putting in the water at Naughty Dog but they are by far the best studio currently making games at the moment.
by Riku Rose
Sun Dec 18, 2016 6:33 pm
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The 2016 6th Annual Dojo Award Show Hosted by Kelsey Grammer

Welcome ladies and gentleman to the 2016 6th Annual Dojo Awards live from the Kodak theatre. Last year was the biggest year yet so strap yourself in for an even bigger show.

*Riku Rose walks out on stage*

Riku Rose:
Welcome all. It's been a quiet year for us after the Shenmue III announcement but that hasn't stopped 10 page threads about a screenshot of a shoe.

A big thank you to everyone who voted and everyone who has posted throughout the year. I've not posted much this year myself as I'm not on my laptop as much but still find myself reading threads on my phone since I enjoy the people in this community so much.

Please see below for the list of previous winners:

Game of the Year :
2010 : Deadly Premonition
2011 : Batman: Arkham City
2012 : Assassin's Creed III
2013 : The Last of Us
2015 : Bloodborne

Buzz Killington Award:
2010: Ryudo and Dorian
2011: Dorian
2012: Ryudo
2013: AnimeGamer183
2015: Himuro

Biggest Bully:
2010: Ryudo
2011: Ryudo
2012: Ryudo
2013: QWERTY
2015: Riku Rose

Biggest Punchbag:
2010: Jokatech19
2011: Jokatech19
2012: Ryudo
2013: Animegamer183
2015: Animegamer183

Funniest Member:
2010: Kiba
2011: Spokane, OL, Animegamer183
2012: Kiba
2013: QWERTY and Let's Get Sweaty
2015: Riku Rose

Coolest Member:
2012: OL and MiTT3NZ
2013: Rakim
2015: St. Elmo's Fire

Worst Member:
2010: Jokatech19
2011: Ryudo and Dorian
2013: Animegamer183
2015: Brosause

Member of the Year:
2010: Kenny
2011: OL
2012: Peter
2013: MiTT3NZ
2015: Ziming

Now please put your hands together for our host this evening, Mr Kelsey Grammer!

*Kelsey walks out on stage*

Kelsey Grammer:
Hey guys, remember me? I lived with my dad and his dog. Anyway let's get going, here to present the game of the year is two black guys so everyone know's this show isn't racist like the Oscars:
Black Guy 1:
Yo Dawgs, Woz up?
Black Guy 2:
We love some Madden Yo!

In 3rd Place - Uncharted 4
In 2nd Place - Dark Souls 3
In 1st Place:
The Last Guardian

Kelsey Grammer:
Here to present the Buzz Killington award is the biggest buzz kill in the industry:

Louis CK:
I don't get any of this:

Buzz Killington:
In 3rd Place -AnimeGamer183
In 2nd Place - Shredingskin
In 1st Place -

Kelsey Grammer:
Here to present the biggest bully award is the guy who seems like the nicest grandpa ever:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/awards-oscars.jpg

Big Joey:
Well it's not like I have anything else to do now:

Biggest Bully:
In 3rd Place - Shredingskin
In 2nd Place - Himuro
In 1st Place -

Kelsey Grammer:
The next award is for the biggest punchbag and here to present it is old Dennis Rodman:

Morgan Freeman:
Even if everyone here bullies you I still love you all very much:

Biggest Punchbag:
In 3rd place - Shredingskin
In 2nd Place - Himuro
In 1st Place:

Kelsey Grammer:
For the funniest award we have a woman who was kinda funny in that alien movie and The Rock who isn't that funny but we all kinda agree is funny for some reason:

The Rock:

Funniest Member:
In 3rd Place - Mittens
In 2nd Place - Let's Get Sweaty
In 1st Place:
South Carmain

Kelsey Grammer:
The next award is the coolest member award. Here to present it is someone so cool he hasn't had to try for 20 years:

Harrison Ford:
Let's get this over with.

Coolest Member:
In 3rd Place - St. Elmo's Fire
In 2nd Place - Raithos
In 1st place:

Kelsey Grammer:
Here for the second year in a row to present the worst member award is Kiba!:

The Government isn't in control anymore!

Worst Member:
In 3rd Place - Himuro
In 2nd Place - Shredingskin
In 1st Place:

Kelsey Grammer:
Well we're onto our last award. We thought that the last awards show was an amazing show but we had one request for this year which we have been able to fulfil.

I'm only disappointed that John Hamm didn't make an appearance.

Kelsey Grammer:
Ladies and gentleman! Jon Hamm!

Jon Hamm:
Hi, Ummm... Anyway

Member of the year:
In 3rd Place - Switch
In 2nd Place - OL
The Member of the year is:

Kelsey Grammer:
What a show ladies and gentleman. Well since I've already sang my song at the start of the show we have an amazing band to play us out. Put your hands together for FLEETWOOD MAC!

See you all next year
by Riku Rose
Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:36 pm
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Re: Nintendo Switch

This just shows that they've learnt nothing from the Wii U fuck up.

1-2 Switch
Looks like the Wii Sports/Nintendoland on the console but doesn't need it at all. Watching someone swing the Wii Controller once while playing Wii Tennis or boxing made you get what the Wii was about. This doesn't need explaining with a game, everything you need to explain about the console was summed up in the trailer a couple of months back.

Looks like a mini game that should have been included in the 1-2 Switch game. It actually shocks me that Nintendo gave up on the Wii U quite awhile ago and they looked around what their teams are making and picked this as one of the games to show off.

Splatoon 2
Cool I guess. Never played the original and can't say I'm interested but a lot of people loved the first game so I'll give them this one.

Looks amazing. I'll give them this one as well.

The fact that EA seems to only be bringing Fifa and nothing else like Madden is worrying. The EA sport games should be the bare minimum expected for a console.

Square/Atlus RPG's
Dragon Quest is already announced for the PS4 and I'd be willing to bet the other games they showed off here will come to other consoles at some point.

Xenoblade 2
See Splatoon 2.

Yeah we had plenty of people from third parties promise to make games for the Wii U at that conference without showing anything as well and we know how that panned out...

Zelda/Mario Kart
Nothing is different enough about those games to make people upgrade from a Wii U.

So for $300 you get a console that is weaker then the consoles released 3 years ago which you could pick up for cheaper with 2 games included. Why would you buy this thing? What is there to play on it? A Zelda game that is coming out on another console and a bunch of other games that have been out on other consoles that most people will already own.

So anyone who owns an Xbox One or PS4 has no reason to get one. Kids? I don't see many parents forking out another $300 when kids nowadays already have iPads they play on in the car. I just don't know who's going to get this outside of the Nintendo loyalists until there is a decent amount of exclusives which at this rate won't be until 2018 at the earliest.

Nintendo loyalists aren't enough anymore to keep a console alive, just look at the Wii U. What I see happening at this point is that the Switch has a shit year overall (First month or two might be good since it was with Wii U) and everyone jumps ship. Fifa won't sell when people will be buying it on the more powerful consoles they already own so EA will not bother past that along with the rest of the third parties outside of the odd exclusive Nintendo pay for.

Well I guess I can look forward to playing Mario Kart on the PS5/Scorpio online with my friends since it'll be on a console people actually own.
by Riku Rose
Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:52 pm
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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

Thought I best get my order for Zelda down as I can imagine a Twilight Princess situation where unless you preordered it for Gamecube you was fucked.
by Riku Rose
Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:57 am
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Re: Why are today's game players so negative?

I think the internet has just made everyone think their opinion is important.

I used to be a waiter and maître d' and you could spot the people who would go home and write a review about their meal on Trip Advisor a mile away. They thought they were a professional critic writing for a newspaper and didn't let themselves just enjoy the meal but spent the entire time trying to nitpick so they had something to write about.

I think most people now go into games looking for things to bring up on forums/twitter etc and don't just sit down and enjoy a game like they used to.

Also American culture seems to be slipping into the rest of the world due to the world becoming more open. Americans have always been seen as very extreme by the rest of the world, from food to politics it's always go overboard or go home. No one can just find a game ok anymore, if it got an 8.7 IGN are idiots for hating it and don't like good games because it didn't get a 10. If people love something they have to love it and everything about it and the same the other way round with hating it.

I don't think gamers as a whole are more negative these days I just think there are more platforms for people to think their opinion matters and the loud minority make it hard to hear the rest. There may be 50,000 online who complain Uncharted 4 is a stupid generic game but the game sold 8.7 million copies and most probably played it and never said a thing about it online.
by Riku Rose
Tue Jan 24, 2017 4:01 pm
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Re: Religion

If I say it's stupid that people believe in God I'm told I should respect what others believe.

If I said I believed in Santa I would be told to grow up and stop being an idiot despite there being just as much proof.

I've never understood how people can just use 'I have faith' as an argument. It just comes across as someone who doesn't want to do some thinking because they can't handle the reality that none of this matters and they aren't important.
by Riku Rose
Sat Feb 11, 2017 6:21 am
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Re: Realizing you're a bad person. What next?

There was a documentary series about someone going through something similar to yourself which I'd suggest watching. It's called My Name is Earl.
by Riku Rose
Sat Feb 11, 2017 5:59 am
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Re: Final Fantasy Series News and Updates Thread

First things first, the main Final Fantasy games sell more than the sequels and when you abandon the main games to make sequels that sell less, what is Square really doing as a company? Losing money thats what.

Umm, the sequels took about 18 months each to make as Square is able to reuse assets already created. They may sell less in total but the profit margin may be higher due to the decrease in development cost. Also Square made $150 million in the last 6 months so I don't think you need to tell them how to make money.

I would be 100% fine with the sequels if they didnt stop focus on the main series. When X-2 was being made, XII was also. I think its a matter of priority and I dont think Square is handling that well for a while now.

The XIII sequels didn't delay XV. It was being made by two different teams similar to X-2 and XII.

Now, lets get to the mess that is Kingdom Hearts series. Biggest problem here was putting out all these entries on so many different platforms that is considered cannon, and still ignoring the main games. PS2, GBA, DS, PSP, 3DS, Cell Phones, How many gamers were really going to purchase all of these systems to see the entirety of the story back when these came out? Its a horrible business decision to do that and kind of bogs down the series because its literally all over the place. So what did they have to do to make up for this? Release 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8, only problem now though is you start making people double down on the rare cases of those who did buy that extra system to play one of the games on the many formats they came out on. so making 1.5 HD and beyond was actually a great decision for the company, but kind of screws over gamers a little bit.

How are they making people double down? The collections are more there for people who didn't play the games on all the different systems and want to catch up with the series. If people double down it's because they want to. No one is ever forced to buy a game and the idea that companies screw people over by re-releasing something is ridiculous.

I guess it was kind of pointless to have even bought Birth By Sleep and Dream Drop Distance that were the bigger releases on the separate platforms BUT at least they are better versions of those games with the recent collections,

So are you going to be pissed with SEGA if they make Shenmue HD since it screwed you over back in 1999? The PS4 wasn't even out when Dream Drop Distance came out on 3DS.

and the new people that are jumping on board make everything easily accessible (which im assuming is alot because they sold like hot cakes), but again you run into the problem of buying games over and over. Which is actually a very smart business move in the long run and cleans up the mess they made when all these games initially came out. KH is milked heavily.

So earlier you complained that Square is mismanaged but then said the way they treat this series is smart business...

Square has had problems any way you look at it, and it seems they have struggled to manage their company, and keep their fan bases happy at the same time, and hope they dont piss off more people.

FFXV sold enough copies in it's first day to make back the money for development costs and has been generally well received. As I said earlier the company made $150 profit in the last 6 months and had well recieved games like FFXV, Deus Ex, Hitman and I Am Setsuna in the past year. They also have around a million people paying to play their MMO every month. Square is doing fine as a company.
by Riku Rose
Sat Feb 11, 2017 6:52 am
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Phantom Dust HD

I know there is a certain someone who will be happy...

Long-dormant action strategy game Phantom Dust will be launching for the Xbox One and PC, it was announced during the YouTube Live stream taking place at E3 2016. The game will be part of Microsoft's Xbox Play Anywhere program, so players can play it on either platform after purchasing it once. This is currently limited to digitally purchased games.

The game will be released for Xbox One and PC in 2017. The game will also have competitive play via the Arena platform on Xbox One.
by Riku Rose
Tue Jun 14, 2016 7:09 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

The trailer is quite awful, it's not going to convince anyone that isn't a Shenmue fan to jump on board. It looked like one of those random Unreal prototypes fans make and not something from a professional studio. I don't get why they didn't just include the facial animations they took out as that would be better then the blank stares. Even throwing a message at the start of the trailer saying the faces are in development or a 30 second clip of Yu in his office saying this is just to show off tone.

I was on Twitter when the trailer went live and it doesn't take long for people to find issues with things, now the faces are constantly going to be made fun of until we see something better because only the hardcore Shenmue fans will read interviews. It's a shame because the backlash could have easily been prevented and I'm surprised no one internally stood up and said it's a bad idea to show it after the Mass Effect and Street Fighter face backlash. Within 5 minutes I saw Gifs showing the flaws and the majority taking the piss. You want these people on your side as it's your general game fan that will make the game a success financially.

Hopefully with Deep Silver assisting now things like this can be improved, ever since the Kickstarter started I've scratched my head at how things have been done.

With that all said and done as soon as the music kicked in I looked like the Cheshire Cat with the grin I was pulling from watching the trailer. Shenmue isn't my favourite game ever but I love the series and it finally hit home to me that we was getting Shenmue III. I've spent more on this game then I've ever spent on a game before but I've not really thought about it much but now it finally seems real and within reaching distance. I followed the Kickstarter campaign and watched Yu's live streams but as soon as the Kickstarter ended and I pledged my money it seemed so far away that it wasn't worth thinking about. Now I'm worried about if we will get Shenmue HD before this so I can carry over my capsule toys.
by Riku Rose
Fri Aug 25, 2017 5:27 pm
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

south carmain sent me the extended trailer in a PM, it's taken from a phone but you can see it clear as day. I'm sure if anyone PM's him he'll happily share it with you.
by Riku Rose
Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:02 pm
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Re: Suzuki wants Sega to do HD + Pleased with JP game intere

One person I think that needs to be more targeted is Gio Corsi. It's down to the building the list campaign that he runs that we got Shenmue III. He's clearly got contacts at Sega with helping on Shenmue III and playing a big role in bringing Yakuza games west. I've always felt he would be better to ask then the Sega twitter accounts during the tweetathons.
by Riku Rose
Mon Aug 28, 2017 6:43 am
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Re: Religion

^As an atheist I find your pic and signature cringeworthy.
by Riku Rose
Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:51 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

^ Teaser is just another name for trailer really, it's still clips of a game in the style of a trailer that are put on YouTube.

@Kiske the elbow on the big dude. I think it's mainly how Ryo just stands still afterward with the blank stare that does it.
by Riku Rose
Tue Aug 29, 2017 8:08 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 trailer is FINALLY HERE!!

But the trailer was great so I don't see what the problem is. I mean, the only bad points were the Ryo and Shenhua models (I'm very picky in this regard though because I want them to look like a specific way and nothing less!)and the facial animations (though I didn't even notice them until some people pointed them out, and I still don't really!) The plus sides to the trailer were the astonishing environments, incredible fight scenes and the whole overall Shenmue feel that it had. It's certainly a win in my book!

Do you really think someone who has never played a Shenmue game will watch that and be tempted to get into the series? A trailer is meant to sell a game and this doesn't do that. The environments are nice but in 2017 most games have nice environments so they're nothing special. The fight scenes don't look incredible, you have some awkward mocap and Roy doing a move that looks awkward.

I can understand someone saying they enjoyed the trailer since you've been waiting for Shenmue III for years (as I did) but you can't tell me that's a good trailer without it sounding like your inner fanboy leaking out.
by Riku Rose
Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:48 am
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Re: Where is the Shenmue 3 team ?

I wouldn't release the numbers if I was Yu. This game is a bit different to most Kickstarters as we already know about 3 other company's who have invested in it and I bet there are silent investors, no one can convince me Sega doesn't have a hand in the pie. If he said he had a staff of 100 you'll get people working out the average wage someone is paid and how much money in total there is on the project, then the bitching when people realise they was asked to Kickstart it when it's barely anything or the total budget.
by Riku Rose
Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:39 pm
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Re: Teaser Surpasses 700,000 Views

When we compare this to what we saw in the teaser, it further adds to the point that it showed a game that's a WIP. It also shows us that those ridiculing it are trying to grasp onto anything during SIII's dev. process that seemingly reinforces their existing bias. That's going to eventually turn off the level-headed.

Don't think so mate, people saw a lot of issues and pointed them out. It's not that they have a bias just that they didn't think it looked very good and commented on it. The first two Shenmue games weren't universally loved back in the day and was very split with those that love it it and those that didn't. With the new generation of players you're also going to get people who don't like it and those that love it. Saying they didn't like the look of the trailer doesn't make them automatically biased but just someone with an opinion, and people are going to make fun because quite honestly the faces not moving looks comical. Not everyone is a diehard Shenmue fan and to a lot of people this isn't something special but just another game.

When the game comes out it's going to be hilarious watching the review threads with people freaking out if a single outlet gives it a low score. "That website has always been shit!" "They only like shit games!" "Everyone else gave it a good score so they must be wrong!"
by Riku Rose
Fri Sep 01, 2017 7:36 am
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Re: Shenmue III teaser is FINALLY HERE!!

One thing that does concern me is how the gaming media will receive the game. I fully expect the big websites to criticize the game because either 1. They have no history with the franchise or 2. They just enjoy trashing fandoms they are no part of. I wish there was a way we could get out in front of this and let these places know we expect fairness when reviewing Shenmue 3. If it's a bad game, it's a bad game. But if it's a good game after 15+ years of dormancy but it's not the AAA people expect it to be, it's done what the majority of revisited franchises have failed miserably to do.

They aren't going to criticise the game just because they enjoy trashing the fandom, is it impossible to believe that not everyone thinks Shenmue is the best thing ever? If they criticise the game it'll be because they don't enjoy it, you really think anyone outside of the fanboys will care about the history of the series when writing their review? At some point I've seen every website that reviews things called shit because someone didn't like a score they gave it. I expect the review thread on this forum to be hilarious with people tearing their hair out that someone doesn't like Shenmue because you can't just dislike the game.

Some outlets will enjoy it and some won't. Just like every other game. The idea of trying to tell people we demand fairness is embarrassing.
by Riku Rose
Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:18 pm
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Re: Will You Be Nice To Shenhua?

As long as she has dinner ready on the table when I get home.
by Riku Rose
Thu Sep 07, 2017 5:26 pm
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Re: Shenmue III teaser is FINALLY HERE!!

YSnet doesn't consider it a promotional effort, so I can't fathom why we keep going in circles about it supposedly being an "ad". Their word is the end of it. They know what they made.

YSnet's own language on the Kickstarter is that it's a progress video. Even the Playstation YouTube video (which apparently was meant to launch at the same time as the KS video) hedges its bets as "1st teaser" and a video description of "The first teaser of Shenmue III is built from a small slice of an in-development build of the game, and it delivers small peeks in new look of main characters, new characters, and feels of Shenmue world."

It doesn't even say what year the game is supposed to release FFS.

Trying to convince people that something that clearly wasn't an ad was an ad, and should have looked like an ad, but in the same breath making excuses for people who won't read a video description barely over 35 words... just... what?

It doesn't matter what Ysnet call it, it's an advertisement of the game they're making. We're going around in circles because you're not accepting that. They can call it a progress video all they like but it's cut like a trailer therefore it's a trailer.

I don't really get what point you're trying to make about the year it's being released not being on the trailer. I could point to many trailers that don't have the release date on it. It wouldn't surprise me if they didn't put it the date on the end out of stupidity as the marketing team clearly don't know what they're doing.

Yes, asking people to read a description is too much. I went and see IT the other day and saw trailers before the film, should I have to go home and read the description of each trailer before I decide if I like what I saw? If you're making a 2 minute video you've got to sell your product in those 2 minutes. You've got to hook people in with what you're showing from the off, if it makes your product look bad then you don't show it.

The sad thing is that having a half hour meeting in a room with just some people with an ounce of common sense could have made this trailer and releasing it a massive win for the game in the public eye.
by Riku Rose
Thu Sep 14, 2017 4:37 pm
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Re: Shenmue III teaser is FINALLY HERE!!

Spaghetti wrote:I had no idea the Dojo had so many successful marketing experts among its members tbh.

Well normally I only do it between 9-5 when I'm being paid for it.
by Riku Rose
Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:33 pm
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Re: Shenmue III teaser is FINALLY HERE!!

People aren't panicking. I've said I don't think it's a good trailer/teaser and people get all touchy about it so I explain why because quite a few people think nothing bad can be said about Shenmue. Saying something that isn't 100% positive doesn't mean I'm pounding on my keyboard panicking. Everytime I've explained why I don't think the teaser is very good I've said why and explained my reasons. It's the side that aren't supposedly panicking that have called people cunts and claimed people who don't like it are on a bandwagon with an agenda.
by Riku Rose
Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:29 am
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Re: Shenmue III teaser is FINALLY HERE!!

Because I want the game and series to be a success so we can get Shenmue IV. The argument is that it's not a good trailer that sells the game to the masses who they need to sell it to for this game to be a success story. Sure the 70k hardcore who contributed to Kickstarter understand it's in development and a work in progress but most people don't look into this stuff or care. But so far the game has sold only 70k copies but they still need to make back Sega, Sony, Shibuya and Deep Silvers investments to be a success. People think the game is already a success story because of Kickstarter but 70k copies sold would make it one of the biggest flops ever so you can't stop there, that's why you need to focus on non Shenmue fans.
by Riku Rose
Fri Sep 15, 2017 5:42 am
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Re: Shenmue III teaser is FINALLY HERE!!

Sat at my desk today I thought about how I would have handled the release of the trailer. Felt like writing it for shits and gigs and most of this was thought up in 15 minutes so it's not perfect. I also wanted my plan to cost as little money as possible.

For starters I've said since the Kickstarter that they need to create a Yu Suzuki twitter account that tweets in English, Kojima has both a Japanese Twitter and English twitter account that tweet at the same time.

5 days before the release of the trailer you release a short teaser which just shows the cave footage which fades to black and then gives a date for 5 days time with a message. "See the full trailer 22.08.17." You release this short teaser around 4:30PM BST. That way everyone on the West coast of America sees it before work, east coast sees it at lunch and Europe see it after work so you're striking when everyone is looking on Twitter/YouTube. This will create news articles and start 5 days of hype rather then the one day if you just release the trailer in full straight away. As much as people moan about teasers for teasers the fact is they work and this will get Shenmue talked about on places like Twitter and NeoGaf with people getting excited for 5 days creating their own hype. It also gives an impression that this is a big deal and something worth waiting for which can get people who aren't normally interested paying attention. Humans always want to know more and being teased makes them curious.

Every day leading up to the date at the end of the teaser you post an image or two on Twitter of a screenshot, like the ones which were posted on the PlayStation Blog. You do this at the same time everyday at 4:30PM BST. This keeps adding fuel to the hype fire for the five days between teaser and trailer.

The day of the trailer. You release the trailer yet again at the peak time for maximum coverage and exposure. Before the trailer there is a short message by Yu Suzuki who says something along the lines of.
"Hello everyone, it's been just over two years since we launched our Kickstarter and thanks to the support of our amazing fans Shenmue III will be a reality. You may have also seen recently that we've partnered with Deep Silver who're giving us amazing support which will make the game better then originally possible. I will now be able to make the Shenmue III I have always dreamed of making. To celebrate this we have a short trailer for you but I want to stress the game is still in development so some things such as the animation will not be exactly what you get when the game is released. Also I have something else very special. *Yu pulls out something that was laying around the office like a signed copy of Shenmue I on Dreamcast or a signed piece on concept art* . We will select a person at random from the list of people who retweet this video from the Shenmue twitter account to win this prize. Thank you for your time, please enjoy. *trailer plays but cut out some awkward parts*.

The result. Shenmue has been one of the most talked about games in a day for at least two different days. You're controlling the message by getting ahead of any issues which may be raised and creating hype. You've set up a contest which will make people promote the game for you and all it costs is the price of a stamp. After E3 and now 5 days of hype at Gamescom you're setting a precedent that Shenmue news is big news. News sites such as IGN and Gamespot will write first about the original teaser and then the second one, this keeps people coming back to their sites for Shenmue news and the more clicks they see for the series the more they will talk about it any chance they can which creates more hype for Shenmue. There is no talk about the faces as you've nipped it in the bud before it's become an issue and all talk focuses on how excited people are and how Deep Silver is making the game better.

If YsNet want to talk to me about the next push I'm willing to talk.
by Riku Rose
Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:59 pm
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Re: Yakuza series

Leave My Boy Leroy alone!
by Riku Rose
Tue Sep 26, 2017 9:00 am
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Re: How to Change Someone's Mind?

OL wrote: Does it really matter? If he's not interested, it's entirely possible that he's just not interested.

NO! Shenmue is the best and most influential game ever and anyone who dislikes it clearly doesn’t understand or is an idiot! You’re clearly a Shenmue hater and want Shenmue 3 to fail.
by Riku Rose
Sun Oct 01, 2017 10:07 am
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Re: Random Thoughts

It's quite surprising just how dead this forum is outside of the Shenmue III forum. The whole time we were waiting for SIII,
GD was the most active and now SIII is a reality everyone has fucked off.

For me it’s 2 things:
1. I don’t like the random thoughts or random gaming thoughts topics. I think after they were created people stopped making topics and just posted in them and if you missed the conversation it was too late to jump in.

2. The Shenmue III announcement brought a slew of people who don’t stick around and just want to talk about Shenmue. Before Shenmue III we had a strong 20 or so regulars that got along and knew each other’s likes and dislikes. If someone recommended me a game I took the suggestion seriously as I knew they knew what I was into. Even the general topics were normally a laugh from anything to people talking about their life, funny news stories or serious debates.

We even put rules in topics like the gaming music thread that no Shenmue music could be shared because we knew everyone liked it and we didn’t need to just talk about Shenmue. After 10 years of no Shenmue news most of the regulars were bored of talking about it, I’m still bored of talking about Shenmue and I’m just waiting for Shenmue III which I’m really excited about but have no interest disecting every screenshot. I imagine most of the old regulars feel the same as I don’t see many in the Shenmue forums and although they all at least liked Shenmue to most it wasn’t the best thing ever.

I’ve thought about trying to inject life into the forums and just posting tons of topics to try and get conversation flowing again. The thing that put me off was that I didn’t know most of the names posting anymore, I used to know every name that posted here and their personality. I don’t really have much interest in talking to a bunch of people who don’t hang around like 95% of those who posted in the introduce yourself topic. I’d take 20 people who come onto a forum to bullshit, have a laugh and discuss their hobby over 50 that have an interest in one topic. This forum has always been a Shenmue forum in name but the 10 odd years I was posting here it was more a general gaming forum with down to earth people.
by Riku Rose
Mon Oct 16, 2017 4:24 pm
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Re: NeoGAF down as owner faces sexual allegations again

^Posts like this are more embarrassing then anything posted on NeoGaf.
by Riku Rose
Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:41 pm
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Re: Mario Odyssey

Getting a Switch for one game isn’t sensible
Getting a Switch for one game isn’t sensible
Getting a Switch for one game isn’t sensible
Getting a Switch for one game isn’t sensible
Getting a Switch for one game isn’t sensible

...I’m thinking of getting a Switch...
by Riku Rose
Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:35 pm
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Re: Mario Odyssey

I now own a Switch.

I'm a weak man.
by Riku Rose
Sun Oct 29, 2017 6:49 pm
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Mario Odyssey

Thinking this looks awesome. I liked the Galaxy games but they were a little to linear and I prefer the hub like worlds of 64 and Sunshine which this seems to be going back to. The only thing that's stopping me getting this is that there are no other games I want on the Switch since I played Zelda and Mario Kart on the WiiU, but this will be one of the first games I get when I do.
by Riku Rose
Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:54 pm
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Shadow of the Colossus

I really like the game but wouldn't say it's one of the best ever like some, although this looks like one of the best remakes I've ever seen. Super faithful and only adding what it needs.

phpBB [video]
by Riku Rose
Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:57 pm
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Ghost of Tsushima

Looks like a game for those who've been desperate for another Onimusha.

phpBB [video]
by Riku Rose
Mon Oct 30, 2017 12:49 pm
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Re: Shadow of the Colossus

^Here's some gameplay. Granted it's been awhile since I played the game but it seems the same to me.

phpBB [video]
by Riku Rose
Tue Oct 31, 2017 8:36 am
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Detroit: Become Human

I'm always interested in David Cage games but I just want to see how these changed can effect the overall game rather then the single scenes. I know most Quantic Dream games don't change their story much depending on your decisions but I got the point people can react differently 7 years ago when I saw Heavy Rain.
by Riku Rose
Mon Oct 30, 2017 1:02 pm
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What Do You Want To Know?

The recent release of the JFK files made me think of this. A lot of people thought that wth the release of these files ‘the truth’ would finally come out.

If you could be allowed to find out the truth about one topic what would it be? You’ll get all the details. 9/11? Is the moon landing real? Is God real?

Whatever you pick will be delieved to you in the form of an essay that will be written so that you can understand it. Also you can’t tell anyone else about what you find out, no running to the press or anything like that.

For me I’d want to know about life outside of earth and how much we really know about them. Does the government know and keep the news hidden? Do aliens know about us and we don’t know about them? Or are we really alone?
by Riku Rose
Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:05 pm
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Re: Mario Odyssey

Well I bought a Pro controller and it’s something I recommended everyone do if you own a Switch, so much more comfortable and makes controlling Mario easier.

I just beat the new Donk City level and had a huge smile on my face at the end. I won’t spoil why but anyone who’s played it will know why.
by Riku Rose
Wed Nov 01, 2017 6:10 pm
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Re: Final Fantasy Series News and Updates Thread

The United States Central Intelligence Agency released a cache of files found on Osama Bin Laden's personal computer taken from the deadly 2011 raid on his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Among the 321 gigabytes of files found on his computer, of which many were related to his operations for Al Qaeda, were copyrighted materials the CIA could not republish. These included several animated movies, TV shows, as well as a copy of Final Fantasy VII.

The more I hear about the guy the more I like him.
by Riku Rose
Fri Nov 03, 2017 6:27 pm
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