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Re: The people on this forum...

Welcome back Latin King. Try not to trip on any rogue dildos.

I believe thats the first time ive said the word dildo before. Only Shenmue Dojo gives me that desire.
by Axm
Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:44 pm
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Re: The people on this forum...

You're still alive? I thought you were told to go choke on a feces covered dildo?

just kidding. welcome back.
by Rakim
Sat Apr 27, 2013 6:36 pm
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Re: The people on this forum...

You were always going to get the piss taken out of you back then, especially with the simple spelling mistakes you seem to have made and being 12 everyone was going to lay into you. You joined the same year as me it seems, mad time in dojo history. Just don't take anything too seriously and you'll fit in here, it's a place to banter and I guess if you really want, talk Shenmue.
by Sailors?
Sat Apr 27, 2013 7:47 pm
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Re: The people on this forum...

Those were the days alright.

Welcome back. :heart:
by Sonikku
Sat Apr 27, 2013 8:07 pm
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Re: The people on this forum...

Welcome back to the Shenmue Madhouse....
by Brothaman
Sat Apr 27, 2013 9:45 pm
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Re: The people on this forum...

Latin King, go kill yourself with a feces covered dildo. Choke on it. Seriously, what kind of online community was this back in 2006? :P

Yea there are some pretty mean people here still, but when you examine their situation it's primarily because they don't have much going for them. Those members have mundane jobs (if even employed), take recreational drugs and get their jollies making fun of others online because it's the only place they can go where they can pretend to feel superior and blind themselves temporarily of their miserable existence.

Don't let them bother you. Look forward to talking to you here. :beerchug:
by Jeff
Sat Apr 27, 2013 11:16 pm
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Re: The people on this forum...

Pretty sure in 2006 there was some people who truly needed to kill themselves with shit covered dildo's and don't think you were one of them.

Welcome Back.
by Bluecast
Sun Apr 28, 2013 9:12 pm
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Re: The people on this forum...

You should have learned the lesson the first time. Fuck off, and choke on some fez.

Just kidding. :P Welcome back! Latin King. I think we're gonna have a dispute on that whole king thing though, just so you know. ^_^
by ShenmueTree
Sun Apr 28, 2013 8:08 am
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Re: The people on this forum...

You just know that in the time he spent away from the Dojo, Jeff went to several self-confidence seminars and bought a whole collection of self-help books. It's like paying for plastic surgery for your personality. You may have permanently low inhibitions and a deluded view of your life, but that doesn't stop people from seeing that you're a cunt.

Welcome back Latin King, we're friendly as fuck here!
by MiTT3NZ
Sun Apr 28, 2013 7:04 am
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Re: Grand Theft Auto V

GTA V reinvents the open-world rules... again
Insane ambition meets supreme confidence in Rockstar's latest

Summary From

You can buy property; houses, garages and businesses can all be purchased for extra revenue sources.

You can customise yourself with haircuts, new clothes, and tattoos

Each character is rated in a series of skill categories: Stamina, Shooting, Strength, Stealth, Flying, Driving, Mechanic, Lung Capacity.

Each character has a 'Special': Franklin is an adrenalin junkie and can slow down time while driving; Trevor has a frenzy mode, where he does double damage, takes half damage, and has a unique melee attack; Michael has his own version of bullet time

Specials are governed by a meter, it drains after use and recharges slowly

Other skill categories are shared and can be improved by completing missions, side missions, activities and more

Trevor will always be the best pilot, Franklin will always be the best driver but each can improve their proficiency a little

One of the skill categories is stealth, suggesting players will be able to take different approaches to missions

Pay N Sprays can also mod cars with paint jobs, new wheels, window tints, grilles, spoilers. Upgrades to suspension, engine and brakes can also be made.

Weapons can also be customised with laser sights, scopes, silencers, and high capacity magazines

You can pick up hitchikers, do stunt jumps and flying challenges, take part in yoga, golf, tennis or bike races.

Some boats will include gear such as wetsuit, flippers and tanks for diving

An underwater ecosystem exits, "the sea is teaming with fish and sharks"

Treasures can be found underwater, but NPCs will be looking for them too

GTAV rewards exploration, there's no signposting underwater, so you'll have to find the treasure the hard way

Dives won't offer massive payoffs, but will "help grease the wheels"

The character selection wheel is split into four triangles: Franklin, Trevor, Michael, and your multiplayer character

It seems there's a closer relationship between single and multiplayer. Simply pressing Down on the d-pad will drop the play in and out of MP.

Rockstar has said it will reveal more on multiplayer in the future

There are subtle differences in the way each character moves to reflect their personalities; Michael is slower and deliberate.

Rockstar says there will be five times as many pedestrians in GTA V as there were in Grand Theft Auto IV

There's a "crazy level of detail": Tourist buses can be boarded for a tour of celebrity homes, film posters are plastered on the walls, men in comedy costumes try to corner you outside the Cathay Theatre, including the Superman-like Impotent Rage and Master Chief riff, Space Ranger.

iFruit, the game's new phone, can be used to snap pictures and upload them to Rockstar's Social Club

The phone also has apps. In addition to the camera there is internet, contacts, social media, a calendar, and a replay missions app. There are three more Rockstar hasn't yet revealed.

Michael's obsession with classic films translates into in-game set pieces based on real world movies. In the demo the three characters mount a heist very similar to the one from Heat.

'Mini heists' are used to teach the player about preparation. Players must secure vehicles, outfits, masks, the getaway vehicle.

These build up to a bigger heist where the execution must be flawless.
They'll require the right crew and players will have to decide on the cheap option, which results in less skilled people, or paying more for skilled crew members that will take a larger cut.

You can switch between Franklin, Trevor and Michael during a cutscene, manually, or automatically when the AI takes control for you

Each character has a job to do, how much you switch yourself in or let the computer do, is entirely up to you

If you die the game reloads to the last checkpoint, even if two other characters are alive

Although it's up to the player when they switch, dialogue will suggest ideal moments. For example, when Michael and Franklin are being overwhelmed by snipers, Michael might ask for Trevor's help.

A combat roll has been introduced for moving between cover

There is a wider field of vision, and players can run-and-gun

A deer and a wildcat was spotted in the mountains.
by Who Really Cares?
Thu May 02, 2013 12:24 pm
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Re: POLL: Ryo Statue

im just going to print out a picture of ryo and tape it to a pringles can.
by redline
Thu May 02, 2013 10:14 pm
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Re: Grand Theft Auto V

hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype hype

no seriously, as soon as I learned you can buy businesses and properties and build your own empire I got a hard on.
by south carmain
Mon May 06, 2013 4:05 pm
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Shenmue 2 Documentary (Real Life)

Hey guys,

I just came across this on youtube and thought it was pretty cool. Definitely check it out if you have a spare 20 minutes, and props to the dude who created it. :)

phpBB [video]
by ShenSun
Wed May 15, 2013 5:49 am
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Re: Question about Shenmue II on DC

Ok, so I downloaded the PAL version of Shenmue II on Dremcast and ripped it to 4 CD-Rs. The game starts and plays just fine except there is almost no voice acting from the random characters. :???: The cutscenes all have dialogue, but when I go up to a random person and initiate a conversation, 80% of the time there is no sound, just subtitles. Anyone know what's up with that? Thanks in advance.
you downloaded the version with ripped pedestrian voices to make it smaller. you can either download the untouched 1gb ripped version and burn it do GD-Rs or play it through an emulator or find the version where the voices are compressed instead of completely removed which fits on 700mb CD-Rs
by south carmain
Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:31 pm
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Re: Question about Shenmue II on DC

GD-Rs should be available on ebay I guess, not sure if they are sold in any shops though.

check out these websites for the full version, not sure of they have it but there is a good chance one of them does...
by south carmain
Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:47 pm
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Shenmue III Ready for Next-Gen!!!

August 29th Edit: Kikizo's Adam Doree has told us that we should NOT expect an official announcement at TGS (Tokyo Game Show) next month, because it's just too soon. Actually, we're told that an official announce may not even reach us in 2005 at all. So no one get excited for any official news in the really near future.

Their update is now up! It IS about Shenmue III, just as we suspected! According to Kikizo, Shenmue III does exist and IS planned for release!

The article:

Haha, they used a picture from my current wallpaper of Ryo with a sword. :D :D

Edit again: Just let me stress again that Kikizo/Adam Doree are very reliable. Adam has a rather long history in reporting videogame news, and he's definitely not the kind of person to post info unless it's examined thoroughly. So trust us, there's no need to disbelieve what Adam says.

Incase you're one of those people who do not visit the main page often, this forum topic should catch your attention.

All right, some of you may know of the website . Kikizo is a videogame website (and a reliable one) just like IGN, Gamespot, etc. However, most of Kikizo's staff (especially Adam Doree) really love Shenmue, unlike places like Gamespot. Anyway, the Dojo staff recently got e-mails from Adam, telling us all to expect a report on their site which would be "of interest to you all!" This is very exciting because he's never e-mailed us like this before, and I doubt he'd do it for Shenmue Online news. We think that it must have something to do with Shenmue III, so let's cross our fingers and keep a look out!
by LanDC
Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:37 pm
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Re: So how does Ryo get to Bailu Village?

A hidden cut scene found by LanDC indicates that after leaving the Stone Pit, Ryo and Shenhua return to her house and sleep there before presumably going to the village the next morning
Sorry to bump this really old topic, but I REALLY want to know if this cutscene is available anywhere. I would love to see it.
He means this scene, I guess:
by Kiyuu
Fri Jun 07, 2013 6:41 am
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Re: UPDATE JUNE 2013 "Yu Suzuki & Shenmue at GDC"

Latest UPDATE: JUNE 2013 (This happened in March)

I actually met with Yu Suzuki again but this time @GDC 2013. (about 2 months ago)

And here are two pictures we got together :D

Pic 2

Pic 1

GDC 2013 is the same event as he met with Marc Cerny (perhaps, later on in the afternoon cuz we met at noon),

For those who don't know (I know you know): Marc Cerny is lead architect of the Sony PlayStation 4 & the one who interviewd Yu back in GDC11 and he's a genius as well.

How we met?

I was doing my visit @GDC and had NO IDEA that Yu Suzuki might come to GDC 13,
so I was wondering around that I suddenly saw a familiar face @ a booth (he was almost invisible) xD
I waited for him to finish his visit while asking from the lady @the next booth to PLEASE GET READY TO TAKE OUR PIC!
She was like, who's he? I was like he's a GOD of gaming! (later after he left and She found out who was he, she said

"Oh, I love Virtua Cop" xD

She said Ok!, so Yu suddenly saw me xD AND remembered me from GDC11,

I was like Hello Suzuki san, I am Ali, long time no see!
He said, Oh! Hi, yes long time no see!

Sorry guys, can't remember the exact every line of our short conversation but anyhow:

I was like WOW! we didn't know you coming this year (especially after his GDC12 absence).
I was shocked to be able to find him accidentally between so many people!
I immediately asked him can we have a picture :)

So, that lady at the next booth took our picture and then I talked to Yu,

Like how are you doing?, when did you arrive?
He was I arrived just now in the city and I'm hungry xD
I'm glad that I met you again, we look forward your new games...we will be waiting.
(I think I mentioned that I still have his biz card from back in GDC11 too but I am sure he remembers)

Anyways, I told him once again, it was very nice to see him, and wish him good luck.

So I let him go to rest and eat *however he continued visiting the expo" :D

Funny how,

later on within half an hour I bumped into Hideo Kojima as well (AGAIN just like GDC11),
this was like a repeat of history! xD

However, I spotted Kojima when he came out from back of his GDC booth suddenly xD and while he was running for a sec, he went eye to eye with me, LMFAO xD I know he's even busier that Yu with all that MGS V, Fox Engine & etc flying around, so I didn't even bother to get any close to him till next time.

Well, after all , GDC is a biz event, not a fan event.

The day after, I saw Yu Suzuki and Cerny's pictures in media,
so I decided to do not post my meeting with him here, until I back to Dojo again cuz I knew you know he's been @GDC13.

My personal thoughts on the current Yu Suzuki and Shenmue's feature

All I know is Yu Suzuki is back, and making games, he just released his latest game on iTunes & Google App store (if you check his growing studio's web page you can find it and don't forget to get his game somehow and give it a high rank 5/5), here's also a video of the game I'm talking about:

But the question is now burning even more:

Has he have made any progress with Marc Cerny or someone from Nintendo or even MS for teaming up with SEGA to finally bring us a Complete Shenmue Experience on PS4 or any other console?

A deal between SEGA and Sony/MS/Nintendo must happen if SEGA doesn't want to tackle this single handed.

I believe SEGA can still pull it off,

They have Team Ryu Ga Gotoku (Yakuza) headed by Nagoshi (he was so close to Suzuki back in AM2) along the current SEGA-AM2 (VF, Miku, Ghost Squad, etc...) plus Yu is still an adviser to SEGA,

So he can remain a key role to next Shenmue...

Let's say now that E3 has come and is gone, it's about time for SEGA to decide what console and when, from now on it's gonna be interesting, and I am sure the Shenmue nation won't stop posting on SEGA's social media until they finally do it. :)

My advice to SEGA is:

Don't wait anymore, get that next gen AM2 or Yakuza engine running along team Yakuza making assets and even re-using assets from Yakuza series along whatever is left from Shenmue III Dreamcast (I am sure, there's a none finished Shenmue 3 DC some where, if not what is Niao Sun video?) plus Yu Suzuki and YS NET can supervise along bringing their social media tools (from Shenmue City) to a Shenmue Complete exprience.

GIVE US SHENMUE BACK BY HANDS OF SUZUKI, we will do our best to support Shenmue "TRUST US"

We can make lots of fan art, videos, musics, even fan-made games or write and spread the word about Shenmue more!


"Just make sure, you'll release it on a console that people will actually BUY" and gonna last 5+ years for sure.



I just added some more stuff to this post along adding everything I posted here to the first post of the topic.

I will keep updating the first one and this one if I remember or want to add anything else.

Here's also another mini update that I added to first post (A master link to my edited/named pics from GDC11 & 13)!208
by alimn
Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:07 am
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Kowloon Walled City recreated as Arcade in Japan

Every city has its bad parts and areas to avoid, but there’s no denying that these less favorable areas give even the poshest urban centers something to talk about. While Kowloon Walled City no longer exists, its fixture in popular imagination will likely persist for decades, if not centuries.

In 1987, the city housed 33,000 people in 6.5 acres and was largely lawless, though informal social structures naturally emerged among the citizens. The city, as you might expect, has been the inspiration and setting for many fictional works, from books to movies to video games. And, now, it’s provided inspiration for a unique business venture in Japan.

That’s right, Kowloon Walled City now exists in Japan as a game center! Which, when you think about it, is either incredibly fitting or incredibly inappropriate. We’re still not sure which.

The game center, which is called “Digital Kowloon City,” is located in Kawasaki City, just south of Tokyo. Built in the spirit of the original Kowloon Walled City, the game center’s exterior and interior both look horribly rusted and uncared for.
by Ziming
Thu Jun 13, 2013 10:28 am
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Re: Got any questions for a Shenmue game designer?

To make such an elaborate troll; the man must be a basement dweller
by Yokosuka Martian
Tue Jun 18, 2013 11:49 pm
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Re: Grand Theft Auto V

Because it's the internet.
by MiTT3NZ
Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:37 am
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Re: Grand Theft Auto V

GTA Online


Grand Theft Auto Online is a dynamic and persistent online world for 16 players that begins by sharing gameplay features, geography and mechanics with Grand Theft Auto V, but will continue to expand and evolve after its launch with new content created by Rockstar Games and the Grand Theft Auto community. Grand Theft Auto Online takes the fundamental Grand Theft Auto concepts of freedom, ambient activity and mission-based gameplay and makes them available to multiple players in an incredibly detailed and responsive online world.

In Grand Theft Auto Online, players have the freedom to explore alone or with friends, work cooperatively to complete missions, band together to participate in activities and ambient events, or compete in traditional game modes with the entire community, all with the personality and refined mechanics of Grand Theft Auto V.

Players can invest in their character through customizing their appearance, improving their stats, owning customized vehicles, purchasing personal property, and taking part in missions, jobs and activities to earn reputation and cash to open up new opportunities to rise through the criminal ranks. The world of Grand Theft Auto Online will constantly grow and change as new content is added, creating the first ever persistent and dynamic Grand Theft Auto game world.

Access to Grand Theft Auto Online is free with every retail copy of Grand Theft Auto V and launches on October 1st.

GTA Online general information

Rockstar started thinking about making Grand Theft Auto Online when they began making GTA 3

The GTA Online demo shown to press was the PS3 version

PS3 isn't the lead platform, GTA 5 is the first in the series to have a parallel development

Rockstar says "there's very, very little difference in the development state of them both. They're both very similar. It would be hard to tell them apart."

Rockstar is already thinking about the future "in terms of missions, new content, clothes, apartments, for the next while". It plans to use data from players in building the future of GTA Online

Rockstar wants a player's online identity to exist and to be shared throughout its games, Max Payne 3's crews is an example of this

Rockstar wants to keep adding new things to build GTA Online into a world and has set it up with no limitations: "We could, if we wanted, simulate the entire world, different countries, whatever. Whether we do that or not... But we've got a bunch of old stuff that we're toying with using."

Rockstar is focusing on getting the current gen version out, and will "see what happens in the future" with regards to next-gen

GTA Online gameplay details

GTA Online is a persistent online world for 16 active players, but hundreds of thousands of players (however many take part) exist in the larger universe

It retains almost all of the core gameplay from single-player; Looting, co-op heists, deathmatches, races, gang attacks, crew vs crew playlists, sports (like tennis, BASE jumping, golf and more), plus 'ambient' events like armoured van robberies, crate drops, import/export car acquisition, bounties

GTA Online looks like GTA 5, with no compromises

Characters lip-sync "broadly" when their player speak

Before starting heists or hold-ups, players can choose masks to disguise themselves. These can be ditched later to lose a Wanted star

Police have a "cone of detection" which players need to stay out of

Whoever does the job gets the cash, and can choose how to split it

Cars can be insured and replaced

Players complete missions and activities for Reputation Points, money and material assets

Players can create their own missions using Creator tools

You open up the Creator and can place all your spawn points, place some props, place cars, place planes, place
anything you want around the world. It is published to the Rockstar Social Club Cloud where others can download it

Players can pick preferred creators

Initially players will be able to create races and deathmatches

Rockstar will introduce new tools and content over time

GTA Online will launch two weeks after GTA 5

GTA Online is accessed through a fourth character slot in the selection wheel

There may be a small download when Online is available two weeks after launch, possible a small unlock code (TBC - details to follow)

There is a character creation system to create a multiplayer avatar, stats from the campaign will not carry over
The world of GTA Online is set slightly before the GTA 5 story

GTA Online will take you through some introductory missions to start with characters from the game explaining mechanics and systems

It flows like single-player in terms of progression, but not story

Players will be scored and ranked on individual mission types in GTA Online

Rockstar has an "internal score" that can rank people on shooting, driving, flying, parachuting

It will release enough data "for people to know exactly where they stand within all their skills"

Stats and other player information will be available through Rockstar's Social Club, it currently has no plans to release a dedicated mobile app, but you can use tablets etc to view the Social Club site

Rockstar has implemented "good cheater management" to make sure people behave

A "Passive mode" can be activated so players can't shoot people, but also can't be shot

Carrying around lots of cash can be a risk, but players can visit the bank to deposit money and keep it safe

Personal vehicles can't be stolen by others as they can be locked, however they can still be damaged or blown up

Players can be given a "Bad Sport" stat for misbehaving and if they're too bad they will be punished

Other players will be able to identify a player with a bad sport stat

Cars can be bought or stolen. When stolen, players can be modified them with a custom spray jobs and plates. If they aren't changed they may activate a wanted level if spotted by the police

A character can be employed to repair your cars and deliver them, he won't deal with stolen cars, however. You can phone him to drop off cars to you.

Camera angles during driving can be manually changed, as in GTA 4

Rockstar's long-term vision is to let players turn their finished games into a movie. Although it says it is "doable" it's just a dream at the moment

You can't share Weazel news online, you can only watch the feeds from your apartment when friends or crew members have a Wanted level

Rockstar is still balancing the money earned from missions so it fits in with the flow of purchasing property and cars
Investing in stock and shares is also available online, you can buy shares in a car company, target that company's cars to have insurance replace them and the stock price will go up

Players can form cartels but will Rockstar will assume the role of "government" to "make sure there's nothing untoward happening"

Press seeing GTA Online were only shown a bit of the map, " there's a whole other chunk of map" that wasn't seen
"There's a lot of toys out there, and a lot of areas for people to use, to make their missions"

The apartment TV airs a detective show, but Rockstar North's president didn't actually know what it was since the team is still adding new content into the game

Players have access to a planning board similar to the one in single-player. It has all the maps, people, and the dots to show you where you've got to go

GTA Online missions will be "simpler" than the heists in the main game at first

Underwater gameplay isn't going to be big part of the initial GTA Online content suite, but Rockstar will start looking at it after the initial batch of "hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of missions" are delivered

Activities such as two-player tennis will be available in GTA Online

Players engaging in side-activities "won't be terrorised", they can enjoy a tennis game without being griefed

Using their phone, players can call characters and access services to help them complete missions. For example, two players can enlist in some AI-controlled characters to complete an eight-player mission, or call in an airstrike, or turn off blips to hide from other players.

New characters offering new services are introduced as players progress

Rockstar is planning "huge" things for "Crews, playlists, challenges"

The ability to mix and match missions to create playlists is a possibility
by Who Really Cares?
Thu Aug 15, 2013 10:01 am
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Re: Grand Theft Auto V

so who's down for some GTA5 multiplayer? apparently we're going to need up to 16 players to complete some of the online missions
by south carmain
Sun Sep 08, 2013 3:57 pm
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Shenmue mentioned in Sony's giant list of video games

During Sony's big PS4 event in Manhattan, Kotaku chatted with Sony's Adam Boyes about what the folks behind PlayStation have planned for the future. He mentions both Shenmue and Yakuza as the most requested games. ( Kotaku Article )

The Official Playstation Magazine (UK) is asking what game or series not yet announced for next-gen do you most want to see on PS4? The best answers go in issue 92, onsale 20 December. Send your answer now!
by Ziming
Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:47 pm
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Sony Is Trying To Bring Shenmue To Playstation

Imagine, if you will, a giant list. Maybe it's an Excel file. Or on a whiteboard somewhere in Sony's offices. Maybe it's written on index cards.

On that list is a ton of names that Sony has been compiling based on fan tweets and requests for three months now. Final Fantasy Type-0 is on there. So is Yakuza. And Shenmue. And many, many others, compiled when Sony's Giovanni Corsi started asking fans to submit requests.

Sony's goal: to bring as many of those games as possible to PlayStation platforms and, if they were never released outside of Japan, to bring those games West.

Schreier : With the caveat that this is all up in the air, this is all in negotiations, are there any that you guys have in mind that you would really like to bring over here?

Boyes : I think a lot—we get a ton of requests for Yakuza, a ton of requests for Shenmue. We see the lists. Like everything that people have tweeted Gio, literally we have a person that compiles those lists and prioritizes based on how many requests we've gotten. And I think to date there's well over 10,000 mentions across like forum threads and stuff like that. So those are the ones we're focused on

Schreier : That's good to hear. When you say that you're targeting games in Japan, you mentioned Yakuza, you mentioned Shenmue—those are older games. Are you looking at PSP games? Are you looking at PS3 games?

Boyes : You could imagine that every piece of content that's come to those platforms over in Japan, we're looking at bringing over. It's also a balance of like, is it gonna be commercially viable if there isn't some sort of HD remix, should it come just as the native version, should we port it up? And so those are conversations, again—I worked at Capcom, now I work with Sony, so this is my second Japanese company. It's about trust. And it takes a long time to have those conversations and make sure everyone feels comfortable, especially 'cause it's like, we haven't released it before in America, how's it gonna do and stuff like that.

So it's a long process. But I'm very hopeful. The whole reason we started the group is to bring great content that you love back over here.
by Riku Rose
Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:16 pm
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Re: Paul Walker Dead at Age 40

There have been some really unpleasant, sour comments on this thread, shame on you.

Can I just say this: a 40 year old man has died very young, leaving behind a daughter. Whether you liked his work or not, whether you know him or not, that's a horrible story, and a real tragedy.

Rest in peace Paul Walker. I didn't know you, but have enjoyed your films, and I thank you for that. And my utmost respect and condolences to your friends and family on their loss.

Candle in the wind.

Here are some pics from the crash site:!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/front1n-6.jpg
Mon Dec 02, 2013 7:40 am
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Re: Come watch me play Shenmue 2(ENG) on stream.

Latin King wrote: Looks like Takumi's AE86 in your avatar.

That it is :lol: , I mght like Initial D as much as Shenmue, but check out the stream tomorrow for more Shenmue 2 streaming.
by Breadpvptv
Tue Dec 03, 2013 11:57 pm
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Re: Why Shenmue's Future Only Makes Sense on PS4.

Ok I found the old Donations threads and they both appear to be locked.

Feel free to start a new one or just PM Yama.
by Rakim
Tue Dec 10, 2013 11:00 pm
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Re: Hip Hop

Haven't listened to that remix yet, but I LOVE gangstarr, as every hip hop lover should! What is your fav gangstarr album though, that is the question!

But tonight, it's all about Tupes, G!
by mue 26
Fri Dec 13, 2013 9:01 pm
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Re: Hip Hop

My favourite gang starr joint is probably Daily Operation, but Hard to Earn comes close. Though, I love basically all their albums, they are all essential. I've always been more of a NY boom bap man than a G Funk man, as that's the kind of hip hop that made me fall in love with the music, but unlike many hip hop heads I know, I have still always loved Tupac, I don't mind that he wasn't mad lyrical or didn't have the technical ability of some of his contemporaries. His personality was always kind of the main draw, and I guess that's what some folks don't like, but I don't mind. Though I prefer pre-death row pac personally, I do still enjoy All Eyez on Me for what it was. Though I think my favourite pac album might be the Makaveli joint.
by mue 26
Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:37 pm
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We figured it was best to start a new thread that dealt with current campaign details, rather than expecting newcomers to wade through pages of outdated information in the original Team Yu topic .

From March 2012 to December 2013, with the help of several fan groups like Shenmue 500K, Shenmue UK, Shenmue Master, and of course Shenmue Dojo, we have been co-ordinating a monthly Shenmue Tweetathon every 3rd of the month, using the hashtag #GiveYuTheShenmueLicense. This has been supported by the likes of Sumo Digital's Steve Lycett, Prince of Persia creator Jordan Mechner, gamesTM magazine,, Sega Nerds, comedians Imran Yusuf and Matt Walker, French musician Kavinsky, former Puddle of Mudd guitarist Paul Phillips, Virtua Fighter composer Takayuki Nakamura, and the voice of Ryo Hazuki himself, Corey Marshall.

On January 3rd 2014, the Tweetathon undergoes a New Years evolution, expanding onto Facebook and Tumblr along with Twitter, using the new hashtag #SaveShenmue.

The aim is to keep exploiting the public platform of social media to raise awareness of gamers' discontent with Sega, and their refusal to fund a revival of this unfinished series and provide their customers with the closure we've been awaiting for over a decade. At the same time we aim to appeal to console manufacturers like Sony, who recently expressed an interest in pursuing Shenmue as one of its most highly requested titles for the Playstation 4, asking them to step in and help drag Sega kicking and screaming into the realms of customer satisfaction.

To help make Yu Suzuki's unshakable goal of Shenmue III a reality, we ask all gamers to follow the three simple steps at every month, maintaining the pressure on all concerned. Please spread the word and be heard on the 3rd - Team Yu needs YOU to #SaveShenmue!
by Let's Get Sweaty
Sun Dec 15, 2013 9:01 am
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Ryo in Sega All Star Racing Transformed (Images/Gifs)

Last year fans prevailed in a competition to get Ryo into Sega All Star Racing Transformed. We can now confirm his character is playable in the game. This time Ryo is racing with classic arcade cabinets like Outrun and Hang-on. Source: NeoGAF

Animated Gifs : OutRun Arcade Cabinet Vehicle | Hang-On Arcade Cabinet/Jet Ski
Images: OutRun Arcade Racer | Hang-On Arcade Jet Ski | Character Select |
by Ziming
Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:54 pm
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Re: Celebrity Endorsements

You're both right
by lavrentis
Sun Jan 19, 2014 11:46 pm
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Gamespot predicts Shenmue 3 to happen in 2014

Gamespot has recently published a article predicting 10 things that might happen in games in 2014. Ranked at number 2 they predict Shenmue 3 will be unveiled, citing the upcoming GDC 2014 postmortem with Yu Suzuki.

Gamespot Article: 10 Things That Will Definitely Happen in Games in 2014 (Maybe)
by Ziming
Mon Jan 20, 2014 4:53 pm
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Shenmue 2 I want to share this map I made

Hi i`m new here. I want to share this map I made.

by psychokamui
Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:22 pm
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Re: Sony Teases Shenmue 3..... Maybe

This is almost as bad as seeing faces in your breakfast food
by Yokosuka Martian
Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:10 pm
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Re: Shenmue Postmortem Discussion

Suzuki is ready to drop the megaton on us! Haha! .. ah.. ah.... He's hiding something in that jacket! Thats why its so puffy. And those glasses.. he needs them to read the massive list of new gameplay features and additions they are working on.
by Axm
Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:44 pm
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Re: Shenmue Postmortem Discussion

phpBB [video]
by Ziming
Wed Mar 19, 2014 4:54 am
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Making of Shenmue (Excerpt from GDC 2000 presentation)

phpBB [video]
by Ziming
Fri May 09, 2014 12:54 am
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NeoGAF: New Japanese trademark from Sega (Shenmue)

A user from the gaming forum NeoGAF revealed that SEGA has filed a new Japanese trademark for Shenmue.

NeoGAF Topic:

Original Source:
by Ziming
Thu May 22, 2014 1:32 am
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Re: Shenmue HD Remaster (Fan Made)

Hello. ^^
I NoconKid.
Shenmue HD remaster (FanMade) Thank you for your interest shenmue HD movie watching.
What will happen next I shenmue HD work in progress can not say for sure.
Who had been working for two months during the rest day job.
Probably would not be so fast as jobs go back to work again.
But slowly, we will update it takes a long time.
Thank you again.

Use the translator may be wrong.
by Noconkid
Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:35 pm
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Re: david deville Interview with Yu suzuki

Yeah because i was tied to the french magazine and it just got released so now i'm checking up everything and as much as possible, i'll try to release it this week.

Sorry keeping you waiting, but i had no choice.
by DEVILLE_David
Mon Nov 10, 2014 8:28 am
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