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Re: Today has finally arrived.

by Bluecast
Thu Nov 22, 2012 5:29 am
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Re: Today has finally arrived.

Get your picture taken under the Ramsay Street sign and bring me Doctor Karl's autograph.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Thu Nov 22, 2012 9:04 am
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Re: Never Forget About Shenmue

This sentence:

It’s 10pm, and Ryo is walking home, crunching through the freshly laid snow after taking the bus back to town from work.

Is mindblowing.

It seems so 'un-gameish' and yet it is those exact moments why we love Shenmue. The simple essence of walking home in a videogame (from work no less!!!) is mindblowing. Every Night, As we pass by the neon lit arcade, the sushi bar on the left and the wintery park on the right - Those numbing walks home are what bind us to the fiction and immerse us even further.

magical memories. that we all share
by Luvly KM
Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:40 am
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Re: Skies of Arcadia HD news (GAF topic)

Gah, I remember logging on that day in '05....was totally out of the blue and I was quite literally doing flips and somersaults around the house.

I still think Doree wasn't bullshitting us, and that - as he said - the situation changed after that article was published. He really was a big Shenmue advocate and I don't think he'd fabricate that story. I think his eagerness and excitement as a Shenmue fan clouded his judgment. It's a damn shame. That was 7 years ago! Crazy. I never would have thought it would have taken this long to play more Shenmue.

Shenmue is valuable IP. Even if it doesn't make money, there is value there. I just hope Sega finds a way to set up a realistic budget. Problem is, even if it is announced, officially....there's a huge wait from that point, and lots of time for things to take a disastrous turn. I don't even play video games at all anymore, and I'm not even too sad about it anymore (wistful and nostalgic, yes), but I do think if the day ever comes that I hold a copy of a new Shenmue game in my hand that'd it be one of the more surrealistic and memorable moments in my life.

"I feel like I've known that tree, from a long time's a strange feeling."
by Lan Di-sama
Fri Nov 23, 2012 9:25 pm
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Re: Unpopular Opinions

I used to be a free market kind of guy. I also had no problems with big-box stores. I've watched this system destroy downtowns and local wealth. Now I consider myself an economic protectionist. We have to keep the money in the communities, because they are the ones that are your neighbors, hire with good jobs, and reinvest in the community. I'm a member of the Chamber of Commerce and I see this right on the front lines. I only go into big box stores now if there is something I cannot get from small business. I prefer to get lunch at a local deli where the quality is better and I know where the food comes from rather than fast food or chain stores. You also build relationships with the people who work there and there is also accountability and pride with what they sell or the service they provide.
by Jeff
Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:51 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

There's this Indian family on the first flood of my apartment complex. I swear to god they make and eat curry three meals a day, seven days a week. The hallways now reaks of curry all the time. It hasn't smelled right since they came. There are 4 of them living in a small one bedroom apartment. You'd think that if they moved to the USA, and not only that, but in Metro NY, you would want to partake in the foods of this country. We have restaurants with high quality food of every nationality, everything on the planet in your backyard. Most parts of the world they can't even imagine this. Even when I lived in Vermont there wasn't the diversity there is here. Nothing against immigration, but dammit if you want to be an American, assimilate. My great grandparents on both sides did and that's what made a community.
by Ziming
Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:06 pm
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Re: The Shenmue Dojo - 10th Anniversary Video & Members Gall

All ready to go out for Oz! ( trying on my clothes, but plenty of photos of me in the "day before" photos. With backpack, and Ryo jacket on me!) :lol:

by Peter
Tue Nov 20, 2012 9:11 pm
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Re: The Shenmue Dojo - 10th Anniversary Video & Members Gall

Hostess, I already miss you so...

by Jeff
Sat Nov 24, 2012 5:12 pm
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Re: Unpopular Opinions

Never once said that it was good for black people. A positive coming out of something bad doesn't mean it's implied as good. For example...

A young, wealthy 30 year-old dies a horrible death. Leaves all his money in his will to his uncle, who's about to have his house repossessed. Something good comes out of something awful.

Or historically...

Romans invade Britain, kick our arses up n down the country killin n rapin anythin along the way. We ended up benefiting from their advancements in technology.

Or religiously...

Jesus gets tortured and killed. All sins are forgiven.

Allot more negative things came from slavery than positive.

The event itself is beyond reconciliation, but the results of it help build a better world, believe it or not. If I remember right, that's the whole thing behind the climax of the Watchmen (not that I'm comparing real life to comic books/films... although I did previously mention a religious thing, but still...)

Yes the results help build a better world... that Africans don't even benefit from. SMFH.

No, slavery may not have been 'needed', hell it was never even suggested, but the alternatives could've been far worse. History tends to tell us one thing... Nations like to attack other nations before deciding whether or not "they're cool." Besides that, the idea of slavery was actually kinda stolen from Africa in the first place. And whilst I don't agree with any of the shit (or a lot of what followed), the situation now has spun out of that. Hell, even Blues began due to the slave trade. So whilst it was awful, disgusting, inhumane, etc., can you honestly say that the world would've been a better place if it had never existed?

Actually it was being suggested from what I was reading. And I have no idea where the hell you are getting you historic "facts" from. In Africa, there really were not slaves. Mostly servants, but not the same brutal form of slavery in the US. And fuck yes I can say the world would been allot better without slavery. Black would have been able to contribute to world even more than what we have/do. Music and entertainment is nice, but contribution in science is allot more important.

And you cannot blame the current state of Africa on the slave trade. Certain, and often major parts of Africa's history on a whole remains to this day rather sketchy, because - as Gil Scott-Heron so eloquently and sarcastically stated - "nothin was written down on paper."

Actually, allot was recorded. Paper and writing did come from Africa after all, (even though it will never be accredited). Most of records where destroyed by invaders. But I will give you that slavery itself was not the single thing that did Africa in. Civil wars and drought played a big role too. I can go on, but I see it's kind of pointless. I don't think anybody is a racist or anything, but just completely wrong .
by Brothaman
Sat Nov 24, 2012 6:23 pm
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Re: Shenmue retrospective

It's interesting that Martin Robinson decided to write a retrospective now, of all times... Lovely write-up.

My piece on Shenmue II will be finished in the week. This series needs to reclaim its voice.
by IAmNotABot
Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:01 am
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Re: Unpopular Opinions

that is a terrible example, north korea is a fucking shitheap with a terrible army. the south would walk all over them

also; loul@the healthcare argument
by beedle
Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:26 pm
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Re: Shenmue retrospective

I preferred the other recent article, IAmNotABot's, where the passion flowed off the page. This one's a little more restrained, written in a self-conscious style of forced analysis that barely reflects his motivation for such a pilgrimage. If you want to convert a non-believer, show them the other one first.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Mon Nov 26, 2012 2:13 am
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Re: Vote for Ryo in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transforme

So what is the Dojo doing, actively, to engage the userbase it has gathered over the past ten years or so into voting for Ryo and spreading the word to their friends?

I see one tweet on the Dojo's Twitter account, back on the 19th. Of those 814 followers, I'd venture to say that this one tweet would easily have been missed by enough would-be voters to catch up with Miku now. Would it hurt to post another? Nobody's going to unfollow after reading the same thing twice, over a week apart.

Putting the news on the front page is good, but for those who don't visit on a regular basis, how about an email sent out to all 6200+ forum members? Isn't this the type of occasion that such a function was built for? Again, no Shenmue fan's going to abandon the Dojo for daring to darken their inbox with an urgent call to action.

If Ryo finishes second then he'll still be included on the list presented to Sega (probably). But if his fanbase proves more powerful than even the fearsome cult of Miku, that surely becomes a much bigger bargaining chip for Shenmue III. As long as there's more we can do to achieve unqualified success, is there any reason at all not to be doing it? If not now, then when?
by Let's Get Sweaty
Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:11 pm
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Re: The Shenmue Dojo - 10th Anniversary Video & Members Gall

Hey Miles! Long time no see. I never had the chance to tell you, but I always found your coming out to admit you were gay on the dojo as being a part of the inspiration that lead to me coming forward on being transgendered. If anything, I wish I had had your courage much sooner. :puppydogeyes: Stick around for a while before you head out again. :)
by Sonikku
Thu Nov 29, 2012 8:47 pm
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Re: Unpopular Opinions

by KiBa
Sat Dec 01, 2012 11:51 am
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Re: If u were a Shenmue character...

As if anyone would have to ask.


Chai666 wrote: I'd be Chai,

Cos he handed it to Ryo in their arcade straightener

Not in my game he didn't. [-X
by Sonikku
Sat Dec 01, 2012 5:28 pm
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Re: What Song Are You Listening To Now?

by Brothaman
Sat Dec 01, 2012 8:46 pm
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Re: What Song Are You Listening To Now?


Sometimes I forget I forget how great this game is, but then it all comes back. This game has changed who I am, for the better -- still sappy as always but better at it.
by Thief
Sat Dec 01, 2012 3:35 am
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Re: Vote for Ryo in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transforme

I saw that. :lol:

S0L posted this on the Sega forum today as well, echoing comments he's made in the past:

If I was Yu Suzuki, I'd create a Kickstarter to obtain the rights from SEGA and fund Shenmue III...
by Let's Get Sweaty
Mon Dec 03, 2012 3:43 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Really glad to see ryan, mue 26(chris), and south carmain (ruben) yesterday. Thanks for the good time guys. Shame I don't have more time to do it often. Now that makes 4 dojo members I've hung out with!
by Yokosuka Martian
Mon Dec 03, 2012 4:45 am
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Re: Any other bronies on the dojo?

On TV they were trying to interview one of the stars of this show, but she seemed to be a little hoarse.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Fri Dec 07, 2012 12:13 pm
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Re: Team Yu needs you!

The Tweetathon went extremely well yesterday, so props to the forum members who made the simple effort. Here's a little more info about it.

As for Dojo management, what more can I say? I thought progress was being made with posts like this and the thanks received on this , but the silence of the website's official channels is now beyond conspicuous.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:24 am
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

"Nothing to see here. Go away. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."
by KiBa
Fri Dec 07, 2012 3:59 am
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

I voted against that shit. Besides, it still illegal to sell it, and that whole it will make the police focus on other stuff is a crock of shit too. The police came on the news right after it was passed and said it in fact makes their job a bit harder now. And no the state won't make any taxes on it, that was a lie too.

I would do it if I had a medical problem that it helped, but that was not illegal in the first place, one of my neighbors has a prescription for it, I think its for his back.

Of course it makes their job harder. Now there are slightly less people available to rope into the legalized slavery that is United States prison economy. The sentences for petty drug crimes are ridiculous and any overseer enforcing such nonsense should be ashamed of himself.
by Rakim
Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:15 pm
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Re: Team Yu needs you!

Nice attitude Ryudo.

The point however isn't about individual forum members, amongst whom there will always be a certain amount of apathy and pessimism. The point is about the Dojo itself upholding its position as a beacon for Shenmue fandom.

Don't get me wrong, the campaign doesn't rely on the Dojo's help. It would have meant a lot more when Team Yu was just getting started, and I emailed Yama to no response. So nothing's changed there, apart from the attention we've since garnered on our own. But it would still be nice if this site (as in, its official outlets, again not its members) would demonstrate some of that unity that was talked about during the All-Stars poll, for which I again had to kick and stamp my feet to get anything more than a solitary post out of each of the Dojo's official channels, while the rest of the Shenmue fanbase were plugging away day and night to earn and secure Ryo's place on top.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:23 pm
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Should Yu Break Bad To Fund S3?

As anyone who's seen Breaking Bad knows selling drugs get's you a lot of money. Yu needs money to make Shenmue just like Walt needed money for his family. No one really pays attention to Yu anymore so he could get away with it. He has a Ferrari so I'm sure he could buy a warehouse or RV.
by Riku Rose
Sat Dec 08, 2012 8:17 pm
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Re: Vote for Ryo in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transforme

Although I wrote the item quoted in that post, I was a little nervous when I learned someone had pasted it straight onto Sega's forum, where the reception was always going to be frostier than amongst the Shenmue fans it was intended for. But all things considered I think the thread has turned out rather well. Those who've tried wheeling out the old excuses against Shenmue III have had no comeback against the logic of fans who've given more than a minute's thought to the conundrum. The accepted wisdom has been broken down and exposed for the lazy thinking it's always been, and I'm now pretty pleased that it was given the opportunity to happen on Sega's own official platform.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Tue Dec 11, 2012 3:36 pm
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Re: What Song Are You Listening To Now?

by Brothaman
Sun Dec 09, 2012 10:19 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Just slip him a fiver.
by Sailors?
Wed Dec 12, 2012 4:36 pm
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Re: Shenmue Anime

Indeed. It will happen, surely. It's just that right now, all the community's efforts are dedicated to mining and making public all the music and graphics and art, and also to MiTT's Lost Chapter game. As soon as these projects are successfully complete, no doubt some storyboards might be drawn up, of course, volunteers are always welcome.

I know a few skilled animators who are also Shenmue fans. If anything materializes (and I mean very short shorts!), I will let the community know. I think it would be a lot of fun to at least produce 30s clips now and then with a short convo or sketch in the Shenmue universe.
by KiBa
Sun Dec 09, 2012 1:17 am
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Re: Should Yu Break Bad To Fund S3?

This QWERTY stuff is getting creepy, Mr. Slig.

He's not like Martin. Nobody wants him freed from the Phantom Zone.
by KiBa
Wed Dec 12, 2012 8:17 pm
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Re: Things That Made You Genuinely Happy Today!

And the rational-biological reason for wanting sex is the reason why it is pleasurable in the first place.

I hope it leads to many children, so that your life is full of happy things to do, and you'll never end up alone, and your form and that of your woman (who you love) will at least live for another generation, and thence, perchance, go on and on till your descendants see times worth seeing and live lives worth living beyond our imaginations, even across the universe.

Moreover, I hope the Dojo becomes humanity's first multigenerational interwebz gaming club. I'd like to see a virtual culture grow here, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren being connoisseurs of antique video games as well as new, continuing what we have begun here, still meeting daily well into the next century to discuss the state of the interactive art, and possibly grow into a studio or a center for studios making FREE games, or otherwise unique new approaches to the ancient art of storytelling, of which Shenmue is a fine example. For that is why we are here. We are the lovers and transmitters of wonder, which is wisdom. Thus, I hope this place becomes a beacon of light for all mankind, each most worthy of the new generations inheriting our usernames, and in such a way that we live on indefinitely. The son becomes the father, and the father, the son. Because everything we do is leading to a goal, the only goal for whom we are its goal. A convergence of meaning, like the raindrops of our lives falling into the sea.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how your turn any and every thing or situation into a religious experience, like Marlon Brando in Superman.
by KiBa
Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:06 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Morgan Freeman's response to the shootings.
"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations­, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem."
by Yokosuka Martian
Sat Dec 15, 2012 8:07 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Here in America once you've been convicted of a crime worse than traffic ticket you're pretty much screwed. When every application asks if you're a convict and there are 7 applicants to every job it stands to reason it doesn't take much to be put in the discard pile. Our prison system does more to debilitate it's inmates than rehabilitate them for functioning in normal society, but even among those that can survive it with a clear head, trying to make an honest living is practically impossible if they tried.

Of even more concern to me personally however is how America has a growing trend of making prisons into slave labor. It gives the system too much incentive to lock up innocent people for the lucrative business of putting them to work for profit seeking companies looking to cut cuts by laying off regular employees.
by Sonikku
Sun Dec 16, 2012 8:48 pm
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Re: Team Yu needs you!

FAO: Dojo management... again.

Shenmue fans have adopted the word UNITY for you, in the hope that you'll remember what it means. The proceeds have gone to a charity that helps speechless children learn to communicate...

If you decide you'd like to start representing a fanbase that's actively campaigning for this series - the name on the Dojo's marquee - then please do. It's not difficult or time consuming at all, that's the key to its continued growth, but I'm only too happy to help you get started if you have questions.

Otherwise, if Yama didn't mean these words and Ziming's finger slipped when he thanked this post , then I'll concede I'm wasting my time. But I feel those on the Dojo who support the Tweetathon deserve support in turn from the leaders of the website they inhabit and contribute to. That's what a community does.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Tue Dec 18, 2012 5:11 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Spoke to Henry recently. He seems better, which was good to hear..
by Crimson Ryan
Mon Dec 17, 2012 5:22 pm
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Re: Your favourite example of attention to detail in Shenmue

I liked the example that someone brought up in another recent topic. The fact that we're never supposed to be awake at dawn to see it, but they programmed a full sunrise anyway. Why? Because Shenmue, that's why.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:33 pm
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

Hey guys. Again, limited internet access and time means i cant be on much, but i do think of you guys and the Dojo everyday. I miss it, and hopefully there will be a time in the future where i have my own place with internet and some time to chill here. i hope everyone is keeping well, and you all have a lovely Christmas and New Years. :heart:
by Peter
Sat Dec 22, 2012 8:28 am
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Re: Shenmue Dojo Awards 2012

We should have a bajillion categories like the one Mitts did. I want this voting process to be an all day event.
by Thief
Sat Dec 22, 2012 7:35 pm
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Re: Team Yu needs you!

Much appreciated, Ziming. I've always felt that even if the tweetathon didn't help, it was a good outlet to display our disappointment with Sega over it, and that's a little something, at least. I believe we gotta stand up and not shut up about it. If you're not happy with something ya gotta speak up or you're forever getting your fudge packed.

There was a scene in the movie About Schmidt (later omitted) that echoes an earlier iconic scene from a much older Nicholson film, 5 Easy Pieces . In it Schmidt gives in to the demands of a waitress, instead of getting what he ordered. It was in early test screenings, but was pretty much deleted, yet a glimmer of it still remains in the movie at the beginning. In 5 Easy Pieces he's in a diner and asks for some toast, but the waitress wouldn't give it to him, and so he spoke up abut it. Here's the clip on Youtube.

This was a normal way of doing things back in the day. Your parents ever embarass you by making a huge fuss over something in public? Same thing here. People don't do this often enough anymore. We're too conciliatory. You might be surprised how often and easily this works. I once got a mailed threat from Blockbuster Video that they would take the money I owed them to collections unless promptly paid. They sent me this for a late fee of about 4 dollars that was only 3 weeks old. Normally, you might expect your customer to pay it the next time they rented a movie, but nooooooo, Them fuckers wanted their cash right now. So I wrote out a check to Ballbuster Video (literally) and in the memo portion wrote " Blockbuster sucks fucking donkey balls. Netflix is better!" They cashed that shit. A few months later, Blockbuster got rid of all late fees. I must not have been the only one to complain. and not too much later, Ballbuster Video pretty much went out of business. That's what happens when you lose sight of things.

One time I was at my local grocery store when the old lady ringing me up (who, I might add, coincidentally looked a lot like the waitress in 5 Easy Pieces) looked at the back of my card, saw no signature (it was a brand new card, got it that day), and reprimanded me on not having my signature on it, She wasn't nice abut it either. So I asked her if I could use her marker, as to oblige her. she gave it to me and I wrote EAT SHIT on it. I handed it back to her and said "HOW YA LIKE THAT, LADY?" The look on her face was priceless! I kept it on my card, and for years wrote it on all subsequent cards, for it really was just a colorful way of writing check ID. This tactic worked like a charm as instead of just glancing at the back of my card, people would go "Whaaaa?" and actually check my id. You should try it if you're having card issues. Most people would just laugh, but once in a while I would get frowns, and one time I was even kicked out by the manager of a Subway for it. More like forbidden to come back to the premises, as I got to finish my sandwich before getting the heave ho. Not like it mattered, the place was out of my neck of the woods. Speaking of Subway ....

A few years ago I would often stop by the nearest Subway to pick up my lunch on my way to work, until suddenly they stopped taking Master Card, and would no longer accept my only form of payment (I refuse to walk around with cash. We live in the future, goddamnit!) The other Subway in town was owned by the same person and thus didn't accept Master Card either. I took it upon myself to send both stores a Txt-to-land-line message every day that read "I am boycotting your store because you won't take Master Card. Because of that, I now eat at Jimmy John's. I am an unsatisfied customer, hear me roar!" It was a celebrity impersonator txt to landline service, and of course I chose Arnold Schwartzenegger. Because when it comes right down to it, ya gotta go with the running man. This went on for 3 and a half weeks until I woke up one fine morning and actually got a reply from the Manager of one of the Subways. She said that they were in negotiations with Master Card, but that they'd take my card anyway. So I went and got me a muthafuckin sammich. Nice happy ending, eh? Years earlier they had a sandwich called the Southwest Chipotle Guacamole crunchamunchfuckafuckafoofoo or smething like that. Either way it had Guacamole, which I had thought was what made the sandwich so tasty, but I was probably just too intoxicated to know I was eating garbage. Anyhw, I only got to eat it three times, the first time drunk, second time right after having a wisdom tooth pulled and still flying high on sodium pentothol, the third time while taking shrooms. The first and only time I took shrooms, and I didn't even really get many visuals, though my senses went into overdrive, felt like I was the six million dollar man, could hear everything outside clearly, and my subway guaca crunchasouthwestafuckafoo sandwich was the best thing I ever ate in my life. It was like angels pooping golden daffodils in your mouth. Wait, that's kind of a shitty metaphor. Anyhow, the sandwich was a limited time deal, I guess. I wrote them an email every day for a few months begging them to bring back the Guac, but it fell on deaf ears. I would make up the dumbest reasons for them to bring it back, like my great grandma was on her death bed, and she had finally mustered up the strength to utter 3 or 4 whateverthefuck words "S-s-suuu-uubbway S-S-southwest G-G-guacamole C-C-cr-crunchamuncha fuckaduppadadippittydo sandw-w-w-wwich." Years later they did indeed bring back the Guac, but it tastes like a fart tart. Maybe it was because I was sober?

My dad used to tell me that if someone punches you, you HAVE TO punch them back, and it's advice to live by. It doesn't matter if they're bigger than you, or that you don't stand a chance. Fucking man up and retaliate, he'd say, otherwise they own you no matter what. We gotta be less like Schmidt, and more like the old codger in this video.
by Shenmue Stare
Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:25 am
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New Ryo Hazuki Statue from


First 4 Figures announced on Christmas day that they will be creating a Ryo Hazuki statue. A teaser image was shown at the main site, they will start taking preorders in early 2013.
by ShenSun
Thu Dec 27, 2012 8:29 am
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Re: Random Thoughts! v2.0

So Christmas miracle or temporary curse.. But my parents dog who is more than 10 years old lost all sight, smell and hearing yesturday. They took the dog to the vet and the vet said she would probably never get her senses back again.
Because im Christian and actively pray atleast once a week, I prayed last night that God would restore the dogs senses. My family was devistated and it seemed like a horrible way to live for a dog thats been nothing but loving all its life.
Well this morning the dog is back to 100% normal again.
Either shitty vet or God granted our wishes, either way its very impressive and releiving.
by Axm
Thu Dec 27, 2012 1:57 pm
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Re: Happy Birthday Topic

Happy Birthday Peter, I think it's funny that a new piece of Shenmue merchandise gets announced on his birthday :lol:
by Thief
Fri Dec 28, 2012 6:13 am
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