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Re: Yu being asked the wrong question..

He doesn't work for SEGA and hasn't in a while now. He has no control over that. He has no say either. SEGA owns all the rights to Shenmue. That is why there is the campaign to get him the license to Shenmue before he can even sniff a Queef of the series again.
by Bluecast
Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:01 pm
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Re: In-Game Ryo vs Promo Ryo

That page is well outdated, as with a lot of he pages on the main site. It stopped being Akira when it changed from Virtua Fighter RPG to Project Berkley, which happened about midway through developing the Saturn version. They referred to the character as Akira as a placeholder name as it was what they were used to. Even Ryo's model in Shenmue is tagged Akira. Saying it wasn't Ryo's like saying Jumpman wasn't Mario.
by MiTT3NZ
Fri Aug 02, 2013 1:33 am
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Re: Have you given up or still hopeful?

There is still hope. Dragon's Crown was supposed to be for Dreamcast and a follow up to the Saturn game Princess Crown and the Arcade game Dungeons & Dragons in the arcades. Sure it's not a direct sequel with a continued storyline but technically in development in 1998 with publishers passing on it or didn't have the money or in ignitions case left the industry. So 15 years of troubled development and this was George Kamitani's baby as much as Shenmue is Yu's plus this was Georges most expensive game he ever made. So there is hope as hopeless situations can have a good turnout, Sure maybe that game is the exception but does not rule out the possibility of Shenmue III even if very very small.
by Bluecast
Sun Aug 18, 2013 6:19 pm
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Re: Have you given up or still hopeful?

Latin King wrote:I don't even think about Shenmue anymore, to be honest.

See, Yama, I told you that buying and redirecting it here would pay off.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Mon Aug 19, 2013 3:23 pm
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I'm remaking Yokosuka in fancy next-gen 3D.Yes,that's right!

Hello fellow Shenmue-fans.
A lot has happened since I joined the Dojo in 2005, but as far as Shenmue goes, we're still waiting : (. Back in '05, I was just another youth with an unsure future, but my favorite games of all time were, like most f you, the Shenmues (still is, to this day).
Now, almost 10 years later, I'm a professional 3D-artist, working in the video game industry. Fate, right? Anyways, since Yu and the Boys (and Nagoshi, and the Yakuza-guys) can't seem to do neither a remake of Shenmue I&II, nor shenmue III I've decided to take it upon myself to recreate the whole of Shenmue I in 3D, so everything's done for them the day they decide t actually do a remake! Handy right? : D

I posted this thread almost 2½ years ago, some of you might remember that, it was my intention back then to start this project, but work, life, and everything else came between. Now however, I've got a solid job, many interesting sideprojects running, and a lot of time to kill during the weekends! So, thus, the saga begins ;)

Hope y'all like this!
Every model is 100% custom made from scratch , no Shenmue-assets used at all, every texture is custom made, every painting and kanji based on screenshot/photos of my TV, which I've then painted on for maximum accuracy! It's not much.. yet, but it's something!

Everything's default rendered in the fancy Unreal engine atm, which I'm not yet really familiar with.. but I will be! : D

(I think it all looks kinda crap atm , the light is off and so on,but bear with me, I'll learn as I go and I'll see this through : ) )
The Dojo, for Shenmue Dojo! : D Lacking a roof atm.. working on that!
Gonna light the candles later too!
All the scrolls and stuff are based on the game's! Still missing the sword-box, working on it!
The door, with a red-brown inside, and dark brown outside, just like in the game : D
Really happy with how that hose and bucket turned out : D
The garden lantern! I added some kanjis, anyone recognise them? : ) I try to stay as true to the original look as possible, while adding "logical" details that current gen tech can handle but the DC could not : )
Some bushes and stuff, all very WIP! Note that the fence is now modelled, and not a polygon plane lik in the game ;P
As John Hammond said in jurasic park.. Spared no expense!

I'm working on this a bit every weekend, and sometimes during the wekdays. I'm fulltime employed at Paradox Interactive, and I spend a lot of my freetime developing games for iOS and such, so time is kinda slim but, as you can see, I'm getting somewhere! : D I'll update this thread every now and then when I get the time : D

And I'll see this project through! Probably before Shenmue 3 is released, anyway! xD

Also, thanks to Ziming who posted a lot of Shenmue screens last time I asked for them, without them, I'd have a really hard time creating all this in 3D (I do look in-game a LOT but, some things you just cannot get a good view of xD)

Also, last but not least, I'm ALWAYS in need of good reference material . If anyone got texture packs (i don't use the, but I look at them : )), hi-res screen, screens of weird angles (like, a skyview om Hazuki residence and such) it would be REALLY helpful to get my hand on these : )
by Lando
Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:28 pm
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Re: I'm remaking Yokosuka in fancy next-gen 3D.Yes,that's ri

Just amazing!
Thanks! Appreciated : D

"You met quota, son. Keep up the good work."
That’s what you would hear for your work at the harbour. Your doing amazing work!
Thanks! Do I get a raise too? : D

This looks absolutely fantastic.
Keep up the awesome work!
Thanks! I will, updates will come every now-and-then, probably somehting new this week, depending if I have the time to sit down with it : ]
by Lando
Tue Aug 27, 2013 2:13 pm
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Re: Support Shenmue in a big German poll

How about I ask the members of my forum to crush Shenmue in the next round? Wouldn't you all like that? With more than 1.5 million registered users and me being one of the main staff there, it shouldn't be a problem to get at least a few thousand votes against Shenmue. Not funny? Exactly!
Else I will rally some people from my forum to vote.... and we wont have to cheat to beat you!
Thu Sep 12, 2013 7:15 am
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Re: Models?


Getting everything incorrect lately. I told my mom to her face she had a mustache. X___X
by ShenmueTree
Tue Oct 15, 2013 10:33 am
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Re: Is there something wrong with Ryo?

Oh, another one of these...

I don't know why people always expect Ryo to hit on every chick that there is. Yeah it's actually the chicks that do the move but seriously, does he have to take all the offers? I find Ryo to be a much more likeable and "realistic" character then the stereotypical macho hero you get in every second game.

Ryo's father died and he has left his home for a foreign country at still pretty young age. He's distant and distrustful for a reason. Also, he might just still have his heart settled down for Nozomi, despite not showing it and keeps somewhat of an honor when it comes to girls. Then you could even consider his bad memories with girls. I sadly don't know where this came from but supposedly the fight with "that boy you fought with" was because of Ryo showing interest in a girl and the other boy mocking him for that. That could've affected his behavior early on.
by BlueMue
Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:58 pm
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Re: Cryptic message from Sega


What else gets spilled?


Which country produces a lot of tea?


Where's Ryo currently trapped?

Shenmue III confirmed.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Mon Oct 28, 2013 1:47 am
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

Just found out today off somebody that the lead programmer for Shenmue and systems designer for Shenmue 2, Tak Hirai (also worked on Space Channel 5 as lead programmer) was the project lead on this game, just thought people might want to know what this incredible member of the Shenmue team (one of SEGA's best programmers, ever?) is up to these days
by Henry Spencer
Wed Oct 30, 2013 4:57 pm
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Re: New Yu Suzuki's project


^Image made by David Brown :lol:
by Ziming
Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:38 pm
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Re: Anyone else feel this way?

Shenmue 2 is the best shenmue i have completed it 14 plus times
nope shenmue gai is the best shenmue
Make that Shenmue Online. Pre- Yu Suzuki involvement.

Or more seriously, after Shenmue 1 and 2 I would like to give honorable mentions to Shenmue Zero and Shenmue : The Boat. Their creators at least cared enough about the series to try and make something while fans wait for an official continuation. According to their resources of course. Actually, they even got Gai beat by having worldwide releases.
by ys
Fri Nov 08, 2013 7:33 pm
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Shenmue mentioned in Sony's giant list of video games

During Sony's big PS4 event in Manhattan, Kotaku chatted with Sony's Adam Boyes about what the folks behind PlayStation have planned for the future. He mentions both Shenmue and Yakuza as the most requested games. ( Kotaku Article )

The Official Playstation Magazine (UK) is asking what game or series not yet announced for next-gen do you most want to see on PS4? The best answers go in issue 92, onsale 20 December. Send your answer now!
by Ziming
Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:47 pm
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Re: Shenmue mentioned in Sony's giant list of video games

Cautious optimism is how I'm feeling here. BUT if we look at the facts, there is a decent possibility that Shenmue could return on Sony's console.

FACT: Yu Suzuki has stated that he believes that Sega will allow him to make the game.

FACT: He said this in front of the lead architect for the PS4

FACT: Said lead architect and Yu Suzuki are good friends

FACT: Sega has mentioned in the past they would be open to leasing Shenmue for console exclusivity

FACT: Now Sony mentions this news we're reading now.

Let's keep our fingers crossed. The chances of Shenmue returning this next generation are far better than it has been in years past. It's just all up to Sega to come up off of the IP.
by darksniper
Wed Nov 13, 2013 5:22 pm
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Sony Is Trying To Bring Shenmue To Playstation

Let's not be too specific. We've had nothing. Let's just tell them to support Shenmue and leave it at that, no mixed signals. If they want to release it all in a single condensed game, that's fine. If they do ports and a third installment, that's fine too. Let's just get Shenmue, the shape or form is irrelevant at this point. Just make the focal point Sony reviving the series, however they choose to do so. Less mixed signals and more clear support = better results.

Will be sure to help promote this widespread.
by Yama
Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:01 pm
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Re: Sony Is Trying To Bring Shenmue To Playstation

If you want Sony to witness the largest possible demand for Shenmue then it's really worth focusing on the hashtag that most people will be using on December 3rd, and that's #GiveYuTheShenmueLicense. Whether it seems like the most appropriate phrase or not, clicking on this hashtag will uncover a wealth of support for Shenmue, and it's that general principle that matters, regardless of how it's expressed semantically. Don't encourage Sony to click on a less established hashtag when they could instead be clicking on one that turns up more search results, each of which will demonstrate just as much love for Shenmue as anything Sony-specific. The message is ultimately the same, but louder.

After this Tweetathon it will be full steam ahead with a new hashtag and ways in which to use it, but on December 3rd we have to play our strongest suit and that is currently #GiveYuTheShenmueLicense.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Fri Nov 15, 2013 3:26 pm
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Re: Sony Is Trying To Bring Shenmue To Playstation

If your house was on fire and you had to choose between saving your wife or Yu Suzuki, any sensible person knows you'd Afterburner.

(You can quote that on the cover of your autobiography, Suzuki-san.)
by Let's Get Sweaty
Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:14 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki revisits Shenmue in GDC 2014

A lot of people are downplaying this but the fact that Mark Cerny is translating and that this is coming after all the recent Shenmue talk going around... Seems like something more than what is at the surface. Why do a postmortem now and not in the last twelve years? Why have a very good friend, who happens to be the lead architect on a popular next gen console translate? Why mention Shenmue in PlayStation tweets and such?

Is an HD collection coming or is it something more or something less or is it nothing at all? Doesn't make sense for all this to be coincidence. S'all I'm saying...

Also yes I know Mark Cerny translated before and he worked at Sega for seven years but nevermind that and let me dream, dammit!
by ShenmueTree
Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:07 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki revisits Shenmue in GDC 2014

“I would say within the next six months we’ll have at least one if not a few announcements to make.” -Sony's Adam Boyes

by Ziming
Tue Nov 26, 2013 12:24 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki revisits Shenmue in GDC 2014

GDC Organizer 1: "We need to book a postmortem for this year's conference. Any retro games hot in the media lately?"

GDC Organizer 2: "Well there's a lot of buzz about Shenmue."

GDC Organizer 1: "Cool, I don't think that's been done before. But Yu Suzuki's Japanese, we'll need a translator."

GDC Organizer 2: "Mark Cerny did it for us last time."

GDC Organizer 1: "More buzz! Give him a call."
by Let's Get Sweaty
Tue Nov 26, 2013 2:02 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki revisits Shenmue in GDC 2014

Ziming wrote: We have to get someone representing Shenmue Dojo into this postmortem event. Seriously.

Alimn may be still living in San Francisco. He would never miss the opportunity.
by Kiyuu
Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:50 pm
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by Guest
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December 3rd Shenmue Day


Thank you to everyone who took part in today's event.

December 3rd 2013 is proof that when Shenmue fans stick together, their a force to be reckoned with. Hopefully, we can maintain this pressure in the coming months, and get Sony to take notice of the passion that the Shenmue fanbase has.

As a result of everyone's effort, I would like to offer each and every one of you a special gift that I've had lying around for a while. More on this in the coming weeks,

Special thanks to Adam Koralik and TeamYu. These guys really went the extra mile for us.

Well done everyone.


=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Hey guys,

As most of you already no, Team Yu will be performing their regular Shenmue event on the 3rd of December. Usually, we leave them to spread the word on their own. However, due to recent amount of attention Shenmue has got from Sony, and the media in general, I, along with some others, feel that this day should be heavily promoted, in order to maintain the pressure that we currently have.

Check out the following link

That's Sony's current poll of what fans would like to see come to the Playstation platform. As you can tell, it's 90%+ dominated by Shenmue. This is thanks to Team Yu, the Shenmue Facebook pages, and Adam Koralik.

Sony's Adam Boyes has also stated that Shenmue is one of the most request games on their third party production list.

Although this is a small victory, it would be nice to have this same sort of pressure placed on Sony and Sega's twitter account. Naturally, Sega will probably ignore it. Sony on the other hand. have a tendency to respond to their fans.

If we keep pushing Sony, i'm certain we will see something happen with Shenmue. I have spoken to Adam Koralik very briefly, and he is on board to promote the Shenmue day on the 3rd of December. If he puts out the video from the 1st of December or before, it will attract a lot more individuals over the following days, compared to if he uploaded on the day of the event.

I would like Team Yu to discuss what they require from us to make this a success. I personally think that all necessary tweets should be sent out to @SEGA, @yosp, @amboyes, @playstation, and @giocorsi. I think everyone can agree that #GiveYuTheShenmueLicence is probably the most appropriate hashtag to use, given the amount of support it has racked up over the past year. However, just so Sony get the point, I think everyone should leave a "Shenmue 3 or Shenmue HD to playstation" message in their tweet.

I think that the easiest way to pull this off is if the thunderclap method is promoted heavily via Adam's video, Team Yu etc. By doing it this way, everyone can leave the message many days in advance and not worry about tweeting on the 3rd.

In addition, does anyone on this board have a Neogaf account? I ask because there are multiple threads on that forum with similar protest events. This includes Yakuza and Final Fantasy Type 0. To no surprise, these were the other two games high on Sony's list.

Unfortunately, Shenmue doesn't have it's own dedicated protest thread on gaf. If it did, you can be sure that it would attract at least another 10,000 + potential supporters.

All in all i suggest the following

1) Adam Koralik promote the event with the Twitter accounts i mentioned above, and heavily encourage others to use the Thunderclap method so that viewers send their message there and then.

2) Someone with a Neogaf account make a thread with all the information of this post and whatever i missed out on.

3) If Adam decides to make a video, upload it on to Zimings channel. like i said in another topic, there a 5000+ potential supporters on that channel that can help us.

4) Team Yu etc, keep us up to date on everything, and whatever you need, DEMAND IT FROM US.

5) Message other youtubers about the event. Happyconsolegamer, alphaomegasin, scottishducktales etc

Any other thoughts?
by ShenSun
Thu Nov 28, 2013 8:08 pm
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Re: December 3rd Shenmue Day

I'm on board. I'll make one for my channel.

As it stands, in a different Shenmue video, I'll be promoting it again. However I will do a dedicated video on the 1st or second.

Are you asking me to do two videos? One for my channel and a different one for the Dojo's channel?
by AdamKoralik
Thu Nov 28, 2013 11:25 pm
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Re: SEGA confirms Shenmue III trademark as fake (Gamespot)

Worst. Topic. Title. To. Be. Ever. Read. From. The. Forum. Page.
by Peter
Fri Nov 29, 2013 11:37 am
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Re: Why Shenmue's Future Only Makes Sense on PS4.

I think when the day comes, no one will give a shit about what system its on.
by Peter
Sat Nov 30, 2013 12:46 am
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Re: Yu Suzuki revisits Shenmue at GDC 2014 (Postmortem)

Illuminati eyes, you say? Illuminati I's? How many I's in "illuminati"? III 〓 Shenmue III confirmed.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Mon Dec 02, 2013 4:59 am
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Re: Giving up smoking

Exactly. That's why you enslave them and lock them up in a ball for the entirety of their existence.
by MiTT3NZ
Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:45 am
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Re: Blog: What if Shenmue was exclusive to XBox One

nskachu wrote:
Who Really Cares? wrote: Phil Spencer on it.

What's his position? Does he have any remarkable influence? If yes, then... Wow!
by Who Really Cares?
Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:03 pm
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Re: Blog: What if Shenmue was exclusive to XBox One

Phil Spencer on it.
What's his position? Does he have any remarkable influence? If yes, then... Wow!

Microsoft Game Studios Chief/Vice President, you might remember him from E3.
by Ziming
Wed Dec 04, 2013 3:01 pm
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Shenmue Panorama

I was originally going to post this in the Shenmue 1080p thread but it's not 1080p and it's ultimately a different sort of image altogether. I also thought maybe it would work in my project sekai thread but I'm going to use that for when they're animated. (Yes, I'm working on it and it's going to be AWESOME!)

Anyway, here is my first one. Click the pic for a much bigger view!
by ShenmueTree
Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:28 pm
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Re: Blog: What if Shenmue was exclusive to XBox One

I'm not missing or ignoring anything, I just don't believe those points are relevant to the situation. You're comparing Xbox exclusivity against other (equally) hypothetical scenarios like Playstation exclusivity or a multiformat release. I'm comparing Xbox exclusivity against the actual current scenario of no release at all. And given that direct choice, I see no legitimate reason not to proceed with an Xbox deal if Microsoft were interested.

First, I never said they should NOT do a deal with Microsoft if it was offered. I gave reasons why it would be the worst option vs SONY if they were both on the table. My personal preference would be on another platform and I gave my reasons for that. But that was just that, personal preference. My first reply stated I would be buying another Xbox for it. So you are in fact missing/ignoring things I've said.

Second, how are my points not relevant to the situation? Everything I said was relevant, some of which was already mentioned in one way or another by others. This topic is about our thoughts of it going to Xbox One so I gave them, along with my reasoning. From the very first reply people have done the same thing I did. You have made it clear you don't care what it comes out on, to say the points I brought up aren't relevant is absurd. The thread isn't "SIII on Xbox One or not at all?" This topic would not exist if that were the case.

You realize that even without the deal Shenmue II on the Dreamcast would have been in Japanese rather than English. You could have also imported the pal version if you wanted to play it that much.

I did, I got it about two weeks after release from like I did all my others PAL/JAP copies of SI/II. I just prefer to have US copies in my collection. So the only way to have a US version of the game was on Xbox, we didn't get in on DC like everyone else did. Sorry for the confusion when I say in English.
by Raithos
Thu Dec 05, 2013 1:47 pm
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Re: I am Katherine from USA.

I am AnimeGamer183, also from USA. how YOU doin Katherine? You need a man? I could take you out to dinner and show you the town maybe have a few drinks, then we could go back to my place and wind down and I could make all your cares and worries melt away, and you'll be good as new by morning ;-)
I think she banned herself after reading that..
by Crimson Ryan
Mon Dec 09, 2013 2:33 pm
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Re: I am Katherine from USA.

Hey, she ain't no street punk! When Katherine of the USA speaks, she means what she says..
by Crimson Ryan
Mon Dec 09, 2013 12:36 pm
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by ShenSun
Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:54 pm
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Re: Why Shenmue's Future Only Makes Sense on PS4.

In a few words, I think the point on why PS4 is the appropriate console for Shenmue (in the basis of considering and comparing the sales and the audience kind, of the three major console manufacturers), may arise from these facts:
⋅  A Xbox console is not the one most of the gamers will go for JRPGs and it is not successful in all regions, that is not successful in Japan.
⋅  Wii U (currently) does not sell well worldwide. (Otherwise, it would be an appropriate one.)
⋅  A PlayStation console is the one a lot of gamers will go for JRPGs and it is successful in all regions, including Japan. Furthermore, as the current reports show, PS4 sells better than the Xbox One (and both of them have the merits to outsold Wii U).

I will say the classic saying that, whatever the console, the game is I care the most. Even if Wii U will take it (if they are really obsessed with finding one game that can sell consoles ), personally I will take it (and I am not indicating here that I like or not like, Wii U).

Epilogically, consider this post .

As for why Shenmue's future makes sense, pardon me but I can not answer that question unbiased, because me and a lot of others Shenmue fans we struggle every so and often, almost every day, to make our voices being heard, to make Shenmue's future bright and make sense (for those who only look at numbers).
by Giorgio
Wed Dec 11, 2013 1:45 pm
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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts "I'm staying at a friend's place tonight so don't worry."
This can be found in phone calls file, maybe it's just unused phrase.. but what if not? :shock:
by Radar
Sat Dec 14, 2013 10:01 am
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Re: Jokes

Why are chefs so nice?
Because they like cows.

Sorry, my brother came up with that one when he was 5. We won't let him forget about it.
by OL
Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:10 pm
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Re: Chi you men boss of the bosses??

The fortune telling is only a vague hint where you can find her. It's purely geographically because the Black Heaven Bldg is in the north of Kowloon and Chunyan could be considered the nothern fighter of the bunch. The animal isn't hinted but black and north do match. Rod is the Phoenix (Phoenix Bldg.), Greg is the Dragon (Blue Dragon Garden) and then there is Baihu who is the Tiger. The area you fight him in was actually supposed to be called Tiger Gate Bldg during developement (there is a left over load screen afair).

Shenmue loves the legend of the four heavenly beasts and it's repesented in quite a few situations.
by BlueMue
Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:12 pm
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Re: Japan + Legalized Casinos + Sega = Shenmue III??

Any news is news worthy. I feel I should clarify something here. We have an endless amount of unique viewers checking the front page regularly compared to our forum, which is the largest Shenmue forum on the internet. They're checking for any tidbits available in regards to the series. I receive e-mails on a daily basis, users that aren't forum savvy or choose not to join. The entire point of community integration on the front page was to help push news to everybody faster. I've made it clear (though perhaps should have kept pushing) that I'd accept any and all news posters under some specific guidelines in which we'd discuss via PM, all I'd need is a PM stating you are interested. I want any and all news on the front page, there is no barrier as to what is 'news worthy' as long as it is a credible piece of news in some shape or form. This will help benefit the awareness of the series, the site is crawled daily and the more updates the better. If you're serious about pushing for such things, do help out.
by Yama
Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:11 pm
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Ryo in Sega All Star Racing Transformed (Images/Gifs)

Last year fans prevailed in a competition to get Ryo into Sega All Star Racing Transformed. We can now confirm his character is playable in the game. This time Ryo is racing with classic arcade cabinets like Outrun and Hang-on. Source: NeoGAF

Animated Gifs : OutRun Arcade Cabinet Vehicle | Hang-On Arcade Cabinet/Jet Ski
Images: OutRun Arcade Racer | Hang-On Arcade Jet Ski | Character Select |
by Ziming
Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:54 pm
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Re: I can't be the only guy who doesn't want Shenmue 3, righ

If you don't think it's worth the effort to keep trying new ways to bring about Shenmue III, then that's entirely your choice. You can retire to your cave and forget all about it. Good for you. Enjoy. But you have no right whatsoever to tell anyone else to give it up and that they should be embarrassed for trying. Be it for a videogame sequel or anything else in life. Shame on you for that.
by Let's Get Sweaty
Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:05 pm
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