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Re: Yu Suzuki revisits Shenmue at GDC 2014 (Postmortem)

Video coming soon. And this is in San Francisco huh?
by AdamKoralik
Tue Nov 26, 2013 11:23 pm
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Re: Sony Is Trying To Bring Shenmue To Playstation

The following is essential to the success of the next event.

1) Keep the regular hashtag (giveyutheshenmuelicence)

2) include sony's #buildingthelist in every tweet, as it also contains a large amount of Shenmue support.(Hell, it's what made sony take notice of the ip in the first place.)

3) include sega, sony, adam boyes, giocorsi and mark cerny in your tweet.

4) PLEASE, PLEASE, EVERYONE who is in a better position for promoting this event, DO SO. (youtubers adam koralik, ziming etc. also any neogafers, please post a thread to gain attraction, owner of the dojo and shenmuemaster etc, provide constant updates on the frontpage). You have the resources to make this event much bigger, so why not use them?

5)In every promotion, mention the thunderclap procedure, so no one misses out on the day.

6)The rest of us can spread the word around as much as possible. Do this in any shape or form. Gain as much support as possible, much like when Ryo was in that Sega racing poll.

Lets make December 3th a special day.

TeamYu, Shenmue500k, etc, keep up the amazing work.

I actually made two videos about this, the second one you shared. This is the first.
by AdamKoralik
Sun Nov 24, 2013 10:05 pm
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Re: Sony Is Trying To Bring Shenmue To Playstation

Hey, hey, y'all! Not sure if this will be seen as advertising, or anything, but I made a video last week expressing my excitement about the excellent news as well as some ideas for improvements for the HD remasters, etc., so I'd love to hear what you think of it:

Because you asked...

1: The story that came about regarding a Sega employee claiming Shenmue I and II HD were done was confusion on the former employee's part. They were never finished.

2: The Kickstarter thing was a massive fuck up. The short version is that the translator mistranslated what Yu Suzuki said.

3: HD Remasters being released. I stand in the unpopular minority here. Everyone wants Sega to put them out there on everything and hope for the best. I see this as absurd.

First, Sega has such little faith in the series, you can be damn sure they wouldn't do the ports justice.

Second, they throw away their best bargaining chip with any potential investor. Let's say I'm Sony. I'm vaguely interested in funding Shenmue III. But I want Shenmue I and II exclusively on my console so that it maximizes the amount of customers who NEED my hardware. If Sega released an HD port on their own, to everything (consoles and PC), kiss Shenmue III good bye. Unless it sold a STELLAR amount. Which it wouldn't be likely to do.

Expanding on that. If you think I'm wrong, I present you with the fact that Sega released HD ports of Crazy Taxi, Sonic Adventure I and II, Jet Grind Radio, and so on. Where are their next installments? Exactly.

4: Please give up any delusion of Shenmue I, II, or III being released on the PC. You may like the idea on the surface, and I agree with you. The modding potential would be fun. But you need to properly analyze how unrealistic that is. As said above, if Shenmue I and II HD get releases on everything, PC included, with no Shenmue III on the horizon, then that is where it all ends.

5: I like some of the ideas you have for changing certain things about the game play.

Using the second joystick is a good idea. Though I disagree with changing the pacing, though you don't seem to agree with yourself either. :P

But, I can see where you're coming from.

I agree with the online leaderboards, that'd be neat.

Disagree with the rotary dial complaint, but that's a personal preference.

I completely agree with the music suggestion.

I also agree with the voice acting, leave it be. But I'd like the option to switch between languages. English and Japanese. Personally I prefer the Japanese audio and English subtitles.

Though most of these changes are unrealistic. It's highly unlikely Sega would change anything for the better. If Sony is paying the bills, then maybe. But unfortunately you use examples of games that were massive successes financially that got proper remake treatment. Metal Gear Solid and Halo for example. Shenmue would not qualify, as much as I love it.

6: Welcoming Shenmue III, that's a given sir. :D

7: As stated before, unless you have one specific console creator fully investing in Shenmue, you better pray it doesn't get an HD release. Though I wouldn't worry about this, it's clear Sega won't be doing it themselves.

8: You can't guarantee Shenmue would sell well. We all hope it would, but we do not know that. Though I do think it'd move a bunch of PS4s off shelves.

9: I think it's vastly more likely Sega will simply grant permission to Sony in exchange for a cut of the profits or a pre-paid licensing fee.

10: Overall, nice analysis, thanks for making it.
by AdamKoralik
Mon Nov 25, 2013 3:41 am
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Re: December 3rd Shenmue Day

I'm on board. I'll make one for my channel.

As it stands, in a different Shenmue video, I'll be promoting it again. However I will do a dedicated video on the 1st or second.

Are you asking me to do two videos? One for my channel and a different one for the Dojo's channel?
by AdamKoralik
Thu Nov 28, 2013 11:25 pm
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Why Shenmue's Future Only Makes Sense on PS4.

Please, before screaming and raging about whatever your personal platform preference is, watch this video I prepared to discuss this.

Hopefully, by the end, you'll agree.

phpBB [video]
by AdamKoralik
Fri Nov 29, 2013 7:47 pm
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Re: December 3rd Shenmue Day

I shot it today. I'll post it on the 1st or 2nd.
by AdamKoralik
Fri Nov 29, 2013 9:51 pm
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Re: Why Shenmue's Future Only Makes Sense on PS4.

MiTT3NZ wrote: Get back to work... ;)

I am. I get like 5 hours of sleep a night. It sucks.

Currently editing the Shenmue Thunderclap promo video. Then later I need to shoot a different video (not Shenmue related). It never ends.
by AdamKoralik
Sat Nov 30, 2013 3:39 am
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Re: Why Shenmue's Future Only Makes Sense on PS4.

Clearly a lot of passion and effort went into making that video, along with all your others. You do a lot for the Shenmue community as well Adam which I'm sure everyone here is extremely grateful for.

But Mittenz and Who really cares do make good points, i think it's unfair to completely disregard their criticisms because you disagree with them.

Either way, it's nice to see some real positive attitudes again. Looking forward to your next video.

First, I want to thank you for watching.

Second, I need you guys to try and understand me here.

The video is aimed at my 14,500+ subscribers first, and die hard Shenmue fans second. The channel is a mixture of game fans, only a small percentage of which are actually Shenmue fans. The video must be presented in a general way so as to make it clear to people who do not know much about the series. It is a given that Shenmue Dojo members will know more about the game and its history, and there fore find the video insulting at times. While I actually mention this in the video and apologize in advance for it, no one seems to have noticed that.

As also stated in the video, if I'm wrong, I'm open to hearing alternatives. I believe I mention this when I first talk about it not coming to PCs. Even if that wasn't clear, here I am flat out saying, I'm open to hearing pragmatic alternatives.

Only ONE person (a subscriber on my channel) has presented me with anything valid as an alternative.

What he suggested was the idea that a third party software company (in this case EA) team up with Sega to go multi-plat. It was an idea I never thought of, and I thought made sense. It's unorthodox, and not likely. But I was more than open to hearing it, even said as much in the comments. He didn't expand on it any further though.

Most arguments I get include statements like "fuck you, XBox One will be HUGE in Japan. Fag." Or "this guy is an idiot, it should be on PC" or "you're full of shit, Wii U is the best" and "video is too long, game should be multi-plat!"

Some have even simply suggested the most viable path to get the game made is to literally do nothing and give up. Yes, wonderful plan.

That is the typical kind of negative/opposing comment I deal with. No one explains their line of thinking, they simply proclaim what they want. Despite my attempts to carefully explain why I feel none of those can work, due to the history of the series and the industry.

Stating at the beginning there will be three type of reactions, is simply the truth. You yourselves would realize this if you do what I do. There will be people who agree with you, there will be people who will decide how they feel after they hear you, and there will be people who disagree with you, some far more harshly than others. The only purpose of explaining this in the video, ironically, was so people who know a lot of about the series wouldn't think I was being condescending, as I literally say in the video. Though it didn't stop people like Mittenz of accusing me of it anyway.

Not that you need to care, but I moderate comments on my channel (14,500+), another called GameSocietyPimps (110,000+ subscribers), BlameSocietyFilms (220,000+ subscribers), and even several Machinima videos (10,000,000+ subscribers).

What this means is that I have to deal with a plethora of hate from every direction, and I see a wide range of absurd statements. Welcome to the internet, what else can I say.

Perhaps I didn't say everything I could have in the best possible way, but who could? Has none of you ever made a statement that people misunderstood? How did that make you feel? Now open that up to thousands and thousands of people. Errors happen, sorry, I'm not perfect.

It is certainly your right to disagree with anything and everything I said, but I openly request that you present me with a valid alternative. Despite comments from some of you saying I'm labeling people, and not open to criticism and every other silly statement I've received, I am yet to hear any other viable paths (save for the one listed above). You may not like my idea, you may not like my presentation, or just dislike me, whatever it is. But dudes, at least I'm trying here. I really am.

Every theory kicked around has its holes, including the Kickstarter option. The one I've put forth simply has (as far as I can tell) the fewest of them. I've been very open about saying if the Wii U sales turn around, bam, that's an option. If Sega goes nuts and decides to make the game themselves, great it goes everywhere. If Microsoft does the unthinkable and becomes a massive hit in Japan, awesome that's an option. But none of those are here and now facts, while I don't even like the Playstation brand, the PS4 simply makes the most sense as far as I see it.

But forget that message, all that matters is to attack me personally.
by AdamKoralik
Sun Dec 01, 2013 3:28 pm
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Re: Shenmue Tweetathon

My video promoting this will be posted tomorrow.
by AdamKoralik
Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:40 pm
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Re: December 3rd Shenmue Day

Thanks guys, sorry about vanishing there for a bit.

Happy to help with the video.

Unfortunately I can't post it on GameSocietyPimps without my partners permission, one of which would be very opposed.

Though he has suggested we play Shenmue on the channel. This would result in us...frankly making fun of it. I haven't been open to this idea.

Do you think that would be a good idea?
by AdamKoralik
Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:25 am
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Re: December 3rd Shenmue Day

Well, I've asked our fans via Facebook to see if they'd be interested (not pre-existing Shenmue fans). So far, the reception has been positive.
by AdamKoralik
Tue Dec 03, 2013 9:38 pm
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Re: Diagnosed With Testicular Cancer :(

I hope you get well soon dude.

By the way, had the chance to check out the Shenmue Xmas Special. I wrote up a full review, I'd be happy to send it to you if you're interested.

Short version though, excellent job.
by AdamKoralik
Wed Feb 12, 2014 6:27 am
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Re: Diagnosed With Testicular Cancer :(

I completely understand, now go kick cancer's ass!
by AdamKoralik
Thu Feb 13, 2014 12:27 am
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