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Re: Yu Suzuki has confirmed PayPal funding Post-Kickstarter

I bet we will reach 10 million eventually because of this. Good move.
by Axm
Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:15 pm
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Re: What a journey this month has been.

My memories of the campaign:

A lot of people being confused by the reward tiers due to arguably less than ideal planning from the outset.

More passion and love for this series than I ever imagined could exist, despite how much I loved it myself.

Multiple instances of tears of joy (July 3rd push, PS4 physical announcement, finding out Yu cried at E3, learning Yu was moved by the "Thank Yu" video, and of course, this final day.)

The resurrection within my heart and soul of the previously dead belief that DREAMS DO COME TRUE. There just aren't words to adequately express how much more than a mere video game this means to me. Dreamcast changed my life. This is like having something from it back again.

Still overwhelmed by it all.

Also: I really feel, despite how poorly managed certain aspects of the campaign were, Awesome Japan deserves at least credit for all their hard work. Even if they didn't do a fantastic job at all times, no one can deny they worked hard in my opinion. Hard work and poor results aren't mutually exclusive.
by Anonymous81
Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:26 pm
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Re: Shenmue III Kickstarter Ends At $6,333,295; 69,320 Backe

This is so surreal. Reading your piece there Sonoshee, it really made the events of the last month hit home with me. This has truly been amazing. What an incredible time to be a Shenmue fan
by JaySw34
Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:37 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki has confirmed PayPal funding Post-Kickstarter

I think they waited cause they wanted to have the KS rake as much money as possible. If they would've announced it earlier, some people would've put it off.
by Kenny
Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:37 pm
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Re: Yu Suzuki officially announces Paypal support for Shenmu

I don't know why people get all uppity about donations -- you don't have to donate anything ever. It just allows those who are willing (and wanting) to donate the ability to do so.

Regardless, I didn't donate to Kickstarter. I bought copies of the game and cool as fuck limited edition junk. These rewards would likely extend to the Paypal options.
by Thief
Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:57 pm
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A personal message (english/french)

Special message :

EN :

Shenmue III Kickstarer has ended and we have done an awesome job !

Shenmue has changed my life and since 1999 I've been following the community and so on. My first japanese words came from that game and the reason I am still learning today is probably because of Shenmue.

For the past 14 years, I kept going forward and even though I had some difficult times here and there with the false rumors, I never gave up. As a fan I always wanted to meet Yu Suzuki and that's what I did last year when I've had the chance to interview him in Japan and provided the last 2 Chiyoumen bosses names and exclusive infos.

Always tried my best to keep the community alive, had the chance to be an admin of this awesome group and from now on I will keep doing my best for all of us to achieve greater things.

Since the Kickstarter started, I've slept like 3-4 hours a night and that lasted until today. It was really difficult but really worth it and I can't thank you enough.

Our goal as a team was to make sure Shenmue III would see the light of the day and we did it ! Now, I also have to follow my own goal : working for Yu Suzuki on Shenmue III. To be honest, I don't even know if my dream will ever come true or even if I deserve it, but I won't give up now.

People often asked me why I wasn't working on the Kickstarter Campaign or even why I wasn't listed during the KS campaign update about fans. Some of you sent me really kind messages asking me to go keep trying, to be a Community Manager or representative of the Shenmue Community in France/US and/or Japan and that's what my next goal is. I want to keep trying because you always tried to cheer me up and were counting on me.

Thanks to all of you ! If my dream ever come true, I'll all let you know.

Best regards,


PS : In case you want to follow me and see what's going on, feel free to follow me on Twitter. I am also in charge of Yu Suzuki's official twitter (french version) so even if you don't understand, you're more than welcome to fav and RT to boost up Yu Suzuki and Shenmue III's visibility.

Links :

My interview :

Twitter :


FR :

Le Kickstarter de Shenmue III est désormais terminé et nous avons réussi encore plus que je ne l'imaginais.

Shenmue est plus qu'un jeu pour moi. Il a eu un énorme impact sur moi et a changé ma vie. J'ai commencé à apprendre le japonais à travers son histoire et aujourd'hui si je continue à apprendre, c'est sans aucun doute grâce Shenmue, même si d'autres facteurs provoquent cette passion.

Depuis ces 14 dernières années, je suis toujours allé de l'avant même lorsqu'il y avait des difficultés. Comme beaucoup j'ai été attristé par les nombreuses rumeurs qui ne se sont soldées que par des déceptions. Mais je n'ai jamais abandonné et j'ai toujours su qu'un jour Shenmue III finirait par voir le jour.

L'un de mes rêves était de rencontrer Yu Suzuki et j'ai eu cette chance l'année dernière lorsque j'ai organisé mon interview grâce à laquelle j'ai pu vous transmettre de nouvelles informations comme les noms des 2 derniers boss des Chiyoumen etc.

Je ne peux pas cacher que le Kickstarter m'a énormément épuisé car j'ai passé tout ce mois à dormir entre 3 et 5h par nuit et je suis un peu sur les rotules. Mais ça valait vraiment le coup.

Notre but a toujours été de faire en sorte que Shenmue ne soit pas oublié, de le mettre en avant et de permettre à des personnes qui ne connaissaient pas encore le jeu de se familiariser avec. Aujourd'hui c'est chose faite et même si la route est encore longue, nous avons réussi de belles choses. Merci à vous tous.

L'objectif commun de ramener Shenmue III à la vie étant réalisé, il est temps pour moi de travailler sur un objectif personnel et essayer de réaliser mon rêve, à savoir : travailler avec Yu Suzuki sur Shenmue III. J'ai pas les compétences d'un programmeur mais je pense pouvoir gérer un poste de type Community Manager ou représentant. Beaucoup d'entre vous m'ont envoyé des messages d'encouragement et je vous en remercie. On m'a souvent demandé pourquoi je travaillais pas sur la campagne Kickstarter et qu'ils auraient mieux fait de m'engager, mais malheureusement ça ne dépendait pas de moi. Je ne sais pas si je mérite de travailler sur un tel projet, mais je ferai de mon mieux pour concrétiser cette envie.

Je vais persévérer afin de réaliser mon rêve. Si cela se fait, je ne manquerai pas de vous le faire savoir. Dans le cas contraire, je continuerai à faire de mon mieux afin de vous apporter de nouvelles informations et à soutenir le projet.

Encore merci à vous tous pour votre soutien, que ce soit envers Yu Suzuki, Shenmue III ou envers moi. La communauté que l'on représente est une chose magnifique et j'ai eu l'occasion de rencontrer et discuter avec des personnes formidables.

Je vous dis à bientôt !


PS :

Si vous voulez suivre mon actu, je vous laisse mon twitter ainsi que celui de Yu Suzuki (compte FR officiel dont j'ai la charge) :

Mon interview :

Twitter :
by DEVILLE_David
Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:20 pm
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Re: Forbes claim $20 million is already secured privately


Case Closed.

Now where's my Paypal option and Shenmue HD port? That right there should be an article.
by sand4fish
Sat Jul 18, 2015 9:11 am
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Re: What did you guys think of the last twitch stream

phpBB [video]

I don't know why but this made me laugh out loud.
by Bambi
Sat Jul 18, 2015 8:29 am
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Shenmue 1&2's 3D Character Modeler To Work On Shenmue 3

Yu Suzuki has revealed on the latest Twitch Stream that the modeler who did Shenhua's 3D model in Shenmue 1 and 2 is coming back to work on Shenmue 3. He was referred to as "Mr.Ito", presumably Takashi Ito . Yu Suzuki and Kenji Miyawaki also reiterated their commitment to improve the characters faces in Shenmue 3.

Source: Twitch Stream
by Rikitatsu
Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:25 am
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Thanking the dojo and it's members

I am a new member to the dojo, pleased to meet you all. I finally decided to create an account given the recent events (shenmue 3 existing). Although i never registered i have been visiting the dojo over the years in order to remind myself that i wasn't alone in loving this game.
Like many others, i had given up hope of ever playing any new shenmue game, but you guys kept the hope alive and maintained your commitment to it.
Thank you, it's because of you that the kickstarter exists, it's because of you that the story can continue.

May the dojo live forever.

Sorry if the texts has any mistakes in spelling or grammar, being portuguese, english is my second language.
by zema
Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:19 pm
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Re: Thanking the dojo and it's members

Long live Shenmue and the dojo!
by Arm Wrestler
Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:12 am
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I cried like a little bitch last night...

and I dont care. Anyone else lose their man card last night? What emotions were you feeling while watching the Twitch stream/seeing Yu-san get emotional etc? A night to remember thats for sure, even if I was as emotional as a mid menstrual cycle woman.
by AnimeGamer183
Sat Jul 18, 2015 11:17 am
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Re: Nocon Kid & Shenmue III

Here's a good interview with Nocon Kid, for those that haven't seen it:

I wonder if Yu Suzuki chose Unreal for part III after seeing Nocon Kid's work, it wouldn't surprise me.

And there is precedent for Sega hiring this guy, as they used fans to port the original Sonic to ios back in 2013:
by colacube
Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:15 pm
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Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Final Countdown Video (Twitch)

phpBB [video]
by Ziming
Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:33 pm
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Re: What sort of ending will Shenmue III have?

phpBB [video]
by ShenRy092
Sat Jul 18, 2015 2:42 pm
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Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

We're just not used to these idiots talking about Shenmue -- along with a new game comes dumb ass nerd culture and constant uneducated criticism. They have the chatter endlessly about something, this week it's Shenmue, next week it's some dumb ass Nintendo exclusive whatever the fuck. Just let them rattle until they realize their lives are completely devoid of any meaning or culture and they've wasted years talking about nonsense.
by Thief
Sun Jul 19, 2015 6:36 am
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Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

Like Theif was saying, we have now reached relevance in the gaming world again.
The project, Yu Suzuki, the fan community.. we are all open game now for trolls, fanboys and ignorant know-it-alls.

-The game isnt on Xbox and is console exclusive on PS4? = We will have Xbox fanboys try and discredit the worth of the game.
-The game doesn't have teh b3st gr4f1x evar?!1 = Looks like pong.
-They never heard of it before? = Doesn't matter whatever its like, it sucks anyways.
-They don't understand how the funding/development works? = Dr. Evil is controlling everything behind doors.

Eventually one of us are going to have a brain aneurysm fighting against the nay sayers. I will probably be that person eventually. Until then I'm going to save my energy for when the game is out and reviewers start slamming it for whatever dumb reasons.
by Axm
Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:09 am
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ScottishDuck17- I Was On The Shenmue 3 Countdown Stream! :D

phpBB [video]
by Ziming
Sun Jul 19, 2015 11:54 am
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Share your Thoughts on this Past Month

Wow guys, what an insane and unexpected journey this has been. All of a sudden we are all thrown into a situation where we have to come up with cash we had no idea we would be spending shortly over a month ago. And look at what we have achieved in that time? With no prior knowledge that this kick starter would be happening, we have managed to put 6.3 million dollars on the table from each and every one of us collective effort! Im just blown away.

My inner Shenmue fan is just burning with excitement and joy and satisfaction and relief and closure and it just feels like after years and years of speculation it can be put to rest and history been made in the process! I am just happy with the way everything has gone, we got the paypal option everyone was wanting, its like everything has gone as well as it possibly could have, and the drama and hate couldnt even stop it from breaking records. Everyone knows about shenmue now, and has to respect it.

The feelings over this past month were deep and meaningful, I always just felt so optimistic about it, and I just let myself sink back into this community and watched the streams and spent time with you guys again and it just really brought back many feelings from this community that I havent felt in a decade. Like holy shit, we are actually talking about Shenmue again, we have new information to discuss on a daily basis. All of our lives here got flipped upside down in the past month, and some how its been a great great thing in my eyes, but I am still looking forward to being able to relax and start the waiting process for Shenmue 3.

To everyone here Thank You and Cheers! :beerchug:
by AnimeGamer183
Sat Jul 18, 2015 12:43 pm
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Demul v0.7 alpha build 180428 - Updated 28/04/18

Demul is a really good Dreamcast emulator, and unlike NullDC it's still being worked on. Although it requires a more powerful PC to run smoothly at this current stage, it's being optimised and more bugs are being fixed with every new release.

You can download the latest build from the following link

This is the latest build of Demul with the following changelog:

Demul v0.7 alpha build 180428

- Fixed image distortion on Nvidia GPUs.
- Rebuilt using latest Visual Studio.

Demul v0.7 alpha build 180426

- Fully emulated scaler/filter, should fix most if not all games which was cut in size if in TV-modes.
- Filtered NaN UV texture coordinates (Soul Reaver lifebar fix).
- Filtered negative vertex coords (MK Gold with ATI fix).
- Allowed upto 128 layers.
- Emulated primary/secondary render target buffers for Opaque/PunchTrought lists (Agartha proto flashlight fix).
- Fixed MvSC2 SCORE blinking.
- Handle edge case ELAN IRQs.
- Auto hide mouse cursor when in fullscreen (with 5 seconds timeout).
- Prettify "start in full screen" option.
- Renamed SPG/GPU display to FPS/RPS.
- Corrected purupuru device reply (Resident Evil 2 fix).
- Fixed xinput crash if attempt to configure inputs during emulation.
- Fixed few games with inverted "pedal" inputs.
- Fixed AEG/FEG which might stuck in edge cases (some sounds in MvSC2, ReVolt jump sound, etc).
- Fixed RF ID generators for Dinoking, Love&Berry, etc
- Small corrections to JVS I/O Sense line.
- Patch for Orion Puzzle Collection (workaround for Kalisti SDK bug).
- Documented actual game developers in game list.

Demul v0.7 alpha build 160818

- ADPCM decoder tweaks.

Demul v0.7 alpha build 160816

- Fixes current LBA after CD-Mil security check (Pier Solar works again).

Demul v0.7 alpha build 160814

- fixed freezing bug in KalistiOS-based games with DC keyboard controller.
- fixed freezing bug in some WinCE-games if VMU is present.
- improved Dev.Box emulation.
- patches for Cycraft InitialD and ClubKart (boots, but not yet playable).
- better aspect correction and filtering for Cave CV1000
- InitialD, ClubKart and Derby Owners magnetic card readers are now emulated (press PUSH6 key then the game will ask to insert/take card)
- fixed Marvel vs Capcom 2 characters during intro.
- ClubKart2003 input fixes
- WWF Royal Rumble 4 players input works now.
- NAOMI DIMM Board is now emulated.
- added recently dumped NAOMI and Atomiswave sets
- romset in sync with MAME
- bunch of other minor fixes and stability improvements

Demul v0.7 alpha build 221215

- ATI texture perspective bug fix is now optional (only works for ATI and causes glitches on Nvidia GPUs).
- Ancient CDI v2 parsing killed by accident has been restored.
- GD-ROM status/irq bug fixes (Gauntlet Legends).

Demul v0.7 alpha build 201215

- Disk swapping functionality

Demul v0.7 alpha build 181215

- SH4 MMU optimizations, many WinCE games now work full-speed on a modern PC.
- Tile Accelerator has been rewritten and optimised.
- Support for Xinput devices without vibration has been added.
- Automatic DC video mode selection.
- Simple deinterlace for TV-mode.
- Rotate and Aspect Ratio fixes.
- Optional Bilinear filter added.
- Libchd doesn't require SSSE3 anymore.
- Fullscreen switching crash fixed.
- gdrImage subcodes emulation bug fixes and improvements.
- gdrImage bug fixes and cue/bin support.
- SH4 exceptions handling bug fixes.
- Supid Invaders now boots OK.
- Fixes for recent indie games.
- Romset sync with current MAME
- Other minor tweaks and optimisations.

Demul v0.7 alpha build 230915

- "NAOMI 2 Vertex Cache" option for ATI/AMD GPUs (disabled by default).
- AMD-specific texture glitches fixes in many games (Shenmue II, ECCO, HotD2, etc...).
- Several minor optimisations.

Demul v0.7 alpha build 200915

- NAOMI 2 emulation has been rewritten almost from scratch, emulation is now very close if not the exactly same as real hardware, a lot of optimisations added, emulation can now use a separate thread (DX11NG)
- Shadow rendering fix (Cosmic Smash)
- Romset sync with current MAME

Demul v0.7 alpha build 310715

- More precise SH4 FSRRA opcode (What's Shenmue fix).
- VMU window auto open/close.
- DirectInput thread now properly terminates (VMU window close fix).
- Emulator now can be closed by ALT+F4.
- Naomi2 shadows improvements (DX11NG Plugin).
- Naomi2 screen scale (DX11NG Plugin).
- Various romset corrections.
- Several minor performance improvements and bugfixes.

Demul v0.7 alpha build 190715

- Shenmue II's After Burner II mini game is now playable.
- SH4 MMU fixes & improvements.
- Crackin' DJ 1&2 are now playable.
- Ferrari F355 Deluxe now plays with sound/BGM music.
- Several Naomi 2 Fixes (materials, lights refactor).
- Foolproof VMU files creation.
- gdrCHD & gdrImage plugins now save the last used image path.
- Better Xinput deadzone handling.
- GDI audio fix in gdrCHD (this plugin is now recommended to be used with GDI images too).
- A workaround to resolve issues with AMD Catalyst 15.7 drivers.
- Several other minor tweaks.

Demul v0.7 alpha build 190715

- OnChip access correct bit width only
- add flti0/1 PR flag check
- reg binding cleanups and fixes, PR sanity checks
- fix DIV0S, optimise DIV1 and add linking current block
- fix Invalidation code
- fix delayed slot exceptions
- interrupts fixes / improvements

- fix CD PLAY after SEEK for Taxi2
- small fix for bleemcast (almost work)
- G1 DMA discrete step

- use less attenuated ALFO
- mixing levels fixes
- EG timer fixes
- properly handle Decay level = 0 case
- optimise IRQs

- rewrite SPG
- fix Holly registers for wince
- add real HOLLY IDs for all supported platforms

- speedup boot
- decode boot from Altera firmware
- render fixes: offset color flag, handle flats
- add Gaelco Footall
- preliminary support Gaelco Footall analog inputs

- SCIF link for AW Maximum Speed and Chase1929
- fix Marvel vs Capcom 2 intro Guile character head
- disable menu in fullscreen (fix clicking it with mouse in light gun games)
- netplay: add option to disable flash/sram sync
- set windows timer resolution to min possible value
- rom loading refactoring, NAOMI GD-ROM sets now require security PIC dumps, old GD-rip binaries not supported anymore
- fix save states crash
- improved creation of Dreamcast flash and "timehack"
- NAOMI DIMM CF support
- fix mouse X/Y calc then screen rotated
- fix error when set memcard time in DC bios
- fix DC flash erase, handle correct sector sizes
- Elo touchscreen fixes for Atomiswave and NAOMI StarHorse
- emulated HW210 IC card reader (Dragon Treasure, WCCF)
- SHIO hopper board HLE, Kick'4'Cash playable
- Added all recently dumped games for supported platforms
- Romset in sync with current MAME
- many other changes and fixes

Demul v0.7 alpha build 171011

- -listxml now generate "merge" tags
- minor romset corrections
- fix AICA DSP recompiler state load crash
- about box crash fixed

Demul v0.7 alpha build 171111

- Akai Katana support added.
- Mushiking IV/V/VI added, new card codes included.
(to change 4-5-6 game version go to game test mode BACKUP CLEAR and hold both players buttons 1 for 3 seconds).
- DX11: fixed Cave bi-linear filter.
- ymz770: implemented main volume and clip control.
- ARM: DP immediate Carry little fix.
- Basic analogues simulation when playing with keyboard (arcade only).
- Gaelco: improved ball mechanic simulation.
- Dreamcast game name handle fixed.
- DX11old: fixed shader filter settings load.

Now Shenmue II's AfterBurner II , OutRun , Space Harrier and Hang-on are fully playable.

AfterBurner II


Space Harrier


Hint: to minimise the sound-distortion bug that happens every now and then, it is recommended to uncheck v-sync in video config settings.

Note: Please don't ask me to provide any SEGA copyrighted files required to run the emulator, Google is your friend.

Please test the emulator and kindly provide your feedback of any bugs/performance issues you may find, especially with Shenmue and Shenmue II. It'd be really helpful if you could also provide a save file at the spot where the bug/glitch happens alongside your bug report.
by masterchan777
Sun Jul 19, 2015 1:56 pm
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Thank You!

Hi, I've lurked here from time to time but thought I'd finally register so I could thank everyone here for all the hard work in making Shenmue 3 a reality.

I only first played the series a few years ago but the impact has been huge. The instant I found out about the kickstarter I pledged as much as I could and have been quietly following the campaign ever since.

I'm very excited to follow the development of this game and will definitely be hanging around here a bit more. Once again, thanks to everybody!
by adrian92
Sun Jul 19, 2015 3:19 pm
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Just to say thank you...

For never letting the community die and never giving up on the continuation of the Shenmue story.

I've lurked these forums since they started without ever having signed up, always checking every few months to see if there was any news or if there was anything going on.

As soon as I saw the kickstarter I donated straight away. How many years had I (and everyone else!) waited for that moment?

When you see that around 60,000 people have raised over $5,000,000 it just shows that this game really is for the fans.

I've been watching a lot of Yu-sans videos and getting the kickstand updates and think it's awesome you guys have been credited and recognised.

You have my thanks for everything you've done and this forum has to be part of the reason why there is going to be a Shenmue 3.


by MorganMoogle
Thu Jul 16, 2015 11:19 pm
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LEGO Ideas - SEGA Classic Arcade Machines & Yu Suzuki

Some of the most renowned Sega arcade machines (as well as legendary developer Yu Suzuki) are on their way to being immortalized - in the world of LEGO!

LEGO Ideas allows you to vote on fan ideas for new LEGO sets.

The 'Classic SEGA Arcade Machines' project needs 10,000 supporters in order for The Lego Group to evaluate it and decide whether or not to make it into a real set; the amount of supporters currently sits at 4,309 with 411 days left...

'Build miniature representations of classic Sega arcade games out of Lego bricks! These minifigure-scaled replicas will look good displayed on your desk at work or home and are perfect for use in your Lego City! The three included minifigures look great at the controls of these detailed builds.'

The machines include: Space Harrier, Outrun & Thunderblade.
The figures include: Yu Suzuki, Female Sega Fan, Male Sega Fan

For more images/information and to support the proposal, please visit the following website: Lego Ideas: SEGA Classic Arcade Machines

Links & Hashtags: #Shenmue3
Lego Ideas: SEGA Classic Arcade Machines | Official Shenmue 3 Website | News Archive
by Sonoshee
Mon Jul 20, 2015 7:31 am
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Re: [Video] Yu Suzuki SM3 Interview on Niconico Live [Englis

Update: captions now added for the first 13 minutes to the video and transcript . This new part covers a brief history of Yu Suzuki's early games before Shenmue. Please check it out if you are interested.

Disclaimer: the section of the interview from 39:00~40:20 contains plot spoilers.
by Switch
Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:37 am
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Re: LEGO Ideas - SEGA Classic Arcade Machines & Yu Suzuki

Howdy all, I'm the guy that made these models and submitted the project to Lego Ideas. Thanks for your support! I was actually going to post about it here a couple of days ago but ended up not doing it for whatever reason.

That figure sitting in the cabinets is supposed to be Ryo, but it is made with existing Lego pieces, so the printing on the jacket isn't accurate at all (it's some other Lego character's torso and the closest one I had that looked kind of like Ryo's jacket). I did start to work on custom decals for Ryo's jacket but never finished it.
When I submitted the project, I had no way of knowing that Shenmue 3 would actually happen, so I thought a Ryo minifigure would be a long shot and thus focused on Yu and the generic Sega fans instead. However, the success of the Shenmue 3 kickstarter is a compelling argument on why it should be included if the project passes review.

In case you were wondering, I haven't made any of the other cabinets yet. I actually just moved so all of my Lego is packed up in moving boxes and I'm not sure when I'll be able to did it out.

If you all have any questions about the project feel free to ask here or on the project page's comments section!
by spacysmoke
Mon Jul 20, 2015 4:01 pm
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Re: Shenmue Collections & Merchandise

Hi everyone!

I've been following this web and forums a long time ago, but I never writed any contribution before... I'm from Barcelona (Catalonia) and on my 34 years old I'm actually feeling like a child trying to manage the excitement for the new Shenmue III !! \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
Thank you all who helped to make it real trough kickstarter! I'm so glad of my 300€ pledge!! :king:

Well, I think that is the reason I finally decided to post something...
I've seen amazing collections of Shenmue merchandise on this forum that made me sooo jelaous! =D> =D> =D> and I'm very proud of mine and would be great to share it with you!

I don't use to post in forums and I have readed the faqs to try to do it well... sorry if I make something wrong... here we go!!

A general view:

Guides and magazines:

Versions of game,OST and others:

Versions of the movie (official and none, and the gang edition)

Soundtrack cds, with christmas edition and notebooks:

Some stuff!

The Wristwatch!!! 8) 8) 8)

Great plastic dosiers:

Fan made!

I love this!

Phonecards collection!

Cool statues catallogue:

Some advertisings (... ethnic super tanned Ryo??! :roll: )

As you can see, I have some duplicated articles... sometimes I think of sell it throug paypal or something, but I never find enough free time!

Well guys... I hope that you have enjoyed this the same way I've enjoyed watching your collections!!
I know some important stuff is missing (ryo limited statue and forklift sega racing specially for me) but my actual family issues doesn't allow me to spend all the needed money and time... #-o

See you guys! And remember... Keep friends... those you love... close to you...

Sorry for my errors writting in english...!
by Pol
Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:42 pm
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Shenmue Gaiden on Hiatus

Shenmue Gaiden has been placed on hold for the time being due to Esspiral no longer working on the project. While, I currently have a some assets for the game, more are needed in order to achieve the desired result.

I'll have to wait for more assets to become available from the modding community

The project will be released at a later date. Stay tuned for further updates.

Apologies, if this disappoints some of you, but it is what it is.

In the mean time, look forward to other community projects coming out on a regular basis on the shenmuedojo forums.

Thanks again.
November 2015 update
Greetings everyone. Today, I thought id update you all on the Shenmue Gaiden project. Everything is going according to plan and we're making great progress. It's certainly a very ambitious project, but i'm confident we can all make it a reality.

Shenmue Gaiden currently has two types of models, original and new. The upcoming demo will contain the original models, whilst the full game will contain the new detailed versions. These new renders take time unfortunately. Here's a sample of both types.

The image on the right is the newer model. It has improved lighting, textures, details and special effects. Esspiral continues to improve and his work is simply amazing. I wish I could show you more :)

Fully animated weather has now been implemented into Shenmue Gaiden. Currently, only rain is functional. Expect more in the full game.

Although this is a still image, the rain particles are fully animated when playing. This effect gives the game a more professional a authentic feel.

We now have the original Shenmue Modder, LanDC working with us. LanDC will be composing music for the title. I've heard a few sample tracks from him already and they sound GREAT!!!. Check out his latest public Shenmue remix below.

In addition to, we've also been given some other great amazing music for the project. Samples to come in following updates.

I'm happy to say that after some testing, Characters will now be able to blink and have their mouths move when speaking in a conversation. Here is a prototype shot of one of the characters.

During certain periods of the game, you'll be able to freely explore various areas. To do so, we've implemented a world map containing the playable areas of Guilin. Simply choose an area which you wish Ryo to visit and you'll be taken there instantly. Pick carefully, as each area will have different sub stories.

Throughout the game, you'll be given the option to spend more time with certain characters. You'll be given a ton of choices to choose from when engaging in conversation. Choose wisely. Each choice will alter the character's response and perception of you.

We now have a sample script for those who wish to do voice acting. Please record as many characters as you'd like and upload your demo reel to youtube or email them directly to [email protected]


Finally, we'll be posting a new help thread in the community section. This thread will be use to request specific help from everyone. We can't make this project fully without your input. Please help as much as you can. Link to follow.

That's Novembers update for you. Please give us your feedback, suggestions and questions. If you'd like to help out on the project, please send us an email. [email protected]

Thanks everyone.
Weekly update
- New Shenmue Gaiden Facebook Page
- New staff
- Amazing new voice actress
- More Faqs
- Exclusive release items
- General updates to the page
- Click the following link for the full breakdown

Send all your questions and requests to [email protected]
Facebook Page

Hey Shenmue fans. So over the last few months, me and the amazing Esppiral have been working together on a special project. We originally planned to reveal it back in June but chose to delay it as Shenmue 3 was announced. Never saw that coming lol.

Without further delay, the Shenmue Community would like to present to you all.....

Title : Shenmue Gaiden
Platform : PC/????
OS: Windows XP/7/8 / ????
Release date : 2016 / (Demo 2015)
Game Type: Visual Novel
Story: Non-Cannon. (This is a fan made game. Do not take the story seriously. It's something we threw together and does not represent the actual Shenmue story at all.)

All images are a work in progress. Expect massive improvements as the year goes on.

Shenmue Gaiden will be a spin off non-canon story and take place just before Ryo reaches Shenhua's house in Guilin. A second story based in Hong Kong will also be included. Shenmue Gaiden will focus on the Shenmue Online characters. The lady in red and Lan di will be involved, however, they will take more of a background role. This will be done as we dont wont to interfere with the original story too much. We would like it to feel as authentic as humanly possible.

After walking through the beautiful forest of Guilin for hours, Ryo and Shenhua finally reach their destination. This brief moment of peace is quickly interrupted as the pair are approached by a young girl begging for help. The Xiangjin village has been attacked by a woman dressed in red and group of men wearing black suits. Ryo and Shenhua make their way to the village to investigate. What sort of danger awaits them?

After being defeated by Ryo and his friends, Dou Niu and Yuan are determined to get revenge. They team up with an old foe and seek out the Heavens and Xiuying within Hong Kong.

Ryo - Hero of the series. He promises Lui Hui that he'll find the people responsible for the attack on Xiangjin village.
Shenhua - Heroine of the series. She is good friends with the children of Xiangjing village and accompanies Ryo throughout his travels in Guilin.

Lan Di - The main villain of Shenmue. His reasons for being in Guilin continue to be a mystery.
????? - Mysterious woman dressed in red.

Xiuying - One of the masters of Hong Kong. A very strong and independent woman. She is determined to stop Dou Niu and Yuan once and for all.
Ren - Leader of the Heavens. Nemesis to Dou Niu.

Luihui - An orphan child from Xiangjin village. She looks up to and respects Shenhua.
Shui - Another child from Xiangjin village. He is good friends with Lui Hiu
Maggie - A fearsome and mysterious woman

Chi You Men - The Henchmen of a mysterious organisation.

More to be added.......

All characters sprites will be in full HD and receive noticeable upgrades to their models. Different expressions will also be added to their faces depending on the situation. This will allow us to deliver an extra layer of realism.

Sprites will also receive various lighting effects depending on the background and time of day.

Finally, each sprite will have their eyes and mouths move when speaking or on screen.
Hopefully, all of these improvements will add an extra layer of realism and provide a better overall experience.

Character Model Improvements list
- HD Models
- Dynamic lighting
- Animated faces

All backgrounds in Shenmue Gaiden will be in FULL HD and optimized to support widescreen. Those who played the previous visual novel may have noticed the game running at a 800x600 resolution. This new entry will run at a minimum 1080x720 and support other resolutions.

The backgrounds will also received noticeable upgrades such as lighting and special effects.

Guilin Langhuishan Area

Textboxes has been customized to reflect the feel of Shenmue. The text itself is a work in progress. Here are some sample images from the game.

Ren And Joy

Yuan and ???

Chi You And Village Boy

Ryo and M

Cutscene images will also make a return. However, this time they will be custom made and not directly ripped from Shenmue 1 or 2.

Ryo Training

Ryo and Shenhua by a campfire


Ryo and Shenhua walking through the forest

Mechanics / Others

Shenhua's House
Each night, you'll return to Shenhua's house. Before you go to sleep, you'll be able to discuss the current events of the story, along with having a general discussion about every day life.

Shenhua will also teach you the game's system mechanics and give you advice about future events.

Choices, Choices, Choices

Image maps
Certain sections of the game will give you options to explore various areas at your leisure. Each path leading to a different area of the game.

Conversation choices
Those who played the first game knows that it was full of conversation choices which led to different responses. This game will have the same features but expand on them further.

Voiced characters
One feature we would really love to include is voiced characters. We would love the community to contribute to this. Adam Koralik, his girlfriend and others have already expressed their interest in doing voice over work.

More unique jobs than the first visual novel.


Music will consist of tracks from Shenmue online, Shenmue Orchestra, Fan made music and Shenmue 2 Guilin music.

More info to be revealed soon!!!

Q - What type of game is this?
A - This is a visual novel title. A visual novel is an interactive narrative driven game using static images, text and sometimes video clips. Think Pheonix Wright.

Q - Why did you make this?
A - This is a passion project and was made for the Shenmue Community. We haven't had a Shenmue game in 15 years, so we thought it would be nice to create one.

Q - How many people do you think will play this title
A - Not many. Maybe around 50 - 100.

Q - The character portraits look strange?
A - Esspiral is practically remaking the character models. Its hard work. Expect them to improve in the final game.

Q - Copyright /Sega/Ys net/Cedric Biscay
A - This is a non profit simple fan game. There are hundreds of Sega fangames all over the internet. That said, if Sega, Yu Suzuki, Cedric Biscay or anyone else involved with Shenmue want us to stop the project, then we will cancel it immediately. No questions asked.

Q - How did you make Niao S......i mean the lady in red
A - Me and Esspiral broke into SEGA HQ and stole the plans for Shenmue 5. In all seriousness, Esspiral has put a ton of work into creating this model. The result is magnificent as you can see.

Q - Can I help on the project?
A - Absolutely. Scroll down to the bottom of the thread and see the list of available jobs. Whichever one suits you, send us an email and we will go from there.

Q - You shouldn't interfere with the Shenmue story
A - This game is non canon and will focus on the characters that have been written off from the series (Shenmue online characters). Lady in red and Lan di will take a more background role.

Q - Can you make chapter 2? (Ryo traveling to Hong Kong via boat)
A - Its possible. One day, we may try it.

More FAQs coming soon....

The following individuals have shown interest in taking part in the Shenmue Gaiden project. More staff will be added in the coming weeks. Some individuals may want to withdraw from their current positions in the future. Staffing not final. Wishlist staff are the ones we would like to recruit. Current staff, please email us regarding any additional info. [email protected]
- ShenSun (Producer/Director)
- Esspiral (Producer/Director)
- David Diville (Shenmue Master/French coordinator)

- Shengoro James (Shenmue 500k coordinator)
- Ziming
- Yama

A sample of various phrases/lines/part of the script will be sent out to the voice over team in the coming weeks. Casting of characters will then take place.
- Adam Koralik & Mrs Claus
- Adoxographist
- Shengoro James
- Laura Eliza
- Axm
- David Diville
- Ceej & Brother
- T'Pei
- Heather Chu Bishop
- Giorgio
- Ryo911
- Bryan Figueroa
- More to be added.....

Shown interest. Awaiting Confirmation.
- Eternal Dragon
- Happy Console Gamer

- Esspiral
- Riken productions
- Matthew Velazquez
- François Bilodeau
- More to be added

Needs to confirm
- David Formston

- LanDC
- Miles Prower
- Adrian Farrugia (Editor)
- Redandwhite
- ShenmueP1

If you would like to help on the project, let us know. This is a community project, so all help is welcome.

Current jobs
-- Voice Overs (To voice certain characters in the game)
- Fan Artist (To draw Shenmue fanart)
-- Voice Ripper (To rip voice files of specific characters from Shenmue 1/2)
-- Editor (Read the script for spelling and grammar mistakes)
-- Video Editor (Create trailers for game and to demonstrate updates on youtube)
-- Photoshop Designer (Create wallpapers and promotional images for the game)
-- Music Creator (To remaster or create original Shenmue inspired soundtracks)
--Any other unique skill that you may have, let us know. Contact us at [email protected] or message us through Shenmuedojo

The following is the development plan for the rest of the year. If we stick to this vague schedule, we should be able to release a demo on Christmas day. Some crucial info may be missing. Updates to the page as we notice them.

October 21st - 31st 2015
• Base game / engine built. (COMPLETE)
• import all current backgrounds / characters (COMPLETE)
• complete basic structure for Guilin demo chapter (COMPLETE)

November 1st - 30th
• Incorporate events, ?, story branches, social events, image maps, music etc.
• Shenmue Gaiden update on the 3rd

December 1st - 10th
• proofread script
• Shenmue Gaiden update on the 3rd
• hand script over to David Deville for French translation
• Receive final demo script
• Have script voiced by voice actors

December 19th - 24th
• Have script voiced by voice actors
• Send copy to david and esspiral for approval.

December 25th
• Eat Christmas dinner and open presents
• Release Shenmue Gaiden Demo
• Presents for all.

December 31st - 1st January
• New announcements
• Feedback
• Party

Updates will continue, with major updates being released on the 3rd of each month.

Many Thanks.

If you would like to speak to me or Esspiral about the project, jobs, or anything else then please send us a private message through the Shenmuedojo forums. Alternatively Email us at [email protected]

Like our Facebook Page to get updated on new developments

Shenmue Gaiden Facebook Page

Thanks a million guys. We hope you all enjoy the game.

by ShenSun
Tue Jul 21, 2015 10:28 pm
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Shenmue Scrolls Skyrim Mod - Development Blog
Currently back in production , this is an older thread and I have deleted outdated information from my other posts.
I will create a new thread when I have something substantial (and awesome) to show.

Skyrim is great game engine to recreate the Shenmue Game Environment

3rd & 1st Person View

Dialogue & Character Interactions

Object Inventory & Inspection

24 Hour Game Clock & Timed Events

NPC Daily Routines

Dynamic Changing Weather

Barter Purchase & Selling

On the downside Physical Combat is limited to 'Punching' . While the Melee & Magic Combat in Skyrim is very good, I would not want to see Ryo or any character going on a rampage. That doesn't mean Ryo can't go off hunting or fight some Japanese Demons
by ReeceKun
Mon Jul 27, 2015 2:22 am
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Shenmue 3 In UK Games Magazines

Hey guys,

Just picked up 2 magazines from my local newsagents here in the UK, I got the Official Playstation 4 mag, and Games TM. After reading through both magazines, I would say Games TM sound more like fans, as alot of the early "hype" in the magazine bearing E3 mentions Shenmue 3 quite alot. I took shots of the main Shenmue 3 related pages though incase you were interested. Feel free to post your own shots from your own magazines you might find with Shenmue 3 tidbits in :)

Games TM:
Games TM August 2015 Editor Note by James Brown , on Flickr Games TM Shenmue 3 Article by James Brown , on Flickr

Official Playstation 4: Official Playstation 4 Magazine Shenmue 3 Article by James Brown , on Flickr
by James Brown
Fri Jul 24, 2015 2:22 pm
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Re: Stuff in Shenmue

That is actually a different Baisha village. Shenmue III will feature a Hakka walled village with Tulou buildings named Baisha, which is actually more typical in Fujian than Guanxi (Guilin) but they exist all over Southern China in various forms.

I don't think they've specifically said if Shenmue III is set within Guilin/Guanxi or not.
by shenmue852
Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:22 am
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Re: Shenmue 3 In UK Games Magazines

Tour of French magazines

Playstation official
Shenmue 3 ranked as 6th best surprise of the E3 (FF7r was 5th and Horizon 1st)
"However, this impulse of generosity from frenetic fans raises questions about ethics, the feasibility and the interest of the kickstarter."
"If it keep its old mechanics, will Shenmue seduce again ?"

JeuxVidéo Magazine
"It's certainly the most anticipated sequel of gaming history (with Half-Life 3)."
"already offered a huge freedom of action and a daily real time system."

Jeux Video News
"The Return of the King"
"Legendary franchise of adventure gaming and initiation into life"

Video Gamer
four pages article title : "The past, a safe bet"
Shenmue paragraph title : "Concretize a dream"
"Shenmue is unknown from most of the young players. And his main gameplay invention, the famous QTE, has been so much recycled that we wonder if there is still an audience [...]"

Canard PC (the older gaming mag in France, very appreciated for its quality and its cynical humour)
article title "And what about the consoles ? Cripple Fight (pc conference included)"
"Yu Suzuki and Sony made themselves look like the biggest beggars of the E3 and have created a staggering precedent."
"Sony has claimed [...] the kickstarter was there just for "measure the gamers interest". Well yes, why making polls and expensive market studies when you can manipulate a hardcore fanbase ?"

The Game (known for its good looking layout)
Yu retrospective made by Regis Monterrin (probably the best French journalist about Sega and Yu Suzuki's stuff, I'm glad he got a place in a paper magazine)
article from a consultant and university professor in marketing, communication and video games, written from the fact that Sony will mainly fund the game.
title : "Shenmue III the error"
conclusion : "My best wishes for this romantic project, driven by passionnate and in love people. But it's hard to be rational when you evoke a childhood sweetheart that belongs to a distant past. Shenmue, it's this."

In addition, almost all the French magazines have used the shot showing the E3 stage with Shenmue 3 on screens to illustrate their E3 review.

From what the reactions I read across the globe, It's funny to see that Shenhua has become somehow iconic even for people who never played Shenmue.
by Yokosuka
Sat Jul 25, 2015 1:44 pm
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#SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon

On August 3rd the first #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon takes place, evolving from the #SaveShenmue campaign that culminated with the recent Shenmue 3 Kickstarter.

Focusing on the need expressed by both Yu Suzuki and the fans for Sega to re-release Shenmue 1 & 2 ahead of Shenmue 3's launch, the Tweetathon lasts all day on the 3rd of each month using the new hashtag, and includes a mass simultaneous AutoTweet of messages stored in advance at , where you can learn more about the campaign.
by Team Yu
Sun Jul 26, 2015 1:18 pm
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Re: Capule Toys and Music from previous games.

THe guy on Gaf has posted these scans:

Capsule toys and music confirmed.

si que hemos recibido permiso para usar las capsulas de juguete de shenmue I y II.

We have received permission to use the toy capsules from Shenmue I and II.

Quick and dirty Google translate of some tidbits. Not bad :)

niao sun ocupa el asienta sur de los cuatro lideres de los chi you men. es una cruel practicante del estilo del 'puno-daga de la mantis'

Niao-sun is the Chiyoumen leader of the south. She is a ruthless practitioner of the "Fist-Dagger Mantis" style.

no juego a otros titulos, asi que no sabria decirte. Idealmente, los cambios no solo influirian en las conversaciones, sino tambien en las misiones y los eventos.

[Rapport system, like the Witcher?] I do not play other titles, so I would not know. Ideally, changes would influence not only talks, but also in missions and events.

especialmente por lo que concierne a la cara de Ryo, no estoy satisfecho de como luce ahora mismo. Todavia estamos en la fase de desarrollo, asi que podeis esperar mejoras a medida que avancemos. Tenemos una version actualizada de Ryo pero tampoco estoy contento con ese modelo, asi que continuaremos haciendo mejoras. La personalidad de Ryo no se reflejara solo con su modelado sino tambien con su forma de moverse a sus expresiones faciales.

Especially with regard to Ryo's face, I'm not satisfied with how it looks now. We are still in the development phase, so you can expect improvements as we go. We have an updated version of Ryo but I'm not happy with that model, so we will continue making improvements. Ryo's personality is reflected not just in modeling but also with the way it moves the facial expressions.

los escenarios basicos para la saga ya estan pensados. Las diferentes entregas de la saga no siguen esos once capitulos de una manera perfecta. Es decir, quiero plantear los escenarios de los once capitulos con cada entrega, dependiendo de como se ajusten mejor

The basic scenarios for the series are already designed. The various installments of the series do not follow these eleven chapters in a "perfect" manner. That is, I want to raise the stage of the eleven chapters with each delivery, depending on how it better fits.
by NeoShredder
Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:50 pm
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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

Name entry song from VF2, gives me
the same happy vibe like the Tomato Convenience Store song :D
phpBB [video]
by AM2
Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:23 pm
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Re: Official Gaming Music Topic

phpBB [video]

Don't know how many of you had a master system but this was brilliant!
by mrslig100
Wed Jul 29, 2015 12:15 pm
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Shenmue HD announced for PS4 / XBOX ONE / PC


Adam Koralik report

Michael Huber Reaction


Will run in 1080p
Fully scaleable screen resolution
PS4 & XBOX ONE - Physical release
Dual control scheme - updated & classic
Both audio dubs - English & Japanese
New user interface
Release - by end of 2018

Steam link -

Some screenshots Via IGN.$/$/$/$/$$/$/$/$/$$/$/$/$/$$/$/$/$/$$/$/$/$/$$/$/$/$/$

John Clarke - Sega Europe Executive Vice President of Publishing

"I'm really excited to be part of this announcement in front of so many Japanese Sega fans. Shenmue represents Segas spirit of challenge, as our number one most requested re-release in the West. We have carefully ported the classic look and feel of the original, in response to the long time fan expectations.
I decided when Shenmue was brought back, i would wear this in celebration. I also decided when Shenmue is brought back, i would have to be with Shenhua.
In Europe, Shenmue was released in 2000, and was an unprecedented title at the time. It was a time when Grand Theft Auto 3 or the Elder Scrolls did not exist. Yokosuka was an unknown world to us in Europe, but that only lent to its exotic charm.
Im in charge of marketing, publishing and sales strategies in Europe. In recent years I've also been in charge of the world wide release of European developed titles, such as Total War. Not only am i excited for the re-release of Shenmue, but i can say there are tonnes of fans worldwide who have been waiting for the re-release of Shenmue, as one of Segas most legendary titles. I think right now, i can hear the applause from around the world."
by Peter
Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:45 pm
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Re: Will Lan-Di and Ryo...

A mid game fight where Ryo gets his ass handed to him and nearly killed. Game will end much later where you meet Land Di somewhere in a rainstorm thinking this is it. This is the fight. Then he smirks does something with the Dragon Mirror and a massive Dragon emerges. Ryo does his best to not die when he realizes how to release the phoenix. Then Ryo and Lan Di fight hand to hand as in the background the Phoenix and The Dragon exchange blows much like that fight in Bayonetta 2 with the masked Baldur. Ryo defeats Lan Di but the rest of the Chi Yu Men show up all with mirrors. Ryo out of breath readies himself for another fight as he stares them down and they stoically stare right back. The game ends and says to be continued.
by Haruto
Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:16 pm
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