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Re: Questions for Yu during twitch compiling the list

"11. Can you push Awesome Japan to cooperate with Shenmue Dojo on daily basis."

I think that might come across as rude.

The only thing I want to know is

"What size is the artbook?" I hope it's a full A4 artbook and not a little postbox sized one.
by ConanTheKing
Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:52 am
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Re: There Is No Reason For Negativity

Alright then, if you want me to assume the mantle of Captain Obvious...

Man, I'm sorry, but that yellow makes this hard to read. Glad it's not like that in the editor. I thought I'd give my thoughts on these obvious ideas.

- YSNet should've spent more time on creating a short demo, not just Shenhua's poor attempt at a Blue Steel and jumping over a stream. Also, setting it in the cave would've been a bit more poignant. Give non-Shenmue fans a reason to pledge their hard-earned money, don't just expect them to.

I don't necessarily disagree, but you have no idea what kind of cost restraints they faced. With no money and little time, your expectation here (and elsewhere) might be a touch unrealistic. I could be wrong, but you should consider that everything they had might have been produced under very considerable constraints.

- To build on the previous point, the Kickstarter has done as well as it has solely based on the fact that it's Shenmue III. Finally. If Half-Life 3 or Timesplitters 3 also had to take to the site, then they also would've had non-fans donate money. It's an event, a milestone in gaming.

Agree 100%. Valve is a corporation with a couple billion in equity, and plenty of cash to spend. They would have done a great job, had a sweet demo, and some great marketing. Of course, they're a corporation with a couple billion in equity, so they wouldn't have to turn to kickstarter.

- Shenmue III was a big announcement, and it reached almost everyone who's into video games enough to know what E3 is. Awesome Japan should've realised this, and made plans to maintain momentum. The third will obviously lead to a temporary spike, and historical data points to the probability that it'll also see a big increase in the last few days, but they seem to be overly reliant on this.

You can't maintain momentum. Kickstarters spike, that's what they do. Pretty common with media. Jurrassic World's box office draw has been amazing, but its second weekend was like $100 million less than the first. The rabid fans contribute early, and there will be a spike right before it ends. You can't carry momentum all the way through. This, too, is an unrealistic expectation held by a fan. It would be awesome to see, but it's not a desire based on reality.

- One of the ways they could've done this was through a meta game. Don't expect fans to do the work for you. They should've approached it in a way that sees the fans constantly struggling to decide how much more they should pledge by adding a new tier or two every three to five days. Now, that may be the case of course, but their focus really needs to be on none-fans.

Pretty unrealistic, again, to expect non-fans to contribute significant amounts of money for a game they're going to have to wait 2.5 years for, when they don't even have a viable way to play the first 2. And don't say Emulators/buy a Dreamcast, how many non-fans are going to do that? If you think the number is large, I have a great bridge to sell you.

- It's great that they're trying to engage with the fans through polls, the Reddit AMA, etc., but why the hell are they not hammering out interviews with large media sites left, right and centre? They're already guaranteed our money, stop using us as a damn crutch, get out there and do some bleedin work!

They've been on Polygon, Engadget and some other pretty mainstream news sites. I guess they could do a bunch of different interviews that result in the same information being on those sites, but I don't think it would help very much. And I don't think they're going to get a "Daily Show" invite any time soon.

- I understand Suzuki setting the initial total at $2m. It's great that he said "no, I want them to have Shenmue III even if it's just a short game", but this should've been made clear from the very beginning. You had the stage at E3 ffs. Sony's stage. You had the biggest audience of next gen console gamers right in front of you. You should've bleedin said something!

Fair, and Yu seems to agree and has said as much. It was a mistake.

- The transparency issue. Almost everyone who knows of Shenmue knows about the whole fiasco behind the budget. This should've been addressed in the Kickstarter video. "We were given a huge budget to develop this game, as we had to create technology that didn't exist, we made it extremely detailed, individual footstep sounds, 3D scanners, meteorological data, it was split into two games, shit was more expensive back then, etc." Drive that point home, compare to how things have changed. Explain that Sony has advertising handled, so 100% of the Kickstarter funds make up the entirety of the game's actual production budget.

I never expected this to be an issue. Hindsight is 20/20, but they did say right from the start it was going to use the Unreal engine. Big time savings there. People just didn't realize that, and people love a good conspiracy story. With hindsight, they might have done something different here, but I bet you weren't thinking that on the first night, either.

- Simplified stretch goals. Why give the subtitles individual tiers? Just say "$3.5m gets all this", "$5m gets all that". The big leaps looks better value for money because of the sheer amount of content packed into each one.

Finally a point I actually agree with you on. Their stretch goals were dumb at first, and are only a little better now. That said, I still don't think it makes a difference. People were going to donate or they weren't. With good marketing now, there will be another spike at the end, and this will be the most well funded video game to date through Kickstarter. Hard to say they were bumbling fools that didn't know what they were doing if they make more money than anyone else had through the medium.

Back to the original point, I don't think it will/would impact money raised, but I was scratching my head at the goals, nonetheless.

- Replica jackets and mirrors should've definitely been in there from the start. Oh, you want both a Dragon and a Phoenix Mirror? Here's a new reward tier for that!

Well, they added them, so why be bitter now?

- For all the years Suzuki has had to design this game in his spare time (which apparently he has), he seems awfully unsure about a lot of things. This says to me that it's still in pre-production. He should've come into this with a very clear view on what he wants to include, and more importantly, how to implement it. Any other bells and whistles can be voted on by the backers, sure, but the core elements of the game? C'mon san.

I am not sure that he didn't, but he could communicate this a bit better, I agree. I mean, we're the kind-sorta investors, after all.

- Shenmue is an Eastern franchise. It's very Japanese. Whatever. That doesn't mean that you market it to a Western audience via an Eastern-based promotional company. The decision to do this is a massive oversight and terribly naïve.


- Little to no presence. They appear on Kickstarter's most popular. Yu Suzuki and Shenmue III are on Twitter. The game has a website. These are all the places they're expected to be, and that's good, but why the hell haven't they branched out? Okay, sure, this one's a little tricky, but there should have been agreements made with both Sony and SEGA to throw in a little bit more of an extra presence. Facebook ads, banner ads, cross-promotion, etc. Right now it seems like only the fans, Corsi and Boyes are the only ones who give a shit.

ROI, the fans are the people that are going to pay. You could fork out TONS of money and lose it because if you aren't a fan, you aren't donating to the Kickstarter. Period. You're dreaming if you think otherwise

- The blatant potential of bad publicity... that was fulfilled. How the hell did they not see any of this coming? Kickstarter as a platform's been under a lot of scrutiny since before the campaign was launched. Why was nothing done to subvert this? Where were the contingency plans? The PR team's fucking useless.

Not sure they have a PR team, I doubt they could afford it. Or they wouldn't have to go to Kickstarter. And Sony wasn't about to drop a ton of money before they saw there was real potential here. So now they've stepped in, and there's cleanup being done. I still think you're benefiting from hindsight a touch here.

- Less of the corporate responses. Every reply to fan questions so far say nothing. Either answer properly or don't fucking answer at all.

Now you want it both ways. You want a PR team, but you don't want corporate responses. What do you think you get from a PR team?

Been a while since I've posted, but I'm back to combat what I see as EXTREMELY unrealistic expectations from what has been a loud, but TINY group for the last 14 years. Sega tried this shit, and it sold pretty well, but for a dying system. Then Microsoft put money in to it, and didn't get a good ROI. Now people think that it should be a AAA title 14 years later, with some demo made out of thin air, and a corporate marketing and PR team behind it. Gotta get real on this. It wasn't going to happen.

Related to that, your "I'd wait until 2020 for the 'right' game," is an odd mantra. We can't know the counter-factual, but I can promise you that, as you drift even further from the original's launch date, you aren't going to suddenly get MORE invested in it. I am pretty shocked we're getting anything. Wait until 2020 and the Kickstarter would probably do worse, and Sony probably wouldn't be marketing it, and some shell of a company would be developing it for a phone.
by reginalb
Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:59 pm
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Re: Unrealistic costs has me worried

You have to remember that funds raised through Kickstarter are heavily taxed, and on top of that Kickstarter also takes a cut. Them reaching $10 million doesn't mean they have $10 million to work with.
by Mr357
Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:03 pm
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I was featured in's Games Inbox

So, over the years, my sporadic 'Shenmue 3' google search often yielded a hit from Their Games Inbox, which I think is posted twice daily, is a collection of reader submissions. Usually anything Shenmue related was rather negative in nature, and it definitely seemed like those who run the blog aren't fans either based on some of their responses and just the mere fact they frequently post about Shenmue and it's usually in a bad light. Anyway, I wrote in a response this morning after reading yet another downer post about Shenmue's kickstarter. Here's the post I responded to:

I don’t know If you’ve been following it day-to-day, but the Kickstarter for Shenmue III basically seems to have stalled. It may have broken records at first, but it’s been hovering around $3.5 million for days now and doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Any chance of making it to $10 million seems to be out of the window and it’ll probably struggle to make $5 million.
I know that’s still a lot of money but I do wonder whether the popularity of the game was overstated a bit. It seems to me it’s more a meme and in-joke than anything else. I actually played the first one again recently and it is really pretty bad: awkward controls, terrible dialogue, pointlessly easy combat, and a story that goes nowhere.
That doesn’t mean I don’t like it. I do admire its ambition a lot, but I can’t imagine myself sitting down to actually play the whole thing again. I’m curious to hear from other readers that have also played it recently and what they honestly thought of it. To me it was a niche game back in the day and it’s probably going to be a niche game now too.

And here's my response which was put in the evening edition:

Speaking on behalf of Shenmue fans everywhere: We get it it. You guys don’t like Shenmue.
In the past couple of years, typing Shenmue in the little Google searchbox to see if there was any buzz has usually yielded nothing more than an occasional outlandish rumour – or some Metro Games Inbox blurb about how overrated the game is.
Now that the sequel’s been announced, you’d think Metro would back off a little bit and let the game’s fans have their moment, but already I’ve seen a couple snippets about how hard it is to understand that people actually love this game.
Granted, no one’s trolling per se, and all opinions are valid, but still: give it a rest. All Kickstarters stall in the middle. It’ll get a rush at the end, and I’m confident it will reach a solid $5 million – a huge success, by all means. As a fan who has yet to make his pledge but certainly will be before the end of the campaign, I’m perfectly content with how this is panning out, and I look forward to see where it ends up.
The stretch goals are ambitious – but ambition is the first word that comes to mind when you consider Shenmue. Sure, I’d love to see this soar to $11 million, and though unlikely, after last Monday’s announcement I will say this: anything is possible. It’s been 10 days and I’m still basking in the glow of this unexpected announcement – and I haven’t played video games seriously since, well – Shenmue II on Xbox. This series very effectively dulled my appetite for gaming, because to me, it’s just that good.
So let us fans who have stuck this out for 15 years continue to bask – and perhaps Metro can stay quiet about their distaste for Shenmue for a while.
Michael Chenard

Read more:

I don't think I was too off-the-mark: Definitely seems like there's a disproportionate amount of anti-Shenmue rhetoric on this blog, although I don't really follow it, or gaming news at all, in general. Has anyone else ever noticed this? I do think there's no reason for the negativity when us starving Shenmue fans have a 30 day window for redemption.

Regardless, I encourage you all to send in your praises for Shenmue!
by Lan Di-sama
Fri Jun 26, 2015 4:54 pm
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Re: Super Villian Peter Moore supports Shenmue 3 Kickstarter

Being European I got Shenmue 2 (and it is better with subtitles), plus it allowed Shenmue 2 to expand it's audience on a new console. If it hadnt been re-released it would have been one of the last games on a dead system and would have been mostly ignored (or atleast more so). There was no guaranty that Sega would have released it on the xbox, PS2, Gamecube without his involvement.... We can't have our cake and eat it..

Yeah, that's always been my take on it. People just wanted someone to blame for Shenmue's fate and so they blame it on Peter Moore, when really it was just one of those things. SEGA was on the verge of dying before the merger (which was more like a takeover) with Sammy and Moore being a fan of Shenmue whilst also being former SEGA personnel wanted to bring Shenmue to a larger audience than what was on Dreamcast (which by the point of Shenmue 2's EU release, was definitely small). At the time, it would seem like a way to "save" Shenmue. Shenmue fans sure can be wiser after the fact, but at the time it seemed like the right fit for Shenmue. It would have been nice if SEGA still bartered a way to release 2 for those outside Europe on the Dreamcast too, but SEGA was probably pretty desperate at the time and just took whatever offer came their way. Even if Shenmue 2 did "bomb" on Xbox, it still reached a larger audience (some members on here will testify to that) than it would have being left on Dreamcast to die a "noble death" with the chances of Shenmue 3 ever being released even lower than what we have now.

The vilifying of Peter Moore is just silly to me, sorry.
by Henry Spencer
Fri Jun 26, 2015 5:32 pm
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Re: confronting the 4 bosses.....

We learned from the twitch stream that we will in fact b confronting the 4 bosses in shenmue 3. We know that each boss represents a cardinal pole ie north south east west. Do you think that these directions refer to the possible 4 entrances to the chi you men base in baisha?

Will we get the showdown with land di?

I think just in my opinion of course

Hopefully going to each one if a rewarding expeirence and have many missions and advancements without too much talking and back tracking. Hopefully more missons and a bit more fighting where it makes sense.

I think it would be great to fight Lan Di, even if you win there should be some cut scene where he simply thrashes you and you are still on your way to future revenge.

I think getting to a point in sh3 where ryo feels he is about to confront di and have his revenge is a good plot piece. Simply leaving ryo beat and broken down would also be a good story piece and a good movement for SH4

I feel that Lan di should really destroy ryo in a fight, sort of like that rocky stuff lol

I mean, he should almost basically kill him, break him, destroy him. Building your self back to strength to face him in the future would make for an epic game. I hope Yu has such a thing planned over the course of the story

Beat him phsyically but more importantly mentally. Make him question his quest, make him return home to work as a teacher or question his very being.
by Jackie Fhan
Sat Jun 27, 2015 3:18 pm
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Re: There would be an easy way to push the Shenmue 3 Kicksta

No offense intended, but that would be dumb and pretty much confirm Shenmue 3 as a commercial failure.
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
Sun Jun 28, 2015 8:57 am
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Re: What in the world happened with the KS today?

I can't see where that last line helps at all, why say it . I mean, it will only drive a negative feeling in others to have the same feeling. That's how people work, let's just try our best to reach the goals we want. Why not

It's plenty helpful. It's especially helpful for me so that I no longer get emotionally attached to a game that may or may not be shit. After a long line of years waiting - pretty much a decade in my case - I am coming to terms with the honest to God truth: that Shenmue is cursed. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If the game turns out well, fine. That'll be nice. But at current trajectory, given every single bit of evidence thrown at the wall, it isn't. And I refuse - REFUSE - to be emotionally attached to a game I've been waiting a decade for that turns out to be shit.
So I assume that you will be leaving then, yes?

If that's what you want.

Right, but to be fair a few weeks back we'd have taken a damn 2D side scroller or a manga, now we're giving up before development even starts? I understand your frustration, I share it. But this is definitely going to be a marathon and we haven't even gotten out of the box yet, it's no time to give up. The leaving part over a disagreement with two people was especially silly though, no offense. Just relax, one way or another it can only go up from here, let's do what we do.
by Yama
Sun Jun 28, 2015 1:17 pm
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The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged

Hey y'all - I think it's time for some perspective for how successful this kickstarter has been, all things considered.

1) First off, against all odds we are finally getting Shenmue III! Holy shit, we've been waiting for this for 14 years! We've remained rabid fans for this entire time and many of you have been going nuts getting the word out, getting a social media presence, bombarding anyone you can to share your love of the game. This is easily the craziest gaming community (and I mean that in a good way, of course :-P). We were the fastest game to reach $1M and $2M!

2) The success of the kickstarter is even more impressive when you consider Shenmue III is only on two platforms. Mighty No. 9 is on ten platforms, and Bloodstained is on seven. That pretty significantly limits the amount of potential pledges you can get. If there was going to be an Xbone version of Shenmue III, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that pledges could be up around an extra 15-20% (meaning, we'd currently be at around $4.5M funding and 55K backers). Considering this, it's still very possible we end up getting more funding than Bloodstained to become the most funded kickstarter game ever. That's pretty fucking awesome!

3) The number of backers != total number of pre-orders or sales. The average gamer is not like "us". There are a bunch of people who are skeptical about kickstarter and really don't see the point of putting in $30 for a game two and a half years before release. I have a few friends who are Shenmue fans who were super pumped for the announcement but haven't yet backed the project, and probably won't, but they'll buy the game at release.

For me personally, this is the first game I backed on kickstarter. I'm a big Tim Schafer/Double Fine fan, but I didn't back their kickstarter and ended up buying Broken Age upon release. I didn't back Bloodstained or Mighty No. 9, but will probably get those when they come out, too. This will probably be the only game I back on kickstarter as well (unless Shenmue IV gets a kickstarter!).

4) I would argue that while the kickstarter announcement at E3 helped the overall numbers, it also made us reach a saturation point much sooner. I believe without the on stage announcement we would have overall similar numbers to what we have now (maybe slightly less, but not significantly), but the numbers would have increased more steadily. Remember, people are still able to remove their pledges, so even if they pledge during the super duper E3 hype, they're still able to view the project from a distance once the hype dies down, so they're not a victim of an impulse buy.

5) We're not even at the midway point of the Kickstarter. We still have the $30 on the 3rd campaign and are awaiting more reward tiers. Maybe we get a PS4 physical release and a Paypal option. It's fine if we don't hit $10M - they'll figure something out. The success of this campaign could help ease investor risk, so it's possible the money is covered elsewhere (a post KS paypal option probably covers the rest, honestly). I don't think, in the grand scheme of things, an expertly run kickstarter campaign makes a huge difference (and let's not turn this into a topic about "that"). Let's continue to do our best spread the word. Remember that Bloodstained received $1.5M in pledges the last two days, so don't be too discouraged that things have died down a bit (also see point #4 again!)

So considering all these points, I would argue that in the end I'll consider this to be the most successful video game kickstarter - even if we fall just short of Bloodstained (though I'm still optimistic we'll hit around $6M).

Positive vibes - let's get sweaty!
by Tomato Convenience Store
Sun Jun 28, 2015 4:25 pm
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Re: The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged

Good to see ya back Bellator :)
And gawd yes, let's try and be positive here, people. Yes, the KS could be being handled a lot better, but we've still got a little while to go yet...
by Miles Prower
Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:13 pm
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Re: The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged

I agree. The thing is the PR is vital to this and they started with a bang by opening infront of millions of viewers live at Sony's E3 conference, what happened afterwards was a completely unworthy follow up to such a fantastic start.

Bloodstained brought in a lot of outside the community gamers by making the Kickstarter a fantastic experience, making backers feel how unique and historical that moment was. This KS gives us very dry updates and has not done a good job on making the stretch goals exciting or hyped, for the most part people just feel discouraged that they're out of reach.

To get this out of the way, I agree that Awesome Japan is doing a poor job, but what's a realistic expectation for how much extra funding a flawlessly run kickstarter campaign can generate for Shenmue III? I don't know the answer (and to be fair, no one else does), but I just can't see newcomers putting in anything above the $5-30 tiers, and I think it's even more realistic that they'll wait until the games release since they haven't played S1 and S2. Do people think a well run campaign would get us to $11M by the end of the kickstarter?

I think the best option, as mentioned by many before, is to have a paypal option post-kickstarter (and it's really the only option to reach that amount of crowd-sourced funding). There are a bunch of fans who will contribute monthly, it will allow newcomers the time to catch up on S1 and 2 (especially if there's ever a re-release), and progress and previews of the game can be shown to newcomers, which might get them to donate to the development of the game.
by Tomato Convenience Store
Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:32 pm
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Re: The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged

I maybe haven't been as negative as others but find quite a few things not very positive either. You mentioned a few things that I had also been thinking about.

2) The success of the kickstarter is even more impressive when you consider Shenmue III is only on two platforms.
Yeah, and the game is also from a period when gaming wasn't as mainstream so sales weren't as they are now. It pissed me off when I saw comments about Shenmue's awful sales. What they didn't think about is that games selling over 1 million were seen as best-selling games. Even huge games like MGS3 and God of War were in a 2-4 million range on PS2. The Platinum series for example started from 400 000 copies sold.

3)The number of backers != total number of pre-orders or sales.
Yeah, Divinity : Original Sin had around 20 000 backers and sold 500 000 from what I read. This being an old school turn based RPG.

4)I would argue that while the kickstarter announcement at E3 helped the overall numbers, it also made us reach a saturation point much sooner.
Likely. And the fanbase is maybe more invested compared to other a few other franchises on Kickstarter leading to this peak.

5)It's fine if we don't hit $10M - they'll figure something out. The success of this campaign could help ease investor risk, so it's possible the money is covered elsewhere (a post KS paypal option probably covers the rest, honestly).
I was also thinking that they maybe could figure something out during development. Be it Paypal or maybe some more support from Sony or other investors if they're close to a huge milestone. As Jeff pointed out, it's possible that they get funding depending on the Kickstarter amount.

All in all, what bugs me is not the fact that it's bad in itself but that there might be more potential.
PS Hi Bellator.
by ys
Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:37 pm
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Re: The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged

2 words - Yu Suzuki.

That's who's hands this project is in. With the original members of the Shenmue series to date. This will look like a Shenmue game. Feel like a Shenmue game. Sound like a Shenmue game. Have environments like a Shenmue game.

I don't give a shit what the final amount is, the money will come from somewhere. The litmus test of the Kickstarter has been successful, with all sorts of records set once again by the franchise. We are all gonna set Shenmue 3, with boxes of Shenmue goodies delivered to our door to boot. Id day it's a safe assumption that Sega will want to grab the easy money and release Shenmue and Shenmue HD in 2016. I'd hazard a guess it's already been green lit. Why wouldn't it?? Sega have money there waiting to be given to them!

It's a fucking fantastic time to be a Shenmue fan, the best time ever! From Kikizo articles, to darkness. From "we'll see" and "I think Sega will let me make it". From photos of Suzuki looking tired and dejected, to photos of forklifts and him walking onto the Sony stage to the fanfare of Sedge Tree. Fuck "we only made 8.5k", and "ooohhh well Bloodstained....". Fuck some goober acting a pillock on camera for an hour!

Sorry for the language but rant over!

It's Shenmue 3!!!!!
by Peter
Sun Jun 28, 2015 6:50 pm
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Re: The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged

Reprise wrote:
Shenhua-Nani? wrote: I think some people are retracting their pledges, we are losing money today lol

Probably people who are complaining about Awesome Japan and then those same people will complain about how much Awesome Japan suck because funding is going down :roll:

:rotflmao: Probably true.
by Hyo Razuki
Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:25 am
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Re: The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged

I'm going to withdraw my pledge. Awesome Japan 1 and 2 were amazing games. But I am getting the vibe Awesome Japan 3 just won't be good at all.

And I haven't even pledged yet.
by Peter
Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:36 am
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Re: The KS is a huge success and we shouldn't be discouraged


And also don't forget that it's really a huge mistake not to bring this game to Xbox! It would get half a million new backers over night if it was gonna be on Xbox. After all Microc$oft has done for us throughout the years, how dare they not bring it to Eksbokkkss!!!!1! :king:
by Hyo Razuki
Mon Jun 29, 2015 6:40 am
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Re: Response from Joel "The Red Shirt Guy" Tess & Awesome Ja

To be fair, at least Awesome Japan are quite good when it comes to responding to user messages. I've sent a couple of questions and received answers relatively quickly. And they also seem willing to listen to our advice and feedback. Good job with the questions.

On an unrelated note, is it respectful to call Yu Suzuki "Mr.Suzuki" instead of "Suzuki-San"? (I know very little about Japanese culture so hopefully I'm not coming off as too ignorant)
by Jibby
Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:12 am
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Re: Response from Joel "The Red Shirt Guy" Tess & Awesome Ja

When I read that, I pictured him answering them in the exact same style as he presented the Twitch videos...

You and me both. :)

But, still, this guy has a lot of weight on his shoulders. While he could certainly do something about his behavior on the Twitch video, I wouldn't want to be where he is.
by BayStone
Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:06 am
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Re: Response from Joel "The Red Shirt Guy" Tess & Awesome Ja

Thanks. Great job. Kudos to Joel Tess for replying. =D>

The line about "how much voicing there will be" is remarkable indeed. I wonder if it means the game will not be fully voiced this time but maybe have voice acting for cutscenes only. Kind of Yakuza-style. Well, it would be a step down of course, but I guess I could live with it. It worked fine with Yakuza.

Or does it mean they will either drop the English or the Japanese dub? Personally, I'd be fine without the English dub, but I'm not sure if it's gonna backfire sales-wise in the long run.
by Hyo Razuki
Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:05 am
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Response from Joel "The Red Shirt Guy" Tess & Awesome Japan

I made attempts at contacting the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter team regarding the explanation of stretch goals, new rewards, VO choice and budget, redoing the video campaign, the reason for the choice of multiple playable characters and how to reel in the general gaming community when most never even heard of the first two games.

My plead yielded the following reply:


Very sorry for not getting back sooner! Ok, here we go:
Stretch Goals - Thank you! We are working on it! Trying to be more specific with the SGs and will try to get the explanations moved over. Mr. Suzuki does not want to get too deep without giving all the story away!
Mirrors - Trying!
Video - Still very early development, so there is not much game footage yet. As for scene requests... I think we will have to leave that up to Mr. Suzuki. Again can't give away the story!
At the current stage of funding, it is still hard to know how much voicing there will be. There have been lots of comments for language switching and Mr. Suzuki is aware of the situation.
Why multiple characters? Mr. Suzuki has stated this is one of the things that he really wants to do with Shenmue 3. Will definitely let him know though!
Why care about Shenmue 3? Got it. You are very right. Top priority now getting the message across. We will have the page updated soon.
More rewards? Yes working on them now. Thank you for the ideas!

Thank you very much, please keep your ideas coming, because they will keep us going forward.

Joel &
the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Team

PS. I did not question the integrity of the work done by his team, because I believe it's counter-productive and unnecessary at this point.
by sand4fish
Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:37 am
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Re: Response from Joel "The Red Shirt Guy" Tess & Awesome Ja

I made attempts at contacting the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter team regarding the explanation of stretch goals, new rewards, VO choice and budget, redoing the video campaign, the reason for the choice of multiple playable characters and how to reel in the general gaming community when most never even heard of the first two games.

My plead yielded the following reply:


Very sorry for not getting back sooner! Ok, here we go:
Stretch Goals - Thank you! We are working on it! Trying to be more specific with the SGs and will try to get the explanations moved over. Mr. Suzuki does not want to get too deep without giving all the story away!
Mirrors - Trying!
Video - Still very early development, so there is not much game footage yet. As for scene requests... I think we will have to leave that up to Mr. Suzuki. Again can't give away the story!
At the current stage of funding, it is still hard to know how much voicing there will be. There have been lots of comments for language switching and Mr. Suzuki is aware of the situation.
Why multiple characters? Mr. Suzuki has stated this is one of the things that he really wants to do with Shenmue 3. Will definitely let him know though!
Why care about Shenmue 3? Got it. You are very right. Top priority now getting the message across. We will have the page updated soon.
More rewards? Yes working on them now. Thank you for the ideas!

Thank you very much, please keep your ideas coming, because they will keep us going forward.

Joel &
the Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Team

PS. I did not question the integrity of the work done by his team, because I believe it's counter-productive and unnecessary at this point.

I wish I had his energy, he seems like a very happy person. Maybe a bit awkward but that's okay. Public relations is a tough field with a discerning clientele... I'm very surprised to see someone so accommodating in the business. Usually you have to own a Cessna to get a comprehensive response. I wouldn't make too much fun of him; he could probably falcon punch a guy in the kidneys. Maybe.

To be fair, at least Awesome Japan are quite good when it comes to responding to user messages.

Horseshit. I emailed them on Kickstarter, after no response, sent them an email to their website, after no response I sent them a tweet to their Twitter account and....... no response.

I think there's close to 50,000 people who feel the same way. Most of the questions are pretty redundant so it'll probably be in the updates. But if you're asking about that Victorian velvet and lace codpiece for Ryo at the $11M tier, then by all means carry on.
by YUmakemygame
Mon Jun 29, 2015 1:28 pm
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Re: Kickstarter update #19: When Shenmue Got its Name

Its not meant to. It's meant to be a bonus for those who have pledged and keep them informed of how the progress is going and if development is on track.
by SheepheadCG
Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:26 am
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Re: Kickstarter update #19: When Shenmue Got its Name

I for one enjoy these updates. Speak for yourself.
by mjq jazz bar
Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:45 am
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Re: Big update to the Kickstarter coming today!

Neither "big" nor "today."

Hey, OP, you should write headlines for IGN.
by Phong
Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:06 pm
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Re: IGN continues to Fumble Funding Facts

Even if small, it's effecting the campaign in some way. People love to think they're on the inside of information, the ignorant believe in conspiracy theorist ramblings that 2+2=5, throw them a bone and they'll go after it. The second the mainstream gets a hold of information like this, they think they know better and see it as another major corporation trying to screw them. Again, even if small, every bit counts and this is definitely a negative that we don't need. The point that it's still occurring is baffling.
by Yama
Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:41 pm
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Re: Response from Joel "The Red Shirt Guy" Tess & Awesome Ja

I am so sick and tired of seeing people moan saying, 'Wah I'm not gonna pledge cos I wanted it on Xbox!'

Yeah, if Shenmue 3 isn't a good enough reason to buy a console, then I don't know what is. :???:
Hell, I'd buy a PS4 for this, even if this was the only game on it.
by Three Blades
Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:59 am
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Re: How was Shenmue II released on Dreamcast in Europe Anywa

Wait America didn't get Shenmue II on the Dreamcast? Eh!?

That does seem strange. What's worse is the Dreamcast was a dying console and while the original Xbox was a success it didn't sell nearly enough as the Playstation 2. If only SEGA released it on the Playstation 2, imagine that, it would have sold a lot more and generally the Playstation crowd are usually more receptive of these types of titles.

SEGA really messed up the chances this franchise had.

Yeah I imagine the game running at laughable resolutions, plenty of jaggies and with N64's texture quality, thank god it never released on that system.
by Esppiral
Wed Jun 24, 2015 12:32 pm
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Re: New Shenhua face!

WTF that girl is 16 ??

Thank allah that the goverment can't read my mind (yet).
by shredingskin
Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:15 am
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Re: FIX THE KICKSTARTER!!! Awesome Japan/Suzuki/Shibuya

Why is the site and not
Because belongs to SEGA. Only one way to take this domain - buy it from SEGA.

Why is there no physical PS4 edition?????
Because they need a lot of paper work to do it. And dont forget about fees for SONY and third-party companies.

This is obviously due to the poor campaigning from Awesome Japan, the disgraceful and disgusting clickbait gaming journalism and partly SONY.
Its really hard to promote campaigin, because a lot of ppl who was intersted already backed. They showed Kickstarter on E3 stage. So almost all gamers knows about SIII, and who wonted already backed.
by JohnBlack
Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:53 am
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Re: FIX THE KICKSTARTER!!! Awesome Japan/Suzuki/Shibuya

Its become apparent that The kickstarter has stalled significantly.

I see this alot, and I really wonder what expectations people actually have?
continuous growth at 100k per day minimum? a nice smooth graph climb to 11million?

Do people not realise that shenmue is a small fanbase and MANY external influences exist that affect a kickstarter?

Most people that played shenmue are prolly 30 fucking years or older now, they might not even know kickstarter EXISTS let alone know there is shenmue3 going on.
by wataro
Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:29 am
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Re: Cedric Biscay wants PewDiePie to show Shenmue

God I hate PewDiePie. How is he even popular?

What does that tell you about the people who made him popular and the audience he 'entertains'
I dont think much good would come from pdp showcasing shenmue apart from more viral memes like the
'omfg 70 million every dreamcast owner had to buy TWOCOPIES LMAOsailors!!@Xdddd'

Shenmue is an aquired taste, probably a bit too classy for the south park toilet humor immature people of pdp youtube.

Yeah its great advertising, in numbers, but I cant imagine him understanding and conveying what shenmue is about, the history of it and selling it.
There isnt even a legit digital copy of 1/2 for sale, so its dreamcast or emulation.
both of which have there downfalls.

It's like taking blind people to the art museum and screaming at them
by wataro
Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:41 am
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Re: A suggestion re this fridays q&a with yu Suzuki...

another VERY important question. will you keep donations coming in after ks ended through paypal? if they do this, this is the only way to get 10 million dollars
by drunkensailor
Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:07 am
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Re: Physical PS4 Copy Reward Added!!!

sand4fish wrote: They should have charged it for more...

They shouldn't have. A lot of people have only pledged the initial 29 because there was no ps4 physical version. With a retail physical version available people are going to be pledging 30 dollars more. Charging 100 or something wouldn't be fair at all.
by Himuro
Fri Jul 03, 2015 12:45 pm
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30 on the 3rd: A Roaring Success

I think this was the best day this community has ever seen. What a display of discipline, effort, and enthusiasm.

1. 335,960 dollars in one day.
2. 1276 new backers in one day.
3. Twice as many Kickstarter comments as any previous day.
4. Love from Kavinsky.
5. Peter's dreams of meeting Suzuki came true.
6. Kotaku tried to go negative, but their own news editor called the writer out for it in the comments. Upbeat rebuttals dominated the comment section. The tide of public opinion has turned.
7. Apologies from Awesome Japan and much better handling of everything today. Cedric Biscay heard us, and continues to engage with the community.
8. Great new tiers. Limited ones are selling out. Physical PS4 copy was a game-changer.
9. Unprecedented noise made on Twitter.
10. On the verge (only about 10,000 left, will make by mid-morning on the west coast) of overtaking Torment as the 2nd most funded Kickstarter game ever made.
11. Great Q&A with Yu.
12. Have had bunch of people saying to me on GAF today that even though they haven't played Shenmue, the fan passion has inspired them to pledge for the game.

You are all incredible. This is an amazing moment.
by Erevador
Sat Jul 04, 2015 5:17 am
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Re: KS Update #23 - PS4 physical copy & New reward tiers add

4 million! Great :D
And yeah, people really shouldn't be worried about fan's faces appearing on characters/pictures in-game, I'm sure it will be done tastefully and in a way that doesn't break the immersion. Using backers' faces on Chi You Men members is probably a good move, as they will probably just be black-suited grunts seen very briefly in free battles/QTE's just like S2.
by Miles Prower
Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:05 am
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Re: My ugly face on a Lucky Hit board

Still no backers! Might as well remove the reward and add 15 more to the I Am Shenmue reward...
by joka
Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:04 am
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Re: How will Shenmue III start?

Should be with them leaving the cave, Ryo turning to Shenhua and saying "Is it me, or did it take a lot longer getting out than it did coming in?"
by MiTT3NZ
Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:38 am
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Re: IGN continues to Fumble Funding Facts

Thank you, Axm. I've been flooding commentary boxes with corrections for weeks now. It's just trolling at this point, which in itself is a sad commentary on the state of gaming culture. The idea that a successful 15 year cult effort would be put down and muddled by uninvolved people standing on undeserved soapboxes is shameful.

In the very first Forbes hit piece, the author didn't even know Shenmue 3 was pretty far into pre-production before the Shen2x failure. I mean, these are facts that could be gleaned from a cursory glance at Wikipedia. Shoddy journalism hardly more sophisticated than our own prolific Dojo cynicism over the years, the crucial difference being that we were joking among ourselves, not trying to derail a historic funding effort.

We expect that sort of behavior from blogs, but it just goes to show that the higher ups at magazines like Forbes know nothing about the history of video games, and delegate such articles to amateurs.

The Dojo should publish an exhaustive article specifically correcting all the misinformation.

Rant over.
by KiBa
Sat Jul 04, 2015 3:01 pm
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Re: Eurogamer - What Makes Shenmue's Open World So Special?

Lovely article, it's nice to see one about Shenmue on a gaming site that's actually well-informed, and also sums up why it's different from othet open-world games. But yeah, the comment about S2's size is a bit unfair, I remember being blown away by just how big Wan Chai was, at the time. While it arguably didn't have the depth and some detail of Yokosuka, it was still pretty damn big.
by Miles Prower
Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:18 am
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Re: Eurogamer - What Makes Shenmue's Open World So Special?

Shenmue 2's Hong Kong isn't the biggest of open worlds, and unlike the Yokosuka suburb that preceded it, it can hardly claim to be the densest.

Considering these were pretty much the first open world games, that comment is a bit unfair. Of course they are no longer the biggest, but at the time they were.

The author isn't talking about Shenmue as a game from a past point of view but as a modern game, and that's why this article is way more interesting than any other articles explaining why Shenmue was so revolutionary at its time (that no one cares).
by Yokosuka
Sun Jul 05, 2015 5:21 am
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Re: KS Update #23 - PS4 physical copy & New reward tiers add

Finally i can donate 60 dollars! I purchased ps4 for Shenmue 3 and now having it physical is a dream come true.

A dream, one of my all time biggests dreams, for that game that we waited 14 long years, since that Christmas 99' when i played Shenmue; the "game" that impacted on me on so many levels, it was not a game like the hundreds i played whitin the ~15 years before it; it was an experience, the first immersive on a videogame, i was Ryo, i wanted to live there...
Yeah and now comes Suzuki with an explosion telling us that finally we can continue the most epic saga of all time!!!
by Fei Fong Wong
Sun Jul 05, 2015 3:58 am
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Awareness video: LEGO Ryo Hazuki thanks fans for support.

Hi guys,

First post here, but have been a fan of Shenmue since my wife introduced me to it when we first met 8 years ago.

My more geeky side involves me being a youtuber specialising in LEGO videos. A couple of years ago I created a LEGO Shenmue "Moving Crates" video as part of the tweetathon, and won a signed photo from Corey for the creativity of the tweet - the video can be found here:

I have now created a sequel, which is an "interview" with LEGO Ryo about Shenmue, and a thankyou from him for supporting Shenmue 3

Enjoy, and I hope to be an active member of the community! :D

by Duck
Sat Jul 04, 2015 7:28 pm
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Re: How much "magic" will be in Shenmue III? (spoiler Shenmu

I really don't get the bitching about Shenmue "turning into Dragon Ball." It was always going to be about magic/mysticism, since before any of you had even heard of Shenmue -
by ElephantStone
Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:36 am
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Re: Kickstarter:Final value and overall success assessment

Everywhere I look, someone is desperate to see the negative in Shenmue 3. It's kind of depressing, but I'm used to it.
by mjq jazz bar
Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:44 pm
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Re: Eurogamer - What Makes Shenmue's Open World So Special?

The way Yu Suzuki created what felt like a real, living, breathing world is always what appealed to me. Since GTA3 happened, it seems like open world games have focused more and more on creating larger and larger worlds that act like playgrounds for the player to wonder from place to place to partake in missions and side quests, but nothing ever feels very realistic or detailed.

This, GTA to me feels empty and fake, Shenmue felt real.
I've not played the GTA series much, I did start GTA5 though and I have to agree, the world seems huge, but there isn't any soul to it, you know? No open world has really ever come close to Shenmue's IMO.

I agree! In GTA, Saints Row and other huge open world games, after you've finished all activities and side stories, it's pretty much empty with nothing left to do. After all these years, players are still finding new things in Shenmue. On my latest playthrough of S2 I found a blue forklift toy hidden behind one of the mattresses in the Free Stay Lodge. Probably old news to many but to me it was something new. It's the little things that you discover for the first time that make you smile. Shenmue indeed has a soul and it never feels empty or lacking.
by Sonoshee
Mon Jul 06, 2015 8:04 am
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