Review The Last Game You Beat

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Bluecast » Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:45 pm

Never really cared for Tomb Raider games. Also never got why people thought lara was sexy with oversized unnatrual looking chest,sickning skinny waist line and popeye cavs plus twig arms. If I saw a woman like that I would become ill looking at her and just feel bad she has to go through life like that.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:47 pm

I dunno she looked pretty good in Womb Raider
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Bluecast » Tue Aug 31, 2010 4:58 pm

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:02 pm

Lara Croft...
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Bluecast » Tue Aug 31, 2010 5:14 pm

Why did you say "womb raider" though. Was that an attempt at a joke..just lost. :|
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Tue Aug 31, 2010 6:41 pm

Its a real porn but yes an attempt at a joke because you dislike how Lara Croft looks, thus I defended her with a decent porn as why people find her sexy.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby OL » Tue Aug 31, 2010 7:48 pm

Yeah baby.
Comic gold. =D>
We rockin' tha house up in this bitch.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:33 am

1:30 thats all I have to say to you OL
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Riku Rose » Wed Sep 01, 2010 8:08 am

................ Ok.

Anyone remember what this topic was about?
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Crimson Ryan » Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:37 am

Preview post: I'm downloading Sam & Max, so that's the next game I'll be beating.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:18 am

Crimson Ryan wrote:Preview post: I'm downloading Sam & Max, so that's the next game I'll be beating.

Devil's Playhouse? if so remember thats the sequel to save the world..or was it beyond time and space, either way its part 3 technically so if you haven't played the other 2 you might be a bit lost at the start.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Crimson Ryan » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:33 am

Yep, Devil's Playhouse. Never played a Sam and Max game before, so I'm looking forward to it. If I get lost, I may just read up on both games on wikipedia..
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Wed Sep 01, 2010 11:48 am

its mostly the characters and the star, just read a character summary and you'll be caught up (although 1 and 2 are on steam and they're cheap)
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Clint » Wed Sep 01, 2010 7:26 pm

Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote:

1:30 thats all I have to say to you OL

:lol: reminds me of why I love watching cheesy anime.

This one takes some beating:
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Riku Rose » Sun Sep 05, 2010 11:45 am


This was my third time at playing the game and I used to always call it my least liked Final Fantasy. I'd never got further then 10 hours into the game but when people here started talking about the game I got the urge to go back and play it.

My main complaint of the game was always the combat system. When I heard that XIII was going back to turn based I was jumping around the house. The whole gambit system can be great once you get used to it and are open to more options. For those who haven't played it you set instructions for your two other party members to follow in a battle. To get more options you have to go to a shop and buy them. I really think they should have opened up all the options straight from the start. Unless you grind alot your going to be short of cash and your going to spend what little you have on equipment and magic. You also have to use your EXP you earn from battle to give you more options in the gambit system. When you start out you can give them only two or three commands and if you want more you need to control them yourself. At one point decided to grind for around two hours just so I could get all the gambits I wanted there and then. Once you have it how you want it battles will be alot more rewarding. Still if for FFXV Square knocked on my door and asked what kind of battle system I want to see in the game I will go for turn based but this was a amazing attempt and one that I will be happy to play through again in a few years.

It's only a flesh wound.

It may have been due to a moment where I decided to grind alot but the battles where very easy after awhile. Want to guess how many times I got game over? 0. Big fat never. Towards the end part of the game there was a boss fight where my party didn't even heal itself. Like evrey FF game the last part of the game has you fight around four bosses in a row with no saving. I usally shit myself thinking I may die and have wasted an hour but all four bosses where equally as hard. I've seen on some forums how people have got to level 80 when they beat the game. I was only on level 60 at the end at walked it. Unless I am some Steven Hawking when it comes to the gambit system they could have just tweaked the difficulty up a notch.

Now with any RPG you need to be happy with the characters that you will be spending a good amount of time with. And yes I agree with the other complaints of Vaan and Penelo but the other characters are great. You have Ashe and Basch who renind me of Garnet and Steiner (With no comedy) from FFIX. And since Basch isn't the one offering the comedy you have Balthier serving it on a plate. It's not the kind of comedy that will have you rolling on the floor but more like that smug ladies man friend you have. You also have Fran who is the only person in your party who isn't a human. The banter between her and Balthier is great and you really know they have a special relationship and can understand why they go through so much shit together. Fran just got me thinking how they could have had another party member from another race in the party. The world has plenty of races in it but you only get the two. At the end Balthier is the only one of them people that will stand out in my mind as one of the greatest characters in the series while the others while nice just wern't up to amazing status. But for some weird reason he makes me think of Jude Law......

Ivialice is massive and if like me you want to walk from one end of the map to the other plan ahead as it will take you some time. Although it is massive it doesn't fill as big as the PS1 games. It quite obviously is but I think when you have a world map you really fill like you have the whole world to explore. The towns are the best I have seen in a RPG and really feel alive. It's not often that you go back to a town twice so you don't get that feeling of. 'Oh your standing in the same place as three months ago saying the same thing'. It reminded me of the towns in Majora's Mask in how evreyone was always doing something. They are also huge places and you could easily waste an hour looking around and still not have seen alot. Most RPG's the towns aren't exactly big and this is a great change that I would like to see done more.

It's weird how the stalls selling guns don't show them on display as much.

And last of all the story. Its the most adult story in the series so far and is epic at times. Evrey cutscene is amazing and the graphics really help it out. These are by far the best graphics I have seen on the PS2. Just using the normal graphics that are used through actual gameplay they can show off emotions and facial expressions so well. The voice acting is also top notch. It may be the most adult story in the series but it isn't the greatest out there. If you are going to play this I would suggest not playing other games or taking a long break in between playing as you have alot to remember. That was one of the reasons i stopped playing before as I had not played it for three months and I couldn't remember alot of names or places.

At the end of the day I was wrong. FFXII is a very good game and deserves very much to be a numbered Final Fantasy game. Is it the best FF? No. Is it the worst? No. But it will be alot of hours of your life you will enjoy.
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