My games (hopefully future releases)

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

My games (hopefully future releases)

Postby shredingskin » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:26 pm

So, I've uploaded my first game to gamejolt (would also upload to itchio but they have a 500mb cap):

Bar Ramblings>

Pretty much a PnC game that you just read bullshit, I guess playtime is around 20 minutes.
Tried to make a weird / estranged vibe, but I don't think I've achieved anything of the sort.
Was made to kill time while doing my other "bigger" game, but never had any concrete direction, but had to finish it to move on (or something).

The subs are a little small, I'll probably try to fix that when I stop feel so bad.

Right now I'm still working on my "bigger game", and another small one (hopefully this one gets better) similar to this one, but with some action sequences, and a sci-fi/glitchy aesthetic.

I hope you guys play it and criticise it, to see what stuff should I have in mind for my next games and so, and maybe some of you might even like it.
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Machine Gun Fist
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Re: My games (hopefully future releases)

Postby Testament » Fri Jan 27, 2017 12:57 pm

This is really cool, I'll have to check it out when I'm home.

I wish I could make stuff like this.
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Re: My games (hopefully future releases)

Postby shredingskin » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:04 pm

THank you !

It's not "hard" to make games, the tools keep getting better (but I guess it's a little time consuming).

If you are really interested you should download UE4 and download some of the examples, there's nothing to lose.
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Machine Gun Fist
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Re: My games (hopefully future releases)

Postby John Doom » Fri Jan 27, 2017 1:58 pm

:) I tried your game. I like the settings, the way you used the colors and the vibe (btw how did you manage to use post-processing effects? I can't with unity4 free :\ . Are you using unity pro or are now free for use?). It's a bit glitchy, though: the mirror in the bathroom's scene looked completely purple (no textures?) and after I asked the guy about the smoke in the kitchen, I got teleported inside the kitchen itself :D
For the controls, I'd suggest:
-inverting the Y rotation (left-right) of the camera when using the mouse, otherwise it feels like the player is drunk :D ;
-during a cutscene, making the subtitle appear completely by pressing the right button and then, if it's pressed again, making it finally skip to the next subtitle.
If possible, I'd like the actions to be less linear: feel suggested and controlled by the player (think of half-life 2) rather than forced by an invisible screenplay, so the player feels he's actually part of that world.
I'm looking forward for your next works :)

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Re: My games (hopefully future releases)

Postby shredingskin » Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:18 pm

I'm using the new postprocessing stack (it's still in beta) I think it'll only work on 5.5+.

- Mirror: yes, I can see it now in the build, but not in the editor (it's weird because it just uses the same dialogue camera), the mirror reflection "is there" kinda wonky because wonky occlusion culling.
- I don't see what can be about teletransporting to the kitchen, that means you couldn't finish it ? Was that talkting to the chef hotspot, the smoke hotspot, or there was already fire in the scene?
-About mouse, I can do it, I don't have a mouse, so it flew over my head (controlling with trackpad sucks balls either way).

It's kinda hard to give much "agency" to the player in this type of thing, I was mostly trying to see how would different types of cameras could work in gameplay (then did some ramblings to attach to it :P).
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Machine Gun Fist
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Re: My games (hopefully future releases)

Postby John Doom » Fri Jan 27, 2017 2:55 pm

About the kitchen, what happened is that I talked to the guy and he said it wasn't fire it was just smoke. Now that I think about it, it's not that he actually teletrasported into the kitchen, I think I saw him walking through the kitchen's walls while the other guy was talking to him during the cutscene, that's how I think I got here. Maybe the cutscene didn't correctly stop the player's movements? But even so, he should've collided with the wall, odd.
I could get through some of the objects inside the kitchen, except a trash bag and a few other objects. I could see part of a flame sprite and smoke just outside (or maybe inside) the door. I pushed the player against a corner and the "fire extinguisher" command popped up (I guess it was actually outside the room?), so I was able to use it to start the next cutscene :)

:) I especially liked how the "point-and-click adventure" camera worked in 3d. btw if you want to try more camera styles, you could make one that moves a little around the actor during cutscenes a la Shenmue ( ... .be&t=1273). I used it in my prototypes to make the shots feel more dynamic (and hide the fact that my characters used basic hand-made poses for some animations :D )
Last edited by John Doom on Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: My games (hopefully future releases)

Postby shredingskin » Fri Jan 27, 2017 3:20 pm

I think I see what happened: that conversation triggers a message to create another collider where the fire is supposed to be, it should't collide with the player, but probably it was triggered at that place.
The mirror was the camera does change automatically to default angles, and depending on how the character is looking at it made the camera focus on a wall backface that didn't had any materials.

I'm using dialogue system for cameras, I'm doing some custom actions in my other game to make the camera more lively, I just didn't care for it in this game (mostly because colliders, and a lot of characters are sitting/different positions), was better to just use default angles.
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