Review The Last Game You Beat

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby OL » Thu Jun 12, 2014 10:39 pm

Just finished this beautiful little obscurity:


And I really couldn't be more pleased with it. It's kind of surprising to me that it flew so far under the radar; if I hadn't actively looked things up on it after seeing it at the store, I literally wouldn't know a thing about it. I've never seen it come up in conversation or get any mentions of anticipation before it came out. The first time I heard about it was when I saw it at the store. And that's insane, because the game is incredibly inventive, fun, and polished, and deserves a lot more attention than it's gotten.
I'll try not to ramble too much on it, but I certainly do want to get the word out on it. Apparently, despite being made at Sony's Japanese branch, it's very much a joining of eastern and western minds; much of the game design was handled by Japanese folks, while the game's actual director and music composer are both from the UK. Interestingly, some of the main players behind it also worked on the Siren series extensively, so it represents a huge tonal shift from what they've done before.
Essentially, it's a side-scrolling platformer, not unlike many you've probably played before. To some degree, I would almost call it Klonoa-esque. But the thing that really sets it apart is the presentational style of the whole thing; it's all set up like a puppet show on a stage, complete with an unseen audience that reacts to everything happening on-screen. At all times, you can see the draw curtains at the edges of the screen, and the characters all appear to be made of wood. Backgrounds and the items in them are all given the appearance of cutouts or wooden props, with things like clouds either hanging by strings or held in place by sticks. Scenes spin and flip into place, as if it's all operated on some elaborate mechanical contraption, and the results are really, really impressive. There's such an intricate level of detail going on with the presentation that, frankly, it's kind of staggering just how much work and creativity has gone into it. Apparently the game is also playable in 3D, and this is one of the few cases where I feel that would actually enhance the experience. Additionally, despite obviously being mainly aimed at a younger audience, the voice acting is pretty damn great. There's such an insane level of personality and enthusiasm in everything that gets said that I couldn't help but be impressed.
Seriously, play this game. It's a perfect example of why I actually value Sony in the gaming market; many people seem to think of them as another mindless corporation that only wants to cash in on trends, but I think releases like this prove otherwise. They genuinely seem to care about developing and supporting slightly avant-garde concepts like this one. Not only that, but this one easily could have had its production cut in half and been relegated to the realm of digital-only games. But it was granted a really generous length, allowed a proper budget to make it as polished and visually-impressive as possible, and given a legitimate physical release. I would have thought all of that unfathomable for a quirky little sidescrolling platformer before, but they made it happen. Apparently serviceable advertising escaped the budget, but the resulting game is phenomenal either way.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Henry Spencer » Fri Jun 20, 2014 11:49 am

The games I've beaten over the past month:

Valkyrie Profile: Covenant of the Plume


Only managed to get one ending so far, but I think I've finished with it for a long while noe giving I put in around 40 hours into it overall in the first playthrough. I tried getting into this game before and not being able to, but this time it just clicked with me.

The gameplay is basically the original Valkyrie Profile's meets Tactical RPG. The battle system is wonderful and really fun. The game is incredibly hard though, but once you crack it and figure out the way to win (surround your enemies one at a time and go all out on the attack) then you'll have one hell of a time. The story grabbed me and was very similar to something Matsuno would write. Revenge takes the main character to very dark places and the story is basically about him meeting the various people who live in that bleak, miserable world.

The art design for the game is beautiful, both the sprite work and the character designs are always so well designed. Great game from Tri-Ace. It's another hidden gem on the DS. Highly recommended.

Deception 2

Says it all really...

The game was a blast from start to finish. I really enjoyed the twisted storyline and the gameplay was really fun. Nothing more to say.

Fatal Frame (Xbox version)



Game is just as brilliant as I remember. The clunkiness of the original actually adds to the fear factor. This game gave me nightmares during my high school years and it's still just as terrifying as it ever was (probably still the scariest horror game I've ever played). The ghosts in this game are just so persistent, eerie and random. The Xbox version definitely has more ghosts than the PS2 version did (I never remembered coming across a decapitated head ghost in the original?! Or a monk who can summon other ghosts...) Overall the game is a masterpiece.

Fatal Frame 2

I actually think this game isn't as great as the first at all. It's obviously an attempt by Shibata (the series creator) to make the game less scary, since there's far less random ghosts that follow you around everywhere and less eerie ghosts in general. Only Kusage (the final boss) and the woman who gets out of the box freaked me out in this game whereas in the original and in 3 they made loads of ghosts to follow you around everywhere, giving a constant sense of terror of "what is in the next room?" They seemed to want to ease new players into it more. Shibata actually said something to the effect of "the first one was just too scary for some players so we had to dial it back, a lot".

The gameplay refinements make it more fun to actually play, but I think something was lost with this game, I constantly felt safe, whereas there was a constant element of danger in the first game. It's still a good game, just more disappointing than I remembered it being.

Fatal Frame 3

Well they certainly ramped it up again with this one. People new to the series who start with this one are in for some trouble, they really went all out again just like with the first game. Much better than I remembered it being and I actually beat it this time. The final boss is definitely the most intense and best in the series. The way the story just comes together at the end is just a masterful stroke from Shibata. The design also feels much tighter and again refined further from past titles. Ended up becoming my favourite in the series, since the stories of the mansion really captured that same essence of evil the original game did; all of the residents turned aggressive ghosts have a unique individual story to tell that's in the notebook feature (Shenmue style).

The scares are way more pronounced than in FF2 as well, thankfully. The puzzles are really good too and the multiple characters angle was really neat and well done. Shibata said he based this game on his own nightmares he's had over the years and the game really captured that feeling of being in a nightmare. Overall, another masterpiece like FF1.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby OL » Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:12 pm

Agreed on practically everything in regards to the Fatal Frame series. Before playing them, I never imagined they'd be so good. Having played them now, I actually kind of lament the fact that there aren't more games like them out there; it feels like I've played all of the truly great Japanese horror games by this point, and I wish there was something else I could play to sate my appetite for that style. No doubt I'll head right back to the Fatal Frame series after they've faded just enough from my memory so that they'll feel relatively fresh again.
I've actually wanted to do a video for the third game for a while now. Maybe I'll get to that one day.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Fri Jun 20, 2014 3:54 pm

am i the only one that didnt find the fatal frame games all that scarey? :lol:
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby OL » Fri Jun 20, 2014 4:57 pm

I thought the gameplay hurt the scariness. It's too reliant on carefully-timed shots, which sometimes makes you focus on the mechanics rather than the atmosphere. That's part of why something like Silent Hill is so effective, because you don't have to think about the gameplay, as it's all really simple, standard stuff.
But that's just about the only drawback (if that even counts as a drawback) I can name for the entire series. Otherwise it's all brilliant.
Even if one doesn't find it particularly scary, it's hard to fault the series for its quality otherwise. The stories, design work, and atmosphere are absolutely top-notch.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Henry Spencer » Fri Jun 20, 2014 7:02 pm

OL wrote:Agreed on practically everything in regards to the Fatal Frame series. Before playing them, I never imagined they'd be so good. Having played them now, I actually kind of lament the fact that there aren't more games like them out there; it feels like I've played all of the truly great Japanese horror games by this point, and I wish there was something else I could play to sate my appetite for that style. No doubt I'll head right back to the Fatal Frame series after they've faded just enough from my memory so that they'll feel relatively fresh again.
I've actually wanted to do a video for the third game for a while now. Maybe I'll get to that one day.

I still have a few gems out there that I have left that I want to play like From Software's Kuon & Echo Night: Beyond, Kenji Eno's Enemy Zero & D2, Capcom's Haunting Ground and Grasshopper Manufacture's Michigan: Report from Hell. I know you love Haunting Ground and Echo Night: Beyond, but have you played any of those other games?

Also, I highly recommend tracking down Hell Night/Dark Messiah on the PS1. To my knowledge it's Atlus only foray into survival horror and they knock it out of the park. Captures those PSX horror game feels and is a really strange, eerie game with a unique feel to it. It's all set underground within a cyberpunk backdrop and the plot is absolutely batshit crazy. It's got everything from cyberpunk, to bizarre cults, to corrupt cops, black ops forces, mad scientist experiments that go awry (of course) and a really persistent stalker creature that will hunt you down. The best part? No combat at all. Just run and find your way out of the underground tunnels/passages.

I'm actually playing through the game in your signature right now, by the way. ;-)

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby OL » Fri Jun 20, 2014 10:49 pm

Ah, y'know what? Totally forgot about Enemy Zero, so that's a good mention. Also still need to finish Kuon. Love that game. I was in the process of making a video on From Software's horror ventures, but my mood shifted mid-way through, so I'll get back to that one of these days.
I would play Michigan and (especially) Hell Night if I could, but I believe those were only localized for the UK and never come to the US. Kind of like Siren 2, which I'm still bummed never came out over here.
But yeah, maybe one day I'll buy the games online anyway and get into PC emulation or something. It's not my usual route, but it may be worth it for these.

Henry Spencer wrote:I'm actually playing through the game in your signature right now, by the way. ;-)

Niiiiice. :nice!:
It's a little odd sometimes on the gameplay front, but it easily has one of the most effed-up stories I've played in a horror game. So, so in love with it. It actually began as a series of mobile games before the first two in the series were ported to the DS. I think that was where I first really took notice of Aksys Games, because dear lord, what an unlikely localization for them to take on. And it's because of stuff like this that they eventually tackled 999 and Virtue's Last Reward.
There's one more in the Theresia series that was never ported, called Dear Liszt, and it still kills me that not only did it never get the DS treatment, not only was it never localized, but it's also so obscure, so rare and difficult to find even in Japan (note that this is a mobile game, not even iOS, so it only existed as digital data which is practically gone now), that it's almost impossible to even get a proper summary or plot synopsis online for it.
I've pretty much only seen this one, single picture for it, and that's all.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Kenny » Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:30 am


This game is fucking awesome.

If you don't play this game, i'll personally come to your house and smash your testicles with a hammer. If you love wacky and zany platformers (with a bit of puzzles in it) akin to Psychonauts, you need to play this game.

It also reminds me alot of the studio Klasky Csupo (the studio who did Rugrats, Duckman, and other '90s cartoons) due to the visual style and jazzy soundtrack. The gameplay is also SO FUN. I never thought cutting mountains down to create pathways would be so much fun.

Normally I'd comment on the story (which is alright for this type of game) but man, I could care less if it had a shitty story or the best story ever. I loved the GAME itself so much and that's pretty rare from me nowdays to just rave a game over...just the gameplay. I finished it all in one sitting, which took two hours cause it's pretty short. But man was it WORTH IT.

Definitely keeping an eye on this studio like Amanita Design.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby elfshadowreaper » Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:51 am

I recently beat RE6 about a month ago. It was ok. I had a good time playing it which I guess means it's a good game. But it's nothing compared to RE4. They hold your hand through the entire game telling you which direction to go, etc. There are also very few puzzles which I loved in the older games. If Capcom wants to make a zombie game where the zombies have guns I wish they'd just make a new franchise. Zombies don't need guns. But I guess even the RE villains aren't really zombies anymore. They're just "infected." That's what I liked so much about the first two Dead Rising games. They just populated the malls with thousands of zombies. I loved that first game so much.

I've yet to play the REmake(or the original) for GC but it's on my list.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby OL » Mon Jun 23, 2014 12:38 pm

Kenny wrote: Image

It's only 99 cents on right now. Will be for the next two hours or something. I'm grabbing it up.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Kenny » Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:33 pm

Totally worth those ninety-nine pennies.
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Axm » Tue Jun 24, 2014 7:47 am


Infamous Second Son


Overall it's not going to be the most impressive next gen game you'll find in terms of raw polygon count but it makes up tremendously in lighting. Bar none this game has the best lighting effects I've ever seen. The amount of eye candy is fierce. Executing a fully powered up "Karama Streak Attack" is something you'll never get tired of especially since they introduce new ones as time goes on aswell.
Motion captured facial tracking/expressions in the in-game cut scenes are also very impressive and add a layer of quality to game that distinguishes it from last gen.


If you've play'n previous entries you'll find this is as standard affair. But many things have been added to keep it fresh and keep you from getting bored of performing the same actions over and over like you did in the previous games. Instead of one set of powers to build up and add on to, you progress to eventually gain 3 different skill trees to power up while you are leveling and a 4th you can use during end game aswell.
The controls are tight, the enemies are decent, the world is a good playground. Nothing outstanding but a fun game none the less.
The game's length leaves more to be desired though clocking in probably at around 10 hours. If you're going through again switching to the opposite side karma or doing all the side missions/collectables then I can see getting 25 hours out of it. I'll probably get the platinum for this game easily enough.

Throughout the game the characters seem very 2 dimensional. In the end though the story fleshes them all out abit more and I started to like them. Devin the main character, starts out as a typical punk that he is, but in the end he seems to grow up with whats going on around him and it makes for a good finale. I played through the game on Good karma. My next i'll do Evil and see those decisions. Overall though nothing really outstanding with the story, but as always the graphic novel presentation in the cut scenes were great. I just wish they did more of them.

In the end I give the game a 3.2/5
+For great lighting effects and fun gameplay
-For short length and zero replay value past Good/Evil playthroughs
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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Henry Spencer » Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:33 pm

@Orange: Shame about that mobile Theresia game never being brought over and being so damned obscure, I'm really enjoying the DS game at the moment, it's basically a dungeon-crawling adventure game. Feels creepy and has a f'd up storyline that keeps you engaged.


Just finished Murdered: Soul Suspect which is a mid-tier budget supernatural detective game from Square-Enix. It felt like the closest representation to a sort of a "modern day" designed Sierra esque game. It's very much a "point and click" adventure game, but instead in third person with you controlling the main character searching various areas for clues. The cool aspects of it are basically being able to walk through most items and walls in the game, since thw player character is a ghost detective. That, and being able to possess virtually anybody and everybody in this small city of Salem, (in Massachusetts). The city is rich in a very interesting history that it sort of goes into with this game in particular detail.

The game especially concentrates well on atmosphere, the whole game is set in one night and has that aura captured very well. Along the way you can help other ghosts who have become lost their way and find out how they were murdered before they can "rest in peace" and move on into the next life. The game unfortunately forces a set of scenarios where you have to "stealthily" evade or defeat these demonic creatures that plague the area, which are moments that are both furstrating since they obviously feel so out of place among the gumshoe detectives plight to find out who his killer is vs. these random demonic creatures that want to basically eat your soul.

The game's conclusion also unfortunately falls flat and feels more than a little bit rushed, even though it does leave the events with a sense of finality. But the journey there is definitely worth checking out (the side quests are the highlight of the game for me), it's rather a shame since the game introduces a lot of cool concepts that could be fully fleshed out in a sequel of some kind.

Plus we just need more games like this, that try to introduce these new concepts or some sort of different take on the genre. There only really is Telltale Games and Quantic Dream that really sell well in this genre. Detective games, heck adventure games in general on consoles are really a dead genre and it's a shame. Overall I really enjoyed my time with this gem of a game and recommend it (via rental for most people, I think, since it's only short and rather linear). When somebody asks me why Square-Enix was one of my favourite game publishers this generation (PS3/360/DS/PSP/Wii) it's because they make the odd gem or two like this [in genres that I really like] and took some cool risks.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby Jokatech19 » Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:04 pm



Pure boredom made me write this review. I actually would have written it a couple of months ago when I actually beat it, but lost interest in doing so. Untold Legends is a dungeon crawler RPG reminiscent of the Baldur's Gate which was popular on systems as well as PC some time ago. I actually played Baldur's Gate first and was into it somewhat years ago before losing my copy of the game. This game doesn't have a very complex combat system, or gaudy production to back up its story, but the repetitive dungeon crawling will grow on you in an inexplicable way over time. Untold Legends originally launched with the PSP back in 2005 and was one of the 2 launch games I purchased along with Metal Gear: Portable Ops. At the time, I was intrigued by it, but traded it hastily for another game after only playing a few hours. Over the years, I always had a slight inclination to revisit the game for curiosity sake. Finally, I downloaded it off of PSN, and got to work.


I don't like to do the whole category thing but I will mention the presentation for review accuracy. The presentation sucks. There are no cutscenes, or incentives to complete missions aesthetically. There is a fair amount of dialogue, which I must say is decent at times. However, the deep dungeons and plethora of side quests will make you an item hoarder in time.

The same song over and over. I recommend silence. Even the paper thin ambient sounds and effects such as screams are undesirable.

There is just enough meat in the item and combat system to keep it from utter monotony. Gameplay is also where it shines. With a large map, numerous dungeons and quests, you will find yourself constantly playing the game to your surprise.

Overall, it is an addictive experience, but not a lovely one. Like typing this review while the smilies keep buffering.

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Re: Review The Last Game You Beat

Postby YAZUKI PS4 » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:20 pm

ASSASIN creed 4 xbox 360 8/10 rayman legends xbox 360 9.5/10 castlevania LOS 2 PS3 7.5/10 tales of xillia 8/10 :mrgreen: :king:
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