Your favourite gaming steeds

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: Your favourite gaming steeds

Postby Bluecast » Tue Sep 18, 2012 8:42 am


Epona Twilight Princess.

I say TP not Oot as early on you learn the girl link likes has a real attachment to Epona. When she is taken away and Epona is left not only is Link taking care of Epona and uses here for his adventure. He takes care of her in respect to his friend. They work so well together. This Epona you can have horseback battles. I think in this there is a real connection to the two. Oot you had come magical flute command the horse. TP it's a wheat straw and comes like when calling the loyal dog by her name at will not because she is commanded.

Despair Darksiders II

Now to be fair there is no relationship or deep meaning here. It's just a avatar to get you from one place to another quicker.
I did not like Ruin from the first game as the horse was stiff and clunky and could not jump.
Despair can jump and controls better. What I like about despair is Death is already badass and is afraid of nothing not even death itself. (in DS Horsemen are flesh but Death is near invulnerable) Riding despair is a really cool depiction of the pale rider. The horse is a corpse which is kinda freaky but to top it off every footstep it shoots out souls. Screaming souls. Ruin was fire but every soul from despair has the look of... despair on their faces. Just makes death more bad ass. When not moving the horse has these wretched screams that echo in the valley. Also it feels so good riding and swiping the harvester on enemies. When you summon despair he just comes out of nothing and banish him and disappears just as well
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Jean Valjean
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Re: Your favourite gaming steeds

Postby OL » Tue Sep 18, 2012 12:52 pm

Bluecast wrote: I maybe in the minority but the controls for Argo just annoyed me. I know I know realism artistic expression blah blah blah but really annoyed me so ended up not liking the horse when every time riding it was a chore.

I don't think artistic expression has much to do with it.
But I still disagree almost entirely with what you're saying. Agro isn't a chore to control in the least. You push in a direction, he turns. You push X a fews times, he starts to gallop.
He certainly has a few extra frames of animation that he has to go through while making his movements, but I think that's part of what makes him better than most other horses you ever control in videogames, part of why he made an impact on a lot of people (especially if they play all the way through the game).
When controlling Epona for example, it doesn't feel like you're riding a horse; it feels like you're directing a 3D model in a videogame. And no, I don't have a problem with that. Videogames are meant for fun, and the easiest way to provide fun is to allow quick, precise control over things.
But because Agro has more frames of animation that he has to go through to accomplish his various movements, controlling him isn't quite as precise. And because of that, it never feels like you're directly controlling the horse on-screen; it feels like you're controlling Wander as he rides the horse on screen. It's a very important distinction.
And the result of that?
Agro feels less like a movable construct of pixels on a screen (e.g. Epona), and more like a living, breathing animal who accompanies you both across barren landscapes and into the thick of battle. Agro feels more like a travelling companion, a legitimate character, rather than a tool for you to move faster.

As big as this post is, it probably looks like a big angry rant, but it's not. I'm just clarifying that it isn't about art or realism, but creating a sense of actual "life" in the game, which most other games don't really manage.
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Re: Your favourite gaming steeds

Postby Bluecast » Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:46 pm

All I saw is a wall trying to explain artistic expression. I didn't like Argo end of.
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Jean Valjean
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Re: Your favourite gaming steeds

Postby OL » Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:31 pm

How very nice for you.
Except that I wasn't explaining anything about artistic expression, but rather a method for increasing immersion and atmosphere. And I was clear that I was just explaining why it resonated with people, not why you have to like it.

And it's Agro, not Argo.
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Yo jes hummilated yoursef
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Re: Your favourite gaming steeds

Postby Bluecast » Tue Sep 18, 2012 4:36 pm


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Jean Valjean
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