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Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 10:58 am
by ThyDarkAngel
Seems fake...

It's in japanese but the Sega logo's blue is the western blue.

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:11 am
by Giorgio
ThyDarkAngel wrote: Seems fake...

It's in japanese but the Sega logo's blue is the western blue.

Someone in the Internet has posted an answer about this concern: I leave it up on your judgment.

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:15 am
by ShenmueTree
Doesn't seem the argument against the logo holds up too well.

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:20 am
by ThyDarkAngel
Giorgio wrote:
ThyDarkAngel wrote: Seems fake...

It's in japanese but the Sega logo's blue is the western blue.

Someone in the Internet has posted an answer about this concern: I leave it up on your judgment.

Interesting... Glad to see more than a couple examples against my argument there.

Obviously, I hope something comes out of this, but it's pretty strange and hard to believe a pic that you can't trace back to it's origin, in this day and age.

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:41 pm
by Giorgio
Following my previous post where I hypothesize that Sega Spectrum will be an updated and more advanced "Play Sega", it seems that Sega Spectrum will have a more broader ...spectrum (not just games playable only in PC). Consider this quote:
1UP: How exactly is Sega defining digital platforms for its new Digital division?

Mike Hayes: It's a good question, because it's such a broad space. Digital for us is kind of really all the checkboxes you'd get. For us it's certainly all mobile devices - iPhone, iPad, the interesting new devices we're seeing from other players, for example Microsoft. It includes games for XBLA, for PSN, for Virtual Console. It also then goes beyond to cover distribution methods like on PC, and then it's also going to encompass everything to do with social gaming and casual gaming. So it's a broad spectrum, but it's kind of everything that isn't physically going to be shipped in a box of some sort. So naturally there are huge gray areas between what is digital and what is boxed because, but it's broadly that definition which we're encompassing into the new Digital group. Read more...

So, Sega is shifting towards into the digital arena, more and more, so strong that it seems that will be its second nature.

Also, it seems to me that Sega Spectrum is this big project, Sega's avant-garde into the digital business.
[Seems like a universal kind of service, where you will be able to get and play games in every device you can think of that is able to download and run games (at least, those devices who sell well...)]

And when that moto says "a new world [...]": I think it does not just means a new world where its inhabitants will be just games (regardless of whether the games collection will be huge) and it does not just means because games will be available to any device that through cloud services they will make a connection with each other, but it also means that part of the world will be its users/players. That it is obvious to me when he says that "it's also going to encompass everything to do with social gaming".

The previous has already been envisioned or acknowledged by Yu Suzuki, where you can see in this video from 18:39 until 21:00, the following tags:
"2010 Network"
"2015 Relation (Connection)"
"Smart Phone (All in One)"
"Platform Less"

Consider also that, for example, Sega of Japan has something like a recruiting plan for 2014, where in its description (in the official page, translated with a machine translator) it is says:
Now the game beyond game arcade and home video game consoles, is pervaded to various scenes of life through all digital devices such as everyone has mobile phones, smartphones and tablets.
We actively goes beyond the boundaries of conventional gaming regions in such changes, and aims to provide products and services anywhere and enjoy every experience as entertainment for the range of generations.

Epilogically, Sega's nature of business is changing, it is metamorphosing into a digital oriented service game and I believe Sega Spectrum will be the first big fruit of that.

In the end, the above opinion may be wrong, everything's possible.

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 5:37 pm
by Crimson Ryan
I like the sound of that. Especially if it means they'll make a bigger push for their back catalogue to go digital..

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 25, 2013 9:21 pm
by ShenmueTree
So basically if it's true, Sega could be making a "Hive-Console", it's effectively a new Sega virtual console that is a parasite to other companies hardware. Could turn out even better than a real console if it allows offline play as well as online and the entire Sega library.

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 6:05 pm
by Giorgio
ShenmueTree wrote: So basically if it's true, Sega could be making a "Hive-Console", it's effectively a new Sega virtual console that is a parasite to other companies hardware. Could turn out even better than a real console if it allows offline play as well as online and the entire Sega library.

I like the way you put it, that is as a "parasite". Based on that, Sega's Digital Service could prove to be like a "virus" spread over to every relevant device and, while Sega not having an actual console, will take advantage of others' consoles like they were its own (you put it really well as a "Hive-Console").

I think that would be a clever move... but in the end I do not know if Sega is clever... I hope so.

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Mon May 06, 2013 2:31 pm
by ys
So we're getting Shenmue III (and beyond) in episodic form in other words? Yu was probably secretly working on that mobile game to prepare for their new digital approach.

But seriously, it would be cool to have access to a few older games with some improvements here and there. Not saying that more capability than that wouldn't be welcome ;) I'm honestly curious what this is about. But at the same time I'm also cautious. More specifically Sega Announcement cautiousness™ (see Segaton).

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 2:20 pm
by *Kenshin Himura*
Suppose to be shown at E3 tomorrow. *crosses finger* [-o<

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:19 pm
by mue 26
Shenmue HD guaranteed to make an appearance in connection to this. Have faith.

Re: Sega... Spectrum?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:38 pm
by *Kenshin Himura*
Please Sega....