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Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2013 4:31 pm
by Bluecast
Who Really Cares? wrote: Could they afford to include them?

No. Sega was so far in the red they were a yen away from becoming SNK. Dreamcast had a few issues. They should have gone 3DFX then EA would have been on board. Upped the ram to at least 24MB or 32MB. Second analog and DVD player. The last 2 they did not have the budget for. Because SEGA was supporting 8 systems world wide and the failures of 32X,Sega CD and Saturn. SEGA was pretty much in a lose lose situation.

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sat May 25, 2013 4:49 pm
by ShenmueTree
Image Whaaaat? Remote play via Ipad? Apple fans will rejoice, no doubt.

Also I heard that Microsoft was releasing a mini 360 that attaches to the Xbox One and that it lacks a disc drive. It'll be considered as a way for digital downloads and backwards compatibility. It was Paul Thurrott that said such. He's been a pretty reliable guy, but you never really know. ... 5889381948

Football Manager 14 is coming to Linux. I wonder how close a potential steam box is to be being released. Steam for Linux is growing at a much faster rate than it was for Mac OS, and almost all of Valve's games are on Linux now, not to mention all the other games from major publishers. Sega brought The Cave and now Football Manager.

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 3:48 am
by Axm


Visit your preferred retailer today and pre-order the Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Collector’s Edition for $79.99, or grab the standard edition for $39.99. Simply pre-order either edition to get the goodies I mentioned earlier!
Don’t forget that phase 3 of our Beta Test kicks off in June, and we’ll be inviting PlayStation 3 gamers from around the world to try the game and give us their feedback! ... d-details/

Hope it turns out good.
Really interested in playing this beta so I might try to get in on that. If not ill pre-order and try it out before committing to $40 for game and $15/mo..

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 4:25 am
by Who Really Cares?
Don't like FF but that guy with the sword looks awesome.

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 9:47 am
by ShenmueTree
Image Interesting...

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 12:54 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Curiosity has ended....

Peter did a Cage :P Oh and Comments are disabled for this video. :lol:
phpBB [video]

The prize for the winner of Curiosity, as outlined in the video by Molyneux himself, is that they "will be the god of all people that are playing Godus. You will intrinsically decide the rules that the game is played by." Godus is a god game in development by 22 Cans, which received over $852,000 in Kickstarter funding for the project in late December 2012.

Molyneux added that the winner, a certain Bryan Henderson of Edinburgh, Scotland, will also "share in the success of the product," in that "every time people spend money on Godus, [he] will get a small piece of that pie." Molyneux said he'll reveal details on how the prize will be carried out at a later date.

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 1:13 pm
by Bluecast
I don't get it. He is blabbering nonsense about some cube or some shit and fluff words...k..whatever. Moving on.

And for some reason looks like he is in SEGA's Time Traveler Arcade game.

phpBB [video]

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 6:02 pm
by ShenmueTree ... conference

Sony's planning used game DRM too. I really hope it's up to the publishers because I'm pretty sure that yosp said that the console could be run completely offline. If not, that's Bullshit just like the XBone.

EDIT: Update From one of the sources

I actually did caution that it was coming about a week ago. Because as of a week ago it was.

I just heard on friday that it wasn't. I didn't want to come right out and post about it because leak-y individuals like myself are getting a bit too much attention and I don't care about myself but Im not really looking to get my friends into trouble. But i've confirmed it with a second person so I got dumb and posted it.

Chubigans can vouch for me though on having been correct on other sony leaks in the past.

And chubigans should probably PM me again telling me to be quiet.

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 6:19 pm
by Sonikku
If they really wanted to take the high ground they could simply have left things the same as they were last generation. Leaving it up to the publishers through the back door is just a nice way of saying they're passing the buck. Creating the functionality that allows publishers to engage in said shenanigans makes them just as complicit in my opinion. For all the hate Microsoft is getting right now at least they seem to own up to the fact that they're screwing gamers over. With Sony it comes off like a "Well, maybe gamers will get screwed, then again maybe they won't. Depends. Who knows?"

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 6:33 pm
by ShenmueTree
Sonikku wrote: If they really wanted to take the high ground they could simply have left things the same as they were last generation. Leaving it up to the publishers through the back door is just a nice way of saying they're passing the buck. Creating the functionality that allows publishers to engage in said shenanigans makes them just as complicit in my opinion. For all the hate Microsoft is getting right now at least they seem to own up to the fact that they're screwing gamers over. With Sony it comes off like a "Well, maybe gamers will get screwed, then again maybe they won't. Depends. Who knows?"

Well, it's just that the PS3 already has the ability to leave it up to the publishers. On a hardware level things are not blocked but right now if publishers wanted to block games on the PS3 they could, so leaving it up to them would be the same exact thing as it is right now. The question is would publishers block used games? EA, yes for sure. But there's a chance others wouldn't.

EDIT: Update From one of the sources

I actually did caution that it was coming about a week ago. Because as of a week ago it was.

I just heard on friday that it wasn't. I didn't want to come right out and post about it because leak-y individuals like myself are getting a bit too much attention and I don't care about myself but Im not really looking to get my friends into trouble. But i've confirmed it with a second person so I got dumb and posted it.

Chubigans can vouch for me though on having been correct on other sony leaks in the past.

And chubigans should probably PM me again telling me to be quiet.

So it seems the rumor (and I must say that the sources of the rumor has been correct many other times) says that Sony planned to have used games DRM similar to Microsoft's but then they changed it. So hopefully Microsoft will do the same. If not, they're totally screwed.

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 9:20 pm
by Sonikku
Wouldn't it be funny if EA nixed online pass solely because they figured the even more invasive centralized DRM was a lock, only for M$/Sony to back away from it because of the overwhelmingly negative gamer reaction?

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 3:33 am
by Who Really Cares? ... 5783389184

As for used games i don't see why they don't just keep the pass but now that both will come with a camera why not simply have a barcode in the case that people scan with the camera?

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 12:19 pm
by Bluecast
If you were a child of the 80's like me then you might remember these things. Battle beasts. Well guess what. Only took 25 years but finally getting a game on it. a Beat em up on 3DS :lol:
phpBB [video]

Now where is Monster in my Pocket?

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 3:23 pm
by Giorgio
Next-Gen Hacker Threatens To Leak Trove of Gaming Info, Code ... -509968073
The hacker who leaked information about the next-gen Xbox and PlayStation to Kotaku before either console was officially announced and who was subsequently raided by the police is now vowing to disseminate 2 Terabytes of gaming code and information, should he be arrested.

SuperDaE, an Australian citizen named Dylan, first publicized this threat on our sister site Gizmodo. He told that outlet that he expects to be arrested on Monday and that, if he's not at his computer by 8pm Monday evening in Perth, Australia (8am ET), a Tweet will automatically be sent from his account that will make all of the gaming info he's hacked from the world's top video game companies public.

The FTP, whose files are not yet accesible, supposedly contains material grabbed by SuperDaE's hacks into Gears of War and Unreal Engine developer Epic, World of Warcraft studio Blizzard, Sleeping Dogs dev house United Front Games and the now-shuttered publisher THQ, among others.

The FTP also apparently contains software development kits for the PS4, Xbox One and Wii U as well as possible old code for unreleased games such as Company of Heroes 2 and WWE 14. The Epic directory includes folders for Unreal Engine 4 and UE4 projects called Fortnite (an announced game), Kilo, Lima and Orion.

We're not able to verify the authenticity of any of these files, though SuperDaE had shared accurate development documentation with Kotaku for the then code-named Orbis (PS4) and Durango (Xbox One) near the start of the year. At the time, we were unclear where or how SuperDaE had obtained such information and were under the impression, after reporting out the story of SuperDaE's hacking and mid-February police raid, that he'd not made any subsequent hacks.

The FTP, we believe, contains the data he'd obtained from his pre-raid hacks.

"It only leaks if I get arrested," SuperDaE told Kotaku today. Asked why he expected to be arrested, he said, "I'm not expecting anything. I'm just making a political statement."

SuperDaE has maintained that he only hacks out of curiosity and doesn't distribute game code to torrents or engage in piracy.

He also says that the raid of his home, which resulted in the seizure of his computers and gaming hardware, was never followed up with any charges. He believes that the FBI played a hand in the raid, though we've never been able to confirm that. Last December, the FBI did raid the home of one of his hacker colleagues in New Jersey.

SuperDaE believes he was raided at the behest of Microsoft, whose chief of digital security had flown to Australia to meet with SuperDaE late last year.

In February, Microsoft denied triggering the raid. "Microsoft did not initiate this FBI investigation with this individual, as has been asserted in some of the articles in the media," a company spokesperson had told Kotaku. "We take security very seriously and have no evidence of any compromise of our corporate network. We have no further comment on this matter."

Asked what political statement he was trying to make, SuperDaE said today: "The U.S. works on Capitalism. The government isn't Microsoft's personal servant."

Should the FTP's data be as real as he says it is and leak, it wouldn't just be Microsoft that would be affected. As for whether the release of unreleased game code would be fair to those who made the games—companies that aren't Microsoft—he replied: "It isn't fair, but that's how Capitalism works. They're playing a dirty game. It's like a game of poker."

UPDATE - SuperDaE has since claimed to have been granted bail, tweeting:

Re: Small Tidbit Gaming News Thread

PostPosted: Tue May 28, 2013 2:13 am
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Ryudo wrote: Image
If you were a child of the 80's like me then you might remember these things. Battle beasts. Well guess what. Only took 25 years but finally getting a game on it. a Beat em up on 3DS :lol:
phpBB [video]

Now where is Monster in my Pocket?