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Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 4:40 am
by IrishNinja
fuck, i wish i had the $ for the physical LE on this!

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:59 am
by shredingskin
Around 3 hours in I guess, really enjoying the game.

The visual design is pretty different from most VN, the story is getting interesting, the 3d models and videos are cool.
There are many little things that it has going on, like remake/old music/videos (which can't compare because I didn't play the original). The UI is pretty slick and the presentation is amazing.

But it lacks certain stuff that should be standard in VN like auto-play, see a backlog of the conversations, and quick saves (or at least the hability to save anytime). The controls are wonky, to no say just bad (specially if you are playing with a touchpad), you can only save in "investigation mode", also the game is a cpu hog, incredible for a visual novel.

I'll keep playing it, I've would have played it more if I weren't always doing some other work behind, and this game can slow everything down considerably.

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2016 7:48 pm
by shredingskin
phpBB [video]

Pretty hyped review, I'll keep going.

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2016 1:03 pm
by Monkei
Never heard of this game before seeing this topic.. I just stumbled about the news that this will be coming to PS4 next year, so being a fan of Suda and point and click adventures I'm now officially on board :D

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 1:51 am
by OL
Okay, this pisses me the absolute fuck off. The PC version was supposed to be the only version with a physical copy. Actually, it was supposed to be the only version, period. So I was going to settle for a PC version, because if that's what I had to do for this game, then that's what I was going to do.
But why the fuck would I preorder a physical PC copy if I'd known that a physical PS4 copy was coming just a little bit later?
And I'm sure I can't cancel my preorder of the PC version, because I've already redeemed the digital download code, though I haven't even booted it up yet. And they're each coming from two separate companies, which is silly as all hell. Who the fuck planned this shit?
I'm contacting Limited Run Games to see if cancelling is possible. Wouldn't necessarily be their fault; more so the fault of whoever handles localization licensing for Grasshopping Manufacture. But fecking hell, whatever the case is, this kind of crap is awfully inconvenient for consumers.

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:21 am
by shredingskin
A little bit more than half of the game in:

This game is awesome, sadly the technical aspects of the game on pc are a little harsh, hopefully the ps4 version is better optimized.

I hope that this will mean that suda will start looking at his older games and stop doing the "lol I'm so weird look at it!" schtick and start doing some actual games.

The only thing: placebo chapters are very repetitive (look computer, look telephone, look turtle, repeat).

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:09 am
by Hyo Razuki
I think I'll be getting this. Let's see how much the physical edition will cost, though. Might be getting digital only.

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:37 pm
by shredingskin
lol wtf was that ending.

Cool game, I expected a little more at the final, but I enjoyed a lot most of the game (a little bit too linear, and technical problems appart).

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 8:47 pm
by Raithos
OL wrote: Okay, this pisses me the absolute fuck off. The PC version was supposed to be the only version with a physical copy. Actually, it was supposed to be the only version, period. So I was going to settle for a PC version, because if that's what I had to do for this game, then that's what I was going to do.
But why the fuck would I preorder a physical PC copy if I'd known that a physical PS4 copy was coming just a little bit later?
And I'm sure I can't cancel my preorder of the PC version, because I've already redeemed the digital download code, though I haven't even booted it up yet. And they're each coming from two separate companies, which is silly as all hell. Who the fuck planned this shit?
I'm contacting Limited Run Games to see if cancelling is possible. Wouldn't necessarily be their fault; more so the fault of whoever handles localization licensing for Grasshopping Manufacture. But fecking hell, whatever the case is, this kind of crap is awfully inconvenient for consumers.

I feel the same fucking way dude. Extremely pissed about the whole thing. Looking on Twitter and their forums, they didn't even know about the PS4 version. It wasn't announced until after the sale of the PC version concluded. And as far as it was communicated from Grasshopper, no other version was in the works.

Either way it sucks that we were told the PC version was the only physical copy to be printed, buy now or miss out. Then bam, here's a PS4 copy for ya.

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 3:11 pm
by Hyo Razuki
Why are you guys so eager on the physical PS4 version? What makes a physical PS4 version superior to a physical PC version? Not trying to troll or anything. I'm just curious.

I personally have a strict "no preorder" policy. Unless I am a huge fan of the franchise (e.g. Shenmue, Yakuza, Persona) or I am helping fund a game on Kickstarter I never preorder games. This kind of mindset recently helped me dodge bullets like Mighty No. 9, No Man's Sky and Mafia 3 which I was on the brink of preordering.

No matter how awesome a game looks, no matter how much you want it. Keep your guard up and always remember: no preorder! Unless it's a Shenmue game. ;-)

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:27 pm
by OL
I'll always prefer a console version when it comes to physical releases because console games don't become outdated; they always work on the console they were made for. Meanwhile PC games eventually do become outdated, and typically require some kind of wacky workarounds or patches to get them running again as operating systems change and advance. A game that worked on Windows 95 won't typically run out-of-the-box on Windows 8 without extra files or tweaks.
Because of that, console games have always felt a bit more collectible and worth holding onto to me; they're hard-wired to work with their respective console, while a PC disc may as well just be an archive of old data.

That's not to say that I dislike PC games. I play PC all the time. But if I really love a game and want to hold on to it for years to come, I'd rather have the console version.

As for preordering, I don't actually do it all that much these days unless I'm really intent on supporting something that I feel needs the support. The Silver Case was one of those games. There was no telling how well it would actually do, so I wanted to do my part in showing that there's an audience for it.
Unfortunately, Grasshopper had to do the dumbest fucking thing ever and give the distribution rights to the PC and PS4 versions to two separate companies. Makes it so that Limited Run Games, the distributors of the PC version, can't do anything to help their customers who would prefer the PS4 version, because they'd already sent out Steam codes for PC; they'd already sent out a non-refundable portion of the product.
It'd be one thing if they gave the full distribution rights to one company; then it might be as simple as just requesting an alternate physical version, no problem. But splitting it between two companies muddles things and essentially fucks over anyone who supported the game early on. Really dumb move by Grasshopper, which apparently even surprised the folks at Limited Run Games. I personally can't even think of another instance where this kind of thing has happened. Normally the full distribution rights for a game go through one company, no matter how many different versions there are, so there shouldn't have been any reason to be wary of preordering.

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 6:35 pm
by Thief
I find PC has longer longevity than console games though. Problems with PC tends to be an OS thing, which you can always install if you want -- consoles have hardware issues, that'll never be fixed once the console is obsoleted.

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:40 pm
by Raithos
The main reason I would want this on PS4 would be because the original was on PS1. Just seems fitting to have it on a SONY console. My "anger" over the situation is more at Grasshopper than anything. They didn't communicate well enough and led LRG (and us) to believe they were printing the only physical copy, the PC one, only to announce a second partnership with NISA a week or so later which is unheard of.

It was a big deal getting this localized and people jumped to show their support. Take a look at forums like NeoGAF and LRG and you see people that don't even play PC games bought it to show support. Only to have it thrown in their face a week later when a console version was announced and no refund available to them.

At the end of the day, a DRM free PC version is better (IMO) because it doesn't rely on any particular hardware. And even if it takes a few minutes to get up and running 20 years from now, you can. Every game I've ever bought on PC is playable on my current system. Optical drives will eventually fail on consoles. But for this release I still would have opted for the PS4 had I known it was coming.

Oh well OL, at least we have a very "rare" game now lol. 1970 copies are being made of the PC one, has basically the same contents as the PS4 one for NIS. We can wait until the standard PS4 copy is in the bargain bin and buy it :D

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:14 pm
by shredingskin
Insert the you are a pirate video.

Re: The Silver Case Remake

PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2016 1:01 am
by Raithos
^No one said anything about pirating the game. OL and I both bought it. Arrr you a pirate?