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Re: Games you just can't bring yourselves to play?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 9:05 am
by KidMarine
Henry Spencer wrote: Can't get myself to play any RTS games, sports games, tablet/phone games (cannot stand no buttons, don't know how anyone plays through such long ass games with no buttons, especially RPGs and the like) or most PC games generally unless they are adventure games or old ass PC games.

Must admit I'm not really big on Sony's first party output this gen either (Naughty Dog games, The Order, Killzone, Knack etc) since they all bore the pants off me. Same goes for Nintendo's first party output since it was really samey and boring on the Wii U (generic Mario games with no new flavour injected, no Zelda games, too many Pokemon games) outside of their collabs with other developers like Platinum Games, Namco (Super Smash Bros.) and Tecmo (Fatal Frame V/Project Zero V) and definitely Microsoft's as well which comprises of just Forza (*yawns*), Halo by 343 (*YAWN*) or Gears of War (Zzzzzz). In fact, thinking about it, all three of them are boring on the first party side of things, aside from the odd one or two cool games.

Racing games bore me nowadays too. Too much realism for me now, I much preferred the 90s and 00s arcade racers that we used to get to these boring as feck racing sims we get so many of nowadays. I drive all day long as it is, the last thing i want to do when I get home is drive again in a realistic racing game. Fuck that noise. Arcade racers were a nice escape in comparison.

Also, I'm a big fan of horror games but it seems like Western horror games are all the same - first person perspective, no weapons and you must hide from the big bad monster who will one hit kill you, made for YouTube personalities to overact and flail around like idiots begging for money on YouTube. It's cool for the first time but then everybody is making the same horror games and it gets dull quickly. I kinda find horror games nowadays so samey and pathetic for that reason. Like with racing games, I muuuuch prefer the PSX/PS2/Xbox for horror gaming.

Jesus, are you me? I share literally all of those opinions.

Re: Games you just can't bring yourselves to play?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 12:10 pm
by SledgeNE
Well, i want to play SEGA Sonic CD on PC. But with Windows 7 64 bit it seems it doesn't run. :-s

Re: Games you just can't bring yourselves to play?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 1:42 pm
by shredingskin
south carmain wrote: Fallout 3, I just found it so incredibly bland and boring I couldn't understand the hype behind it. Same goes for Oblivion too actually.

Same game but with different feeling.

I was enjoying quite a bit, but then out of some corner of my mind there was the scream of: "it's just a oblivion skin".

I liked oblivion, but when I did the thief mission and got some mask that pretty much made you "no consequences boy" was like looking at how much of a game the game actually is. I just roamed around, stole some things, killed some civilians or something, then saved, looked at the clock (around 200 hours I guess), asked myself "was it really 200 hours worth ?", and never played it again.

Re: Games you just can't bring yourselves to play?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:52 pm
by Mr357
SledgeNE wrote: Well, i want to play SEGA Sonic CD on PC. But with Windows 7 64 bit it seems it doesn't run. :-s

Just run the original, Sega CD version on an emulator (I recommend KEGA Fusion).

Re: Games you just can't bring yourselves to play?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 8:05 pm
by ys
MiTT3NZ wrote: Pokémon Go. I try to avoid plebs as much as possible and would inevitably bump into several.

Typical mobile games in general. Also, most FPS games. I get motion sickness from a lot of them. Though oddly enough not with any of the Deus Ex games or Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Henry Spencer wrote:Fatal Frame, or Project Zero as it's known over here in European territories, is the best horror game series out there, in my opinion. Always consistently good.

Great series. Project Zero 2 is one of the few games where I felt an almost constant atmosphere of dread. Something with the whole area and going into new unknown locations when you learned the current one a bit etc.