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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:05 am
by south carmain
Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote: I respectfully disagree, I played it and was extremely unimpressed by everything not related to gameplay.

Nintendo 3DS sales: 21,207 | Total sales: 8,076,904

Nintendo 3DS XL sales: 39,801 | Total sales: 2,748,399

PlayStation Vita sales: 63,581 | Total sales: 1,359,374
Read more at ... j9ZqRDH.99

looks like Vita sales are on the up and up, hopefully a us pricedrop can help

apparently retailers in the US are dropping the 3g model by 100$ as rumour has it that it's going to be discontinued and retailers aren't selling any
http://www.officialplaystationmagazine. ... continued/

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:02 am
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
I really really hope things pick up.

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:04 am
by south carmain
Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote: I really really hope things pick up.

me too, still waiting on a price drop to get one myself though.

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:58 am
by Bambi

Video game characters as Mega Man sprites.

Ryudo wrote: Image

Reminds me of the Treamcast.

Axm wrote: Playing Tomb Raider right now. Very very impressed. This game is amazing. And im saying this with all seriousness.. Its better then Uncharted. And thats saying alot from me. I love Uncharted, but this game makes it look like a cartoon in comparison. Tomb Raider does so many things right that anything I could find to be negative right now would be nit picking on my part.
I recomend everyone play this game who enjoyed any of the Uncharted games or any third person action games in general.


Off topic but Lara's voice actress looks a bit like her.

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:31 pm
by Sonikku

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:42 pm
by Bluecast
Starting to wonder if Wii U is a lost cause. Even Gamecube started strong. This reminds me of Dreamcast sales.

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:44 pm
by south carmain
Ryudo wrote: Starting to wonder if Wii U is a lost cause. Even Gamecube started strong. This reminds me of Dreamcast sales.

the WII U sold 39k in February did the DC even do that bad?

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 12:48 pm
by Bluecast
Well only sold 10 million in 3 years so might have done worse. Or just as bad and the kicker is at least Dreamcast had a ton of great games to play. Wii U has nothing but stuff not released yet when it might be too late.

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 1:57 pm
by Sonikku
That which does not adapt, dies. Nintendo managed to get by in the gamecube days on the strength of their first party titles but their weak 3rd party support ensured they would not nearly be as successful as Sony's Playstation 2. This was before Netflix and smart phones and Ipads started competing for consumers entertainment dollar. The wii was a brilliant success in tapping into a market no one else knew existed, but that market has since been filled by smartphones/kinect etc. It's no longer enough to keep their brand top tier. Now that the market they broke into is so thoroughly saturated, they need something else. Judging by the cool reception from 3rd parties, prognosis is not good. I fear if Nintendo tries to go it alone and carve out a living solely on the Nintendo characters of old that this might be their final home console. The idea Sega might get out of the console business was unimaginable too. Right up to the point it happened.

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:44 pm
by Axm
Sonikku wrote: That which does not adapt, dies. Nintendo managed to get by in the gamecube days on the strength of their first party titles but their weak 3rd party support ensured they would not nearly be as successful as Sony's Playstation 2. This was before Netflix and smart phones and Ipads started competing for consumers entertainment dollar. The wii was a brilliant success in tapping into a market no one else knew existed, but that market has since been filled by smartphones/kinect etc. It's no longer enough to keep their brand top tier. Now that the market they broke into is so thoroughly saturated, they need something else. Judging by the cool reception from 3rd parties, prognosis is not good. I fear if Nintendo tries to go it alone and carve out a living solely on the Nintendo characters of old that this might be their final home console. The idea Sega might get out of the console business was unimaginable too. Right up to the point it happened.

I agree with everything you said except for that last part.
I dont think it was so unimaginable that at the time Sega would drop out of hardware considering the prior failures. They were the Blackberry of back then. They were popular, innovative and had a large market share at first but as you stated aswell, didnt adapt and ultimately had a last piece of hardware to try and save them. Which is exactly whats happening to Blackberry right now with the Z10 thats coming out soon.

I dont see Nintendo in that position. At worst I see them cutting the life of the Wii U short to come up with a new innovative excuse to launch a all new system that will garner as much attention the Wii first got.
But ultimately I think Wii U will be fine. Just like the PS3.

What worries me is their stock, take a look at the 5 year view

But in comparison to Sony's past 5 years it could be worse

Alot of people say however that the stock is not an ultimate indicator for the companies profitability and I mostly agree with that, however it doesnt hurt to have it in your favor and it certainly does hurt to have it fall. Nintendo has been up past 500 before and I think they know they have the potential to get back there.
In the end Nintendo still has billions and extremely succesful portable sales.
What really worries me is the YOY(year over year revenue growth)

They need to see this improve or else it really is trouble. Revenues can be in the positive like they have been for them, but executives and share holders want to see positive YOY. I think they'll be fine though. They just need about 20 good games and 2 years time including price drops. They can bleed abit until then.

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 5:56 pm
by Bluecast
Nintendo has 18$ Billion so unlike Sega they are fine financially. Even that 30 million they just got fined with they will make back in 2 weeks. Who knows PS3/PSP started with sluggish sales and now at the 70 million mark. Maybe Wii U will pick up or be Gamecube again

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 6:51 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
The 3DS and Vita both hit less then 40k, the 3DS is now a resounding sucess while the Vita looks like it will gain ground with a price drop.

The system hasn't been out 6 months yet, theres no games for it and yet it still has a 1st party game that sold over 1 million copies.

Nintendo isn't dying, they aren't alienating 3rd party support they're still giving money to companies like Namco, Tecmo-Koei, Natsume, etc to make games for them. Microsoft and Sony don't allow as many 3rd party developers to actually use 1st party licenses i mean Capcom made 3 and a half Zelda games. If "Here is some money to make a game on our system" isn't inviting I don't know what is.

Look at the 3DS whats driving strong sales of the console? Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing, etc. mostly 1st party titles. Of about 15 3DS games I have 7 are 1st party.

just give it time, I can't say it will absolutely be successful, but I know saying it won't be is pretty foolhardy considering the 3DS and just how console cycles have worked out over the last bit.

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:04 pm
by Tuffty
In another hilarious twist of fate a modder found a way to play SimCity offline, completely negating EA's claim that offline play was impossible. Let me just be clear, I have every sympathy for the engineers working long hours to get things fixed, or the PR representative who has to face all this criticism. But both the developers and EA have fucked this up so bad, lying about it even now, and they should be called out for it. Does anyone really, really believe the PR spin of "the servers are busy because the players who were already on were having so much fun they didn't want to leave?" And they also said an offline more would take too many resources and man hours to do, when some random guy can do it in his bedroom? It proves how easy it is for Maxis/EA to come up with an offline mode, and how incredibly devious they are in achieving their marketing/sales goals. EA have knowingly lied to consumers, all but for an arbitrary decision on their part to retain as much control over SimCity as possible.

It's surely one of the worst game launches that I can think of.

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:00 pm
by Sonikku
eh I knew EA was telling a bald faced lie when they said the always on DRM was about giving the consumers benefits but I don't care to ding them on such behavior anymore. Who here honestly believed that? This is EA we're talking about and EA is just being EA. So ingrained has it become their nature that to ask them to spare sharing us their own self delusion one may as well be asking a fish to carve out a survival on land. If anyone was swayed by such "drm benefits" claims you really only have yourself to blame at this point.

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:45 pm
by Kenny