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Re: Next Generation Speculation

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:06 pm
by Riku Rose
Kenny wrote: He represented the company though, whether MS admits to it or not. He should've known better.

For his attitude, I would've fired his ass too if my company's rep was at stake. Bet there are company guidelines against this sort of thing.

Microsoft where probably justified in sacking him but the internet acting like it's some kind of victory is disturbing and sad.

Re: Next Generation Speculation

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:18 pm
by Kenny
Yeah it's nothing to be celebrating about. It's not like ousting him would completely change Microsoft's policies on a whim.

Re: Next Generation Speculation

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:26 pm
by Sonikku
It would be splendid if Microsoft took at least part of this reaction as a result of their fans REALLY not wanting an always online xbox for basic functionality. But, more than likely, they're probably chalking it all up to simply being "poor wording" of the subject. Time will tell.

Re: Next Generation Speculation

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:34 am
by Who Really Cares?
People keep saying this should be a sign to MS but then MS have yet to say anything about the new console let alone that it would require an internet connection at all times.
Many people are going way too OTT with their hate towards a console none of the public know about. I posted the last rumor I'm going to post and the main reason i posted that one is because it goers with what Ive said a few times in the past :P

Anyways back to more on the games section I'm hoping MS/Remedy finally announce Alan Wake 2 and Sony announce and Show The Last Guardian for either PS3 or 4. If its on 3 then i keep my console if its moved to 4 i can finish off Yakuza 4 and then sell my PS3.

Re: Next Generation Speculation

PostPosted: Mon Apr 15, 2013 10:21 am
by Who Really Cares?
Ryse, Forza and a 3rd party zombie game[Left 4 Dead 3?] said to be launch titles for the new XBox which will just be called XBox.

And more ... WnJyUpvuUk

So news hit this morning that the next Forza game would indeed be a launch title. I heard some news last month about the possible launch titles for Xbox Next and kept a lid on it up until now. My source has told me that PGR5, Alan Wake 2, an unnamed Epic game and of course Destiny were going to be launch titles. According to an update I got today, Alan Wake 2 will be exclusive to Xbox Next but won’t be a launch title.

PGR5 is supposedly being set for launch, but I kind of wonder what sense it would make to have 2 racing franchises as launch titles. It’s being worked on by Lucid Games, which is a “small” company spear headed by Ex-Bizarre and Criterion developer’s. There’s no word on the Epic game and you already know about Destiny. All of this is rumor of course so take it with a grain of salt until it’s confirmed by official sources.

My guess is PGR will be a launch game while Forza will be next year.

Re: Next Generation Speculation

PostPosted: Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:59 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Artwork from a new game from a new MSG studio supposed to be a Next Xbox IP
