Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby Bluecast » Mon Mar 18, 2013 9:55 pm

AnimeGamer183 wrote: I have never beaten a Tales game. Dont really know what I want out of it. I used to have Tales of Destiny 1 and 2 and Symphonia. Never spent much time with any of them unfortunately I got rid of them, I will say Tales of Destiny 2/Eternia I always thought looked really good. Maybe I should I just leave the series alone, seeing as I betrayed it and got rid of my collection.

TOS is trash and never got the praise,I feel that anytime I see someone have a nut about TOS I think they have not played many RPG's esp ARPGs. TOS2 was even worse. I have Legendia on PS2 and while the music is great the game is shit.
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby OL » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:25 pm

Whether you're into the "cliche anime" vibe that they always have going for them, the main entries in the series has never been shit. Gameplay-wise, they've always been really solid (barring the annoyances in backtracking and whatnot that Segata has cited before, if you want to count that as "gameplay").
I mean, it's understandable to not like something based on aesthetics (it's all subjective, yaddah yaddah), but come on... "shit" is the kind of word that should be saved for garbage like Shadow Man on PS1 or Superman 64.
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby Bluecast » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:28 pm

TOS2 is pure shit. It is everything wrong with JRPG's and just a lazy lousy game. Legendia and TOS also share many of the same problems just not to the same degree as TOS2. Every single cliche thing as to why JRPG's are now not very well liked is in those games I once owned and played(still own TOL).
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby OL » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:42 pm

That's exactly what I'm saying though. You hate the aesthetic stuff, which is fine. They are indeed cliched as all hell. Some like it, some don't. But they're still not technically bad games, when it comes down to the real meat of it all; the battle systems, the level-up progression, the balance of it all.
If they all had the same look and story of, say, the Ys series, you'd probably like them a lot.
And ToS2 wasn't included in what I was talking about, since it's not a main entry. Haven't played it myself, so I know nothing of it's terribleness.

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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby south carmain » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:49 pm

the only thing I found shit about TOS is the voice acting, and as we're posting on a shenmue forum I doubt that bothers many of us. the story wasn't the greatest thing and sometimes as deep as a babar story but it was interesting enough to keep you playing through and the world had enough to offer to stop it from feeling like a choir.

my main issue is that the fighting system is too easily exploitable at times really and that wasn't enough to make it a bad game let alone shit
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby OL » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:53 pm

ToS isn't even all that great among the series itself either. I don't really know why it gets such high praise over others, myself. Tales of the Abyss was far better.
Actually, from that all-important aesthetic standpoint, Symphonia is among my least favorite in the series. Phantasia, Destiny, Abyss, Vesperia... I find all of them much more appealing personally.
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby Bluecast » Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:54 pm

Not even talking about visuals. In fact I love colorful games. I really liked Eternal Sonata. Felt to me if I liked a Tales game. Just TOS,TOL story felt like been there done that so many times and the way it has been there done that it's just lazy. Battle system I just don't get the praise. It's really lame IMO. There is cliche and there there is tradional. DQ is traditional. Tales is just the same game as the last one with redrawn characters(except TOS2 which is a pile of dried poop some blind kid painted with water colors)

I can only speak for those game I played. But to me they were just bad games. Something can be terrible without being the worst thing ever made.
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby south carmain » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:01 pm

OL wrote: ToS isn't even all that great among the series itself either. I don't really know why it gets such high praise over others, myself. Tales of the Abyss was far better.
Actually, from that all-important aesthetic standpoint, Symphonia is among my least favorite in the series. Phantasia, Destiny, Abyss, Vesperia... I find all of them much more appealing personally.

I've only played ToS and ToD2/Eternia and I have to say eternia is my favourite of the 2, though ToS was my introduction to the series and it did a good job in getting me hooked
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:09 pm

I guess after coming off beating Xenoblade and the time I spent with that game and the quality being so off the charts high, alot of JRPGs seem shit and under developed in comparison.
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby OL » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:13 pm

south carmain wrote:I've only played ToS and ToD2/Eternia and I have to say eternia is my favourite of the 2, though ToS was my introduction to the series and it did a good job in getting me hooked

I actually went to the store today to buy Eternia/Destiny II. On ebay, the "buy it now" price tends to be around 150, and this place had it for 99. Throw some leftover birthday money in there, and it would have been a damn steal.
But, wouldn't you know it: after checking their site for three or four days straight to see if it was still there, the day I finally go in to get it, someone had already snatched it up in the morning at some point. :mad:
It continues to elude my grasp.
I think I'll just save my birthday money in case anyone trades it in to that shop again.

Ryudo wrote:Not even talking about visuals. In fact I love colorful games. I really liked Eternal Sonata. Felt to me if I liked a Tales game. Just TOS,TOL story felt like been there done that so many times and the way it has been there done that it's just lazy. Battle system I just don't get the praise. It's really lame IMO. There is cliche and there there is tradional. DQ is traditional. Tales is just the same game as the last one with redrawn characters(except TOS2 which is a pile of dried poop some blind kid painted with water colors)

When I say "aesthetics," I'm talking about stories too. If it ain't gameplay-related, it's aesthetic. It's not just a matter of visuals. I understand that.
And not meaning to push the subject (it's a dead horse, so I'll leave it alone after this), but how are the battle systems any lamer than something like Ys SEVEN, for example? Run up to an enemy, slash away, use the occasional spell, bust out an item to heal... it's not like Tales is dumbed-down or anything. There's usually more to it, actually, than there ever is to an Ys game.
Again, it just seems to me that if the stories and visuals were different, you'd probably like them.
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby Bluecast » Mon Mar 18, 2013 11:20 pm

Actually the colorful nature of them is why I got suckered into buying 3 games lol.

Anyway going to agree to disagree.

Just that playing TOS.TOL felt like

And TOS2 felt like

But you're right that horse is kinda smelly now
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby Sonikku » Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:01 am

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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby Let's Get Sweaty » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:49 am

I'm surprised that particular gameplay mechanic in Mario was never (notably) ripped off by other games, when you consider how many platformers have their own equivalents to each other's gimmicks. It may have popped up in one or two obscure titles I haven't played, but it's such a smart idea that you'd expect all of Mario's competitors to have ripped it off wholesale by now.
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby Bluecast » Tue Mar 19, 2013 3:55 am

I have not played a Mario game since Galaxy came out (and long since sold it) Just last I know of even Nintendo using it was in Sunshine.
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Re: Gaming Thoughts Of The Day 2.0

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Tue Mar 19, 2013 12:47 pm



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