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Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2013 8:49 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Calshot wrote:
Henry Spencer wrote: On Chapter 13 on Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (GC). Grrr, it's so hard and Astrid keeps getting one shotted. Was doing fine up until this point.

That reminds me that I need to get Radiant Dawn. I keep putting of getting Radiant Dawn for some reason.

I'm deciding on whether to play Darksiders 2 or Wind Waker. I've barely started Darksiders but I've put off playing Wind Waker for awhile and I kind of want to finish it before the HD version comes around.

Well you've got until the fall to play Windwaker. Did you finish FE9?

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:33 am
by Calshot
Yes sir. It's actually the only Fire Emblem I've played. Hell, all this talk about it is making me want to play it again.

Which other Fire Emblems should I take a gander at? I'll probably get Sacred Stones at the same time I get Radiant Dawn (whenever that may be).

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:17 am
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Calshot wrote: ^
Yes sir. It's actually the only Fire Emblem I've played. Hell, all this talk about it is making me want to play it again.

Which other Fire Emblems should I take a gander at? I'll probably get Sacred Stones at the same time I get Radiant Dawn (whenever that may be).

Almost all the games have a good translations these days.

In terms of games you can just go and buy theres Fire Emblem(7), Sacred Stones(8), Radiant Dawn(10), and Shadow Dragon which is a remake of 1. If you really liked PoR then you'll find a game thats wholly upgraded in Radiant Dawn. Sacred Stones is one of the easier games in the series but its a lot of fun, especially with its branching path and map system. It has alot in common with the new game coming out Awakening. I'd really recommend plain ole Fire Emblem which is really called rekka no ken or Blazing Sword. It might be alittle harder to go back to after all the freedom that Sacred Stones and Awakening give you.

Now when we're talking games you've got to patch, you're better off skipping the first and 3rd games since Shadow Dragon is a remake of the first, and theres a DS remake of the 3rd that has a good translation faq (and I think they're doing a patch too). 2 is hard, and an NES game, and not particularly terrific, but if you want to see where Sacred Stones and Awakening started conceptually thats it. 4, aka seisen no keifu aka geneology of the holy war is HARD and LONG. Innuendo aside eahch chapter is like 5 chapters in 1 but its the darkest grittiest and one of the best written in the series. Theres incest, rape, demonology. It and its sequel Thracia 776 justify a crossover with SMT. Finally we have 6, known as fuuin no tsurugi or Sealed Sword. Its the game that has rot in it, and if you ever get curious about what happens after "Fire Emblem" on gba it continues that story.

in terms of personal preference I rank the series
Thracia 776->
Radiant Dawn->
Sealed Sword->
Genealogy of the Holy War->
Blazing Sword->
Path of Radiance->
New Mystery->
Shadow Dragon->
Sacred Stones->

I replay them alot so the list changes all the time but Thraciaa 776 is always my favorite and Gaiden is always my least favorite, any game in great.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:42 am
by OL
Spokane wrote: It took less than a day to wrap everything up in R&C, which included going from 100 Nanotech to 200, getting 11 million bolts to afford all the Mega guns, and upgrading those all the way to Omega guns. And I beat the bosses again for the heck of it, so I essentially played it twice. And I do see what its peoples favorite R&C game. Its mine now too. I will be buying the newer games when I get the chance for sure.

Glad you liked the original trilogy so much.
Whenever you get around to the newer games, make sure you actually play Quest For Booty. Some people would tell you that it's easily skippable (and I guess it is, to an extent), but it's still a damn fine experience for as short as it lasts. And even though it's technically an import, you can still get it on Amazon for about 15-20 bucks for a physical copy, so it's not as expensive as it once was.
My favorite in the entire series, though, is A Crack In Time. One of the best things about the PS3 games is how the focus on story is made more prominent, and A Crack In Time is, in my eyes, absolutely the best in that regard. Azimuth is a great character.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 5:30 pm
by Spokane
I was planning on not skipping anything don't worry man. You should know me, I don't skip unless I can't play something because its not out. And I know All 4 One is a lot of people favs which is why I can't wait to get to it!

Pretty much I only planned on skipping Deadlocked (this comes out on HD this year though too) and the handheld games. Everything else is on my wishlist!

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:22 pm
by Vyse Hazuky
Gray Matter

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:17 pm
by OL
Spokane wrote: I was planning on not skipping anything don't worry man. You should know me, I don't skip unless I can't play something because its not out. And I know All 4 One is a lot of people favs which is why I can't wait to get to it!

All 4 One is a lot of peoples' favorite?
I guess I just don't interact with many Ratchet fans that often, so I didn't know that. Kind of surprising, actually. I mean, it's a great game; tons of style, awesome sense of humor, fun gameplay mechanics. But I guess I always figured people would consider it kind of a "bastard child" of the series, since it deviates from the old established formula so much.
Kind of interesting to hear that.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:25 pm
by Riku Rose
Never played Ratchet but I thought A4O got terrible reviews. Looking at Metacritic it's isn't terrible but it's the worst reviewed game in the series when you don't include the handheld ones.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 4:49 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
OL wrote:
Spokane wrote: I was planning on not skipping anything don't worry man. You should know me, I don't skip unless I can't play something because its not out. And I know All 4 One is a lot of people favs which is why I can't wait to get to it!

All 4 One is a lot of peoples' favorite?
I guess I just don't interact with many Ratchet fans that often, so I didn't know that. Kind of surprising, actually. I mean, it's a great game; tons of style, awesome sense of humor, fun gameplay mechanics. But I guess I always figured people would consider it kind of a "bastard child" of the series, since it deviates from the old established formula so much.
Kind of interesting to hear that.

offering it free on ps+ changed a lot of peoples minds on the game.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 7:17 am
by Who Really Cares?
Local Blockbuster has about a month left so i picked up Fable II again dirt cheap. Best world in the series.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:32 am
by Riku Rose
^Many good offers there?

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 9:52 am
by Who Really Cares?
Most games are gone but still a lot of good films. Alot of the stuff is £5 or less.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 6:11 pm
by Absentia
Besides Fifa13, the only game I've been playing is Metal Gear Solid 4.

It's pretty good. I can't believe I've had for almost 3 years perhaps and never really gave it a decent shot (stealth is not my forte). Great dialogue, great directing, great action scenes (better than most movies IMO).
The only problem is that I've never played any of the other MGS, and it's pretty obvious I'm missing a lot of backstory, since probably every character (besides one or two NPCs, maybe) has been introduced in previous installments. Though it bothers me a bit, the game does try to explain the most important aspects via cutscene, so the experience is far from ruined.

Also they really go crazy with the lenght of those cutscenes.
If I were a meme creator (which I'm not, I'm just a meme enjoyer) I'd be tempted to make one for the "One simply does not play just 15 minutes of MGS", but I'm too lazy

Nonethless, the success the series has baffles me a bit. Those long cutscenes, intricates storylines, and perhaps the stealth mechanics seem to me a group of characteristics far from appealing to the general public. I perfectly understand why there would be die-hard fans and cult followers and such, but I can't help to feel that the game is a bit niche. However it's good it had a lot of success, and may it bring more good games in the future, hopefully starting with Revengeance

EDIT: and also, I've been playing Sam and Max season 2 whenever I have a free afternoon.
Just hilarious, hilarius stuff indeed. It's remarkable how the writers can keep coming up with such large amounts of humor and blend it in somehow with the gameplay. Playing one of those episode just leaves me with good spirit afterwards

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:37 pm
by Bluecast
First Impressions playing FFVII on Vita. Shit controls. Cloud just walks no analog support. So moving is a chore. Why ix X baxk button and circle is confirm..WTF. Only 5 min in and the game is annoying.

Re: What Game/Games Are You Currently Playing?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 05, 2013 8:45 pm
by Segata Sanshiro Jr.
Actually the lowest button on the controller is generally the Cancel while the far right button (Circle in this case) has been to confirm for a while now.

It changed for a really really dumb reason and Its a very odd and I completely blame Microsoft.