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Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 8:43 pm
by Thief
OL wrote: Image

Nice that they're sticking with Japanese boxart for the most recent Tales releases.

^ I'm starting that game as my first "Tales of" tonight. :)

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:29 pm
by Raithos
Hope you enjoy it! Mine still hasn't shipped. It said "Shipping Now" since Sunday, and the estimated delivery is tomorrow so not sure what is going on at Amazon lol

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 9:57 pm
by OL
I know Dawn of the New World is supposed to be pretty much crap all around, but I have to say: it's damn pretty in HD. Symphonia looks, y'know... the way it looks. Smoothed out, but still pretty dated either way.
But DotNW has graphics a little closer to something like Abyss, so it's a bit more pleasing to the eye.

Very cool that as soon as I booted up Symphonia, though, it said "Tales of Xillia save detected" then told me I had unlocked alternate costumes from Tales of the Abyss, Vesperia, Graces F, Xillia, and Xillia 2. Still haven't seen the costumes (don't remember when costume-switching becomes available), but I'm oddly excited to see costumes from those games placed into an oldie like Symphonia. Nice little extra.

Thief wrote:^ I'm starting that game as my first "Tales of" tonight. :)

Even if you don't end up liking it (and it does seem to be a bit hit or miss for many gamers), you still might like to try out Abyss, Vesperia, or Xillia. I think those three are all a bit more appealing in general than Symphonia.
I've just heard of more than one case where someone didn't like Symphonia, so they wrote the whole series off. And that's a shame, because there're some really great games in the series otherwise.

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 11:28 pm
by Mitsuzuki

There's nothing quite like shooting giant bugs with big guns.

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:05 am
by OL
Nice. :nice!:
I wanted to get that, but still haven't seen it anywhere locally. Probably gonna have to order it.

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:00 am
by Mitsuzuki
It's available in the Playstation store as a digital download (at least for US/Canada). That's where I got my copy.

It's pretty addictive wanting to level up to see what new kind of weapon unlocks you have available, and each of the 4 classes are very unique. Co-op is where it's at too.

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 10:08 am
by south carmain
Just got a 3 month ps+ subscription.

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 5:53 pm
by Raithos
south carmain wrote: Just got a 3 month ps+ subscription.

I need to renew, I've been missing out on a ton of games lately.

Got my CE in today. Namco went all out. This is hands down the best collector's edition I've ever had/seen. Sorry for the bad picture, only posting it to show how cool it was they sent it in its own plastic display case, instead of just shrink wrapping the box (which they did as well). Zero chance of messing up the gorgeous art on the box. As a huge Tales of fan, I cannot stop smiling right now.

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:54 pm
by *Kenshin Himura*
^Indulge yourself.

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 10:18 am
by AnimeGamer183
that is one sexy LE set, the box itself is alot more fancy than the Xillia CE I have. I wonder what the Xillia 2 CE will end up looking like?

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:09 pm
by Raithos
Between the Ni No Kuni one, Verdict Day, Xillia and now Symphonia, Namco has put out some great sets over the past year or two. I'm positive Xillia 2 will get one, most likely with some kind of watch/clock. Even if its just scalpers (those bastards) buying them up for resale, money is money to Namco so we should keep getting them if they keep selling like they are. I hope Zesteria comes with a dragon statue lol

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 5:12 pm
by OL
I'm gonna be checking Namco's site almost constantly now, just to make sure I can get the Xillia 2 one whenever they actually announce it.
Yeah, they're really becoming some of the best when it comes to good old niche fanservice now. Used to be you had to turn to the smaller localization teams for that stuff (Atlus USA, Xseed, Aksys), but now Namco is kicking all kinds of ass too.

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 8:58 pm
by Thief
Am I the only one who hates limited editions? I'm too OCD for that stuff -- all my ps3 games need to look the same when they're on the shelf... otherwise it drives me insane. I even have to group the ones with the red PS3 logo with the ones with the newer black PS3 logo. I wish I wasn't crazy. I wish I could actually enjoy things.

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 9:46 pm
by Raithos
Don't worry OL, I stay on top of that stuff! lol As soon as its announced/available on their site I'll post it in the Tales thread. I think its because of the the smaller guys that Namco is able to do what they are now. People like Xseed, NISA, Atlus and the others have proved to larger company's that the market is there. They just have to bring over what we fans ask for, not random crap.

Thief wrote: all my ps3 games need to look the same when they're on the shelf... otherwise it drives me insane.

I'm the same to an extent, I take all the actual game cases from my LE's and keep them on the shelf with my regular games so I can have them all in alphabetical order. Easy access when I want to play them without opening boxes over and over. I then keep all my LE boxes and stuff on a different shelf next to my anime sets.

Re: Recent Gaming Purchases

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 5:46 am
by Crimson Ryan
Thief wrote: Am I the only one who hates limited editions? I'm too OCD for that stuff -- all my ps3 games need to look the same when they're on the shelf... otherwise it drives me insane. I even have to group the ones with the red PS3 logo with the ones with the newer black PS3 logo. I wish I wasn't crazy. I wish I could actually enjoy things.

Is not how they look which I don't like it's the inflated price and bunch of clutter junk they come with. The only limited editions I've bought recently were Yakuza games and Sonic Racing Transformed. Even though they were DLC codes with the first batch of copies and I intended to preorder regardless.

I did get a lot of use out of the OST CD that came with Yakuza 3 though :mrgreen: