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Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:50 am
by Bluecast

Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:04 am
by Oppy

Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:09 am
by Bluecast
That shows how awesome it is when it's been posted several times.
The more the better

Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:08 am
by Who Really Cares?


Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 1:06 pm
by Bambi


PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:44 am
by Bluecast
OL wrote:Since I've been in such an Ys kick lately, I may as well post some of those.

First is from Ys: Book I (both the DS version and the PC "Eternal" version).
Excellent artwork throughout, an amazing medley-style orchestral music track, and a bunch of quick shots chronicling Adol gaining an interest in adventure, growing up, traveling the world, setting sail for Esteria, and subsequently washing up on shore after he gets shipwrecked in a storm.
It's great how Falcom can so effectively go over story points like this with only a well constructed series of shots.


Second is Ys: Book II.
A bit of a departure from the first intro in that it features the trademark synth-rock the series is more known for, rather than something orchestral. Regardless, the music is again excellent (one of my favorite tracks from the Books I & II soundtrack, actually), and the intro again effectively tells the story of the small gap between the first game and the second, as Adol is magically flung miles into the sky, subsequently touching down on the floating land of Ys.


I'm planning on typing up a review on these two games sometime soon, but I'm having trouble starting it.

Was about to post this but saw OL already had and as usual because he smarter than me the blubber butt said it better.

Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 1:59 am
by OL
^^Makes me kind of feel like playing them again. :)

I was going through a huge action movie kick when I first played this game in highschool, so this fit my tastes at the time to a T.
Still like it a lot, and the game still stands as one of my favorites on the Xbox (but only the Xbox; all other versions offered wimpier difficulty settings, but I liked the hard-as-nails nature of the Xbox original).


Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:12 am
by OL
I think I posted this one before, but I decided to upload my own copy of it now since the others on youtube aren't all that high-quality.
Still love that last 30 seconds or so the most.


Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:40 am
by Bluecast
This has become one of my fave games this gen. The story is just so good. Also very touching and emotional.

Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:41 am
by Who Really Cares?

Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 7:46 am
by Henry Spencer
Currently playing this game and the intro blew me away:


Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:35 am
by OL
^^I just love how cheesy it is.
"They kidnapped... HER!!!"
Good thing they're not vague about it. :lol:

Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 3:50 pm
by Bluecast

Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 4:02 pm
by Henry Spencer
OL wrote:^^I just love how cheesy it is.
"They kidnapped... HER!!!"
Good thing they're not vague about it. :lol:

I know, right? That's why I love it, 'cause the game is obviously a huge call back to cheesy action films. The first part of the game even has a direct rip off from Stallone movie Cliffhanger "don't worry, you'll be fine, we're professionals". That, and the main character being a one man army who can take down a terrorist cell whereas the FBI cannot do it and are completely incompetent throughout the game. Of course. :lol:

Re: Fave gaming intros

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:11 pm
by Vyse Hazuky

Right from the start it's a statement that this somehow isn't like other games.

How can a simulator be an "author" piece as well?