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Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:08 am
by Thief
Have you gotten the game yet Ryudo? It's probably one of my favorite games on the console but I don't think it's the best... if that makes any sense. I guess I mean that I like it despite all of its flaws. Anyway, hope you enjoy it, although I'd much prefer to play it in English especially with all the music in the game.

Have fun :)

EDIT* Also, if you haven't considered it already, I'd really recommend getting Panzer Dragoon Saga in Japanese. Not only is it tremendously cheaper but it's very playable. The main appeal to that game, in my opinion, is the environments and atmosphere to the game. You could even set up a youtube page next to you on your laptop and have the scenes ready to be played when you get to them. That way you don't miss any story either.

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 10:12 am
by OL

Awesome title. :lol:
Love the robot design too. Very "VOTOMS meets Front Mission meets SD Gundam."

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:51 am
by Bluecast
Thief wrote: Have you gotten the game yet Ryudo? It's probably one of my favorite games on the console but I don't think it's the best... if that makes any sense. I guess I mean that I like it despite all of its flaws. Anyway, hope you enjoy it, although I'd much prefer to play it in English especially with all the music in the game.

Have fun :)

EDIT* Also, if you haven't considered it already, I'd really recommend getting Panzer Dragoon Saga in Japanese. Not only is it tremendously cheaper but it's very playable. The main appeal to that game, in my opinion, is the environments and atmosphere to the game. You could even set up a youtube page next to you on your laptop and have the scenes ready to be played when you get to them. That way you don't miss any story either.

Not yet and PDS was not on the site. I usually avoid ebay on big games like that as they drive up the price. So as soon as it hits JGS.

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 8:47 am

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:01 am
by Bambi
QWERTY™ wrote: Pretty cool article: ... ox-designs

Love some of those.

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Sun May 05, 2013 7:59 am
by Bluecast

I enjoy this game even if rough and the giant dono bit is frustrating as hell. Still kinda fun but the box for the Japanese version is just badass.

Mazin Saga Mutant Fighter

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:06 pm
by Bluecast

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:49 am
by Bluecast

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:44 pm
by OL
I never really looked at the Japanese covers for the Silent Hill series before, but was just having a bit of fun comparing them to their US counterparts and picking favorites.

In the case of Silent Hill 2, I actually like the US version better. It's kind of abstract and strange-looking but hey, that's obviously a good fit for the series. Much better than the Japanese art, which is just kind of "blah." Doesn't even feel like it reflects the game itself very well.


Silent Hill 3 received a cg shot of Heather for the boxart on both sides of the pond, but the Japanese version is far better. Better color, more expression out of Heater, and I like the big ripped-in "3" in the corner. It also looks good next to the US version of the SH2 art.
Much better than the US box, which is just Heather's face looking like she just woke up from being roofied and date-raped.


Silent Hill 4 seemed to get the same basic idea for the art in both the US and Japan, but the Japanese one ends up being far subtler and creepier, keeping with the game's very grey color scheme, and better reflecting the sense of dread the game forces on you if and when the apartments starts to get haunted in the game. The US version is just too "in-yo-face" with the ghost's head popping out the way it does. Just looks kind of dumb, which is unfortunate for such a great game. Always thought that.


Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:13 am
by Bluecast

I think both are good and don't think the US got robbed this time like they did Ico.
The game itself I love. Has some flaws but otherwise great and this and Ico made me look forward to Rain on PS3.
I feel both boxarts represent the game well in different ways. The US version really shows a good example of the gameplay and look of the game. Even the color scheme. Japanese cover offers the simplicity and mystery to it that the game has. So to me both represent it very well.

I wish people would give it a chance.Most look at it and scoff because it looks too much like Ico. Well yeah it's inspired by Ico and has a similar vibe and design(BTE the designer worked on Ghost in the shell and Studio ghibli) but it also has it's own personality and unique gameplay that outside of puzzles,it's also very different. TBH not sure they could have used a different look for this game.

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:19 am
by OL
Hadn't seen the Japanese cover before. Really good one. That would almost compel me to get the game if I ever saw something like that at the store.
Always thought the US cover was ugly as hell though.

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:33 am
by Bluecast
You can get it new for about 12$ in stores these days. I did late last year. Also I forgot to mention it uses the Japanese belief the human souls weighs 21 grams. So your health is gauged on the weight of your shadow/soul. You get heavier as the game progresses. Hey at last gaining weight in a game is a good thing. DDP approves
phpBB [video]

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 3:06 pm
by OL
I'm not even interested in the Etrian Odyssey series, but the cover for the newest one is pretty nice-looking. Just randomly saw it on Amazon and it caught my eye, even in tiny thumbnail form. Too bad the art in the game itself isn't quite this pleasant and simple.


Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Mon Jul 22, 2013 9:46 pm
by Thief
I actually really don't like the Japanese cover art to Ico, nothing about it is really appealing to me. I'm not a visual artist and I won't pretend to be, I just don't like it.

That said... I kinda do like the American box art.


I like the ghost like features of the girls face in the back and stance that the main character's taking. The only thing I don't really like about it is the expression on the guy's face.

It kind of reminds me of this cover:


The panzer Dragoon one is a lot better than the ICO one but they're kinda similar in a way.

Re: Great Videogame Boxart

PostPosted: Sun Aug 04, 2013 12:19 am
by OL
The Japanese cover for the Sly Collection is pretty cool. For some reason Sly's face looks a little odd to me (what the hell is he looking at?), but that city skyline is really nice.