What are you currently playing?

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Sonikku » Fri Sep 08, 2017 7:39 pm

Mr. Frozen wrote: The storytelling is way better than KOTOR

Way better than KOTOR? Or way better than SWTOR?

Jesus if the story is better than KOTOR/KOTOR 2 than FF 14 has a more compelling story than Tactics. :shock:
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Chaos » Sat Sep 09, 2017 12:08 am

Sonikku wrote:
Mr. Frozen wrote: The storytelling is way better than KOTOR

Way better than KOTOR? Or way better than SWTOR?

Jesus if the story is better than KOTOR/KOTOR 2 than FF 14 has a more compelling story than Tactics. :shock:

FFXIV is worth playing even if you hate MMO type games. You can basically play it like a single player game outside of the times you have to do dungeons for the story.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby O Rei do Frango Assado » Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:49 am

Funnily enough, since the last few days that I've been thinking about the possibility of trying to get into FFXIV and began to read up on some stuff about it.
I've been a FF fan for many years now, but I had never had any interest in the game, due to being an MMO, so had never really read much about it, but, a few days ago, I stumbled on a couple of pieces by people saying that not only it has a great story (that alone I already found surprising, as I never associated MMOs with good stories), but it's actually one of the best, if not THE best, story of any FF to date.
I really find that hard to believe, but I've seen several people singing praises for FFXIV's story and, now, also here in the Dojo.

A couple of questions...
Is our character mute? I mean, no need for voice per se, if I can actually say something via dialogue options, like Skyrim.
Because I've always disliked mute characters in videogames, as I've never felt that that makes us feel that we are playing as ourselves, but rather just makes me feel that I'm playing as some mute person, who acts as robot and doesn't react to anything in a convincing manner, not to mention that everyone around them never even seems to acknowledge the fact that, hey, how come you never say anything?
The only game with a mute character with a good story, that I can think of, is South Park The Stick of Truth, but that's probably because the game is populated with such tremendous characters from the show and they themselves often mention the fact that our character never says anything (Cartman said something along the lines of "He thinks he's hot shit"). Also, Okami's main character is mute, but I don't count that as playing as a mute, since we spend the entire game with Issun on our back and he pretty much acts as Amaterasu's spokesperson.
And if we do play as a mute, how does FFXIV manage to deliver a good story in spite of that?

How's the game for a non-hardcore MMO player, such as me? Can I make tangible progress by just playing a couple of hours a day (sometime more, of course, but sometime less)? I've been reading that we can play play pretty much the whole story (plus expansions) solo, other than the mandatory dungeons, but the game can arrange a party for those automatically, so you can stay kind of antisocial the whole game.
I mean, it's not like I refuse to talk to anyone, but I'm 31 years old now and I really don't have the life, nor disposition, to live a "second life" inside an MMO, with "online friends" and "events" and "guilds" and whatnot. I'm really just interested in the game for its world and its story. Is it worth paying a monthly subscription? Aren't people singing its story's praises all the time because it's a good story for an MMO, when, in fact, we can get much better by sticking to single-player RPGs? Or is the story really that good, amongst the best in the entire FF series?

Also, despite being an MMO, just how Final Fantasy is it? And does it have wonderful music, as expected from FF?

I've only played one MMO in my life, and that was WOW, way back when it launched, in 2004 or so. But I was pretty much a kid then and a lot has changed in my life, including my tastes and way of thinking. I do have very fond memories of it, but only played it for a few months, till the game's quests pretty much started to force me to play with others and then it just became a drag. I like to do my own thing, just immersed in the world.

Do we have to pay real-life money to have cool stuff, like cool mounts and armors and outifts and such? Or can they be obtained by fair means, in-game? And, if so, does that require hundreds of hours of grinding?

How's the community, overall, towards a guy like me, starting the game only in late 2017 and with very little MMO experience? Are they all elitist cunts, or a generally friendly bunch?

I guess I'll take a shot at FFXIV's free trial, though I've heard the story in the base game (A Realm Reborn) is actually nothing special and it only starts getting really good in the expansions, Heavensward and Stormblood. Is the base game still fun and doable without me wasting my life away?
The thing is, I don't think I can go back to dedicate myself to a single game, not when so many amazing games (and other things in life) are always happening. But if I can play this game casually and still feel that I'm making progress and finish the story, I guess I should be able to have fun.

FFXIV is worth playing even if you hate MMO type games. You can basically play it like a single player game outside of the times you have to do dungeons for the story.

Yep, that's pretty much what I want to do and you're not the first person I've seen saying that, which is encouraging.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Mr. Frozen » Sat Sep 09, 2017 5:58 am

^Character is mute, but it is implied you say things from time to time.

I dunno how the game is at the higher levels, but the game is ok for a casual player since there doesn't really appear to be a rush to get the best items. You definitely can experience the world on your own, though. The game has tough boss battles but they are never anything you can't do on your own. Even mini bosses in the FATES (random world events) you can tackle on your own, but it'll take a while.

Aren't people singing its story's praises all the time because it's a good story for an MMO, when, in fact, we can get much better by sticking to single-player RPGs? Or is the story really that good, amongst the best in the entire FF series?

Its good for a MMO. By that I mean it presents you with stories that you can kinda care about. In most MMOs I just take quests and ignore what NPCs have to say, but in this game I often find myself reading the text because every area has its own thing going on. The main story gives you a reason for you to be in the locations you are in, while most MMOs just allow you to travel to other locations and then feed you a half-assed story when you get there. The story is nowhere near as good as a single player game, though.

Also, despite being an MMO, just how Final Fantasy is it? And does it have wonderful music, as expected from FF?

The music is classic final fantasy music. As soon as you star the game you are greeted with that classic final fantasy menu music, and you will continue to hear familiar sounds throughout the game. You will hear more ambient sounds than music outside of cities, though.

Do we have to pay real-life money to have cool stuff, like cool mounts and armors and outifts and such? Or can they be obtained by fair means, in-game? And, if so, does that require hundreds of hours of grinding?

There is a cash shop, but it is only for cosmetic stuff. Havent really looked much into it, though, since I am still on the trial. You do have to pay a monthly fee for the game, though.

How's the community, overall, towards a guy like me, starting the game only in late 2017 and with very little MMO experience? Are they all elitist cunts, or a generally friendly bunch?

I literally only talked to two people in game. First one being a dude who was following me around because he thought I was a bot, and another one who kept sending me tells but I couldn't respond since that is disabled on the trial. They do have a mentor/mentee system where an experienced player can guide you through a dungeon, and from what I read, the mentors generally try to be helpful.

Sonikku wrote:
Mr. Frozen wrote: The storytelling is way better than KOTOR

Way better than KOTOR? Or way better than SWTOR?

Jesus if the story is better than KOTOR/KOTOR 2 than FF 14 has a more compelling story than Tactics. :shock:

Oops, meant SWTOR. I say it is better because in SWTOR you were thrusted to super special ultra demi-god status pretty quickly. In FFXIV you still feel like a trainee for a while. Then when your teachers start saying you are good around level 30, you become a bitch again when you have to learn your new job.

Moving onto super special chosen one demi-god status quickly is cool and all in a single player game, but it just doesn't feel right in a MMO where everyone else is doing the same thing.

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby BoomX2 » Tue Sep 19, 2017 9:39 am

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What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Mon Oct 09, 2017 7:50 am

Just had a heart attack with my new 5K iMac.
Incredible optimization by Turn 10 that im able to play Forza 7 at native 4K and 60fps with only the occasional dropped frame. All at high settings and never overclocked the computer at all.
The colors, the motion, the feels. Just holy mother of god..
BUT I played the demo. I didn’t buy the game and wont be for the foreseeable future. Why? Because they completely left out car part modding and customization. Like wtf.. what a shame. Maybe I’ll take a look at Project Cars 2 now..

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Tue Oct 17, 2017 1:06 pm

Finally got around to buying the newest Hitman on Steam since it was on a really good sale for the complete season. Fantastic game so far. Such a ridiculous amount of options for reaching your goals in every level.
I was one of the few who actually really liked Hitman: Absolution for the sneaky stealth-em-up that it was, but I still understood the complaints people tended to have about it, how it was too much of a sidestep from what fans normally love about the series; the newer game, meanwhile, is definitely a return-to-form in that regard. My only complaint is that I wish the briefing screens and achievement lists didn't spoil so many of the potential methods you can use for killing your targets. It'd be a lot more fun if I knew nothing beforehand and had to figure it out myself. But no matter, it's an excellent game regardless. Moving on to Italy right now.

Also bought Rocksmith for PS4.
A few weeks ago I set everything up so I could finally record a bit of my own material on guitar, just for experimentation's sake. I can play it all well, and I have no problem learning new songs and whatnot, but I discovered that my sense of rhythm is pretty bad; I couldn't get anything I recorded to match the beat without a TON of trial and error. Playing with a metronome would help, but it's kind of boring.
Learning songs in Rocksmith should help a lot with that.
Only problem is, pretty much every version of the game has audio lag issues. It's impossible to play properly when there's a split-second delay between your strum and the sound emitting from the console/tv. It's not a "flaw" necessarily; the developers fully acknowledge it, but also acknowledge that they can't do much about it on their end, since everyone has a different tv and different setups. There are workarounds though. Unfortunately, those workarounds require extra cables and hardware, so now I have to wait about a week to get them from Amazon. Again, it's not the dev's fault, it's just something I would have liked to know beforehand.
Regardless, I should be tackling the hell out of it pretty soon. Should even make it fun to learn songs I don't particularly like. It all adds up to improving skill, either way.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Mr. Frozen » Wed Oct 18, 2017 12:50 am

Recently got Sonic Mania. Love the game, takes everything I liked from the old Sonic Games and adds a few new, welcome things. I absolutely love how open the levels are, and how fast paced the game is. Even though the levels seem bigger, they are never actually overwhelming because everything is so streamlined.

Currently in the Hydrocity Zone and this shit is what made me ragequit Sonic 3. Absolutely hate Sonic water levels. Can't go fast and death by drowning is always just around the corner.

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Truck_1_0_1_ » Wed Oct 18, 2017 8:30 am

You need to practice more; Hydrocity is loads of easy.

And I mean LOADS of easy lol.

But thanks for the feedback; I'll be trying that after I finish Yakuza 0; really looking forward to a fresh Sonic title :)
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby RootyKazooty » Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:27 pm

Tough to say just one game. I've got all my systems set up in one room and I have a bit of this and a bit of that.

The last thing I played was Journey on PS3, but also...

Binatone Mk IV - Pong

Atari VCS (2600) - Star Wars Arcade. Great port considering the VCS's limitations.

Dragon 32 - Dungeon Raid. Brilliant top-down shooter.

RadioShack TRS-80 - Phantom Slayer. As far as I'm aware, the first true colour FPS with 3+ colours (It has 4).
This used to scare me so bad when I was 12 that I'd turn it off. Still very atmospheric with that motion tracker.
A great achievement for a 16k computer.

Commodore 64 - Creatures. For me, the best game on the c64. A late release that hardly anyone has played. It's amazing for an 8 bit game. I used to be able to complete it 25 years ago, but I'm struggling. So I'm using the cheat:

INFINITE LIVES: (in levels, not torture screens). After the game loads, wait for about 3 minutes and the music stops. When you next see the high score table, hold Control and 2 simultaneously for about 5 seconds until Clyde turns grey and freezes.
This also works with the most obscure cheat method I've ever heard of. I used to do this back in the day, but heard it can wreck your c64 - Wet your finger and rub it back and forward across port 2 (I think it was 2). Seriously.

Mega Drive - Bare Knuckle III (Streets Of Rage III without the censorship/missing boss).

SNES - Super Turrican 2

PS1 - Final Fantasy IX

PS2 - Fahrenheit (a pre-cursor to Heavy Rain and Beyond 2 Souls on PS3).

Dreamcast - Shenmue II

Xbox - Shenmue II (comparing back to back with DC - it looks better on DC with a VGA box and monitor. VGA boxes are expensive now, I've got my original but also a VGA cable which does the same thing for £8).

Gamecube - Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader

Wii - Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Game Boy - Kid Dracula

GBC - Oddworld Adventures II

GBA - Castlevania: Aria Of Sorrow

Nintendo DS - Dementium II (Awesome creepy survival horror).
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Crimson Ryan » Fri Oct 20, 2017 3:07 pm

Thought about going against my digital only mindset and buy Puyo Puyo Tetris on disc, until I found something out about Sonic Mania..
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Mr. Frozen » Sat Oct 21, 2017 10:09 pm

Truck_1_0_1_ wrote: You need to practice more; Hydrocity is loads of easy.

And I mean LOADS of easy lol.

But thanks for the feedback; I'll be trying that after I finish Yakuza 0; really looking forward to a fresh Sonic title :)

I probably just suck donkey balls at Sonic. I never really was great at the 2D sonic games, even though I liked them
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Riku Rose » Sun Oct 22, 2017 2:01 pm

I'm playing the new South Park game and loving it. The thing I'm most enjoying though is taking my time as there isn't any games I'm looking to buy until Yakuza 6 which is almost half a year away (I would buy Mario but I've got no interest in getting a Switch).

Just this year alone I wanted to beat Yakuza 0 before Zelda came out,
Then I wanted to beat Zelda before Persona 5,
Persona 5 took me 4 months to beat but I beat it just before Uncharted: Lost Legacy came out,
Then I went back to play Horizon since I missed it but as soon as I was done they rereleased Final Fantasy IX,
I thought I had time to beat that before South Park came out.

I didn't realise I was playing them like I had to meet a deadline at the time but looking at upcoming releases it's quite nice to have some breathing room. I might finally hit some of the 20 odd games in my backlog or just take some time away from games. Heck I'm playing South Park now and doing the side quests which is strange for me as I feel like I have nothing on the horizon which I'm loving.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Telekill » Sun Oct 22, 2017 8:49 pm

I'm currently playing Friday the 13th (PS4) and am surprised that I'm really enjoying it. The game is fun even when I'm getting slaughtered by Jason in the game. It's a kind of hoaky fun that sometimes you just can't help but laugh at.

Starting tomorrow and for the next couple days after, I'll be replaying Resident Evil Remake (PS4) as it is the season.

In a little less than a month, I'll be playing Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS4).
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby shredingskin » Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:37 am

Bought golf story to quench the thirst for mario odyssey and finished it like 2 days ago.

Waiting for the beer to boil leaves a lot of free time.
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