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E3 2013 Build up

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:39 am
by Who Really Cares?

Yes the ticking clock. No reason to bring it up yet apart from you know new console.


Re: MS already starting the E3 hype train

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:10 am
by Riku Rose
I bet they announce something before E3 like they did with the 360. Probably will be on MTV or Jimmy Fallon.

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:43 am
by Who Really Cares?
This will be a bad move from Sony if the PS4 blocks used games.

The patent - originally spotted by NeoGAF - describes NFC-style technology that 'tags' individual game copies with information such as whether they have been previously tied to different consoles or user accounts.

The system checks with the tag before playing the game and potentially could block playback of titles that have been purchased second hand.

The filing lines up with previous PS4 rumours claiming that Sony's next console will lock out pre-owned and used games.

The patent reads: "According to the present embodiment, realized is the electronic content processing system that reliably restricts the use of electronic content dealt in the second-hand markets.

"As a result, the dealing of electronic content in the second-hand markets is suppressed, which in turn supports the redistribution of part of proceeds from sales of the electronic content to the developers.

"Though in the following description a game application (AP) is exemplified as the electronic content, the present embodiment is similarly applicable to various kinds of electronic content such as an office suite, images, and music content."

Sony Computer Entertainment America CEO, Jack Tretton has allegedly gone on record that he's against the idea of implementing a used games block, according to a conversation cited by analyst Michael Pachter.

According to Pachter, Tretton's view is that used games are "great for consumers" and to block them would be an "anti-consumer" move. However, it was noted that these are just his personal opinions, and it may well be that Sony Japan, which usually has the last word, feels the opposite.

Employees of studios including Crytek and DICE have said they're open to such a move.

The patent, of course, doesn't guarantee Sony will decide to implement the block.

Other Sony patents unearthed recently include one which describes a system that stops your game and display an advert. ... mes-block/

Its not just about buying/selling used games people still borrow games off people or rent them. The boos they got last year when saying they had teamed up with AT&T would be nothing compared to this.

MS have bought R2 Studios, A streaming company ... h-for-xbox

Microsoft has bought promising startup R2 Studios, which has previously worked on media-streaming and space-age home automation technology.

The freshly-inked deal will see R2 Studios' patents put to work in Microsoft's Xbox division, Wall Street Journal reports.

Less than two years old, R2 Studios is headed up by Blake Krikorian, creator of TV-streaming service Slingbox. The business had been working on top-secret technology for displaying digital media on TVs.

It had also previously dabbled in futuristic home automation, and released an Android app that let users remotely control their home's heating and lighting.

Could R2 Studio's technology be used in the next Xbox powered by Kinect 2? Microsoft is expected to announce details of its new console this year, with a release expected in time for 2013's busy holiday season.

Focus on the games MS, Focus on the games.

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:37 am
by MiTT3NZ
Locking out pre-owned games? Smart move, Sony. Not only will you realise you'll have to significantly reduce launch prices, but you're willing to risk a retail crash that will see thousands of shops close their doors. Online passes were a good compromise, so they must be getting desperate.

As for MS, this is obviously a strategy for the future. An app for streamed games will be released on the new Xbox after about a year of it being in store, built in to the following one, and may become standard on the fifth. If they play their cards right, that is. Dedicated servers and an investment in making internet more readily available in all areas of the world would be necessary in order to ensure it doesn't backfire. I just hope they realise this.

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:00 pm
by Axm
I think sony's possible move with this nfc tagging could certainly be real. Again this is a company along with MS that are pushing pure digital distribution as soon as possible. With systems like the PSP Go that proved as an obvious failure though im thinking they wont impliment this for awhile after launch until alot of people already have the system. With NFC tags its east to stick something on a disc and have that whole thing shut down later on by whatever developer chooses to opt into it.

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:04 pm
by Sonikku
I knew they were thinking about it. I just knew. I'm certain they want to, as well. The only reason why they won't at this point is if there is so much pressure from gamers that to do so would become toxic. Unfortunately, that pressure against stifling more of consumer power seems weakened in recent years. I also suspect they are coordinating with Microsoft behind closed doors to do the same thing. It would be a toxic move if they do it alone, not so much if they talk their competition into doing it at the same time. When the competition pulls the same bullshit at the same time, the masses have no one else to jump ship to. I hope it doesn't happen. I just wish I was more assured.

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 12:54 pm
by Who Really Cares?
MS have stressed the importance of retailers plenty of times so i don't see them pushing for Digital only any time soon as they regard it as more of a convenience.

Not to mention that most areas simply don't have good enough Broadband to be downloading full sized games[which will only get bigger next gen] so anyone trying it now would pretty much be killing themselves off.

But blocking used games would also be near suicidal and many stores would simply not support the system. Not sure why publishers think they have a right over everyone else to try and stop people selling or even lending their games to others.

Probably something for E3


Alan Wake 2 please!

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 7:51 pm
by Axm
Even though I dont want it to launch until like late 2014. Im looking forward to seeing what the 3rd xbox and PS4 will be like. Hopefully not too expensive and hopefully the new PS4 controller will be innovative but not gimmicky.

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:40 pm
by Who Really Cares?

And it’s on…
[MN's post]
Could be a neat little nod.

Also re watching that montage...Those games impressed back then but look really basic now.

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:26 pm
by shengoro86
If Sony does away with used games, it will hurt their bottom line.
It will make them look like they just want more money to the hacking community, which will do nothing but speed up the reversing of the PS4. This is true, I have heard it from some devs on PSX-Scene.

If Sony knows what is good for them in the long run, they will do anything they can to not piss off the gaming community or make their games harder to get legally.

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 10:52 am
by Luvly KM

:king: :P :P :mrgreen:

edit: the guy from 1:10 is on it :]

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 3:11 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Should see Just Cause 3 which the dev confirmed a few months back to be a next gen game. A bit of speculation that MS might actually announce the console at GDC in March then focus on the games at E3.

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:17 am
by Axm
I still have a feeling PS4 will be 4K capable. Not nessasarily everything 4K native but have the ability to upscale to 4K. If you look at the coverage for CES right now its all about how all these different TV manufactures are making 4K sets now (Samsung, LG, Panasonic)and Sony has just introduced more smaller/cheaper (lol) 4K TV's. You can all doubt me on this but I think Sony wouldn't save such a capability for a PS5 in like 2021. If the tech is out and purchasable to the general public, no matter what the cost, I dont see Sony being cheap about it. Sure 1080p will continue to be the standard for probably the next 4-5 years but 4K is like the luxury car. And luxury cars do sell.

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:21 am
by Yokosuka Martian
Curious how the graphics will look like

Re: E3 2013 hype train starts now!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:47 am
by Who Really Cares?
IGN have 10 predictions for the new console ... s-for-2013

The parts i care about would be

State of Decay and LocoCycle will be the stars of this year’s Summer of Arcade.
Shadow Complex 2 will finally be announced
Alan Wake 2 and Forza Motorsport 5 will be two of Microsoft’s biggest first-party (read: exclusive) launch titles for The New Xbox.

Reports saying Doom Iv has been moved to next gen.