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My Top 10 N64 Games

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:44 am
by shengoro86
Obviously my list will be different from yours.

Which games are your favorites?

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Re: My Top 10 N64 Games

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:16 am
by FlagshipFighter
You know, the N64 was my first legit console, but I never liked it. I don't think I've ever completed a game on there either lol (ocarina of time glitched on me in the water temple, goldeneye single player confused the crap outta me). I was around 11 when i owned it at the time but I never enjoyed it and it was the first and last nintendo console I owned.

However, I do remember having really fun times with super smash bros. years later on a friends machine, that would probably be the best game I played on there.

I was always interested to check out the port for Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine since it was meant to be superior to the PC version but that game is massively outdated now lol!

If it wasn’t for the Dreamcast (being the second console that our household owned) and with games like Soul Calibur, CVS2 and of course, Shenmue I don’t think I would have ever been as passionate about games/gaming. Shenmue was just one of those games that made me realise/discover how amazing the gaming as a medium can be, and it made me excited about the prospects of what’s to come despite not really having anything with the same ambitious scope as that imo sure, games like Fahrenheit/Heavy Rain, L.A. Noire have come close) but I just love the pace/passage of time in Shenmue. That is really something no other game managed to do.

I’m just so excited that nearly every game I’ve ever liked has/is coming back in a big way (fighting games already have, mirror’s edge is, monkey island did etc) I just love the notion that some games are just ‘too good’ that they can’t be put to rest.

With another favourite game of mine, broken sword, having a very successful Kickstarter campaign w/ broken sword 5 and w/ the outcome of the final game (best one since 2 imo) I have no doubt that kickstarter is a viable way to bring dormant franchises and actually make them successful.

Sorry if this was all a tangent, Shenmue obviously seems to bring the best out of us! :-D

Re: My Top 10 N64 Games

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:06 pm
by Mr357
1. Ocarina of Time
2. Star Fox 64
3. Majora's Mask
4. Super Mario 64
5. Banjo Kazooie

Haven't played enough N64 games to have a top 10. :P

Re: My Top 10 N64 Games

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:00 pm
by Henry Spencer
1. Ocarina of Time - Still my favourite Zelda.
2. Mischief Makers - My favourite Treasure game ever.
3. Star Fox 64 - Probably the best arcade experience Nintendo have ever put out.
3. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon - One of my favourite Konami games ever.
4. Sin & Punishment - One of Treasure's best games.
5. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon 2 - Really solid 2.5D platformer.
6. Super Mario 64 - My first ever 3D game. Blew me away back as a kid.
7. Castlevania - Underrated gem.
8. Goldeneye - My first FPS game. Had so much fun in multiplayer.
9. Hybrid Heaven (What I've played of it up till this point)
10. Operation Winback - Kind of unremarkable now but back then was a very different kind of game from what we were used to

Still need to play Ogre Battle 64, that will probably get on the list. I'd also like to try out Shadowgate one day. Also, Shadows of the Empire was a fun game back in the day, don't know about nowadays. Same goes for Turok.

Re: My Top 10 N64 Games

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 6:48 pm
by shengoro86
all good choices above!
Majora's Mask is an easy 11 for me

Re: My Top 10 N64 Games

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:20 pm
by streetwaves
Nice list! I'll play. These are my favorites, largely due to nostalgia, being that the N64 was my first console and most of these games are ones I played as a kid.

1. Conker's Bad Fur Day
2. Perfect Dark/Goldeneye
3. Super Smash Brothers
4. Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
5. Sin and Punishment
6. Mario Kart 64
7. 1080 Snowboarding
8. Banjo Kazooie
9. Star Fox 64
10. F-Zero X

Ironically, I didn't really play Mario 64 or the Zelda games much as a kid. My friends all had them but I never really got into them. Conker is #1 mainly due to multiplayer memories.