High school student rants on his teacher.

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High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby Samanosuke Akechi » Fri May 10, 2013 3:34 am

This happened at the high school that I went to so word spread pretty fast around here.I'm friends with the dudes older brother,he was the one that showed me the video the day after it happened.Was he disrespecting the teacher by acting the way he did?Either way,I'm sure the teacher will be getting the boot.

phpBB [video]

He was also interviewed.

phpBB [video]
Last edited by Samanosuke Akechi on Sun May 12, 2013 4:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby Bluecast » Fri May 10, 2013 3:56 am

He is 100% correct. Some of the people that helped me most growing up were inspirational teachers. Kids go to school 15 of their first 18 years on earth and when they are shaped and molded and need real leaders,people lazy like that are in the wrong job.

That video also reminds me of a film from the early 80's and forget who was in it but showed how the teachers lost all passion and hell one even die mid class and no one noticed. Great

Edit found it. Great film if you ever have the chance

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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby MiTT3NZ » Fri May 10, 2013 10:12 am

Been saying this shit for years. Does my head in how all these secondary schools are all of a sudden being renamed "specialist college", yet don't take on any of the teaching styles of colleges out there (imo, colleges are the best places to learn summat... primary/secondary schools and universities just throw about information as opposed to actually teaching)

Either way, I miss the shit outta ranting at teachers.
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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby OL » Fri May 10, 2013 12:39 pm

Samanosuke Akechi wrote:Either way,I'm sure the teacher will be getting the boot.

Just because some student is unhappy with having to do worksheets?
Nah, doubt it.
And if she does get booted over this, I'd say that's a greater wrong than anything else about this story.

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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby MiTT3NZ » Fri May 10, 2013 12:52 pm

At the end of the day, it's less to do with the teachers themselves and more to do with the national curriculum. Supply teachers in particular have strict guidelines to stick to, so they have to play it safe by using the worksheet technique in order to keep their jobs.
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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby Kenny » Fri May 10, 2013 2:07 pm

Even though this needed to be recorded, I'm pissed that it was done without his knowledge. Reminds me of a fight that was almost started in a public place and some idiot was smirking and trying to record it in the corner, then when the fight didn't happen he tried to bait us into restarting it so he can have precious footage to upload and monetize on YouTube. I told him "why don't you start the fight and film yourself"?

Anyway, Education is kind of a sham in this country. It's only served to get you a couple of pieces of paper to say you've wasted a lot of time in a field (or "dedicated") so therefore you're worthy of getting an unpaid internship in said field....cause they don't want people who never worked and had hands on experience to fuck up their game, despite supposedly being trained for it for years.

Unless you know a guy who knows a guy, then you can just pass all the bullshit and get paid to learn as you go.
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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby Samanosuke Akechi » Fri May 10, 2013 2:43 pm

OL wrote:
Samanosuke Akechi wrote:Either way,I'm sure the teacher will be getting the boot.

Just because some student is unhappy with having to do worksheets?
Nah, doubt it.
And if she does get booted over this, I'd say that's a greater wrong than anything else about this story.

During middle school,I had a classmate who was the laziest fucking person I've ever seen.She was to the point where she would not even get up to throw away trash.Obviously her grades were very poor.Anyway,one day she flips out for failing and made a huge fuss about how the teacher was not fit to do her job.Pretty much insulting her in every possible way.Next day,the mom goes up to the teacher in the middle of class and starts flipping out as well.Very close to a physical altercation.

Next thing you know,the teacher was gone.All the student aids who were at the main office said the same thing,she was fired.It was in the same school district mind you.Caught up with her years later and confirmed it.So if it happened before,It would not surprised me if it happened again.

Edit-Don't know why the vids aren't showing,they showed up just fine earlier. :???:
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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby Kenny » Fri May 10, 2013 2:46 pm

It happened to me too. You have to get rid of the "http://" part.
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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby MiTT3NZ » Fri May 10, 2013 3:36 pm

YouTube tags have been dropped in favour of video tags. Reckon someone's gonna have to make a global announcement...
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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby R3N » Fri May 10, 2013 7:07 pm

School after 6th is usually a waste of time. Most education these days suck anyway. They just want you to memorize text on a paper then write what you memorized in a paper so that a few months latter you forget absolutely everything and what is worse is that they never tell you a valid reason why you should learn that crap.
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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby Riku Rose » Sat May 11, 2013 10:33 am

Most schools are pretty much a business now and just want to reach targets not really giving a fuck about the kids. They just want the kids to do well solely so they can go around saying they have the best results in their area and not to help the child.

The only teachers I had that actually helped me would be ones who it was their first year of teaching. They would be enthusiastic and give you plenty of time one on one. It was often the older ones who had been doing it for 20 years who where happy to hand out books and say do the questions on page 217 for an hour while they sit at the front. I agree with Mitts about college being the best place to learn as you get a class of about 10 and a more personal teaching experience.

I remember once at school they handed out these sheets with questions asking us about ourselves and at the end we was told how we learn best. Some would learn better by doing, some by being shown and others by being told. What did they do with this? Nothing the next week it was back to learning like we always did and not actually using this data to help people learn.

I gave up on school as in that time I had already made more contacts through part time work then anyone else. All my friends who went to uni seem to really struggle while I'm getting by quite fine. I don't plan to have kids but if I do and the school system doesn't change I won't be very unpopular with my kids teachers.

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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby Takumi » Sat May 11, 2013 4:53 pm

MiTT3NZ wrote: YouTube tags have been dropped in favour of video tags. Reckon someone's gonna have to make a global announcement...

Or the site admin could just run an update query in MySQL. Probably easiest if you want to retain previous video posts.

Also, I'm impressed at how well composed the student was without resorting to swearing. Props.
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Re: High school student rants on his teacher.

Postby ys » Tue May 14, 2013 9:48 pm

Damn respectless long haired... oh wait... ;)
But he has a point even though I think the teacher might have been more open if he told this during a separate meeting. And yes, the teacher probably just follows guidelines but approaches like this made me suffer through school. The way things are presented is often horrible. I think it was astrophysicist Neil Degrasse Tyson (and some of his colleagues) who said that school sucks all the enthusiasm and curiosity out of kids while it should do the opposite. With the result that things that might have been interesting turn into boring requisites to pass some standardized tests.

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