The Last Airbender

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The Last Airbender

Postby dubkor » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:04 am

Has anyone else made the same colossal fuck up as myself and gone to see it?

You know, the really scary thing is that I love B movies. I've sat through the entire Death Stalker series, Terror Squad and a whole assortment of movies that I'm sure were made for less than ten dollars and I honestly enjoy them. Sure, it's cruel to sit there and laugh at other people's failures, but it's also fun.

Then I saw The Last Airbender and holy shit. I have never in my life seen a film as bad as that. It scooted right past ''so bad it's funny'' to "I'm confused and I think I may want to cry".

As near as I can figure the whole production must have been filled with folks who hadn't used up their union quota of sick days or some shit and just decided not to show up for work. First of all, I think someone flat out neglected to write a screenplay. I'm pretty sure the the entire film is based around the ramblings of someone who thought they may have had a general idea of what someone else thought the plot might have been. Really, though, they had to go with it based on the fact I'm pretty sure M. Night Shamalalayayalan used up all his sick and vacation days on this pile of shit. I mean honestly, I saw no hint of directing.

They also MUST have hired some real actors, right? They just didn't show and they had to just grab some assholes who serve coffee on the set or something, right?


So, anyone else see it? How did you like it?
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Re: The Last Airbender

Postby Spokane » Tue Jul 13, 2010 12:09 pm

I didn't my 6-7 year old cousin did and he liked it, but he's just a kid. He knows who all the characters are and everything already. My mom and grandma went with him, it was not what they went to see, they canceled the movie they did go to see, forgot what that was. So he was really upset , eventually one of the people that work at the theater convinced him to see the Last Airbender. My mom and grandma thought it was OK, but they have never seen anything Avatar related before and figured it was just for kids and were not expecting much anyway. But every one I have heard hated it, even this employee at the theater told my grandma he hated it.
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Re: The Last Airbender

Postby Kenny » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:18 pm

I thought it sucked. I walked out cause I had something come up in the middle of it, but I probably would've kept watching it.

Biggest problem was that it was boring. With other Shymalanalmagansnmsamsanmseahdksadmsadaman films, I kept watching them cause they had some entertainment factor to them. And I really enjoyed most of them aside from the Village and some of Signs and Lady in the Water. Even the Happenning, as corny as it got. But he really needs to get his head out of his ass now if he wants to survive in Hollywood. He defended his movie as his unique artistic vision and is immune to critisicm to change that style. Bullshit.

Once he realizes he'll have to be directing pornos for the rest of his life with the way his career is going, he's gonna have to change course. He had something with Sixth Sense and Unbreakable.
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Re: The Last Airbender

Postby Bluecast » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:16 pm

When they first showed pics from this last year and said the directors name i wrote it off as shit back then.
He did two good films 10 years ago and shit ever since.
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Re: The Last Airbender

Postby Crimson Ryan » Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:33 pm

I'd prefer to watch the cartoon..
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Re: The Last Airbender

Postby Bastard Yusuke » Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:28 pm

I would never watch it, mainly because I've never seen the cartoon, which looks stupid, but I do find it interesting how Shyamalan's movies get literally worse as his career goes on. This has got to be rock bottom. I really didn't think he could make a movie more pathetic than the Crappening, but it seems he's managed to make something even more hated than that. ...Kudos, M. Night...kudos.
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Re: The Last Airbender

Postby dubkor » Wed Jul 14, 2010 7:06 am

Crimson Ryan wrote:I'd prefer to watch the cartoon..

I've never seen it but I'm sure it has to be better. Then again closing your eyes really tight and watching the spots is better as well.
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Re: The Last Airbender

Postby Joe Pesci » Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:38 pm

This movie makes The Crappening look like a masterpiece. One thing I have always admired about his films is the craft in which they are made. This one though... has no craft. It is easily one of the worst films I have ever seen.
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