The Dark Knight Rises

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Re: Batman 3

Postby Bluecast » Wed Dec 29, 2010 1:28 pm

ThyDarkAngel wrote:Do anyone else think that Batman 3 may end up as a sub pair movie compared to the other two or is it just me?
Ofcourse this is, without any relevant material to analyse, mainly my gut speaking to me.

Two was a letdown to me from the first.
Way overhyped and did not live near it. Joker was great but everything else was good but not this godly movie people make it out to be.
I am willing to bet 3 will be very good but people will slam it after hyping it more than DK and will have impossible standards to live up to and garner much hatred undeservedly.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby Crimson Ryan » Wed Jan 19, 2011 4:00 pm

Tom Hardy is not Black Mask, he will play Bane.
Anne Hathaway will be Selina Kyle/Catwoman.

That is all.

... :drink:
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Re: Batman 3

Postby Kenny » Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:15 pm

Yup, heard that as well.

While i'm interested in what Nolan plans to do with Bane, i'm a little disappointed that he's gonna be used when I was writing a Batgirl script with Bane in it (not that it'll EVER be made anyway...).
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Re: Batman 3

Postby Bluecast » Wed Jan 19, 2011 6:20 pm

THE FUCK? Bane is HUGE bit now another fucking petty boy?!
Even though Batman & Robin was shit at least they got Bane the right size.
Don't give me realism shit either since two face is far from it.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby Kenny » Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:20 pm

Yeah, those are my thought exactly. Have no idea how they're gonna pull that one off.

I always thought Bane should go the way of Hulk, all CG. As much as I hate the overuse of it, I think that's the only way to really bring that character to form. Well that or a prosthetic using perspective trickery.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby MiTT3NZ » Wed Jan 19, 2011 7:52 pm

It's ironic, Batman & Robin fucked up by giving Bane no brain but a strong physical presence, and now it seems Nolan's doing the exact same in reverse. There's no word that Catwoman's in it btw, Anne Hathaway has been revealed to play the role of Selina Kyle. Catwoman may not appear at all.

Regarding the Bane issue though, as long as they pump Tom Hardy full of steroids and cocaine, he should make a decent Bane, Oh, and if he can put on a decent South American accent. And look like a rum motherfucker. I'm takin the piss though, I don't wanna moan just yet.

EDIT: Holy fuck, I had no idea Tom Hardy played Charles Bronson in the film... Yeah, Hardy's a good choice. No doubt.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby OL » Thu Jan 20, 2011 12:31 am

I only have two things to say:
Heath Ledger.
And the Joker.

Don't jump to conclusions about the next movie's casting until you actually see it played out. The casting has been great in the previous two movies (with Ledger being the biggest left field pick, and turning into an already-destined-to-be-classic performance). You never know how they'll play it.
I have my ideas about how Bane should be too, but I've already figured out that this series isn't following established comicbook characterizations, and that won't make the films any less good.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby DoubleO_Ren » Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:43 am

Let's just hope no one dies after this movie is released.
Ledger after TDK
Joseph Gordon Levitt's bro, Burning Dan & Pete Postlethwaite after Inception

Tom Hardy is too cool to die :sad: was that too soon?

Anyway Bane? That's unexpected everyone was crying doc Hugo Strange what a 180.
I hope they don't drift too far from how Bane is meant to be. At the very least CGI/prosthetics whatever they got to do, make him ridiculously huge.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby ecwrvd420 » Thu Jan 20, 2011 1:45 am

Huge batman fan thought Tom Hardy would be a better fit for blackmask, but eager to see how his Bane will be....Ann Hatheway as catwoman could be good. I hope we see Falcone return from arkham, see some riseing street gangs, and definately more bat villians. I dont think 2 villians are enough, would love to see atleast a camio of blackmask, deadshot, penguin, hugo, ect. just one other villian for a short role would be nice.....talia would be a good fit 2 considering Ras in begins.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby Bluecast » Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:03 am

Have we not learned our lesson yet?
In superhero films 3 villians always turns out too much and ruins the film.
1 is enough. 2 is pushing it.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby DoubleO_Ren » Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:18 am

I haven't even got enough fingers to count how many heroes will be in the upcoming Avengers movie not to talk of villains. I hope it works out.

On topic: Shoulda just brought 2 face back and Tom Hardy as Bane whatever 2 face was wasted.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby Bluecast » Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:25 am

I liked two face in TDK.
I think if they dragged him on it would become rather silly.
I never thought he was a great villian but more of a sympathetic character and don't know how he could carry a film,works better in BTAS.
I really thought it was perfectly done in TDK.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby Kenny » Thu Jan 20, 2011 2:40 am

I just hope it ends up being a decent movie. And Anne Hathaway's character is actually 3 dimensional unlike that Rachel Dawes character.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby DoubleO_Ren » Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:05 am

Ryudo wrote:I liked two face in TDK.
I think if they dragged him on it would become rather silly.
I never thought he was a great villian but more of a sympathetic character and don't know how he could carry a film,works better in BTAS.
I really thought it was perfectly done in TDK.

I loved 2face in TDK & i especially loved Harvey Dent's character development but I just wish we could see 2face's character if you know what I mean. I always imagined that the 3rd movie would explore 2face and how he's changed so drastically and through some emotional process as well as some crazy plots and fighting, Batman nearly brings him back to the white knight he once was. Until whatever new bad guy (in this case Bane) ruins Batman's hard work to bring him back so much to explore there in my opinion. Apart character growth the dude was just badass I really thought he'd show that real dark grit of 2face in this movie but oh well.

I hope the do Selina Kyle justice and at least give her a Black Widow type sneaking outfit at the very least no cat ears necessary, completely plain would be boring.
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Re: Batman 3

Postby MiTT3NZ » Thu Jan 20, 2011 4:48 am

As I said, there's no guarantees of Catwoman actually appearinng. I reckon they'll go for an approach that sees Bruce seduced by Selina, who turns out to be a bit of a distraction. If she is a thief in it though, I reckon she'll wear a more practical suit, not in any way related to a cat, using some proper equipment. Any link to Catwoman would probably be the newspapers referring to the mysterious thief as 'The Cat' (Catwoman's original alias)

As for Two-Face, he was definitely well done in TDK. There wasn't really any other way in which it could end without his death, if you think about it. He snapped. Plain and simple. He'd had enough. The mob was destroying Gotham, they had unleashed a monster, attempted to take his life, and succeeded in taking his fiance's. When you go on a killing spree, you either end up dead or in jail, the best choice in Dent's case was death, because the corruption of such a well-revered political figure would've seen all his good work undone.

I know that's pretty obvious, but I love how the film brought everything to a natural conclusion. Everything made sense, and it was executed near-perfectly. I reckon the only thing that would really disappoint me is another no-show for Wayne Manor. Obviously, there was a reason for TDK, but if time's progressed, it should be done. And I wanna see the Batcave again, damnit!
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