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Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 10:15 am
by Jeff
-Islam is not a religion of peace

-Obama is a narcissistic dweeb and Michelle wears the pants in that household

-I think his crony's stole the election by having supporters vote early and often. 57 counties in swing states had Obama win 100% of the vote. Not one vote for Romney, really? We're talking big areas like Cleavland, OH. That's like an election with Castro or Saddam Hussein.

-I absolutely am sick of top 40 music, the electronic mess and every song about partying in a club.

-Black friday is a joke, the prices are mostly the same for people to trample each other to buy plastic crap from China with money they don't have. The sales are better in late January.

-I think college is an expensive waste of time. A week in a small business is more educational that a semester of college.

-I hate Jon Stewart with a severe passion. He's so smug and thinks he's so smart, he's a moron.

-I don't care for the Godfather movies. I could never get into them.

-I think facebook is destroying personal relationships and feeds off laziness.

Am I banned yet? Saying these things 5 years ago would surely do it. :-)

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:08 pm
by mue 26
I can deal with everything in this thread...except this:

Slavery ended up being good for some black people. Some ended up settling and leading decent lives in decent countries (like America), instead of still being stuck in some AIDS-infested civil war hotbed of a country that still exists in Africa.

Christ almighty :no:. But you what, I'm not going even going to take this any further as it's simply too ridiculous. In fact it might be one the most ridiculous things I've ever read on this forum.

As for me, I have a shitload:

_ Homeopathy works. And I mean not just as a placebo. Water has a memory, and the extremely diluted substances stimulate the "vital force".

_ I believe homeopathy, TCM, acupuncture and other forms of alt medicine are often villainized in the media, and that this is thanks to vested interests. The Pharmaceutical industry is the most profitable one in the world, go figure.

_I believe there may be a semi- deliberate conspiracy designed to keep the mass male population weak by getting them so overly sexually excited on an almost constant basis that they end up draining much of their power and energy through copious amounts of ejaculation.

_Hardcore porn is an almost entirely negative thing that damages and exploits all involved, especially the watcher.

_ I'm still not bothered either way about Darwinian evolution. It's a merely "meh" subject for me, whether true or not.

_As I articulated in a previous thread, I believe true and pure selflessness is an incredibly rare thing. But that it does exist in a few nonetheless, and is possible to aspire for.

_ That most people fail to understand the distinction between racism and prejudice. Racism is inherentally institutional, and therefore reverse racism being carried out by the ethnic groups subjected to institutional racism, is completely impossible. Some may be prejudice, but that's not racism. This is correct historical meaning of the word, but unfortunately it has been hijacked by the other side and used to their advantage.

_Affirmative action is absolutely necessary. Trusting school institutions or work places to be "meritocratic" and not racially biased, is complete foolishness of the highest order, and displays a high level of naivety.

_ I think it's about time all the borders now come down, and we as a human race learn to move beyond the trappings of race and nation and segregation. In this respect, despite the many, many, many nasty consequences, globalization may be a necessary process.

I think that's enough for now.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:13 pm
by MiTT3NZ
I actually reckon borders need to be enforced. There should be a degree of diversity within countries, but to have a worldwide free-for-all simply cannot work. Almost every carnivore is territorial, and we're no different, if not even moreso.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:20 pm
by mue 26
I mean, I agree with you that it is nice to have a diversity, and I do think ancient culture should be protected. But we have to ask ourselves whether it's more important to be citizens of little insular nations who look upon others of different race/religion/location as being different, or to be citizens of the world who can go where we want and be treated equally wherever. I think the latter is what we need to aim for, and more to the point, I think it's an inevitability now, and probably necessary for the growth of humankind.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:00 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Hate will exist as long as love exists. And despite how much idealists talk about equality and we're all the same n shit, we've just got to accept the fact that we're all different.

Humans are humans, cats are cats. But tigers are different from lions, and celtics are different from mediterraneans (I know I've spelt that wrong btw...)

The sooner we accept the fact that we will never create some peaceful hippie utopia, the better.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:02 pm
by nskachu
Who said thus Thread would be fun? Somehow these ridiculous posts make me angry :D

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 1:04 pm
by OL
mue 26 wrote:I mean, I agree with you that it is nice to have a diversity, and I do think ancient culture should be protected. But we have to ask ourselves whether it's more important to be citizens of little insular nations who look upon others of different race/religion/location as being different, or to be citizens of the world who can go where we want and be treated equally wherever. I think the latter is what we need to aim for, and more to the point, I think it's an inevitability now, and probably necessary for the growth of humankind.

The issue most people never consider is that if someone comes from another country without documentation and happens to commit a crime, there is no way that law enforcement can know who did it. For all they know, that person doesn't even exist in this country. That is a major problem, one of the biggest reasons that border control is such an issue, and yet people never seem to bring it up seriously, as if saying it will make them sound racist. Gotta stay politically correct!
People have this insane misconception that it all has to do with the uptight white man being afraid of brown folk moving in and taking over, but that's so far off the point it's not even funny.
It's important to have some knowledge of everyone in the country. It'd be dangerous as fuck to just let people jump across borders without getting it cleared first.
The only other way to do what you're suggesting is to have a complete one-world nation, and that'd be even more dangerous than the open-borders idea.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:00 pm
by Rakim
nskachu wrote: Who said thus Thread would be fun? Somehow these ridiculous posts make me angry :D

That's kinda the point. Hopefully stuff like this can be a small reminder how selfish we can be. To the point of getting angry because someone doesn't believe what I do instead of simply asking why and potentially learning about another point of view.

But its mostly just to troll people incapable of such detachment.

Also I never realized how much of San Francisco hippie mue_26 was by reading his posts before. Go ahead and attack the government, the media, the medical instrustry and corporations all you want. I've got no problem with that, but porno? Evil? Have you not seen Maria Ozawa?

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:07 pm
by Kenny
Unopular opinions are overrated.

EDIT: And so is spelling.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:35 pm
by nskachu
Rakim wrote:
nskachu wrote: Who said thus Thread would be fun? Somehow these ridiculous posts make me angry :D

That's kinda the point. Hopefully stuff like this can be a small reminder how selfish we can be. To the point of getting angry because someone doesn't believe what I do instead of simply asking why and potentially learning about another point of view.

But its mostly just to troll people incapable of such detachment.

Also I never realized how much of San Francisco hippie mue_26 was by reading his posts before. Go ahead and attack the government, the media, the medical instrustry and corporations all you want. I've got no problem with that, but porno? Evil? Have you not seen Maria Ozawa?

No, not because they're not my opinions, sir. But because they are sometimes waaay stupid and irrational. but thats just how i like the dojo

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:47 pm
by mue 26
OL wrote:
The only other way to do what you're suggesting is to have a complete one-world nation, and that'd be even more dangerous than the open-borders idea.[/color]

Well yeah, what I'm talking about is the eventual breaking down of silly things like regions, as opposed to just immediately opening all the borders leading to a mad frenzy. So, could you tell why having a truly global community would be inherently dangerous?

And from an economic perspective , Globalization would be a lot fairer if it wasn't for the restrictions still in place on trade and movement of people. Why can't just harmonise the economy so that everyone the world over is paying and being paid the same for what it is they buying or doing?

It's idealistic maybe, but it would be great, no?

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 2:51 pm
by Jeff
I used to be a free market kind of guy. I also had no problems with big-box stores. I've watched this system destroy downtowns and local wealth. Now I consider myself an economic protectionist. We have to keep the money in the communities, because they are the ones that are your neighbors, hire with good jobs, and reinvest in the community. I'm a member of the Chamber of Commerce and I see this right on the front lines. I only go into big box stores now if there is something I cannot get from small business. I prefer to get lunch at a local deli where the quality is better and I know where the food comes from rather than fast food or chain stores. You also build relationships with the people who work there and there is also accountability and pride with what they sell or the service they provide.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:06 pm
by mue 26
Yeah, I agree, but we don't really have a "free" market. As as far as I can see, it's largely only benefiting the big corporations who are making the massive profits, and partly thanks to restrictions on trade and movement that only benefit them.

I completely understand your concern with protecting local and developing markets, because it's true, they always get screwed over when the restrictions get removed. Look at what the World Bank does, it lends money but then forces developing nations to open their markets and their domestic one gets crushed. It's truly terrible and despicable. But globalization can't be resisted as far as I can see, that's the way the world is going, so I think we might as well make it as fair as possible and get the best deal out of it. And it some ways, it probably is a necessary (if harsh in some ways) step for humankind.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:22 pm
by Jeff
mue 26 wrote: Yeah, I agree, but we don't really have a "free" market. As as far as I can see, it's largely only benefiting the big corporations who are making the massive profits, and partly thanks to restrictions on trade and movement that only benefit them.

I completely understand your concern with protecting local and developing markets, because it's true, they always get screwed over when the restrictions get removed. Look at what the World Bank does, it lends money but then forces developing nations to open their markets and their domestic one gets crushed. It's truly terrible and despicable. But globalization can't be resisted as far as I can see, that's the way the world is going, so I think we might as well make it as fair as possible and get the best deal out of it. And it some ways, it probably is a necessary (if harsh in some ways) step for humankind.

Well yea the world bank works for the corporations by making loans to 3rd world countries they know can't repay, so they then can force them to repay with their natural resources for a fraction of it's worth, then the large corporations profit off of that.

Another important economic issue that isn't talked about much is how Obama's new tax policy he wants to implement is corporatism. He says he wants to lower taxes on corporations, but he wants the 2% which he claims are the wealthy apply to all small business that make more than 250k in revenue, not profit, revenue. Most businesses make more than that a year, and the income that the business makes is counted towards the owner's personal income. So basically the little guy is going to pay for the large corporations tax cuts. The thing though is that many of this business owners, including my own family have accountants who can work around that, Obama has no business experience and has no idea the smart ones have plans to undermine him.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:23 pm
by Spokane
Everything Jeff has said, except that thing about black people and slavery.

And my first thought on the topic was global warming is a hoax.