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Re: The Walking Dead-AMC

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:21 am
by Yama
Didn't realize you made this thread Ryudo. Anyone who knows me knows that TWD comic is more or less my favorite series of any medium. I take the show as homage to the comic, nothing more.

Anyhow, here's my take on the finale: Mediocre to poor. Most of what occurred could have and should have happened mid-season. Too many filmography cliches to even take seriously, mainly Andrea's scene. I'll start with the good and work my way to the bad.

[Spoilers Incoming]

On the positive side of things, the Governor finally solidified himself as a formidable villain. No longer did he seem like a schizophrenic politician, but instead a cold blooded psychopath. It's nice to see Tyreese understand the severity of what is going on, finally. One point I like, to an extent, is that the series is different enough from it's source material that I can't imagine what is coming next.

As for the poor side of things. Everything mentioned in regards to positive factors should have happened already, it felt stretched instead of fleshed. The ending wasn't conclusive nor a cliff hanger, instead it felt more like limbo. That is the absolute worst thing to do before an extended break in programming. This seems to be a series trend from the second season onward. Mind you, I didn't hate the search for Sophia but let's put things into perspective. With Frank Darabont on board, we had an amazing six episode season one. It was riveting and even featured welcomed plot additions such as TS-19. The following six episodes without Frank had us looking for Sophia, nothing more. This is the difference in quality and we've been seeing a lot more of the latter than the former. Granted season three was much improved, but the improvements were almost all direct rips from the source material, any new additions almost entirely flopped.

The death of Andrea wasn't even shocking, it was necessary. The writing almost force fed this event. It's a shame it happened when she finally came to her senses. The end result is viewers dealing with a dunce for an entire season and seeing the death of a suddenly meaningful character. More or less, we never were able to experience Andrea as intended, entirely in part to poor writing.

Straying from the source material to make improvements and change up scenarios is a great thing, it keeps us all alert and interested. Butchering the material and literally slaughtering some of the most memorable moments however is despicable. Instead of countless dramatic events unfolding, group chaos and the feverish battle to find refuge... we received a bus of elderly people, more neutered prison and The Governor roaming about begging to be milked just a bit more.

Seriously speaking here, despite it's flaws I still love the show simply because of what it's based on. That said, I take it as homage which is what it is. I will however say this is the episode that completely confirmed it's worth in comparison to the long lasting comic. Preference aside, a certain degree of quality can be accurately depicted and properly judged. Thanks entirely in part to some lackluster writing, I can honestly say the show doesn't reach the same level of quality as the comic. At this point in both series, it's amazing just how much more has happened at a tangible pace in the comic. There is build up and then there is dragging a plot point in the mud, the show has done the latter and the upcoming break from programming is not going to help that notion.

With all of that said, I'll be there in October full of anticipation because there is still so much good in the series to be had. I'm actually very excited to see where they're going with it, seeing as the finale strayed so much from the source material, for better or worse. However I will say, it's easy to forgive the TV series whilst being continually impressed by the comic nearly every month.

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:02 pm
by Who Really Cares?

But yeah you really should tag that.

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:06 pm
by Sailors?
Nice little write up Yama. I agree the finale disappointed on many aspects even though I have not read the comics it didn't do what it should have done in a finale, maybe it should have been a 2-part finale.

What it did do though is set up what is hopefully going to be an amazing season 4. Hopefully they kill off the Governor fairly quickly into the season, unless they stray even further from the comics. So long as they get outta that damn prison soon.

EDIT: There should be no spoiler tags in this thread surely, just catch up before coming into a thread dedicated to the series.

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:12 pm
by Who Really Cares?
The OP himself has only just started watching it ;-) And in regards to the season 3 ending its not aired in the UK yet.


Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:02 pm
by Sailors?
Sod waiting for it to air, stream it you fool.

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 1:36 pm
by Who Really Cares?
Been given a link but as it stands season 3 has been a disappointment for me so the waits not so bad.

They seem to be going out their way to butcher characters this season. And not in a good way.

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:45 pm
by Yama
If you haven't watched the finale, stay away from this post I suppose. Some news in regards to season four.

David Morrissey has been cast as a season four regular.

Despite not wanting to see the Governor slip into season four, what's done is done and I can't deny being interested in the all new angle of him living past the assault. If handled well it could be a very interesting plot point and provides uncertainty for the group beyond the obvious challenges. Finale aside, season three was a good retelling with some twists. I'm very interested in season four seeing as it'll be an all new story line yet still include the Gov.

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:33 am
by silent killer
And this is why I don't watch the show. Well, more specifically because I don't want to hate it. Which I think I will if I watch it. Thanks for the spoilers, yama.

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:07 am
by Who Really Cares?
Season 4 spoiler


Still hard to believe the girl who plays Beth is 27

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 6:38 am
by Bluecast
Finale was the only episode this season I really disliked. Like Yama said I don't know why you need a bad guy. Series was stronger without one. At least with Merle you hated that you loved him and loved that you hated him. He made the show much better. Merle can be summed up in 20 seconds.


The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:23 am
by Yama
silent killer wrote:And this is why I don't watch the show. Well, more specifically because I don't want to hate it. Which I think I will if I watch it. Thanks for the spoilers, yama.

Not sure if serious, or actually thanking my post. They were marked. :P

Ryudo wrote:Finale was the only episode this season I really disliked. Like Yama said I don't know why you need a bad guy. Series was stronger without one. At least with Merle you hated that you loved him and loved that you hated him. He made the show much better. Merle can be summed up in 20 seconds.


Merle is the best thing that happened to the show imho.

And that's my vid! Haha.

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 10:29 am
by Thief
I honestly could not get into this show even from the beginning. I watched the first season but actually had to stop, mid episode, when the main character, Rick I think his name is, started making another one of his obnoxious speeches. The dialogue and writing in this show is soooooo hard to listen to. Although, I'm now curious to watch more since everybody seems to be into it... I like to be in the know.

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:22 am
by Who Really Cares?
Some of the writing is bad like a speech given a few weeks back about when all this is written in the history books :roll:

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:09 pm
by silent killer
Yama wrote:
silent killer wrote:And this is why I don't watch the show. Well, more specifically because I don't want to hate it. Which I think I will if I watch it. Thanks for the spoilers, yama.

Not sure if serious, or actually thanking my post. They were marked. :P

I was being serious. I assure you. After Shane survived past the second episode, I just went "fuck it" and dropped the show like it was a hot potato.

Thief wrote:I honestly could not get into this show even from the beginning. I watched the first season but actually had to stop, mid episode, when the main character, Rick I think his name is, started making another one of his obnoxious speeches. The dialogue and writing in this show is soooooo hard to listen to. Although, I'm now curious to watch more since everybody seems to be into it... I like to be in the know.
Just read the comics. They're better overall. And for people you hate, you can spoil possible future plots. O:)

Re: The Walking Dead (AMC TV Series)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 7:33 pm
by Bluecast
you need not worry about shane. Also the Show can't really be spoiled by the comics since the show does not really follow them. Just because a character dies in the comics doesn't mean they will in the show.