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Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 1:51 am
by Chaos
Axm wrote: iPhone's do have a very acurate touch screen. Probably the best screens to type on, but get an Xperia with a big enough display and the difference is negligible.
Touch screen tech keeps getting better these days. Most Androids used to have horrible touch screens, now like I said, way better if not almost same.

Pretty much. As long as you're not buying a bargain bin android phone, you're getting the same quality as an iPhone. As for typing, there are a bunch of different keyboards that you can download to replace the default one. I've just been using the stock google keyboard for quite a while now and it's pretty accurate. If you don't like google's keyboard, give swiftkey a try.

I'm really interested to see what Ubuntu does with their phones. At the moment, it kinda looks like a pile of shit, but it looks promising.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 7:20 pm
by Kenny
I hadn't seen avarice in its full glory before today.

Time to go all out or go home.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 1:36 am
by AnimeGamer183

Wow, read some of the reviews for the xperia z3 on that list, looks like it has some issues, texting being one of them. My Galaxy S4 really doesnt need to be replaced, it performs just fine, but I have been wanting an xperia for a while, but maybe I should wait until the z4 comes out, at some point my S4 should finally die right?

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2015 10:29 pm
by Peter
I've cracked my s4 screen for the second time and was looking at new phones yesterday. Until I maybe wait for the new s6 to come down in price, I am just gonna replace the screen again and stick with the s4. its a quality phone, especially for its age and imo, still the best phone out there for quality v price when compared to other models out there. Stick with it AG

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 4:21 am
by redline
3 things i must try to do.

- correct sleeping pattern.- stop sleeping through the day

- be more productive.- make art

- step up fitness routine.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 5:47 am
by Vyse Hazuky
Japan has a society that views suicide in such a different light than the one seen in the West, I was wondering how failed suicide attempts are regarded.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 11:26 am
by Sonikku
Lobbyist claims Monsanto's Roundup is safe to drink, is then offered a glass. :lol:

phpBB [video]

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:15 pm
by AnimeGamer183
"you're a complete jerk" :lol:

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Mar 29, 2015 8:46 pm
by Raithos
"I know that it won't hurt me... people try to commit suicide with it and fail, fairly regularly."

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:59 am
by Axm

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:54 pm
by Peter
Again I've reached a point, lying in bed and thinking etc.....

To save a lot of time, I really really need to stop drinking alcohol.

Not that I am even drinking much at all. Maybe a beer or a few every fortnight? If even that, I've certainly my calmed down my alcohol intake from say, 5 years ago? But after having half a bottle of vodka, mixing it with Red Bull during Wrestlemania on Sunday night has still left me pretty messed up 2 days later. I am not a spirit drinker at the best of times (I only drank it since I thought the Red Bull would keep me awake for the duration of the PPV), but lying in bed and feeling my anxiety and sadness just mess with my head has me googling articles on the links between the two (as if you even needed to Google it).

I really need to dig deep and find a discipline. A part of me that I've never really found, where I can say no more, and completely give up alcohol for the reasons of mental health and depression. Don't get me wrong either, I'm not suicidal or anything like that, but I know I have felt moody, sleepy, sad and frustrated these past 2 days and I know that the vodka at the weekend is the main reason for the emotions. Being Irish doesn't help of course since that makes it part of your social life and culture, plus I have a guys weekend away to England in a few weeks where the main business will be alcohol consumption, and lots of it. The pressure will be immense.

I know I wanna stop drinking 100%, as well as live a healthier lifestyle, get back into the gym and get into good shape for going back to Australia in November. I am a huge advocate of saying if you want something in life, you will get it regardless of how hard it is to get. I want to go alcohol free and get into a healthy lifestyle, I really really do. But I always fall short when it comes to the motivation of doing it. Of walking into the gym. Of ordering a water when I am out and not resisting any temptation or pressure. Guess I am just rambling on here since I don't rely have anyone else to ramble on to.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:02 pm
by Chaos
Peter wrote: Guess I am just rambling on here since I don't rely have anyone else to ramble on to.

Ramble away, it helps.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:13 pm
by Peter

Think after work tomorrow I am gonna try and dig deep and do something. Without even thinking about it. April 1st is a good date. Not because its April fools day, but it's a new day of a new month. Maybe try and give up my electronic cigarette or stop taking sugar or something. I will make a change tomorrow. I think I gotta try and do something.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:36 pm
by Axm
Bro first thing is that you messed with Vodka.
In my 3 experiences with it, everytime ive always regreted it while lying with my head on the toilet.

Meanwhile, I can drink anything else like a champ. Rum, Wisky etc no problems. Vodka is the worst creation known to man. Just never drink Vodka again and you'll be fine.

I also take breaks from drinking, everyone should just to detox.
You'll be fine man. Good luck.

Re: Random Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:15 pm
by Peter
Yea bud I hear ya. Funnily enough your right because in Oz I tried rum for the first time and it was like, hmmm yea this is a good drink for me. It was Bundaberg dark rum too, and not a straight bottle of the spirit, but pre mixed bottles with cola.

But either way, its my own fault as you say, since ive never ever had a good experience with vodka. Or any spirit I buy from a shop and have to mix myself. I dont measure, I just pour a bit, then throw in the mixer.

Meh anyways its moot now as I am gonna try some sort of detox tomorrow. No sugar liquids. No sugar in my tea and stuff. See if I can last a month.

Just make sure to hide the liquor when I visit next year :D