Random Thoughts

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Supa » Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:09 am

AnimeGamer183 wrote: God damn supa, feel like posting much? :lol:

It's been a while for me. :)
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Axm » Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:17 am

Some good April Fools stuff.


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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Ziming » Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:19 am

"I Followed My Stolen iPhone Across The World, Became A Celebrity In China, And Found A Friend For Life"
http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/i-follow ... .nez51l7Qn
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Riku Rose » Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:45 pm

Peter wrote: Again I've reached a point, lying in bed and thinking etc.....

To save a lot of time, I really really need to stop drinking alcohol.

Not that I am even drinking much at all. Maybe a beer or a few every fortnight? If even that, I've certainly my calmed down my alcohol intake from say, 5 years ago? But after having half a bottle of vodka, mixing it with Red Bull during Wrestlemania on Sunday night has still left me pretty messed up 2 days later. I am not a spirit drinker at the best of times (I only drank it since I thought the Red Bull would keep me awake for the duration of the PPV), but lying in bed and feeling my anxiety and sadness just mess with my head has me googling articles on the links between the two (as if you even needed to Google it).

I really need to dig deep and find a discipline. A part of me that I've never really found, where I can say no more, and completely give up alcohol for the reasons of mental health and depression. Don't get me wrong either, I'm not suicidal or anything like that, but I know I have felt moody, sleepy, sad and frustrated these past 2 days and I know that the vodka at the weekend is the main reason for the emotions. Being Irish doesn't help of course since that makes it part of your social life and culture, plus I have a guys weekend away to England in a few weeks where the main business will be alcohol consumption, and lots of it. The pressure will be immense.

I know I wanna stop drinking 100%, as well as live a healthier lifestyle, get back into the gym and get into good shape for going back to Australia in November. I am a huge advocate of saying if you want something in life, you will get it regardless of how hard it is to get. I want to go alcohol free and get into a healthy lifestyle, I really really do. But I always fall short when it comes to the motivation of doing it. Of walking into the gym. Of ordering a water when I am out and not resisting any temptation or pressure. Guess I am just rambling on here since I don't rely have anyone else to ramble on to.

People never do shit until they truly want to. My brother was 20 stone at one point and people like our mum would nag at him to loose weight. It did fuck all because he didn't want to. The moment he actually wanted to do it he did. Everyone I know that has given up smoking only did it when they finally decided themselves that they wanted to, I've never known someone to give up forever because someone else wanted them to. I had some friends who kept nagging at me to go to the gym with them but I was never interested and when I did I'd only go every so often so there wasn't much point. One day I decided I wanted to go more often and now I go 3-4 times a week simply because I want to now.

If you really want to do something you'll do it, if you're willing to give up you can't want whatever it is hard enough. Just set yourself a realistic goal and after a few weeks reaching it will be easier. With something like giving up drinking just find a replacement. When I decided to I wanted to give up sweets to be a bit healthier I just found ways to avoid it. I'd have 3 meals a day and a piece of fruit in between just so I wouldn't be starving as before I'd skip breakfast and be hungry all day. Maybe have a nap earlier in the day over having a vodka red bull to help you stay up. It's all about alternatives and dedication, if you can do it for a month the rest is a piece of piss.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Peter » Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:00 pm

Thanks Riku.

The alcohol thing in my head is pretty easy for some reason. I honestly think I could go the entirety of April without a drink. But today was hard for some reason, in terms of eating right. Don't get me wrong I am not overweight, quite the contrary in fact. I am a size 30 waist. But today I ate nothing but healthy food. From lots of fruit, some vegetable soup for lunch and a stir fry for dinner. Plus I also drank the recommended amount of water per day, for the first time ever I'd say (the piss breaks in work were annoying as hell though.) I dunno if it's a psychological thing, but fuck I have just constantly felt hungry. All day. Before food, during eating and as soon as I am done. I just want more food.

For tomorrow I will get more fruit, I will be having lots of mash and veg for lunch, and I picked up some rice cakes with light cheese spread and some salmon as a snack so hopefully that works. Maybe it's the zero sugar I have had all day, but it's 10pm and I am destroyed. I am gonna try 10 minutes of meditating here in bed and see if I get a good night's sleep.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Kenny » Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:52 pm

After nothing but heaps of bullshit for the past couple of months, I finally got my industry pass for this years E3!!!

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby BlueMue » Thu Apr 02, 2015 12:53 pm

Man the people here in Germany sure love their broad rights to go on strikes.

About 15.000 workers of the local post have put down the work today and yesterday. Millions of letters and hundred thousands of packages have just been left laying. Really great of them to do this right before the easter days...
I'm waiting for a couple of games to arrive and sure enough I was affected by this. Now I can only hope they get their shit together and deliver the stuff on saturday.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby St. Elmo's Fire » Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:05 pm

That kind of thing annoys me too. I can sometimes see the point in unions (though there are employment laws these days so I can more often NOT see the point) but too often, they get greedy and irrational and start acting up...

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby redline » Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:59 pm

just reading an article on a news website about an older couple who won 53mil on the lottery & went public. in the comments section some bloke has posted their full address & phone number - no idea if the info is correct but their now going to get bombarded with begging letters/calls. #-o

(some people are evil :lol:)
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby OL » Thu Apr 02, 2015 3:41 pm

Okay, so this was "trending" on facebook, and I absolutely hate referencing that shit most of the time, but whatever.
This one is good.

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Can't wait for Deadpool. So glad it finally got the go-ahead.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Chaos » Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:36 pm

Deadpool always looked too focused on "epic random memes" for me, but I hear that's mostly because of one terrible writer for the comics.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby OL » Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:53 pm

"Epic random memes"? :|
I have no idea what that even means, but Deadpool is kind of like an amoral, unkillable cartoon character. He's Bugs Bunny with guns and swords.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby south carmain » Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:16 pm

I think he means recently they had deadpool bandwagon on popular internet trends for popularity reasons.

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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Chaos » Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:25 pm

I just mean it just looked like a bunch of "look at how random i am"

I don't know

I'm a bitter bitch lately

From the test trailer or whatever, it looks like it could be a fun movie though and I'm planning on giving it a shot.
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Re: Random Thoughts

Postby Calshot » Fri Apr 03, 2015 1:39 am

You must be referring to Waypool.

Deadpool himself is a good character with some surprisingly deep stories and characterization (relatively speaking for a character like Deadpool).

However, Daniel Way did a run where he turned Deadpool into a fourth-wall breaking/meta humor, lol randum character. Of course this is the version that exploded into popularity and propelled Deadpool into the public eye. Comic nerds get mad that the worst version of the character is the popular one that's starred in video games, movies, etc. Then again, comic nerds get mad about any adaptation that goes into the mainstream.

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