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Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:44 am
by AnimeGamer183
Event Horizon

Man this movie is really something. The first thing the film shows you is "2015 The first Colony on the Moon" haha imaginative 1997, but it makes an interesting dynamic going back and watching this movie in 2017 knowing thats not true. But despite all of that I think this movie really does a good job and brings something great to the Sci Fi thriller genre that had not been seen since the original Alien. It pretty much starts off crazy and continues to add layers through the whole film. The characters are good and keep you guessing, and Captain Miller I dare say is one of my favorite space vessel captains. its well acted, and well written, but I think Lawrence Fishburn definitely steals the show. Some times the dialogue was very space vessel-esque like saying things to the effect of "righty-o will get right on it captain" then the crew all start intensely doing their jobs. I really liked the visuals and art direction, since it technically takes place in 2035 it has a familiarity because it takes place with in our life time, which I think adds another layer of connection with the audience. All in all I think this film has a special place in the Sci Fi genre and there really hasnt been anything quite like it before or sense. I feel like it wrang in a new age in Sci Fi and influenced alot of films after it. If you dont mind some thrills and gore with your sci fi, this is an incredible film that is very original but still borrows the right things and utilizes the best part of Sci Fi that we all love.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 2:27 am
by Rakim
What'd you guys think of It? It certainly wasn't bad, but it left a little to be desired. The best part of the movie was probably the first 10 or so minutes up to when Georgie gets it. After that there isn't really anything that is suspenseful or scary for the rest of the movie. The kids were great though and had me laughing more than a few times. I'm not sure I'll bother watching the sequel if they're not in it.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 4:44 am
by Calshot
It wasn't very scary, but it was an enjoyable film. I look at it more like an 80s coming of age movie than a scary movie. Too many jump scares, with only one or two of them working IMO.

I'll also second the kids being great. Their acting skills were solid all around, which was a pleasant surprise since I expect most kid actors to be passable at best in most movies nowadays.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 12:49 pm
by elfshadowreaper
They’re going to have a hard time making a sequel as good as the first. The adults parts just never seemed as interesting. The best part is that they finally find out more about the creature itself.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:32 pm
by Calshot
Jurassic World

There were some neat nods to the original movie. It doesn't compare to the original film, but they feel pretty different. There was a lot more suspense in the first film when it's just a few dinosaurs wrecking shop, but it almost feels comical in Jurassic World when there's a hundred dinosaurs on the loose and people are getting eaten left and right. It also suffers from the same problem as the 2014 Godzilla; I don't care about the kids and whatever family drama they're going through. Show me more mutated gene spliced giant reptiles fighting. It was still an entertaining enough film, I just probably wouldn't watch it again unless I had nothing else to do.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 12:01 pm
by rollinsonphilip
spider-man: homecoming

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2017 12:39 pm
by Sokora
Bladerunner 2049

I enjoyed it, not as good as the original obviously but it's definitely not the total clusterfuck it could have been. It also manages to run with the same themes as the original but add something extra. Plus the cinematography is second to none.

A few things that I didn't like:

- Jared Leto - Why oh why he keeps getting cast in big roles is beyond me. Other than Dallas Buyer's Club he is dependably the worst thing in a movie. He must have incriminating evidence on some high up studio exec.
- The music is not a patch on the original. Too loud and bombastic, much like Zimmer's other scores. I can't see this being sampled as much as Vangelis' score.
- There's too much daylight imo. I guess they didn't want to totally copy the original but it didn't feel quite right, for me anyway.
- A lot of the sets look like being in an Apple store, a bit too clinical, bright and clean, they could have done with being a bit darker and grubbier.

Just a few minor gripes really, other than that I found the story engaging and the acting was fairly decent (although nothing on par with Rutger Hauer). Not going to go too far into the story as don't want to ruin it for anyone.

Oh, and Ana der Armas is fit as you liiiiiiiike

On a separate note; can someone please edit this thread title to "Last film you watched" or something similar? This thread title has always irked me somewhat and it would be nice to see it finally rectified.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 12, 2017 12:15 am
by AnimeGamer183
I saw IT and thought it was an enjoyable movie, and I have never seen the other ones. It wasnt really scary to me, but I was fascinated by it none the less and wanted to know what was going to happen. I dont see why something like this would really make you be afraid of clowns, dont get the fear at all, but a phobia is a phobia I suppose.

Pans Labyrith I really enjoyed alot, very interesting plot and it was like an adults childrens tale, definitely hit a certain mark that was really unique, loved it.

Gangs of New York was an interesting historical scorsese flick with dicaprio and it was a fun movie as well. I found out this film released within days of catch me if you can and these 2 movies were right when dicaprios career really started to rev up. I really liked the glimpse into what New York looked like back during the civil war and the local circumstances.

The Abyss some of James Camerons older stuff that seemed like it was ahead of its time, but there were some bits I think that could have been left out that would have made it a better 2 hour experience instead of 2 and a half, the 2 agents characters I could have down with out, but its still a nice little sci fi movie and I can see how this prepared Cameron to make Titantic.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:23 am
by Crofts89
Wind River. This is one of the best films of the year, no doubt. Modern Chinatown, imo.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:48 pm
by OL
Justice League.
This is what happens when the internet shits too much all over BvS, then acts like Wonder Woman was the second coming of Christ.
It's a fun enough movie. As a comic fan, I definitely enjoyed how much it nodded in the direction of the source material so much. And dear lord, I never thought I'd ever see this much Jack Kirby work translated into live-action. Never in a million years.
But man, it barely even feels like it's in the same universe as BvS anymore. After all the backlash over how grim and gritty both Man of Steel and Batman v Superman were, they decided to nix the grit entirely in this one. Like, even in the opening scene, where it's just Batman in Gotham, there is no grit to be found. Just colorful, slightly over-the-top superhero hijinx, a la everything Marvel.
In that respect, I will say this: it is absolutely no worse than the stuff Marvel regularly puts out.
I don't know what the critics are saying about this yet, but it's at least on the level with your average Marvel fare. Perhaps a little cheesier, but that's unavoidable with DC; at its source, DC is typically a little more mythic and fantastical, while Marvel is typically a little more sci-fi (thus, slightly more grounded in most cases).
So yeah, it's more colorful, more cheerful. Pretty much all the stuff people bitched and moaned about BvS takes a 180 for this one.
But then... I really liked BvS. Unlike most, I appreciated it for being different. But I guess I'm not the target audience anymore.
All the same, it's a fun enough flick. Better than Wonder Woman for damn sure, regardless of how ridiculous the positivity was toward that movie.
And yeah, Aquaman steals the goddamn show, because of course he does. Best scene in the entire movie is a gag with him, and it's great because it's something you can only do with the Justice League; felt like something Giffen and Dematteis would have done in the 80s JLI days.
And Ezra Miller's Flash is a lot of fun. I thought he would feel redundant and old-hat because I'm so familiar with the (currently terrible) tv show, but this movie version is just as valid and actually feels kind of fresh. Looking forward to seeing him in a solo movie.
Meanwhile, Cyborg remains a little bit of a mystery, and it's hard to get much of a bead on his personality in this particular movie. I will say I'm more enthusiastic about a solo movie for him after seeing this, though. And the guy playing him (I'm blanking right now) is certainly well-cast.
I'm sure people will hate this movie regardless (feels like DC can't win, unless it's something about feminism), but I can't honestly say that it isn't an entertaining comicbook flick.
I like it. I just like BvS more.

EDIT: Also meant to say, they got Danny Elfman for the soundtrack this time around. Nice nod to the old Batman movies, sure, but the soundtrack here is pretty weak.
I really, really think they should have gotten Hans Zimmer again. Whatever you may think of BvS, his score for it was heavy, atmospheric, and just goddamn excellent. Justice League needed that as well, but Elfman's score just feels... lighter. And for the big movie where you finally get all of these heroes together? You need some of that heaviness that Zimmer brings to the table. Missed opportunity there.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 18, 2017 6:30 am
by Riku Rose
^I wasn’t fussed about seeing it as I hated Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad (Wonder Woman was good but overrated as if it was the second coming) but my friend asked if I wanted to see it after work and the cinema is across the road.

I thought it was an ok film. I still think Marvel is outdoing them even with their worst films but it’s a step in the right direction. My main issue with this series as a whole is that it feels like I’ve jumped into the series late and there are about 10 films establishing these characters I’ve missed. For DC fans I’m sure it’s cool but things like the death of Robin being done years before any of the films seems weird to someone not familiar with the material, it’s like if Breaking Bad started at season 3.

The character I liked the most was Wonder Woman and I feel like that’s because I actually know her already. I’m not a comics guy so I don’t know the backstory of Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman so when they try to make me care about Flash’s relationship with his dad in 2 minutes it doesn’t work. The moment I think you mentioned with Aquaman was good but it would have been better if we actually knew his character. After this I feel like I know Flash a bit better but I still know nothing about him outside of the costume which normally reflects on a heroes actions in the costume. During this I also realised I knew nothing about this Batman and all my assumptions are based on previous Batman films about his mindset.

I have to say I thought the humour was pretty awful and Flash never made me laugh once outside of a face he pulls during one slow motion scene which is more caused by another character.

Also the CGI was the worst I’ve seen in a blockbuster since the first Wolverine movie, even the main bad guy just looked weird. Normally I have no issue with CGI which isn’t great but when it’s so bad that it’s all you think about when it’s on screen then it’s an issue.

There is also just no sense of threat during the entire film since most of the team are invinsible. If you paused the Avengers while Iron Man was carrying the nuke through the worm hole and asked me if he will make it of course I’d have guessed yes but at the time it feels tense which this film was missing. He’s also developed at that point so you care about his relationship with Pepper Potts and care when he calls her to say goodbye. Anyone could have died here and I don’t think it would have got any reaction from me and you never felt like it could happen. 2 members of the team could have took down the big bad guy on their own, one to deal with the thing that’s going to explode and another to fight the bad guy while he does it. I still don’t get what Batman brings to the team outside of some vehicles the others are stronger than.

Overall the film has big issues but I wouldn’t use the word hate like I did previous films in the serious and think people have been overly critical making out it’s the worst thing ever. Still the series seems like it’s not sure what it wants to be even before people backlashed. Every month a new film seems to get announced and the release schedule seems to change every week, even if it’s not what I want I’d like to see them commit to a plan and see it through without rushing stuff.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 10:12 pm
by AnimeGamer183
No idea why I thought watching Broken Arrow would be a fun time. What a cheesey 90s military movie, with ridiculous characters, and bad writing. Also looks like it was filmed on a set with props everywhere (maybe just the conversion to HD makes it stand out more), some of the stunts are alright but the ending was also too abrupt, but I guess considering the rest of the movie thats kind of a benefit?

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 1:28 am
by AnimeGamer183
A Bronx Tale is such a gem, I was glued to it the entire time, I cant believe I hadnt seen it before. Good cast, good script, good music, excellent mob movie with De Niro, pretty much a perfect movie about 1960s New York, loved it.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 12:18 am
by sand4fish
Watched Valerian and City of Thousand Planets. It was way more enjoyable than I expect it to be.

Re: What movie are you watching right now?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 3:14 am
by Calshot
I watched Bright the other day. It's a okay buddy cop movie that's made a bit more interesting through the modern fantasy setting. Will Smith plays himself as usual. People say he does it every movie, but this is the first time I've actually noticed it. Then again, I haven't seen many Will Smith movies and the ones I have seen are just popcorn flicks where I don't care if he plays himself. The professional critics skewered it, but it's really not that bad.