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Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:45 am
by Bluecast
Rocket Knight & Klonoa are better characters than Sonic & Mario and more deserving of the fame they get(despite I'm a Sonic fanboy..tho I LOVE Klonoa)

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:26 am
by Yokosuka Martian
Somehow The UK is is less broke than the united states which is 15.1 trillion in debt. Also, the NHS will give you immediate attention if it's urgent, they wouldn't make you wait. I never understood the whole 'our country will be in more debt' argument, when people seem to be fine with the US spending billions of dollars into the military. I'm also sure Obamacare is not fully implemented yet. My friend does not have insurance and he is looking for some way to get his ankle fixed since its been bothering him for a year.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:30 am
by Bluecast
^ Tell your friend to get medicaid if he is low income then should be no problem.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:32 am
by OL
I'm just pissed that I'll be getting an extra tax taken out of my paycheck if I don't go out and get healthcare for myself. I don't know all the ins and outs of the system, but that particular part is utter bullshit. It's illegal to force people to buy something, so instead they've decided to use coercion tactics under the guise of a selective tax.

When times got rough, people used to say "at least you've still got your health".
Now, even my choices in regards to that are being forcibly taken out of my hands.
It's fucking disgusting.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:39 am
by MiTT3NZ
Trust me, getting taxed more for free healthcare is worth it. Unless you want plastic surgery, anything is free. Hell, I'm lying, you can even get plastic surgery on the NHS. If you broke your leg n didn't have medical insurance, how much would it cost? Believe me, it's fucking worth it. I'd hate to live in pre-USNHS America.

That being said, I'd still go private when I could afford it, but that'd just be for guaranteed no-waiting full healthchecks whenever the fuck I like. Still can't escape the fact that you're better off with it though. You never know what's gonna happen to you...

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:39 am
by Yokosuka Martian
Lol the problem is he's pretty well off. His mother is earning pretty good money so he wouldn't qualify. I also can't get medicaid despite being in that low income level. I had it up until I was 18 and then they cut it off. People who are not considered children (and who dont have kids of their own) can't have medicaid right now. adults without dependent children can qualify in 2 years. .

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:44 am
by Bluecast
Wait what? I got on Medicaid 2 years ago. Since I was recently awarded disability I'm now on both. But that makes no sense. I got on medicaid when I was 27 and no kids or anything. Someone must have given you some BS info. Workforce services people are often idiots and have to persist.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:48 am
by Yokosuka Martian
If you have a disability that's a different story. There's also different regulations from state to state so im sure that factors in as well

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:31 am
by Kenny
MiTT3NZ wrote: Just come in recently? I don't know what youz are so worried about, it's fine in every other country, and an NHS doesn't mean there's no private medical firms.

Socialized programs have been around since Franklin D. Roosevelt got around to approving them when America was in worse shape in the 1940s and been evolving since then.

People who are generally against it are either rich, have no general understanding of it, or are already on some form of it and don't want other people to be on it. But there are some real cons to it, just like anything else. Non-personal doctor relationship, longer wait lines.

I think it'd be great to have private for those who can afford it and public healthcare for everyone else (and if not, making it cheaper is a great alternative). I already pay for things like public schools, libraries, fire department, and highway construction. What's it to me for a real reform in healthcare? And no, not that pussy watered-downed shit Obama was forced to compromise with the Republicans on (Romney's similar plan was a little worse, wonder how many of his diehard supporters would've rallied behind that). I also think there should be an INCREASE in education but the idiots here in California voted against those props.

America made too many fucked up decisions to adopt it now, sadly. Money is allocated in other places where it's overbloated.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:34 am
by MiTT3NZ
It's times like these I realise how far from fucked up shit is over here. Then again, we don't really have natural disasters to deal with. Besides the annual floodings of course, but that's down to retarded councils not investing in sewage system improvements. Manchester's actually got the best in Europe n'all. Fuck it's good to be a Manc!

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 5:50 am
by Bluecast
The right to bear arms should be erased
Reagan was a lousy president
Exorcist while a good film is far from the scariest film ever made
There are people who work at Social Security that really do care
Saturn could out do PSone visually with the right hands.
Minus a lot of nostalgia I have for them the 80's are not all that. 90's > 80's

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:10 am
by Yokosuka Martian
Agree with all of the above ^

Also, Image I think everyone has the right to bear arms.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 6:44 am
by Rakim

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:01 am
by St. Elmo's Fire
Christ glad that whole slavery thing went away. However I am still gonna stick to my guns on it, and yeah, EVERYONE knows that Europe and especially the UK were dicks in the past, why is that even being discussed like it's some big revelation? :roll:

That post of Ryudo's made me realise another one though. EVERY decade sucks/is as good as the next, more or less. The main defining characteristic that makes one better than any other is the memories and experiences associated with them.

Re: Unpopular Opinions

PostPosted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 10:34 am
by Brothaman
MiTT3NZ wrote: I wasn't talking about balance. If some psycho kills everyone in a building bar one person who managed to survive, I'd be happy for the guy that was alive, as opposed to bangin on about how terrible it was that so many other people died.

I don't want to make another long ass black history post, but it's just not the same.

MiTT3NZ wrote: Another unpopular opinion I have is that I couldn't give two shits about my ancestors. They were born, they lived, they died. Every fucker's been through some form of struggle. As time goes on, future generations go through it less and less, and the severity greatly decreases. There are still the unfortunates that have it bad, but compare the world now to how it was a thousand years ago, no matter where the hell in the world they are, life on a whole is better now. Okay, okay, I know people jump on that a lot with the whole "how is it better, just because of media bla bla I'm a self-righteous cunt" bollocks, let's settle on saying it's easier for the vast majority.

Well I'm in a different boat, no pun intended. :P I find my ancestors history very important, but not in a excessive black militant kind of way. But overall I'll agree.

MiTT3NZ wrote: The point I'm getting at is if we all become hyper-sensitive about our roots traced back hundreds of years then we'd all be stuck-up tight-arsed nob eds with enough sand in our vaginas to build our own Sahara Desert. I can easily accept the fact that my great great great great great great great grandparents had to work their fingers to the bone from age 5, got no education, watched their siblings die in factories and fall victim to numerous horrendous diseases because they weren't born with a silver spoon up their arses. Why? Coz I know it paved the way for this life right now. For fuck sake, in a thousand years time, kids are gonna be learning about our way of life n thinkin "Shit, didn't those poor fuckers have it rough?"

That's just the way shit goes. It's how humans as a whole have progressed to this point, and it's a fact you can't ignore.

I'm not trying to be tight ass about the past, I was just calling out an unpopular opinion with the uncomfortable truth. Let's be honest, all color aside, unless the future looks like the Jetsons, I can't ever kids saying that about our generations. They'll probably say, "What a bunch of retards." But then again, by that time races will be so mix until their will be little difference.

MiTT3NZ wrote: Gotta say though, you have got me at my complete ignorance about modern day Africa. My level of knowledge besides highly publicised events don't go beyond the year I was born (the books I've read are from before Nelson Mandella was released!) so I'll refrain from actin like a complete twat n "retract any statement" I made about post-1980s Africa.

Don't feel bad, I've learned more about Africa in the last five years than the rest of my life. :mad:

MiTT3NZ wrote: Either way, I'll always stand by the notion that if slavery never existed, and in turn eliminated any of the people, entertainers, or events in my life, I wouldn't be a very happy bunny, coz as much as the people went through in the past, I care more about the people in the present.

And I'll stand by the notion if slavery never existed the world would have benefited. Whether it would have been entertainment or science the world would be a even better place. Besides, NAS would probably pistol whip you for bringing that notion to him.

St. Elmo's Fire wrote: Christ glad that whole slavery thing went away. However I am still gonna stick to my guns on it, and yeah, EVERYONE knows that Europe and especially the UK were dicks in the past, why is that even being discussed like it's some big revelation? :roll:

I'm bbbbbaaaaaccccckkkkkkkkk. :twisted: I originally was not going to respond, but after it started to snowball I had to say something. I guess my perspective, and knowledge of black history, lends me to disagree with you. But I understand what you where saying. Overall, I think the discussion was healthy. :)