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Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:33 pm
by Jeff
I got a sequester deal for the US. You can have all your government funding restored prior to sequester. But in return I want the NK regime disintegrated. I mean you'll be lucky to find dust left in Pyongyang. That's where are all the loyalists are housed. Liberate the Koreans in the outside of Pyongyang and free the 200,000 in the concentration camps. Use their resources as payment for their liberation, they have many precious medals and coal. Place a US command base by the border of the red menace, China. If General Douglas Macarthur had his way during the Korean war instead of pussy Eisenhower having his way, we would have plowed through NK and then into China before worse than Hitler, Mao Ze Dong killed 20 million and started the communist revolution in 1959. We would all have been better off.

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:42 pm
by Rakim
Jeff wrote: I got a sequester deal for the US. You can have all your government funding restored prior to sequester. But in return I want the NK regime disintegrated. I mean you'll be lucky to find dust left in Pyongyang. That's where are all the loyalists are housed. Liberate the Koreans in the outside of Pyongyang and free the 200,000 in the concentration camps. Use their resources as payment for their liberation, they have many precious medals and coal. Place a US command base by the border of the red menace, China. If General Douglas Macarthur had his way during the Korean war instead of pussy Eisenhower having his way, we would have plowed through NK and then into China before worse than Hitler, Mao Ze Dong killed 20 million and started the communist revolution in 1959. We would all have been better off.

Oh like these?

Sounds legit.

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:03 pm
by Bluecast
Jeff wrote: I got a sequester deal for the US. You can have all your government funding restored prior to sequester. But in return I want the NK regime disintegrated. I mean you'll be lucky to find dust left in Pyongyang. That's where are all the loyalists are housed. Liberate the Koreans in the outside of Pyongyang and free the 200,000 in the concentration camps. Use their resources as payment for their liberation, they have many precious medals and coal. Place a US command base by the border of the red menace, China. If General Douglas Macarthur had his way during the Korean war instead of pussy Eisenhower having his way, we would have plowed through NK and then into China before worse than Hitler, Mao Ze Dong killed 20 million and started the communist revolution in 1959. We would all have been better off.

*looks at post*
*looks at author*

some things never change...

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 5:36 am
ShOzO MiZuKi wrote: I would just like to chime in and say that the autism rate in America is not 1 in 50 it is about 1 in 90. And the reason they would* have no autism in North Korea is because they do not have the proper resources or funding to effectively treat it. It is unfortunate and sad but likely true that the children with Autism in North Korea would probably often times be disposed of at an early age. Also, autism is often not diagnosed as "autism" in all other countries but rather as mental retardation.

It's 1 in 50. ... 0C20130321 ... e-in-fifty

There's no autism in North Korea thanks to no entry for criminal american pharma companies in their country.

Sonikku wrote:

You left out obesity, a growing epidemic amongst the regular joes in America and Britain. In North Korea however? Not so much. They nipped obesity in the bud before that problem even became a problem. We should all only be so lucky.

Thanks to no entry for shithole american fast food joints.

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:05 pm
by LawXiu
Today Sky news reported that North Korea's missiles are now standing up. Is this the best Sky can do?

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:18 pm
by Axm
Not like I think an all out war will occur, but if they keep provoking like this the U.S Navy or Air Force might start provoking back in a big way. I have people saying things.. And thats all i'll say about that.

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:33 pm
by mue 26
There's no autism in North Korea thanks to no entry for criminal american pharma companies in their country.

You raise an interesting (and contentious for many) point about the potential link between autism and things like vaccination, though I wont even pretend like any NK statistics on the matter can be verified as legitmate or honest.

Place a US command base by the border of the red menace

You mean this guy?

Or this guy?

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:39 pm
by ShOzO MiZuKi
TEEPO™ wrote:
ShOzO MiZuKi wrote: I would just like to chime in and say that the autism rate in America is not 1 in 50 it is about 1 in 90. And the reason they would* have no autism in North Korea is because they do not have the proper resources or funding to effectively treat it. It is unfortunate and sad but likely true that the children with Autism in North Korea would probably often times be disposed of at an early age. Also, autism is often not diagnosed as "autism" in all other countries but rather as mental retardation.

It's 1 in 50. ... 0C20130321 ... e-in-fifty

There's no autism in North Korea thanks to no entry for criminal american pharma companies in their country.

:lol: Ok.. that UK article basically says common traits people have could consider them to have autism. If that were the case I would be a college graduate and teacher who suffers from the neurological disorder. Oh man the North Koreans are genetically perfect. One of the strongest connections for Autism is found in those whose parents were older when the child was born. In fact most of the parents that bring their kids to my school are 50-60 years old with children ranging from 5-10. Again those studies are now expanding to include more traits and actions (which are performed by people everywhere in the world) that they consider to link a person to autism.

US Pharmaceutical companies are the devil but study after study have been shown that vaccination shots have no correlation with autism.

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 6:14 pm
by LawXiu
One of the best documentaries on the state I've seen so far. Really worth watching.


Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:48 pm
by Riku Rose

Nice to see the female soldiers have solid footwear.

Anyone who's been near a woman in high heels on a long night out will know the complaining it leads to. Now I'm just suggesting that maybe women should need a license to wear high heels and to obtain it you have to spend a year in the North Korean army.

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:57 pm
by mue 26
US Pharmaceutical companies are the devil but study after study have been shown that vaccination shots have no correlation with autism.

It's more murky than that in truth, when you actually look at who fund what studies and what certain parties have to gain. The link between vasccination and austism (and I'm not saying there 100% is a link) is usually brushed aside far too quickly by the elite scientific intelligentsia. But if you dig a little deeper you will find it's certainly not so clear cut. No one part of that "scientific elite" dare to do any genuine investigative research into what the negative side effects of vaccination may be, nobody wants to fund that, nobody wants to be a part of that, and most of all- nobody who has achieved a prestigious position in the world of science wants to speak out against vaccination. And it's pretty obvious why they don't want to- their entire livelihoods will be ruined, in a flash. If a mainstream paper questions the safety of vaccination, they will inevtably be blaimed for creating a "dangerous vaccination scare". They are scared out of questioning, and a scientist who is too scared to question is no longer a real scientist. I don't mean for this to sound too "conspiracy theory" and all, but that is the depressing reality of the culture of mainstream science, unfortunately. It's also why I certainly don't take everything read in these big reputation scientific journals as truth. There are a lot of interests at stake in such a matter as vaccinations, and things certainly aren't clear cut.

This means the mainstream only ever hear one side of the argument, and there is no balance. That kind of scientific hegemony is far more dangerous than any kind of "vaccination scare" in my opinion.

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 1:05 am
by Yokosuka Martian

amusing, isn't it?

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 9:08 am
by beedle
the "link" between vaccinations and autism can fuck off. it is fucking offensive, stupid and worst of all dangerous. it is sickening and genuinely infuriating.

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:25 am
by mue 26
beedle wrote: the "link" between vaccinations and autism can fuck off. it is fucking offensive, stupid and worst of all dangerous. it is sickening and genuinely infuriating.

I expected no less from you Beeds. Actually no, I did expect at least a slightly more measured response than this reactionary fear mongering shite :roll:

What's really dangerous is this kind attitude, beeds. Especially infuriating when it comes from people like you who are basically armchair scientists who and don't even have the slightest clue what they are talking about, but drink up everything they read in the Guardian or the Telegraph like it's fresh milk, and maintain a position of absolute certainty. It's pretty depressing actually.

Who the fuck is investigating or suggesting the possibility of a link between autism and certain vaccinations offensive to? And what's more dangerous, looking at the matter in a non-clouded non-biased way, and being able to have an open and balanced discussion on the matter without people screaming at you that your "dangerous lunatic" for even questioning the safety of certain vaccinations, or living in a culture full of zombies like you that have become too afraid of even question the popular consensus on such an issue.

Re: North Korea clears military attack against the US.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:59 am
by Stocke
There's no solid, proven link between vaccinations and developing autism. Until something like that is found and then proven, vaccinations should be carried out. Not having your children vaccinated over fear of this unproven theory is fucking stupid.